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WindSwept Narrows: #2 Cassidy, Abby & Mia

Page 3

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “You think we should tell them? In the guild,” Mac shifted the topic with easy agility. He wasn’t up to talking about the resort just yet.

  “I don’t know,” she answered honestly. “There isn’t a real reason not to. We’re single and they know we’re friends. I know we’ll be teased…but I think that comes from any kind of good friendship, and they are our friends.”

  “We just don’t have a physical form for them other than the toons,” Mac agreed. “Perhaps a policy…if asked, we will answer.”

  “Are you embarrassed about meeting up with someone you met online?”

  “Cassidy…after some of the verbal lashings I’ve received in chat and text from you, ain’t nothing in this ‘verse can embarrass me or deflate my ego,” Mac took a huge bite of the sandwich he’d created, dark eyes greedily drinking in her happy laughter.

  He knew he was trying to stretch the evening out. But finally he loaded the basket and blanket into the back of her modest little four door, trapping her from opening the driver’s door. Most all the cars were gone, people heading home and the last remnants of daylight fading.

  “The day went past way too quickly,” Cassidy knew it was her choice and stepped into the arms that had been hanging at his side. She sighed deeply when he immediately wrapped her against him. Her fingers were spread and resting tightly against his back.

  There was a wild, uncontrollable power coursing through him, one palm resting at her waist while the other moved to her head. His lips brushed against her forehead with a gentle nudge that did not go ignored. Without thinking, Mac gently pulled the band on her long hair free, feeling it cascade around his hand and over her shoulders.

  Cassidy smiled, shook her head and moved her palms to his face. Fingers traced along the strong lines of his jaw, her thumbs lightly touching the fullness of his lower lip before she leaned forward. Replacing her touch with her mouth. Cautious, tentative but more than willing. It was her turn to take a risk. She felt his palms moving over her waist and pressing along her spine, their bodies as close as possible in public.

  Mac caught the fragrant scent of her shampoo, the tide and tomorrow. Combined they made an intoxicating mix. He didn’t try and ignore the heady tension building in his lower body and with Cassidy this close, there was no way to hide it from her, either. He nipped at her lower lip, sending his tongue out to soothe, caress and taunt hers into a sensual jousting match.

  He urged her head back, trailing his mouth over her throat. The tiny sounds that came from her lips sent electric heat boiling through him. His lips moved against her mouth.

  “It’s been a long six months. Tell me you’ll spend tomorrow with me, Cassidy,” he whispered.

  Languid pale lashes rose to meet the fire in his eyes. “I can’t think of anyone I’d rather be with, Mac. What time?”

  Mac groaned, his forehead falling to rest against hers. “Noon…I…I have a kind of…sanctioned thing….with my sisters,” he winced at the sound of that line.

  “You have sisters? You never said,” Cassidy brought her hands to his face. “Noon is good.”

  “I remember you telling me you were an only child,” Mac inhaled raggedly, standing up and taking half a step back. “Three of them…kind of adopted sisters…” he’d tell her the whole story, in time, he knew.

  “I’m sure they’re really glad you’re going to live near them, Mac. It’s okay…” Cassidy reached for the car door, only to find his palm on it, pulling it open for her. She pulled her keys free, the jangling seeming to wake them both. “Tomorrow. Noon. Drive careful, okay?”

  Mac kissed her once more, just because it felt so damn good. “Noon. And I will…you too…bye…” He stood back, watching the tail lights of her car vanish into the night. At the same time the lights vanished, a bulb went off over his head, his palm up with a sharp thud against his forehead.

  Chapter Three

  He ran to his car, fumbled with his keys, shoving them into the slot and revving the engine. How could he have been so stupid?

  It’s not like you were thinking with your analytical brain a few minutes ago, came the chiding voice through his head. Yeah, no kidding…you have a woman like Cassidy pressing her sexy self against you and you want me to actually think? He groaned, a loud sound that filled the silent interior as he drove. Not now, he instructed the arousal forming below his belt.

  I need to think. I need to drive…I do not need to fantasize or even remember at this point, he growled. He knew she would check her auctions. He knew she would be online when he got to the hotel.

  Mac slammed the car door, hitting the alarm on the run, his palm pulling the main entrance open. He didn’t even bother with the elevator, taking the stairs two at a time. He growled and mumbled when he dropped the pass card, swiping it down and pushing the door wide.

  “Finally, a break!” He slammed himself into the desk chair. He’d left the computer on. Logging in went quickly, zeroing in on the right toon was another story all together. Which one…but his hands moved the mouse and selected her healer, waiting, tapping his fingers and listening to the opening music. He knew where he’d left his character…and sure enough…

  Mac felt a strong flush of heat on his cheeks.

  Leaning against one of the buildings, arms crossed and foot tapping, Cassidy’s healer pushed hard against the wall and walked up to him, arm raised and finger pointing.

  He typed quickly. “I know, I know…go to voice…please…”

  “I’ve been waiting,” Cassidy said calmly, holding her laughter inside.

  “Did you laugh all the way home?”

  “I have to admit…” She sighed dramatically. “Yep, sure did…” She giggled happily.

  “Evil…evil vixen,” he whispered, grabbing a pan and paper. “I want data, woman…all of it…”

  “Data…like you mean…” Cassidy grinned widely. “Like measurements? Hmm…I think that would be…”

  “Don’t do this to me, Cass…not now…I could barely think straight after you left,” Mac’s head thumped on the desk top. He wrote as she recited her phone number and address. “Thank you.”

  “I had a…an amazing day, Mac…” She said softly. “Thank you.”

  “If it was that amazing, why am I here alone?”

  He watched the screen, her character brought her palm up and gently stroked the face of his toon before leaning up and kissing him.

  And then she was gone. Logged out.

  His head fell to the desk top again, before to threw the headset to the side and went to the bathroom for a long shower.

  Mac heard them talking as he approached.

  “Will you look at little brother,” Bella said with a nod of approval.

  “My, my, my…he’s certainly grown up nice, don’t you think?” Kate grinned at him.

  “One might even call him…sexy,” Chloe said in a low, approving voice, one brow arched with a critical appraisal.

  “You three are still evil,” Mac declared, hugging each one in turn. “Beautiful, but damned evil.”

  “It’s taken you long enough to find a job in this area,” Bella accused with her hug.

  Kate glanced toward the street where he’d parked the sports car. She smiled softly and met his eyes. “You still have the car.”

  “Always will,” Mac promised simply.

  “Something is not quite right,” Chloe leaned across the table, Bella on his left and Kate on his right. Pale lashes narrowed as she stared at him. “Don’t you notice it? He even smells different…”

  “I think it’s called a shower,” Mac threw back with a laugh.

  “Hmmm…” Kate tipped her head to the side.

  “Will you stop that,” Mac brought a palm up and made a sweep toward Chloe, missing when she jerked back, the smirk on her face making him groan aloud. “You were always my arch nemesis…you and that damn instinct…”

  “You just hate it ‘cause I’m usually right,” Chloe said lazily, a long pause before she spoke again. “
He has a girlfriend,” she declared simply, her arms crossed over her chest triumphantly.

  “A…are you serious?” Kate looked from one to the other.

  “Ask him,” Chloe said with smug simplicity.

  “Well? Is she right?” Bella asked excitedly.

  “Do you really think this is…” Mac saw the determination in their eyes. “Alright…alright…yeah, so what?”

  “What does she do for a living?” Kate asked instantly.

  “How old is she?” Bella asked.

  “Does she have a sense of humor? Does she make you laugh?” Chloe.

  “Can she cook? Does she like computers?” Bella.

  Mac sighed and leaned back in the chair. He smiled at the waitress, who had been smiling at the exchange. “An iced tea with extra ice, please.” He shook his head at the offered menu. “Ham and cheese omelet, hash browns and sour dough toast, oh and large orange juice, please.”

  “Has she ever been married?” Kate.

  “I really thought I was thirty-three years old until a few minutes ago,” Mac said in between questions.

  “How’d you meet her?” Chloe.

  “When do we get to meet her to give you our approval?”

  “When hell freezes over,” Mac answered that one instantly, dark eyes going from one to the other. “Okay…she’s…thirty-four? I think…I know she works for a new hotel in the area…”

  “How long have you known her?” Bella.

  “A little over six months now…” Mac answered.

  “Are you practicing safe sex?” Chloe.

  Mac groaned. “No, we are not…”

  “What?!” That exclamation came from all three of the women at once.

  “I know we taught you better than that,” Kate said instantly.

  “We are not…we haven’t…” He hated the flush of heat stinging his cheeks.

  “Oh…ohhhh,” Chloe got it immediately but frowned. “You’ve known her over six months? Have you got to first base?”

  “Chloe!” Kate and Bella looked at her in amazement. And yet, it was Chloe.

  Kate and Bella exchanged looks, Bella selecting her words again, very slowly and very carefully. “Where did you meet her, Mac?”

  All of them saw his jaw set, dark lashes narrowed. He thought he had been prepared for this. He knew them. Well. He knew how they thought of him and it had always been part of their relationships. That’s fine. He had accepted that role. He also knew without them, he would not have wanted to be alive. He took a very long drink of water, staring into the ice while answering.

  “We met in an online MMO.” He said very slowly, closed his eyes and waited. Silence filling the void for a long minute.

  He opened his eyes cautiously in time to see the looks pass between them.

  “You met her…” Kate blinked a few times as she digested the words she spoke aloud.

  “Online…” Chloe felt her eyes widen.

  “In a game?” Bella concluded, working to keep her voice level.

  “It’s a generation thing,” he shot back, glaring at them.

  “You are not that much younger than we are, and she’s the same age as Chloe,” Kate pointed out clearly, taking a bite of her bagel.

  “How’d you guys meet your others?” Mac asked curtly, lifting his fork and digging into his breakfast.

  “Dylan runs and I skate,” Kate answered with a shrug. “We met on the trail around Alki Point.”

  “I met Simon at a costume ball,” Chloe said.

  “Sam is my manager, Mac,” Bella took a bite of her breakfast sandwich.

  “You seriously met her in a game?” Chloe repeated thoughtfully.

  Mac sighed, but nothing could have stopped his smile. “I met her in the game, World of Warcraft. We are in the same guild. We started out questing together and chatting in text. She’s quick witted, verbal and amazing. Then we got the vent set up and started using the voice over IP,” Mac took another mouthful of eggs and cheese and ham, chewing quickly. “Then we set up a private voice over and…we talked.” He saw the unasked question in their eyes. “She worked in Vegas and I was in Southern Cal…our jobs never seemed to let it fit…and I think she was a little nervous.”

  “You’ve never met her in person?” Kate asked carefully.

  “A couple weeks ago, I moved here to build the resort arcade at the Windswept Narrows and she accepted a position at a local hotel,” Mac didn’t like the quiet looks from them. “We met yesterday for the first time, guys. Will you stop looking at me like I’m…”

  “Sorry,” Bella reached over and squeezed his hand. “We don’t think you’re anything, Mac. Honest. It’s just…I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who dated someone they met online before.”

  “I heard it was becoming more and more common,” Chloe said with a slight nod and a shrug. “I guess it is just another form of meeting ground. Seriously…beats the hell out of bars.”

  “And our other questions?” Kate asked casually, watching Chloe dig into her backpack, her hand surfacing with a small notepad and pen.

  “She packs one mean picnic basket and yes, she can cook,” Mac recalled fondly. “We went to the park and did some kayaking yesterday and then to the zoo.” His mind ran over some of their other questions. “She likes computers and has never been married.”

  Chloe looked at him for a long quiet minute, her fingers opening the note pad and scribbling over the white surface. The pieces of the puzzle were too obvious. She showed the little notepad to Kate and then to Bella.

  “What? You know I hate when you do that,” Mac growled. He was too familiar with the way Chloe’s mind worked puzzles.

  Kate and Bella looked across Chloe at one another and then both looked at Mac.

  “What’s her name?” Kate asked, trying to sound casual but failing.

  “I’m not that crazy,” Mac answered, stabbing a forkful of hash browns.

  “You think we’d ambush her just to make sure she’s good enough for you?” Bella asked gently. “Suddenly after all these years we’re supposed to stop caring, Mac?”

  “No, oh no you don’t,” he took a long drink of juice. “Don’t you even play that card on me…”

  “I bet you a hundred bucks I’m right,” Chloe closed the notebook and slid it into her pack. “The pieces are all there.”

  “Huh,” Was all that Kate said, pushing her plate back.

  “I think I’m capable of choosing my own girl,” Mac said when no one answered.

  “Then I guess we just have to wait until you’re ready to trust us,” Kate said with a shrug.

  “Oh, Isabel is here…working at the store,” Chloe commented casually. “I told her we were breakfasting this morning, but I think Gabe kidnapped her last night after the party and they’re off sailing today.”

  “Which reminds me,” Bella scowled. “You could have brought your mystery woman to the party, Mac.”

  “Not my idea of a getting to know your girl kind of event,” he returned with a shake of his head, pulling his wallet out and tossing money on the table. “My treat.”

  “You could bring her out to the barbecue tomorrow at the Lodge,” Bella suggested. “It starts about noon…we’ll even have fireworks.”

  “Willing to make a wager, little brother?” Chloe gave him one of her wicked sister smiles.

  “I hate that…that damn superior smirk. Don’t think you can sucker me…” Mac leaned back in his chair, dark eyes narrowed. She always got to him.

  “I bet you a hundred bucks I know who she is,” Chloe announced with a sweep of her palm over her empty plate like it was a magical crystal ball.

  “The hell you…” Mac glared at her, trapped in the web she was weaving. “You…are evil. I hope Simon realizes what he got himself into…”

  “She’s got the magic answer to all the dilemmas,” Kate flipped her palm up, dismissing the problem.

  “There’s a magic answer?” Mac looked from one to the other, settling on the still smiling Chloe.

  “Sure is…it’s called sexy undies,” she told him with a chuckle.

  “See…evil…” His hand came up and he checked his watch before rubbing his palm over his neck. “You can not possibly know her.”

  “Then take the bet,” Chloe challenged.

  “In this whole Pacific Northwest…hell, no, she was in Vegas! She wasn’t even here!” Mac felt the noose tightening. He heard the voices in his head arguing the logic of it. And shut them out. “Alright. Fine. You’re on.”

  Chloe pulled the notepad from her pack and wrote on it clearly, tore the paper out and folded it in several places until it was a thick little piece of two inch paper. She handed it to Kate without looking.

  “You’re on. Tomorrow at the Lodge,” Chloe said with a wider grin. “See you at noon, Mac. Oh…bring cash.”

  He stood up and paced, his hand up and pointing at her. “You better watch out for houses, that’s all I have to say. See you guys tomorrow,” he waved absently and strode off to his car, mumbling to himself about sisters.

  Chapter Four

  “You think?” Bella asked when they were alone, taking her phone out and placing it on the table.

  “Positive. The clues are all there,” Chloe said with a shrug. “Coincidence.”

  “Damned wicked coincidence, since they began talking over six months ago,” Kate frowned slightly, picking up Bella’s phone, hitting the speaker button and tapping in the number she knew.

  “Hi there, Bella…how’s the lodge?” Cassidy answered the phone with a bright smile, pacing the floor and checking the clock like a teenager.

  “Hey, it’s Kate…we’re having a late breakfast…want to join us?” Kate asked easily. “Me, Bella and Chloe.”

  “I ate already…and I’m kind of…well…I’m waiting to be picked up…I have a date,” she confessed, the flush in her cheeks making her groan silently.

  “A date? That’s great, Cassidy…where’d you meet him?” Bella asked curiously.


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