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WindSwept Narrows: #2 Cassidy, Abby & Mia

Page 24

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “Mia went to investigate,” Lucas said, his eyes closed and head shaking. “Now there’s a shocker.”

  “You guys all go to school for this…this…macho…” Cassidy shook her head. “Never mind. Like I said, she’s okay…she ran off whoever it was but did manage to get their camera.”

  “Ran them off…does that mean she…”

  “Had a slight confrontation that involved…feet and hands…which is how the guy lost his camera. Thankfully, it’s digital so we have shots of you and Mia and Scarlet at the garden. Other shots of just you and Mia.” Cassidy handed the camera through the window, it was wrapped in a plastic bag. “Not sure what your attorney can do with it…but I thought you should have it. Mia told us what’s happening, Lucas. We’re keeping an eye out.”

  “Where did he take Scarlet?” He looked toward the building.

  “Oh…the arcade…he’s setting up a section for the smaller kids and Scarlet loves the games and makes a great size test subject,” Cassidy looked at him. “Do you want me to call him back? Being a guy…I think he figured there would be some…less than child appropriate…”

  “No, that’s good and there will be…thank you, Cassidy. Can I go now?” He looked down at the palm on his window that was removed with a crooked grin. The same palm up with a jaunty wave as he drove behind the resort.

  Lucas frowned when he reached the back and found the door closed, his head shaking. He never brought Scarlet this way in the morning because it was all locked up. He had the SUV around front, parked and long legs striding down the empty hallways, his fist up and thumping hard on the closed door. He knew he must be pissed because not even the sight of the slinky pajamas had an effect.

  “G’morning,” Mia made a move to return to the room, blinking and noticing there was no Scarlet skipping into her morning. Then the door clanged behind her. Still struggling with the eyes that wouldn’t quite open all the way, she turned in the direction of the noise, beginning at the thick, heavy looking boots and going up. “Lucas? Where is Scarlet?”

  “Testing some game. What happened last night, Mia?”

  “What…” Mia gave over to a string of French that came to a halt when she felt the palms on her shoulders. When her toes left the floor, her eyes decided to give her their full attention. “Lucas! Put me…I am fine…it was nothing important…”

  “You were chasing down a stalker in the middle of the night, Mia,” he pushed the words through his teeth.

  “I…it was not…” she huffed. “It was barely eight in the evening…I think….” Her mind returning to the word Cassidy and Abby had used…dictator.

  “You involved yourself in my life, Mia,” Lucas slowly lowered her to the floor, his hands opening and releasing her. “And now you’re getting mixed up with idiots spying…”

  “I have a right to…to…I’m not entirely sure what right now, but Lucas, you know I’m not awake all the way,” Mia paced across the large room. “I am fine. I learned to defend myself a long time ago. I chased and he fell and tried to scare me off with threats,” she shook her head at the memory. “He was a bumbling buffoon with a camera.”

  “He got away?” Lucas felt the anger running its course. It wasn’t gone, but he no longer wanted to turn her over his knee.

  “Yes, well…I did not see a large indent in the ground after I had the camera in the struggle,” she shrugged. “Where is Scarlet? Testing, you said?”

  “Scarlet is safe with Mac playing a game,” Lucas paced to the door, his hand on the knob. “He said he’d bring her to you in an hour. I have to go.”

  Mia stared at the closed door a second later, falling back on the bed with a loud groan. Men. Pushing against the bed when the thumping began, she pulled the door wide, her mouth open.

  Lucas saw her mouth open at the same time his palms rose and surrounded her face, his mouth down hard on hers with a long, invasive kiss that had both of them breathing raggedly. He felt the smaller palms pressing against his chest, gripping the opening of his shirt tightly. He lifted his head after what seemed an eternity, staring intently into the large dark eyes.

  “I don’t know what your intent was, Mia, but you are involved in my life. You are involved in Scarlet’s life and I’m not about to lose that because you’re feeling independent and outraged because some fool is taking photos of us, do you understand me?” Lucas moved his hands to her shoulders with a squeeze when she nodded. “Good. I’ll see you later.”

  Mac decided trying to gallop with a three year old with full pack was an impossibility, so he settled for a fast walk, trying Mia’s room first. There was no answer, so they continued on to the kitchen and were greeted to the loud banging of pots and pans on the counters. He could only guess at the cause.

  “Mia!” Scarlet squirmed until Mac lowered her to the floor, skidding into the instantly open arms of the woman who dropped to her heels. “Mac and me were playing on the computer!”

  “Wow…you’re so smart,” Mia looked up at Mac. “Thank you.”

  Mac just nodded and left, deciding it might be safer that another female ask if she were alright at this point. He returned to the arcade and the installation of several new consoles.

  Mia had the stool sitting near the counter a short time later. She glanced over at Scarlet, busy with her crayons and listening through headphones to the movie on the laptop. The guard directed the twenty-five people into the room, each taking a chair.

  Mia leaned her chin on her upturned palms, lips pursed and waiting.

  “Good morning,” she greeted the people seated and waiting, the guard on the door. She sat up and looked over the group. Most young. “Just in-case there was an error…this is my first class for those interested in learning to cook. Anyone in the wrong place? No…good…then we shall proceed. You each have a packet on your laps. Inside is the rather large ticket that has my signature and that of the human resources director and that ticket will admit you to your beginning six week class at the community college.”

  “Oh…” she shook her head. “I am sorry…my name is Mia Santori. I am a cook. Together, we are going to turn two very empty kitchens into places where people want to be. You all made it this far because we felt you wanted to learn. You want to know every small detail about working in a kitchen. It can be just a job or it can be more. It will be what you want to make it. After a while, it will feel like your family, if you allow it. Sometimes that is good, sometimes not so good,” she admitted with a chuckle, glad to see them relaxing.

  “Make no mistake…this is a job. I have a goal of making the best food imaginable for the people who come to the resort, and if you do not come to share that goal, it will not work. If you want only a place where you go for hours without learning, this is not the place for you. You will work hard. You will clean floors, clean food, prepare soups and stews and sauces. You will learn not to overcook pasta and how to make pies that melt in your mouth.”

  “This,” she held out her arms. “It what’s called a chef coat,” Mia fingered the tiny collar with the center opening and two rows of buttons. “This is mine, personally. You will wear the resort colors of blue and gold. You will wear black slacks, not jeans. Slacks that are slightly loose to permit air because it will get hot in our kitchens. You can wear t-shirts or the girls, tank tops beneath it. You will learn to keep your hair contained at all times. Inside your packet is a certificate for your first pair of slip resistant shoes. It is good for a shop in the mall that specializes in shoes for nurses,” she leaned forward slightly. “They are very comfortable. Since you must also be on your feet all the time, this is important. I don’t care what color you chose…black, white or beige. People obsessed with your feet have issues,” she told them with a wink.

  “You will not be involved with anyone outside the kitchen, so it’s not an issue. Your smocks will return to the laundry in the cloak room each day or evening and you will wear a new one each time you come to work. You will always begin the day clean and tidy. How you end it…well
…” she matched the small grins finally showing up on their faces. “Your first class begins Monday, sharply at eight. Do not be late. The first week, you will receive what you need for the rest. I have worked it all out with them. If there is a problem, please, do not simply vanish! Talk to me or the HR Director…we will work to help you if we can. Are there any questions?” She nodded to the young man in the front row.

  “Do we call you chef? I had heard…”

  Mia sighed thickly. “Probably every other kitchen you work in that has tiers of chefs, yes, you would. Will I answer to it? Yes…but I prefer Mia. I attended two fancy culinary schools. I worked in restaurants where it was strictly enforced. I’m interested in creating good food, not fancy plates with drawing on it. What I am called is never going to be as important as the food we create.” She looked up and around at them. “Any others? No…then you are free. Your classes will be from eight in the morning until five in the evening. You will be paid for those classes, so make certain you attend and learn all you can. The guard will escort you to the main gate. My number is in the packet…au voir!”

  Scarlet looked up and pulled the headset from her ears. “Is school over?”

  “For today. We have another this afternoon. You were very good, Scarlet,” Mia hugged her and lifted her to the floor. “Let’s go to the play park…there are clouds so it might not be so hot,” Mia popped the buttons on her smock and left it lying on the stool, grabbing two bottles of water from the fridge and walking with the chattering child.

  Scarlet was down for her nap when the second group was escorted into the kitchen. Mia waited for them to settle, glancing over the twenty-five.

  “My name is Mia Santori. I am the head cook at the resort. You are all here because you expressed an interest in being waiters and waitresses…if this is not true…and you are in the wrong group, please tell me now,” she looked around and waited a minute. “No? Good. People choose to be wait staff for various reasons. Most honestly enjoy interacting with people. You were asked a great deal of questions before you made it to this group. I will explain something I want you to seriously commit to memory.”

  Mia watched them, waiting for their full attention. “You will always have a lead. Some of you will rise to becomes leads, if that is your choice. Ninety nine percent of the people you wait on here will be pleasant or can be cajoled into being pleasant. When you run into that one percent who is impossible, you inform your lead and another server will be appointed. If that server reports the same problem, they will come to me and I will be their server,” she winked at the stunned looks on their faces. “They can’t fire me for being rude to a customer. I would rather lose one customer than have my staff upset because someone lost on the slot machines.”

  “You will have simple but consistent clothing. Black slacks or skirts, comfortable, simple black shoes and a button down shirt, open a button or two at the top. I do not like ties. My staff are not penguins. They are people who want to serve good food and provide excellent service to our customers. Inside your packet…”

  By the end of the lecture, she leaned back and stretched her hands high over her head. “You give a good welcome speech.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Mia spun on the stool, her feet hitting the floor and eyes wide. Her gaze shot from him to the departing guard and students.

  “You…you were there? The whole time?” Mia felt the stool behind her, listened to it bump over the floor when she backed up to his approach.

  “The whole time. Scarlet napping?” Lucas caught the waistband of her jeans and tugged, sending her stumbling into his open arms even as she nodded. “Then we have a bit of time to talk. Come home with us tonight,” he made the request softly seconds before his mouth lightly touched hers. Once. Then once more. Always backing away when her mouth softened to invite him to play.

  “I…I do not believe that is a good idea,” Mia managed in between kisses. Her heart was pounding.

  “Why? We’re both adults…” Lucas let his mouth wander over her throat, listening to the soft sounds from deep inside her.

  “Scarlet…” Mia ordered her palms to push against him but it didn’t work.

  “Goes to bed at eight in a separate room from mine,” Lucas told her.


  “Kate called. The judge tossed out Miranda’s case for lack of any viable evidence whatsoever,” Lucas told her, nudging her chin back and capturing the surprise OH of her mouth for a long, sensuous kiss.

  Mia tore her mouth away, turning her head and letting her forehead fall to his shoulder. “Does that mean it’s over?”

  “Probably not,” he sighed against her hair. “But until she regroups, I at least have a piece of my life back. And I want you in that life, Mia…you can bring those sexy pajamas and a tooth brush…” He held his breath when she pushed against his chest, their eyes locked on one another’s for a long minute before she nodded slowly.

  “Yes…I would like that, Lucas,” Mia let the words free in a long sigh, sinking into the kiss he initiated once more, the strong palms pressing along her spine and into her hair until the tiny voice brought them back to the kitchen.

  “Mia? Is school over?” Scarlet came from the office, smoothing her dress down and rubbing her eyes. “Daddy!”

  Lucas had barely enough time to turn and bend to accept the small girl in his arms. “Wow...another new dress?”

  “Isn’t it gorgeous!” Scarlet gushed the new word she had learned. “Abby brought it for me. She said it was hers when she was little and her mom has a lot of them she’s going to bring me. I like dresses,” she declared with a sleepy smile.

  “Why don’t you meet me at the main entrance? I will lock up and go to my room for a moment,” Mia told him, striding into her office and bringing out Scarlet’s pack.

  “Where we goin’?” Scarlet asked cheerfully. “It’s easier to fix your britches without jeans on.”

  Lucas looked from Scarlet to Mia, one brow arched curiously. “Britches?”

  “It’s a girl term,” Mia answered loftily, ignoring his laughter and closing the door after they stepped from the kitchen.

  She had neatly folded the top and bottoms to her pajamas, her toothbrush resting on top when she caught sight of her reflection in the mirror. Mia sat on the edge of the bed, staring for a long, long minute. She stared but did not really see, blinking and looking at the woman chewing on her lower lip.

  Choices and consequences, her mind intoned. She had made the choice to allow Lucas and Scarlet into her life. Why didn’t she see this coming because of that choice? Why was she afraid of this path?

  Mia stood up and went to the door, the strap of her purse slid over her head once she was sure her pass card was inside with her keys and wallet. She had grand plans for her restaurants. That would take a great deal of her time and energy and before she took that final step, she must make Lucas aware of how important that is to her, she decided firmly, striding out the main entrance into the late afternoon sun.

  Lucas pushed a long breath through his lips. She hadn’t run from him. If she wanted time, he would give it to her, he knew that without a doubt. There was a shy smile on her face when she set her small tote on the floor, her hand on the handle as she slid onto the seat.

  “You comin’ to our house?” Scarlet was bouncing excitedly, hands clapping.

  “I am…is that alright?” Mia buckled her seat and shifted to the side to watch Scarlet, her palms on her lap and immediately covered with Lucas’ larger hand. She pulled one palm free and surrounded his with a squeeze.

  “Yeah! That’ll be fun. We can make dinner and play a game. I have lots of games,” Scarlet told her, the chatter stopping as she waved at Mac on their way through the parking lot.

  Mia felt a hint of heat in her cheeks. They knew, she thought.

  “I was worried,” Lucas began slowly. “That you changed your mind. And it would be alright, Mia, honestly. I’m willing to be patient…I want to be with you.”

  “We must talk, Lucas,” Mia said after a long minute.

  “What’re we talkin’ about?” Scarlet asked curiously.

  “Work,” Mia answered simply.

  “Well…” Scarlet seemed to consider this. “I am going to read a book,” she informed them, stretching forward and selecting a book from the pocket on the back of Lucas’ seat.

  Mia released the laughter inside her. “You have raised an amazingly delightful child, Lucas.”

  “There are times I feel like I’m debating with a thirty year old,” Lucas confessed with a laugh. “I have to kick myself…she’s so smart…I feel so lucky.”

  “Your business is very important to you,” Mia said after a pause. “Scarlet is your priority. I…I do not know what I was thinking when I stepped into the middle of your life. The plan I have for my restaurants…” She stopped, her hands resting palm up in her lap. “I am not sure there is room for so much in one life,” she said very quietly.

  “But you are here,” Lucas pointed out. “So a part of you wants to believe it is possible. Believe me, it hasn’t been easy juggling Scarlet and the business and then having Miranda throw wrenches into our lives over and over again.”

  “The concept and…and the pure altruistic plan that Logan and the others have for the resort…it feel so unreal at times.” She fell silent, lost for words. “I don’t even know if you…how much you know about the plans.”

  “I’ve been friends with Logan for a while,” Lucas said easily. “With the talent and skills he’s built into the resort, the community is in for an uphill ride that we hope will spread out slowly. You’re part of that and I can hear the passion in you when you delivered your speech to your incoming employees. I think I’ve learned the last few days that sharing the burdens…isn’t so painful.”


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