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WindSwept Narrows: #2 Cassidy, Abby & Mia

Page 10

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

“Cade!” Abigal glared at him, lashes widening when his hands settled on her waist. Next thing she knew, she was sitting side saddle on the bike, his leg quickly up to slide in front of her.

  “Put the helmet on, Abby,” Cade quickly snapped his into place. “Hold on, honey,” he said into the microphone, chuckling when he swore he heard her growl seconds before her arms circled him, a tiny yelp when the engine turned over.

  “I don’t have my pass! I…damn it, Cade…” But she clung to him tightly as the bike zoomed past the open gate, his hand up with a wave.

  “Trust me, they know you,” Cade said with a laugh. “Believe me, I’m not the only guy aware of that sexy wiggle in the mornings. I’m just the only one smart enough to act on his instincts.”

  “Act…you plotted…planned…”

  “I guess you can call it that…when a guy sets his sights on a girl, he better be smart enough to act on it, or risk losing her. I wasn’t willing to take that risk,” he told her firmly.

  “You’re very confident,” she said after a long, thoughtful pause.

  “So are you, Abigal…in your chosen subject and field,” he assured her honestly. “We don’t have a conflict of interest at the resort.”

  “I report to…four different people…I think…or it might just be Logan, I’m honestly not sure. But that’s not…I know people will date each other, you really can’t avoid it,” Abigal said logically. “But that doesn’t mean it’s smart business practice. If…when…should…things fall apart, someone usually gets hurt and then the workplace suffers.”

  “Then I guess we’ll have to make damn sure it works, huh?” He pulled the bike into the lot of a small seafood place. “Hungry?”

  “I’m not sure I’m talking to you,” she sat primly on the back of the bike, a frown creasing her lips when he lifted the helmet from her head. She crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Now that is an exceptionally sexy pose,” Cade took his phone out and aimed it, his laughter deep and ringing through the parking lot when she suddenly jumped down, eyes wide and feet moving quickly over the pavement to the restaurant.

  “You…you…” Abigal met the eyes of the young woman at the front. “Two for lunch, please.”

  “You’re never at a loss for words, Abby,” Cade guided her after the woman to a table near the window.

  She picked up the menu, looking down the list and setting it back down, hands clasp on the table top.

  “So the way I figure it, working at the same place will come in handy in the future. We can eventually use one vehicle to commute in, saving fuel and the environment,” Cade saw fire ignite in her eyes, her mouth opening and closing, but no sound coming out. “What are you afraid of, Abby? Me?”

  “I am not afraid of anything…or anyone,” she informed him quietly.

  “Maybe just a little?” Cade paused, giving his order to the waitress, waiting while Abby gave hers and the waitress left them alone. He watched her hands wrap around the large glass of iced water. “You think a guy doesn’t get scared of some steps he wants to take in life?”

  “Were you married before?” She asked abruptly, surprised when he nodded. “How old were you?”

  “Twenty-one…just finished college and was going in the Army. I promised a six year commitment for my college,” Cade recalled, his voice flat as the memory replayed itself. “We ran off and got married just before I went off to basic and then onto officer training school.”

  “What happened?” Abigal leaned closer. She could see a little sadness in his eyes.

  “Cathy wasn’t…I don’t guess I was smart enough to pay attention back then. I never noticed how dependent she was on her family. How attached she was to the small town,” he shook his head slowly. “She didn’t want to move. And really hated being alone while I was gone. It ended…she found someone local and settled down. I moved on.”

  “I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to bring back sad memories,” Abby stared into the ice floating in her glass.

  “You? Been married?” Cade was surprised when she shook her head.

  “I dated…I watched my friends get hurt…some guys aren’t overly loyal…I think the excuses hurt worse than being cheated on for most of my friends,” Abby took a long drink. “After you get past a certain age, it gets much easier to ignore the overtures. Once you’re safely out of school, and you avoid the obvious places like bars, you’re home free.”

  “Being safe doesn’t make a very interesting line on your list,” he smiled at the pursed lips and sizzling glare.

  “A friend wouldn’t make fun of my list,” she said thinly. She moved her arms from the table, staring at the soup she’d ordered, stirring thoughtfully. “You know…I’ve been thinking…” she chose to ignore the exaggerated groan from the other side of the table.

  “Do tell.”

  “The reason I talked so much in that…in that cave…and why I felt safe…it’s because I felt we were friends,” she tasted the soup. “I don’t know why. I don’t know where the feeling came from…but that’s a good thing. I thought about it later. Even when I was soaking wet, you didn’t behave like some sex crazed school boy. You were a gentleman. Polite…even in the face of insanity…”

  “I have to admit, that afternoon was definitely a new one on my list,” Cade lifted a plank of salmon and took a bite of the crunchy fish. “You never answered my question, Abigal. Are you afraid of me?”

  “Of course not. That’s a ridiculous thing to say,” she continued eating her soup, peeling a bit of sour dough off the bowl and dipping it into the creamy clam chowder.

  “Then you’re afraid of the risk,” Cade spoke softly, his words said very low. “A part of you thinks that I can’t be faithful,” he watched her movements slow, her lashes closed for a long minute. He chose his words carefully. “I guess you can’t really be daddy’s little girl if you’re dating a guy riding a motorcycle.” He knew he didn’t need an immediate reaction. He just needed to plant the seed.

  “What happened to your suit?” Abigal asked casually, ignoring his last few comments. But she felt her jaws tense. And knew she was holding the spoon a little tighter.

  “Turns out I don’t need it for training, only when the customers arrive in a few months,” he answered cheerfully. “How goes the applications?”

  “Some are getting smart and completing them as they stand in line. Which would explain the note with their instructions that says, please have the form completed,” Abigal said with a tinge of sarcasm. She ate thoughtfully for several minutes before she looked up at him, lips pursed and eyes narrowed. “I am not even going to dignify those last few comments with a response.”

  “Okay,” Cade continued eating, draining the iced tea and looking around for the waitress. “They have good fish here.”


  “How’s the soup?”

  “Fine, thank you,” she tore another strip off the empty soup bowl, biting down hard. She lifted the spoon and aimed it at him, glaring. “You know what your problem is?”

  “I wasn’t aware I had one until recently, but okay…I’ll bite…what is it?” Cade watched her closely. He’d heard that voice before. That was the, I’m going to jump into the Sound in the middle of a deluge, voice.

  “Yes…yes, you do have one…you are unable to see the bigger picture,” she said after careful thought. “Like it or not, we are part of the bigger picture. It involves…being an example. It involves mentoring and…and…the over-all premise revolving around the community and tomorrows….”

  “Nothing is going to come crashing down because you and I decide to spend time together,” he answered despite himself. “The world will continue to spin, the tides flow in and out and the sun will rise in the morning. Even if you make me so damn nuts I can’t take it anymore, all that will continue to happen and the resort, despite all our efforts to bring it to a standstill, won’t.”

  “If…I…you’re jumping to the conclusion that you would be the one to end things!” She burs
t out in a low hiss, leaning over the table and poking at him with the spoon. “I’ll have you know I will continue this relationship until hell freezes over!”

  Cade blinked and closed one eye. “Sounds good to me.”

  “I…that’s not…”

  Cade leaned back in his chair, watching the cloud of dark brown move when she shook her head, the spoon down on the table once more. He pulled some cash from his pocket and handed it to the waitress with their ticket.

  “I’m glad we have that settled. Ready to go back to work?” Cade stood up and offered his palm.

  Still lost in how things had spun around her, Abigal quietly slid her palm into his, walking with a curious pout out of the restaurant. He stopped her from opening the container that held her helmet, taking her palm to his lips. The question in her eyes made him smile. He could tell she was still deep in thought, so he was safe for now.

  “Will I get lipstick on me if I kiss you?”

  “It’s not supposed to come off,” she answered with an absent flip of her fingers, then realized what she’d said.

  “Good,” Cade lowered his head, taking her mouth with a quick sensual assault. She returned his kiss with a soft sigh. Not enough time for her to protest, he lifted the compartment lid and took her helmet out, fitting it carefully over her head. His hands fit at the sides of her waist, lifting her carefully to the seat a second before sliding his leg over the seat and steadying the bike with his legs while putting his own helmet into place. He felt her hands on his waist. She’d taken to holding the belt loops on his jeans. Usually. He could tell when something spooked her because he’d suddenly lose the ability to inhale.

  Cade cruised the large bike to the canopy where she had her desk and raised his visor. He glanced over his shoulder to see her hop to the ground, remove the helmet and stow it in the compartment. He caught her hand, moving her to the side so she could see him.

  “I’ll see you later, Abigal,” he promised, meeting her silent gaze. “Dinner?”

  “Yes…yes, I remember, I’ll be ready,” she said absently, striding into the canopy, fingers working to rewind the long hair, a pen in her teeth as she read through some new papers on her desk.

  Chapter Twelve

  Abigal had the piles slowly forming on her desk. The logical progression would be easy once she was able to identify people capable of being the managers or lead people. She needed a good strong head of housekeeping. She had a stack for Cassidy that would hopefully help her fill the ranks in security. She had another stack to go through more thoroughly to add to her own department. She had people coming from the vo-tech schools tomorrow.

  And weeks more of applications. She turned to the computer and began entering them. Each one would be on the computer for reference.

  Abigal drove home slowly. She sniffed and liked the scent. Her things fell absently on the small table, shoes off at the side and continued on to the kitchen. Her mother had left her a note with instructions. Abby shook her head and peeked into the oven. She turned it off and lifted the roaster to the top of the stove.

  “She doesn’t think I can handle my own dates,” she said in disbelief, staring at two pre-made salads in the fridge.

  Abigal wasn’t sure at the moment who was in charge of her life. She wandered into her bedroom, hung up her suit and found a pair of loose khaki shorts and a tank top. She was in the process of opening all the windows and the patio door when she heard the motorcycle. One thing was certain, he definitely couldn’t sneak up on her with that thing. It was barely past five. He was punctual, she thought, pulling the door wide, her palm out to gesture him inside.

  “Something smells really good,” Cade commented, his keys tucked into his pocket and eyes taking in the bright purple tank top and shorts. “Did I miss a memo?”

  “My mother thinks we should have dinner here,” Abigal told him.

  “I’m good with that. What’s wrong?” Cade took her hand and led her to the patio. “Come on…talk to me, Abby…” He chose a solid looking chair to sink into, pulling her onto his lap.

  “This is not how conversations happen,” she said thoughtfully. “This is how babies happen,” she pushed up and moved to stand by the railing.

  “Okay…a walk on the beach? No sign of a storm today.”

  Both of them looked toward the noise at the front of the house, the door opening quickly.

  “I am so sorry…I forgot my lesson plan for the summer course,” Janet Murray swept inside, going immediately to her desk.

  “Thanks for making the chicken, mom…it smells delicious,” Abby walked into the house, aware that Cade was close behind her.

  “Well, you two work all day, the least I can do is make a simple meal. And you’ll have the house to yourself until at least eleven,” she commented with a wink at her daughter.

  “Mother…I think you’ve…” Abigal saw the smile on Cade’s face and scowled at him.

  “I like having you live with me, Abby…but I know you need some privacy.”

  “Mother…we haven’t known each other long enough for…”

  “Nonsense…I think your father and I only knew each other a week before…well…these things kind of just happen between a boy and girl…well, not just happen…I have had that talk with you, Abigal…”

  “Have a great class, mom,” Abby put her hands on her mother’s back and gently urged her to the door. “Bye…thanks again for the chicken…Drive careful.”

  “I’m not positive,” Cade wandered behind her. Abby stood facing the door, her head against the wood. “But I think we’ve just been sanctioned.”

  “It really would be best at the moment if you just ate chicken and salad and said nothing,” Abigal advised carefully, straightening up and turning to find herself pinned against the door. She swallowed hard. There wasn’t anywhere to go.

  Cade didn’t move right away. His hands rose, one on either side of her head. He pulled the pens from her hair, the band in his fingers and falling to the table at her side. One palm speared the long, thick hair at the side of her head, moving to the back and tilting her head back.

  “I’m okay with quiet at the moment,” he whispered before covering her mouth with his. He moved his lips over hers, his tongue out and tracing the fullness, gently urging her lips to part.

  Abby felt her heart pounding. His hand was strong and massaging against her scalp, urging her head back and their kiss long and deep, her own tongue out to stoke the flames coursing through them.

  It’s just a kiss, she kept telling herself. So who was ordering her palms to press heavily over his chest, tugging the tee shirt free of his jeans and snaking against his flesh.

  She heard him groan.

  Felt him shudder when she touched him. Firm and strong, her fingertips traced the muscles of his stomach and higher to his shoulders. She pressed herself against him, her hands moving to his back, half-moons of her nails leaving marks as she clung to him.

  Her eyes were closed against the onslaught, her head tipped to the side when his mouth moved its assault to her throat.

  Cade heard those sexy little noises, breaking the kiss just long enough to pull his shirt over his head and drop it. His palms moved to her waist and beneath the tank top she wore, pushing it higher until his hands cupped her breasts surrounded by the skimpy lace and nylon bra. He brought his mouth down hungrily on hers, his palms gliding behind her and opening the snap. He lifted his head long enough to pull the top and bra over her head.

  “You’re beautiful…” he moved them to the sofa, pulling her down on top of him. Her tan was all over, he realized, his hands enjoying the freedom to range over the molten flesh. Her elbows were on either side of his head, her mouth wreaking havoc with his senses. He felt her slide lower, hot kisses trailing down his throat with a gentle nip. Her breasts pressed hard against his stomach, her mouth brushing lightly over his chest before nudging his chin and initiating another long sensuous kiss.

  Abruptly Abby lifted her head and let it fall to
the side.

  “This isn’t good…this is…it’s insane…”

  “Like jumping into the Sound?” Cade drew in a long, ragged breath, his hands caressing over the narrow line of her back and onto her behind, pulling her hard against him with a husky groan.

  Abby lifted her head, blinking and staring into the liquid silver of his eyes.

  “I want you…” She said softly. “I…it feels so right, Cade…”

  “I know the feeling,” he whispered, pulling her mouth back to his as one palm caressed along her side, his fingers brushing the underside of her breast before surrounding it completely with his hand. Fingers massaged and tweaked, the hard little pebble of her nipple straining and puckered.

  Abby groaned softly against his mouth, her hips pressing against the hard evidence of his arousal. She tore her mouth from his, gulping for breath even as a shot of pure fire raced through her.

  “Cade! Oh god…please tell me you have protection with you…”

  “I bought some on the way here, Abby,” his palm continued to caress her breast until it was suddenly lifted from his reach.

  Abby stood beside the sofa, long hair trailing over her shoulders and almost touching the small firm breasts. He didn’t know what to expect until she held out two hands to him. She turned and guided him to the back of the house, into a large room with a full sized bed and teen age posters around the walls. The door opened to the patio, a light breeze riding in from the Sound.

  Abby knew her fingers shook when she reached for Cade’s belt, barely aware of him working the boots off as she opened the snap on her shorts and gave them a little shove to the floor. She was fumbling with the opening of his jeans when his hand pulled three packets from his pocket and tossed them to the nightstand. She pushed his jeans down his legs, his erection immediately surrounded by the long, silky hair as she bent over.

  Abby listened to his groan, a low plaintive sound of approval when she touched him. She felt his hands spear the long hair at the same time her mouth kissed him, learning the hard and soft shape of him. Her tongue curled and stroked and tasted, the naturally curious part of her enjoying the sexy sounds she could drag from him.


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