Book Read Free

Radio Boys

Page 4

by Sean Michael

  “Are you a swimmer, too?” Sounded like maybe he wasn’t the only one admiring a certain swim coach.

  Their footsteps echoed as they neared the water, disorienting him slightly, making him tense and uncomfortable.

  He felt her nod. “Oh, god, I’m sorry. Yes. I’m a lifeguard actually. They pull us from the locals -- don’t want the paying college kids wasting their time life guarding.” He could hear the disdain in her voice.

  “Hey Thor, your friend is here.”

  “Paul!” Thor sounded pleased to see him. “Okay, everyone, five more laps and then you can hit the showers -- I expect everyone back here at ten a.m. tomorrow. And I know it’s the weekend -- one complaint and it’s eight a.m. instead of ten.”

  Paul grinned and leaned close to his guide. “I see what you mean about tough. Can you help me find a chair away from the edge?”

  Before she could answer, Thor was there, slipping his free hand around a damp bicep. “That’s okay, Laurie, I’ve got him.”

  “Hey, Coach. I got finished early and figured I’d save you the trip.” Paul smiled, stepping closer to Thor. “Is there somewhere I can sit out of the way?”

  “I’m done -- the kids’ll swim their laps and go home thinking I’m Satan’s cousin.” He could hear the grin in Thor’s voice. “Now that I’ve got you here, how about a dip? The water’s really nice and as soon as the boys finish up, we’ll have the pool to ourselves.”

  “A... a dip?” Paul blinked, shaking his head. “I don’t have trunks on me.” No way in hell.

  “I have extra pairs. I’m the swim-team coach, remember? I’m sure we’ve got something in your size.” Thor started walking, towing him along. “We’ll get you something to wear and then you can get your feet wet.”

  “I don’t swim, Thor. I don’t like the water.” He pitched his voice low, forcing himself not to tremble.

  “I don’t like the water says the man who can spend an hour in the shower.” Thor chuckled and pet his hand. “I’ll be with you, Paul. I won’t let you go, won’t fool around or anything, just you and me and a bit of floating. It’ll be fun.”

  “Fun? You sure?” He held on, the echoes and splashes and noises confusing him.

  “Yeah.” Thor pulled him into a room, the noise fading. He was turned, pulled into Thor’s body. “By the time we get back out there, the place will be empty. Nothing but you and me and the soft caress of warm water.”

  He pushed up close, letting Thor orient him, settle him. “Okay. The noise isn’t right in there, you know? It echoes.”

  One of Thor’s arms slid around his back, hand grabbing his ass, the other cupped his chin, tilted it. “Yeah, I guess it does. I’ll be just as close as we are now the whole time, though, and the minute you’re wanting out you say so and we get out. I just... I’d really like to share this with you -- it’s a big part of my world.”

  Before he could answer, Thor’s mouth had closed over his.

  Paul groaned, pushing down against the wet lips, tasting the chlorine and salt of the pool. He reached out, hands wrapping around his lover’s head, holding on tight. His cock started to fill, balls growing heavy in his jeans. “Never going to get into shorts at this rate.”

  “I think I can do something about that,” murmured Thor. His lover slid down, fingers working open his pants as a hot mouth closed over his cock through the material and blew hot air against his cock.

  “Thor!” He arched, aching as his fingers moved over his lover’s cheeks and nose and forehead. “Good. So good.”

  “Can’t have my lover parading around town needing. People would think I was lousy at this, and I’m not lousy at this.” On the last word, Thor’s mouth circled his cock, sucking him in.

  Paul fought to swallow his cry, hips rocking into that heat, that perfect, loving mouth. “Oh, Thor. Thor, God! So good. Love your mouth. Makes me fly.”

  Thor hummed around his cock, head going up and down on his flesh. He came with a groan, electricity sparking along his spine, shooting into Thor’s mouth. Thor licked him clean, tongue soft and warm. Then he was tucked back into his pants, Thor sliding back up his body.

  “Oh, God... That was... So sweet, Thor.” His fingers traced Thor’s full, parted lips. “So sweet.”

  Thor nipped at his fingers. “More salty than sweet, I’d say.”

  Paul chuckled, leaning down for a kiss. “Let me see.” They shared a long embrace, tasting each other with a lazy hunger. “Yes. Definitely salty.”

  “So what do you think? Relaxed and ready to try my pool now?”

  “I’ll try.” He held Thor’s hand, trying not to tense up. “You’ll stay with me, right?”

  Thor’s free hand slid over his stomach, stroking. “The entire time, I promise.”

  “Okay. For you.” He leaned toward Thor, into the caress. He could trust this man -- they were friends, lovers. Thor wouldn’t leave him alone in the water.

  “Awesome.” He could hear Thor’s smile. “It’s going to be great, I promise!” Thor held his hand, and pulled him over a few steps. “Let’s see what I’ve got in my magic box. Here we are! These’ll be perfect. A nice pair of trunks -- never been used. I know this because I bought them for myself only they wouldn’t fit over my ass.”

  “Are you saying I have a skinny ass, Coach?” He grinned, starting to unbutton his shirt. “Do I need to get naked?”

  “Well now that depends on what exactly you’ve got in mind,” Thor drawled. Then he chuckled. “Yeah, you need to get naked to get the shorts on, funny guy. And there’s nothing wrong with your ass and you know it. In fact one of these days you’re going to let me fuck that fine ass.”

  Paul’s fingers stuttered and he groaned, nodded. His prick jerked, trying to fill again. Oh yeah, yeah he was. “You don’t stop it and I still won’t fit into the shorts, Coach.”

  Thor chuckled and squeezed his hand. “Okay, Okay, I’ll be good.”

  It didn’t take him long to strip, carefully folding his clothes as he removed them, holding them in one hand. “Is this your office? Is there a chair? A desk?”

  Thor took his clothes from his hand and passed him the swimming trunks with a grunt. “Fuck, I’m sorry, Paul. You got me all distracted with that bad boy in your pants. Yeah, it’s my office. Two lockers, a desk that’s messy as hell and a chair on either side of it. Two doors -- one to the locker room, which is locked and the one to the pool that we came through. There’s college and swimming posters all over the walls.”

  “No windows, right? We’re not on an outside wall?” He held Thor’s hand for a second before putting on the trunks, taking a second to figure out the mesh and cloth.

  Thor chuckled again. “No windows, babe -- I wouldn’t do that to you.”

  Thor steadied him. He got the trunks settled around his waist and straightened up. “Are they on right? Do I look stupid? Should I leave my glasses here?”

  Oh, yeah. He was squeaking. He wasn’t nervous at all.

  Thor’s hands were on him, stroking gently, removing the glasses. “Just relax. You want me to give you another blowjob? And remember when you answer that we’re going for relaxed here, not comatose.”

  He chuckled, shrugged, feeling truly naked without his glasses. “I’m sorry, Thor. I’m just a little nervous. I trust you. Where did you want to go this evening?”

  Thor’s hands kept moving over him, not arousing, just touching. “Hey, I’m sorry, Paul. Look, you really don’t want to do this, we don’t have to. I just think once you get to it, you’ll actually like it.”

  “I want to try. I do.” Paul grinned, took Thor’s hand. “Hell, you might be right. I might manage okay. Let’s go now before I lose my nerve, okay?”

  His head was tugged down for a quick kiss. “All right, let’s go.”

  Thor held his hand, bringing him along.

  The room was quiet when they stopped, only the whirr of a motor and the splash of water against concrete and tile sounding. Thor helped him sit, his feet sliding into the w
ater. “I’m just going to slide in.”

  There was a splash and then Thor was between his legs, hands on his hips. Paul ran his hands over Thor’s head, tried to smile. “Hey, there.”

  A soft kiss was pressed to his upper belly. “Hey, Paul, you’re doing great. I’m just going to get you wet now, okay, let you feel the water so it’s not a shock when you come in.”

  “Okay. Wet I can do.” This time the grin was real. “Hour-long showers, remember?”

  “Oh, was that you?” Thor teased, splashing his legs and chest with water.

  Paul shifted, chuckled. The water was warm, not bad at all. “I think so, yeah.”

  That earned him another kiss, Thor’s lips so much warmer than the water. Then Thor took his hands and tugged gently. “In you come, then.”

  “Oh, right.” He held on, shaking deep inside and scooted forward. “I trust you.” Then he lowered himself into the water.

  Thor’s arms slid around him, holding him close. “There we go. Not so bad, is it?”

  “ No... I don’t guess. Don’t let go, Thor.” He stayed as still as he could, listening for the beat of Thor’s heart.

  “I won’t,” said Thor. “Here, let’s try something.” Thor turned him within the circle of the muscled arms and pressed his back along Thor’s chest. “Solid as a rock back here, Paul.”

  Paul nodded, focusing on the increasingly familiar feeling of resting against Thor’s body, Thor’s strength. His body began to relax, his trust stronger than his fear. “You feel good, Thor.”

  Thor chuckled. “You keep saying stuff like that, Doc, and you’ll be feeling me, all right.”

  “Thought you liked hearing me say stuff like that, Coach.” He leaned his head back against Thor’s shoulder, shudders easing.

  “I’m not complaining, I’m just warning you that you’re about to have a hot poker against your backside.”

  “Just so long as you don’t let go of me. This is so... disorienting.” He squeezed Thor’s arm. “You’re the only thing I know here.”

  Thor began to talk to him. Telling him softly about the pool, where everything was, what it looked like, how the color of the water seemed to change slightly from shallow to deep end.

  Almost without him noticing, Thor changed their position and he was floating in the water Thor solid beneath his back.

  “We okay, Coach? Your head’s not under the water?” He traced Thor’s fingers with his own, listening to his lover talk and breathe.

  “We’re great, Doc. Just perfect. I’ve wanted to do this with you since we first met. Come here and just float together, the water lapping at us, you on my chest...”

  “You make it sound so special.” He loved being so close, being held. Thor made it easy to forget the water, forget his fear.

  “Are you kidding? You and the water? I can’t think of anything better.” Thor chuckled. “Well, maybe a thing or two.” And if the sudden poking against his backside was anything to go by, Paul was pretty sure he could guess what those things were.

  He laughed, warm and happier than he could have imagined, given that he was in the water. “You make me feel so good.”

  “Good, ‘cause you make me feel pretty damned good yourself.” Thor stroked his belly with gentle fingertips.

  Paul purred softly, focused only on Thor. “What would you like to do tonight after our swim, lovely man? Any requests -- movies, supper, dancing? What’s your pleasure?”

  “In all honesty, Paul? I want to take you home and make love to you until we stick to the sheets.”

  “Take me to your house this time?”

  “Are you sure? I’ve tried to neaten things up, but it’s not big like yours and a little cluttered. I just don’t want you to feel like you’re stuck on whatever piece of furniture I leave you on, you know?”

  He thought for a few seconds, then grinned. “We’ll manage. I need to know your home, too. I want to know you, Thor. I want to make love in your bed.” He squeezed Thor’s arm, the complications poking their heads up again. “I can call a cab to take me home whenever you need me gone. No worries.”

  “I’ve got kids showing up here at ten a.m., Doc. I’ll take you home before coming here. Unless you don’t want to stay overnight...”

  “I love sleeping with you, Coach.” He blushed dark. God, they were silly. So many stupid little steps to this dating business. “I was trying to be subtle and see if you wanted me there or not.”

  Thor laughed. “Oh, Paul, haven’t you figured it out by now? Subtle always sails right over my head.” A kiss was pressed to his shoulder. “I want you there, if I hadn’t I would have said so -- maybe not outright bald like that, but I would have said so.”

  “Oh, then I want to come home with you, Thor.” The sound of a door opening startled him and he stiffened, tilting a little in his lover’s arms.

  Thor’s hands started moving on him again, gentling him. “That’s Ben, nighttime clean-up crew.” Thor’s mouth came to his ear to whisper. “Pretty fucking sexy, he wears these tight, thinning jeans and these itty bitty t-shirts at least two sizes to small and he’s all muscles.”

  Paul chuckled, shook his head. He had come to realize a long time ago that his definition of sexy didn’t gibe with everyone else’s. He whispered back. “You sound intrigued. Were you lovers?”

  “Not nearly as intrigued as I was by your voice. I’d sometimes see him when I was heading home and think, ‘hey, there’s some nice fantasy material’ but by the time I got home, had the radio flipped on, got into bed, well... lets just say I’ve come to the sound of your voice more often than the times you know about.” Thor cleared his throat. “Hopefully that doesn’t sound too stalkerish.”

  Paul thought his body was blushing all over -- he was definitely hot enough. “No... no, it sounds exciting, sounds sexy. Of course, now I’ll wonder if you’re listening, if you’re hard for me.”

  Thor licked his ear. “Every night, Doc.”

  “Every night.” Paul bit back a moan, voice low. “My show will never feel the same to me, knowing you’re there.”

  Thor shuddered beneath him, the cock digging into his back jerking. “I think we’d better get out now. You keep talking like that and I’m going to drop you when I go off.”

  “Okay, let’s go.” He nuzzled Thor’s jaw with a whimper. “I want you.”

  Thor nodded, one hand and his feet working in the water, making them sail through it. “Ben’s finished in my office. I did mention both doors had a lock, didn’t I?”

  “No. No, you didn’t.” He was shaking, but not scared this time. Not at all.

  “Yeah, they do. Which is a good thing, because I’ve got to tell you, I can’t wait until we get back to my place. Hell, I can barely wait until we get out of the fucking pool.” He got a squeeze. “You rock my socks off, Doc.”

  “You make me hard, make me want you, Coach.”

  Thor whimpered. “I’m not going to be able to walk...”

  “I want to taste you, want your cock on my tongue.” He was whispering, voice low, intimate, tongue sliding out to rub over his own lips.

  “Paul...” Thor’s voice was hoarse, their motion in the water changing as Thor braced them against the edge of the pool. The sound of a door closing came again and Thor started rubbing up against him. “No one here but us now.”

  “So I can tell you how much you turn me on? I can tell you how I went to bed last night and couldn’t think of anything but your hands, your cock, the flavor of your mouth?” Paul pressed back, holding on to Thor’s hands.

  “Jesus, Doc, I’m going to blow.”

  Paul started rocking his hips, thighs parting. “Want you to take me home, Coach. Want you to make love to me, let me feel your cock pushing inside me. Fucking me and making me fly.”

  “Oh fuck!” Thor jerked pushing up against him hard. He could feel heat spread between them for a moment before the water stole it away. Thor pushed them upright and they were standing again, waist deep in the water.
  He turned to face Thor, hands stroking over his lover’s face. “Thank you. Thank you for not letting go, Coach.”

  Thor’s pulled his head down, mouth warm and hungry. “I said I wouldn’t. And I didn’t, despite that sexy voice of yours.”

  “I love the sounds you make when you come.” He brought their lips together, tongue pressing into Thor’s mouth and tasting.

  Thor opened to him, hands on his hips, tugging him close. “I make sounds when I come, Doc? Me?”

  Snuggling close, Paul nodded. “Little ones. Sexy as fuck.”

  Thor chuckled and gave him another kiss, this one quick. “Let’s get out of the pool. I need to check the ph and put in some chemicals -- you wouldn’t believe the bodily fluids that wind up in this water.”

  “Don’t tell me. I don’t want to know.” He grinned and followed Thor’s lead. “Just point me to a chair and I’ll sit and wait.”

  Thor guided him over to the stairs, putting his hands on the railing. “It’ll only take me a minute or two. I just don’t want to forget or we’ll get in tomorrow and I’ll have to make them do calisthenics while the chemicals dilute.”

  “No stress.” He made his way up the stairs and sat at the top of the ledge. Paul rested and listened to Thor move around, water splashing near his feet.

  It wasn’t very long at all before a hand fell on his shoulder, warm and familiar. “All right, Doc, I’m all finished up for the night. Let’s get changed and get you into my bed.”

  “Sounds like an excellent plan.”

  He stood and followed easily. He still didn’t trust the water, but he did trust Thor, trusted him enough to meet him halfway.

  Chapter Five


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