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Nightstalker: Red Team book 1

Page 13

by Edwards, Riley

  Tom stood up and made to leave. Before he could go I stopped him. “Uncle Tom, did you know that Lincoln is my husband?”

  “Yes,” he said with compassion in his voice. “I was there after your final treatment. That man sat by your bed for days and refused to leave. He refused to give up hope on you and when you opened your eyes and did not remember him, he was gutted. I have never seen a man in so much pain. He loves you deeply.”

  “Why don’t I remember him, if he was there when I woke up? Or you? Wouldn’t I remember being at the hospital?” I questioned, curious as to why I did not remember anything from that time.

  “The doctor explained that the cocktail he had given you would cause you to have memory loss even after you woke up. You were confused and scared; Zane was the only one who could calm you. You seemed to remember him. The doctor explained it was because you had known Zane for years, not just a few months.”

  “I screwed up.” That was an understatement.

  “You have to give him time. A man like him does not stop loving you because of a few words. He sat by your side and waited for you. If you love him like I know you do, you being your mother’s daughter, nothing will stop you from getting him back. You just have to wait.”

  “Thank you for everything. Thank you for giving me my mom and dad.”

  “When this is settled and the op is over I know your Aunt and cousin would love nothing more than to have you over. They have been waiting to meet you.”

  “Is that an invitation to the White House?” I joked. It felt good to smile. Maybe everything would work out.

  I jumped out of my seat and gave my uncle a hug. The first hug I could ever remember giving him.

  “Thank you, Laura Lee, I love you,” he said in a gruff voice, quickly pulling back and walking away.

  I saw a shadow pass to my side. My heart rate sped up, hoping it was Lincoln. I desperately wanted to talk to him.

  My disappointment must have shown as Zane approached, “Expecting someone else?” he laughed.

  “Expecting? No, hoping maybe,” I answered feeling unsure of myself, a new feeling for me. “So you’re my brother in law.”

  “I’ve waited a long time to hear you say that. You are always my friend first, never doubt that Jas.”

  I needed Z’s reassurance more then I cared to admit. My normal snarky attitude was nowhere to be found; in its place was this insecure person I didn’t recognize. I am blaming it on information overload.

  “I think I fucked up, Z. Well, I know I fucked up, it’s just a matter of how FUBAR my marriage is.”

  Holy shit, my marriage. I was married to a man I could not remember. A man that I broke and pushed away just because I was scared. A man that saved my life, stayed with me through my recovery, and waited years to come back to me.

  “He’ll come around, Jasmin. I tried to warn him to take things slowly, but he did what he always does when he wants something. He took it.” Z smiled at me.

  I was not going to discuss my sex life with him, and the smirk on his face told me he had heard it all.

  “Why didn’t you tell me what happened? I am not mad any more, I just want to understand why?”

  “Truth, you were not ready.”

  “Says who?” I scoffed. Who the hell was he to tell me I wasn’t ready?

  “Jasmin, you spent seven months recovering from a brain injury. We didn’t know if the treatment would work or if you would start having seizures again. When you wanted out of the CIA and your Army contract was up it was the perfect timing. I needed an operative at Z Corps and I could keep my eye on you.”

  “What the hell, you hired me to baby sit me? The Fuck!” I started pacing back and forth.

  “Shut the hell up, Jas! You know damn well that you earned your place in my company and on my team. I hired you because I knew you could handle your shit, you saved my life. You are one of the best operatives I have. And before you spew some bullshit like you are quitting to work at McDonald’s or some smart ass shit, I will not accept your resignation. You’re not leaving.” He grabbed my arm to spin me around as I paced by him. “You hear me, Jasmin? I will not let you leave. I need you at Z Corp.” He pulled me into a hug.

  I don’t ever remember hugging Z, and I would remember. He gave good hugs. Not as good as his brother, but good, nonetheless. When in the ever loving hell did I become a hugger?

  “Thanks, Z. I am gonna head up to bed. Your op was pushed back until six-hundred, right?”

  The team had decided I was going to stay back. As much as it pissed me off, they were right. My head was not in the op and that is how someone gets killed. Sometime earlier today Garrett got intel that Sonreír had traveled back into Mexico. The guys had to rework their mission, delaying them.

  “We will chopper out of here to The Farm, grab our gear and leave from there. Will you stay here or are you going back to the White House with your uncle and Drew?” he asked.

  The Farm was our training facility on the Eastern Shore. It was hidden away on six hundred acres of old farm land, hence the name. It was as kick ass as any military training center I had ever used while in the CIA. It was complete with close quarter combat shoot houses, driving course, and sniper range. It was an operative’s Disneyland.

  “I hadn’t thought that far ahead, probably the WH. I can work with Drew.”

  “Copy that, good night.” Z walked back towards the house.

  Before he could leave I had one more question, “Hey, Z. Where has Lincoln been for the last two years? If his cover was burned at the prison, why didn’t he just come back with us stateside?”

  “The women. The guard that burned Eric had gone to ground and took a stable of fifteen women with him. Linc knew you would need time to recover, and he could not let fifteen women continue to be trafficked. No one thought it would take two years to find them.”

  “He is a good man, he did the right thing,” I whispered, feeling choked up.

  “He doesn’t think so, he thinks he abandoned his wife.” He shook his head and walked away.

  I walked the perimeter of the property, thinking about the last forty eight hours of my life. Two days ago I had no family, now I had an uncle, a husband, a brother, and in-laws I had never met. I wondered if they knew about me, if Lincoln had told anyone in his family he had a wife. What if in the last two years we have been separated he had changed his mind and no longer wanted to be my husband? What if I pushed him too far and now he thought I wasn’t worth the hassle? I could not accept that. I would just have to fight like hell to get my husband to fall in love with me again.


  “Damn you are sexy! I love watching you rub lotion all over your sexy legs. And Laura, do not bother getting dressed. You have me so damn hard just from watching you, I need you before we leave.” Lincoln walked over to me, never taking his eyes off mine. They were full of lust and love and need. My foot still on the bed from rubbing lotion on my calf, I dared not move. The towel I was wrapped in was pulled from my body and Lincoln pressed his broad chest against my back. His face was pressed into my neck as he inhaled. “Jasmin, you always smell like sweet Jasmin. That smell mixed with your arousal is better than any aphrodisiac. Leave your foot on the bed, wife, I am going to slide my dick in you from behind right after I get a taste of that sweetness.” Lincoln kissed my neck and continued his way up to my ear before whispering, “Are you ready for me, baby?”

  My body was on fire just from a few filthy words.

  “Yes, Linc, please.” I sounded breathless and whiney.

  Lincoln pushed my face down on the bed as far as I could go with my foot still propped on the edge of the bed. He dropped to his knees behind me, biting my ass as he went. I felt his tongue teasing my entrance, sucking and biting my labia. I felt his tongue push inside of me just as his thumb put pressure on my tight rosette. I thought my knees were going to give out as I bucked into his face. His tongue was torturing my sex, his thumb was in my ass, and he added his fingers on my clit pinching
and pulling hard. Holy hell, that felt so good.

  “Please, Linc baby, I need you inside of me.” I begged. He didn’t stop. I knew he wanted to make me come first, but I wanted to come with him this time.

  “Baby,” I tried again.

  He still didn’t stop; he continued to eat me like he loved to do. There was one way I could get him to stop, one way that I knew would get him to take us home. One thing that would send him over the edge.

  “Baby, I need you. I want to come on your dick, please Linc.”

  That did it. Before I could utter another word he was up, spinning me around, and I was flat on my back. Hell yes! Without any preamble he slammed his dick home.

  “Oh fuck, Linc,” I screamed.

  “Is that what you wanted, Laura? You knew that me hearing those filthy words come out of your sexy little mouth I wouldn’t be able to control myself. Now baby I want you to tell me what you want.”

  His thrusts were at the perfect angle, hitting that spot inside of me that drove me crazy.

  “Just you Linc, I just want you baby.” I was getting close. All I needed was him to touch my clit and I would go off.

  “Oh no, baby, you can do better than that. I want to hear you tell me exactly what you want me to do with my dick,” he taunted me and pulled out only keeping the head inside.

  Holy hell, that felt good too. My head was thrashing from side to side. This man drove me crazy with need.

  “Baby, I need you to fuck me, shove me full of your big dick. I need you hard and fast.” Lincoln slammed back into me.

  “Oh shit, Laura.”

  “You like that Linc, huh baby? You like my tight pussy? Now I want you to take both my tits in your hands and pinch my nipples. Oh shit, hell yeah, just like that, Linc. Now kiss me. I wanna taste myself on your mouth.” He slammed his mouth down on mine, bruising my lips.

  His pace was punishing and my climax was so close to the surface there was no way I could hold off. He broke the kiss and leaned back.

  “So damn hot, watching my dick slipping in and out of your pussy. Don’t you come yet, I want you to squirt all over my dick when you come.” He changed his angle again. His hard, shallow strokes pounding into my g-spot had me screaming and thrashing. There was no waiting, I could feel it getting bigger, my whole body started tingling. Lincoln pinched my clit. “Come baby, come for me I want you to gush all over me.”

  “Holy shit Linc, too much, it’s too much.”

  “Come now!”

  “STOP, don’t touch him. I’ll fucking gut you. Stop,” I screamed.

  Zane was handcuffed to a chair and I could not get to him. Stupid fuckers would die for this. I would never give up my country. Z and I were prepared to die right here today before we speak to these assholes.

  “Fuck you, you’ll have to kill me first! Don’t touch him mother fucker!”

  When I looked over at Zane he gave me the code to stay quiet. He knew that us not talking today was going to end in our death. I nodded my head back in the affirmative.

  My arms felt like they were going to rip off my body. I could no longer feel my hands at all. This asshole in front of me was using me as a punching bag. Blow after blow collided with my body. Every part of me hurt.

  “NOOO Ghost, please help me!”

  Chapter Seventeen


  I must have walked these fucking grounds for hours, walking mile after mile trying to clear my head. At first I followed Jasmin out to the water’s edge, listening to Tom tell her about her parents, then to Zane giving her marital advice. My own God damn traitorous brother, what the hell? He has always had a soft spot for that woman, even before the capture. I asked him once if he was in love with her. He laughed in my face and told me she was not his type. I found that hard to believe. Jasmin was anyone’s type.

  Deciding on a cold shower and some rest, I walked back into the house, ignoring my brother’s attempt to get my attention. I was not in the right frame of mind to have another chat about my wife and what I needed to do about her. I needed to keep my mind on the mission and if I was lucky I could squeeze in a few hours of sleep.

  We had called in a marker with the Commander of group one, SEAL team SEVEN. He was allowing us to use one of his platoons led by Captain Black, he was going to assist us through one of the many drug smuggling tunnels from California into Mexico. The tunnels are the easiest and fastest way to get to Tecate. Sonreír had a large compound there nestled in between a four star resort and the slums of Encinos. Our intel showed he was back at his compound with three body guards. It should be a straight forward mission; four men to take out.

  No sooner did I step foot in my room I heard the screaming start. “STOP, don’t touch him. I’ll fucking gut you. Stop.”

  I bolted back out my door and down the hall to Jasmin’s room just as she yelled out again, “Fuck you, you’ll have to kill me first! Don’t touch him mother fucker!”

  I shouldered open her door and stumbled in the room as she yelled out again, “NOOO. Ghost, please help me!”

  It was always that last plea for help that twisted my gut. Like all the times before, I had to scoop her off the bed and shake her awake. Two years ago this was almost a nightly occurrence; me being awoken by her screams of terror and thrashing around. Punching out and crying in her sleep. I thought the nightmares had ended when she lost her memory.

  I grabbed on to her as tightly as I could and sat on the floor with her, whispering in her ear over and over again, “You’re safe, I got you.”

  It took several minutes for her to open her eyes and stop kicking. When she looked at me with her tearful hazel eyes it was almost my undoing. I wanted to hold her and tell her I loved her like I had done a thousand times.

  A few seconds past before she was fully aware of her surroundings. I started to get up, needing to be far away from this woman. The longer I held her, the harder it was to let her go. Knowing I had to give up the other half of my soul was fucking unbearable. Never in my life had I thought it possible to love someone so much.

  “I remembered,” she whispered. She held on to me when I tried to set her off my lap. “Well, I think it was a memory.”

  My body tightened in anticipation and I tried to keep my voice even. “That’s great, Jasmin. Hopefully all the memories will come back. That is, if you want them to.”

  I had to get out of this God damn room. I could not go another round with her. My head had to be clear for my mission in the morning.

  “We were getting ready to go out. I had just gotten out of the shower and you were watching me…”

  I stood up, placing her on her feet, stopping her from finishing. I had years of training learning how to compartmentalize shit, however at this moment I was having a hard time recalling any of it. Memories of our time together were flooding my mind, one scene after another. Each one vivid and threating to break my already thinly stretched control. It was hard enough to keep the cold detached voice. “I’d better go,” I stated blandly.

  “You told me I smelled like night Jasmin. The lotion I was using was scented, was that real?” She asked hopefully.

  “I don’t have time for a trip down memory lane. I have a mission in six hours. I have to go.” I started for the door.

  “Why are you being a dick? Just tell me if it was a memory,” she demanded as she started to pace her room, rubbing the scar on her arm. Thank fuck we were able to skin graft that brand off her beautiful skin.

  “Serious as shit, woman! The hell do you want?” She would not stop pushing and I was fast losing my temper. “Yes it was a God damn memory. That was your favorite lotion; you would slather it all over your body when you got out of the shower.”

  Her body started to shake as she stood in the faint moonlight. In the middle of the bedroom the only other light was coming in from the open door leading to the hall way.

  “Will you please stay with me?” She asked in a sob.


  “Please, Lincoln I need yo
u. I am starting to remember. I need my husband,” she pleaded.

  She looked so damn beautiful as she spoke the words I desperately wanted to hear for so long. Her long whisky hair was down and fell halfway down her back, her eyes begging me for comfort. Comfort I could not give her. Not right now. I was at war with myself. My head said run but my heart wanted to stay.

  “Fuck that noise. That is some low shit right there even for you.” God damn this woman, SHIT. “I have shit to do Jasmin…” Before I could get out another word Jasmin detonated with rage.

  “You’re being an asshole just to hurt me. I deserve it. I screwed up. Shit, Lincoln I am so fucking sorry! I was wrong. I didn’t mean a God damn word I said. I need you to forgive me. When I was leaving the CIA and getting my new identity I could not understand why I chose the name Jasmin. It didn’t fit who I am, all girly, but that name was all I could think of. I didn’t get it then. I do now. My heart remembered you even when my mind would not. Just like I promised you.” She was practically hyperventilating as she spoke.

  It was too much; I could not do this before an operation. I had to get out of here. All these years I thought Zane picked out her name when she got new identification; he knew I loved the smell of Jasmin on her. I never knew it was her decision.

  “I have to go.” Fuck. Now I sounded like a broken record.

  “Will you talk to me when you get back?” She asked, somewhat calmer.


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