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THE WARNING A Novel of America in the Last Days (The End of America Series Book 2)

Page 14

by John Price

  When Tom first read the title of the e-memo he started to lose his temper, which he had a habit of doing. But, as Tom began to read the full text he soon realized that many of his questions about what had happened to his country were answered. By the end of the memo Tom Quinn had arrived at two very firm opinions. The first was that the President of his beloved country and many of the nation’s mainstream media were Marxists. The second was that he knew in his gut that he would have to do more about it than just get angry. He needed to send this memo to his vet buddies and then get them together. He had to know what the men who fought to keep America free intended to do about their country being taken over by Communists.

  The men who met at the American Legion hall in northern Houston were serious. Serious about what they saw happening in their country and serious about wanting to do something about it. Something meaningful. The discussion that first night sometimes became angry and almost violent. Tom Quinn had selected the men he called together because each was known to be a patriot, almost all were veterans and every single one was seriously incensed about what they saw as a takeover of their country. No one disputed that their country’s government was now under the direction and control of Marxist activists. To a man they agreed that the only way to explain America’s deaf and blind mainstream media was that they were also educated and trained by Marxist professors in journalism school.

  They were also convinced that the car bombings of federal buildings were an inside DHS sponsored false flag event meant to incite America’s gun owners and those who opposed the President into armed violence. They had been hearing stories from friends around the country of the arrests of conservative and religious leaders, with imprisonment in FEMA re-education camps. Several had received letters from the VA threatening to take away their benefits if they retained firearms, even though they may have an exemption from the McAlister Act as a hunter or sportsman. After discussing the matter at length, the men decided that they would give the ‘Commies in our government’ what they apparently desperately wanted – a Texas-sized firefight.

  The men called themselves the Texas Last Stand Patriots. After two more meetings they decided that they would make their stand at the Alamo. To insure that the symbolism of what they were doing at the Alamo would be clearly understood, they limited the number of Last Stand Patriots who would occupy the Alamo to one hundred and eighty-nine, the same number as those who died for freedom in the same building almost 180 years before. They wanted to send a message. An unmistakable communication. They also hoped that their stand at the Alamo would have the same effect as the 1836 battle, that many thousands would join in the future battle for America. They had taken an oath to each other to the death, as they knew that they would be facing armed federal agents. Most had outlived their good friends and were willing to fight for their country’s freedom one last time. None had young children, as Tom decided not to recruit anyone who would leave fatherless children. Only four were married, but they insisted on joining the insurrection anyway.

  The insurrectionists learned early in their planning that gaining entry to the Alamo was easy. The plaza in front of the hallowed building provided them quick access to the front doors. They arrived at Alamo Plaza in buses and vans, each volunteer with his firearm and several dressed in period costume appropriate for the early 1830’s. They timed their entry into the Alamo with an e-mail sent to the White House, DHS, CCC, national media and local media in Texas advising that they were occupying the Alamo and inviting federal troops to come and remove them. The governmental recipients of the e-mail accepted the invitation. An initial plan to attempt to negotiate with the protestors was overruled by the DHS with approval from the White House. The administration concluded that talking to the occupants of the Alamo would accomplish nothing, but would instead give them credibility and build sympathy with the public.

  Immediately after occupying the building the Texas Last Stand Patriots hung a banner across the front saying:



  An intensive firefight started when DHS and CCC armed troops, without prior warning, laid down a withering round of gunfire across the front of the building. The small windows were immediately shattered, sending shards into the main building. Those inside who were still able to do so returned fire, though few federal troops were hit, as they were shielded behind their armored vehicles parked end to end across Alamo Plaza. Armed DHS and CCC troops moved forward to the building’s windows and original gun portals. They poured thousands of rounds into the building over the next forty minutes. At first, significant return fire took place, but after several minutes it became obvious that no one inside the building was either willing or able to fire back. In spite of the lack of return from inside the building, federal troops continue firing round after round to insure a total kill. There was no lack of ammunition.

  Federal agents finally ceased fire, waited a half hour, and then sent armor clad troops through the doors into the building. Five critically injured men were located by troops as they entered the historic building, with the balance of the insurgents found dead. It was not immediately obvious if the deaths and injuries suffered by the Texas Last Stand Patriots in their Alamo-like stand would have any meaningful impact, or even be reported by media outside of central Texas. America’s mainstream media generally abided by the administration’s request that acts of insurrection were not considered newsworthy and that reporting them could lead to ‘copycat’ events.

  What the administration and its supportive mainstream media could not censor, however, was a three minute video clip that had been photographed on a tourist’s cell phone camera. The tourist’s upload to YouTube was circulated to millions of Americans who watched with horror, before it was pulled down by order of the DHS, as one of America’s most revered structures came under federal government assault. There was no way to avoid seeing the banner mounted on the Alamo, even as it was eventually cut down by withering gunfire. Within a week Alamo II on Facebook had over millions of followers. Overnight polls taken routinely by the White House revealed a sharp drop in levels of support for the President especially in the south central and southwest United States.


  White House Press Room - West Wing

  Gathered White House media were buzzing amongst themselves, even more than normal. They all knew that today’s news conference would not only make headlines, it would make history. The bombings the prior week in six cities across the country had shaken the nation like no event since 9/11. The death toll was still not finalized. Victims who were in critical condition as a result of the bombings were still dying. The FBI had that morning issued its most current count of those killed. Over one thousand one hundred people were listed as dead in the blasts. The nation demanded action. The President was just the man to take that action.

  As the President entered the Press Room it was obvious from his demeanor and the set of his jaw that he was furious, “Thanks. Have a seat. Let’s get started. The FBI has this morning confirmed over 1,200 Americans killed in the bombings last week caused by so-called religious protestors and gun supporters. The perpetrators whom we have identified are all under arrest, have been charged with committing these horrific crimes and I trust will be convicted, and hopefully executed for their crimes. Just as a prior American terrorist, Timothy McVey, was put to death for his heinous crime of bombing the Alfred Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, I have instructed the Department of Justice to seek the same punishment for all of those involved in these bombings committed a week ago. For those who haven’t yet heard, another incident occurred just yesterday. Several gun fanatics were killed in Texas in an abortive attack on an historic landmark. For security reasons, I’ll not take any questions on the Texas assault. Armed insurrection is not acceptable in any country, especially in America.

  “When I was elected President I knew that I would have opposition from certain Americans, that’s the way our society functions. Abraha
m Lincoln was opposed, often strongly, by those who disagreed with his policies. I expected no different. What I did not expect, nor will I countenance, is violent opposition to my policies. What is just now becoming clear as the investigations into these bombings continue is that there are many, many people involved in these tragic bombings. These were no single terrorist events. Federal agencies investigating the bombings, including particularly the Department of Homeland Security, have thus far learned that there are numerous co-conspirators in each bombing. These appear to be the Americans who provided money, advice and resources to create and ignite these deplorable bombs. I am saddened particularly to learn, as I did just yesterday, that dozens, even scores of church leaders were involved. These are supposedly religious men and women who participated in planning and implementing these violent acts.

  “Many will ask why so many religious leaders would be involved in violent acts against the federal government? At this stage, the answer appears to be that these so-called Christians have decided to overthrow the government of these United States, and particularly to remove me, as your President, from office, by force and violence. These Americans have not obeyed the law, nor do they apparently intend to do so in the future. Unfortunately, our investigating agencies have concluded that many of these religiously motivated perpetrators preach the end of the world, and through these bombings they have tried to accelerate that final days scenario. They can believe whatever they want, but they have no right to cause mayhem and death, just because of their belief that the last days will come sooner if they commit violent acts.

  “Millions of Americans have contacted this White House, their members of Congress and the media, all demanding immediate action against these violent lawbreakers who want to impose their religious views on the nation with explosive devices. I have heard their cries for action. Accordingly, I am today announcing a sweeping Executive Order to address the biggest crisis facing the nation today. There are about 80,000 churches in America that would fall in the category of ‘evangelical or fundamentalist’. Most of the bombs exploded last week were at the hands of a member of such a misguided church. As I said, besides the perpetrators already arrested, the DHS has identified many others who conspired with them, such as veterans, anti-choice protestors, Constitutionalists and Tea Party activists. Indictments have been prepared by the various District Attorneys in the affected cities and will be served and made public later this week. Judges will be asked to deny bail for these conspirators so that they do not flee the country, which is being pushed these people, urging so-called Christians, and even Jews, to get out of the US, a nation that they call a modern day Babylon.

  “The Executive Order I am about to sign will require that every leader of these suspect churches, those who claim to be evangelical or fundamentalist, sign a ‘Church Leader National Loyalty Oath’. In this document each leader must pledge to support the nation, its President and other leaders. They must also deny involvement or support for any plans to overthrow the government. I am today instructing the IRS to revoke the tax exempt status of any church which is headed by a pastor who refuses to sign the Loyalty Oath. No more tax breaks for religious zealots. Church leaders who refuse to sign the Loyalty Oath will be detained in FEMA Emergency Camps in their area for the time required to train them in proper and legal thinking and beliefs, befitting loyal American citizens. There will never be in America any place for citizens whose beliefs are completely contrary to our national values. Those who will be re-educated will become better citizens for it, and the nation will be the better for it also….Okay….I’ll take one or two questions only. I have work to do.”

  Even though the mainstream media reporters present were well aware of their industry’s adulation of the President, even they were surprised when most of them jumped to their feet, clapping loudly, some shouting words of praise to the President after he finished reading his prepared statement from the teleprompters in the White House Press Room. It took at least 90 seconds for the room to quiet down. The President was pleased.

  The first question came from the young female CBS reporter who generally outdid her peers in parroting the official line issued from this office. When she asked a question, most of her colleagues knew that she had been prompted to do so by the President’s Press Secretary.

  “Mister President, may I just say before I ask my question, I think I’m speaking on behalf of all of us, how much we appreciate your statement, your forceful new Executive Order….and….well….just having a man of your courage….and….well….we are so thankful that you are in charge of the country in times like these….My question is….if some of these so-called Christians….these extremists….these people who want to overthrow the government with guns and violence and bombs….if they won’t change their hateful views and words after being re-educated in the FEMA Camps….what do you plan to do with them….then?” How are you going to protect the country from them?”

  “Dianna, you’ve just raised a problem that has been keeping me awake at night, I have to admit. It’s one thing to re-educate folks in these nicely appointed facilities that FEMA has prepared and made available. It’s another thing entirely to insure that the re-education actually works. Look, let’s face it….and I think this is the point of your very well phrased question….what will the nation do with folks who refuse to be law-abiding citizens? How can we survive as a free country if thousands of law-breakers are on the loose, trying to throw duly-elected government officials out of office? I don’t have the complete answer yet, but I can assure you that these people will not be released into society, to wreck havoc on the country. I’ve asked the Vice President to develop plans for this eventuality, if re-education doesn’t work. Thanks Dianna. Next question.”

  Charlie VanHaak was one of the few in the room who didn’t rise to his feet nor applaud the President’s statement, “Mr. President, we’re hearing that some of those arrested in these horrible bombings are claiming that their cars were stolen before they were used in the….”

  “Charlie, let me just stop you before you go any further….This will be the last question, by the way….Our agents were told similar stories by some of these criminals, which just shows how far some conspirators will go to try and hide their crimes. The stories are so similar, and so full of holes, that only people working together to plan crimes could come up with such laughable excuses. These perpetrators’ vehicles were owned by them, packed with explosive materials by them and exploded by them. End of story. Hiding their cars, reporting them stolen and then secretly using their cars as bombs might have seemed to them like a clever ruse, but no one was fooled. They did the crime, now they will do the time, or, I hope, as I said, that they will pay with their lives, just as they took the lives of others. Thanks folks, gotta get back to work.”

  With that the President quickly left the Press Room, the reporters standing and applauding his exit. Charlie VanHaak keyed his cell phone and starting dictating the lead of his story on the President’s news conference, “Julie, here you go…. ‘The President today announced in his newest Executive Order that leaders of evangelical and fundamentalist Christian churches must sign what he called a Church Leader National Loyalty Oath. This comes within days after last week’s several bombings which rocked the country. Federal investigators have attributed the six motor vehicle bombings to religious activists, whom the President today referred to as ‘so-called Christians’. He said that leaders who refuse to sign the loyalty oath, which pledges to support him and other government officials and to refrain from any action to overthrow the government, will be sent to FEMA Camps for what he called ‘re-education.’ He was asked what would happen to those not successfully re-educated. The President said that he had asked the Vice President to come with suggestions for what to do with citizens who refuse to change their views after re-education in FEMA Camps’….Julie, that’s it until I get back to the office. Unless, of course, I’m sent off to a FEMA Camp before then. God help us.”

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  Small Group Bible Study, Home of Hannah & Gary

  Birmingham, Alabama

  Each member of the small group arriving at Hannah and Gary’s house knew as soon as they walked in the door that something was seriously wrong. Hannah had obviously been crying. Gary looked like he had been hit by a small truck. Their two teen-agers were huddled together in a corner of the family room, their arms around each other. Tom’s first thought when he saw how obviously distraught the host family was that they must have had relatives who were killed in the car bombings of federal buildings. Maybe they knew one of the Christians being blamed by the government for the bombings. Tom later wished he had been correct in his guess, once he heard the actual reason for their sorrow.

  Liz took Hannah aside in the kitchen as soon as she saw Hannah’s distraught face. All Hannah would say, between sobs, was that there had been a death in the family. She wasn’t able to say any more. Gary walked across the kitchen and suggested to Liz that as soon as everyone had arrived they would share the bad news that had just hit their family.

  Marty and Tom were the last to arrive, which was their normal pattern due to Tom’s job at the hospital. They too quickly saw there was a problem and took their seats in the family room, anxiously waiting for what they were about to hear. All eyes were on Gary, who was standing with his arm around his sobbing wife.


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