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Never Look Back - a Gripping Bad Boy Mafia Romance

Page 100

by Gabi Moore

  “Something up?” Jadeen asked her. “I understand there will be a new woman at the table tonight. Nice to have some more conversation before I go back.”

  “Her name is Anita Finn,” Monique told her. Jadeen had a very inquisitive way of speech. Had she been around when Monique hired on, Monique would’ve thought her the anonymous contact the agency planted in the mansion. “You may have heard of her. She used to be a video star years ago. Now she’s interested in marrying a man from off-world. She arrived an hour ago and is in her room across the hall. I told her it was all right to talk to you. Just make her feel comfortable. You’ve lived with a Torzinite for the past three years and can tell her what to expect.”

  “Is she all right with this?” Jadeen asked as she spread her arms to show her nude form. She wore nothing, not even a thong, but Monique noticed a towel in the easy chair by the TV. At least she followed the house rules for where she sat.

  “So far,” Monique said. “Remember she was accustomed to being nude at work for hours at a time. I think she may have to get used to it full-time when she leaves, assuming she still wants to be with the man we selected for her. He’ll be at the mansion next week.”

  “I know quite a few other human wives,” Jadeen told her. “It’s not that hard to meet because most of the men we’ve married are in the same part of their city. It seems to be universal up there; none of the men want their wives to wear clothes. I guess we’ll see what shape she’s in later today.”

  Monique was at the table downstairs when Anita Finn made her entrance as a candidate for marriage to a Torzinite man. Monique sat at the far end of a round table in her briefs and waited for the new woman to appear. The table was sat for three, which included Jadeen, who had yet to arrive. Just as the steward finished pouring the wine, Monique looked up and saw Jadeen enter the room. Finn came in behind her, holding her hand. She was nervous, but appeared stunning in her thong and had made herself up before she left her room.

  “We have someone new tonight!” Jadeen announced as she seated Finn in the chair opposite Monique. As usual, Jadeen wore nothing at all, but placed a towel in her chair before she sat down. Jadeen’s large breasts rested on the table until she pulled her chair back. She had the same nipple rings as did Monique, but also sported a gold wedding ring which ran through her left labia. It had three diamonds in it, one for each year of marriage. This was another custom the Earth women had adjusted to on the off-worlds.

  “You look splendid!” Monique said to Finn, but she noticed the new woman was distant and seemed to have her attention elsewhere.

  Dinner was served that evening, but there was as a certain amount of tension in the conversation. It wasn’t that Finn had issues with her appearance, Monique and Jadeen complimented on how good she looked this evening. Monique made no statements about her age. The doctor had phoned her that day and told her his schedule was tight and could he come by to see her in the evening? She told him fine but make it later as their new guest hadn’t had anything to eat.

  “So when do you leave to go back?” Finn asked Jadeen, who was in the process of using a monogramed napkin to remove a spot of pasta from one of her breasts.

  “Two more days,” she told the new woman. “Car will be here and it’ll take me from the embarkment point. I should be back to my babies in an hour later.”

  “Embarkment point?” Finn asked her. “Is that some sort of space port?”

  “Oh no,” Jadeen told her. “There is a place here on Earth where they can fold space to their planet. Think of it as an elevator where you enter in one building and exit in another. They have them all over the home worlds and on Earth. The space ships you read about are what they use if there is no gate.”

  Jadeen left early, as she needed to get up the next day and prepare for her trip back. Dinner was finished and the servants came to remove the meal. An hour later, as they were outside enjoying the setting sun, the doctor arrived. He was an older man who used his earnings from the mansion examinations to fund a small free clinic in the poor section of Allentown. Dr. Smith, not his real name, walked with Monique and Finn back to a side room they called “the clinic” where he examined the women who were delivered to the mansion for matching.

  “Give me an hour,” he told her as Monique handed him the file from Finn’s doctor. He opened it, nodded, and took the very nervous Finn into the small room.

  An hour later, he appeared with Finn in Monique’s office and presented her new medical records. “Clean bill of health,” he told Monique. “I found some things missed by her doctor, but that is why you pay my bill. Nothing that should prevent her from having a few children and a new career as a mother. The rest is up to you, her and the man who will arrive next week.” He handed Monique the new folder with the one she had originally given him.

  Finn sat in the chair, still a bundle of nerves, as Monique looked over the new report. “So many designer drugs still leave traces in a person’s system,” she said. “I should have told you Dr. Smith has access to technology that doctors on Earth don’t know about. Never mind, he’s passed you and that is all you had to worry about.”

  Finn was silent and looked out the window as the gardener worked in the flowerbed to the front drive of the mansion. Monique decided she would have to say something.

  “Do you want to talk about anything?” she asked her.

  “I don’t know about this,” she told her. “It’s a lot for me to process at once. I understand the doctor was following his standard procedures, as he told me, but I still felt like a brood mare in the barn. Is that all I’m good for these days? To be the mother of a rich alien’s children? I was popular once upon a time. I had a career. What the hell happened?”

  Monique could see why the agency wanted to use this woman as a poster child. Here she was, a fallen angel taken advantage of by the evil space aliens. At least this is how it would play out in the media. The government would bring evidence of the mansion to the treaty table and demand compensation. Poor Finn would be shoved in front of a congressional committee and Monique would get a promotion. In a few years, Anita Finn would appear as a minor notice when she killed herself after the government had no further use for her.

  “It’s your decision,” Monique told her. “What do you have to look forward to if you turn it down? You’ve already told me there isn’t much to go back to and I believe you.”

  “I want to go back to my room,” Finn said as she stood up. “I need to think some things over.”

  “Do you want me to walk you to it?” Monique asked her.

  “No, I can find it.” Finn walked out of the office, her round bottom and naked backside presenting to Monique as she left. Finn neglected to put her thong back on after the trip to the doctor, but it was no problem as the help cleaned the chairs in the office every morning. Monique made a mental noted to remind her of the rules later. It wouldn’t be much of an issue if she went off-world. At least she remembered to shave between her legs.

  She seemed to pick up her spirits over the next few days as Monique took her around the mansion. She talked with her about Torzinite customs and what to expect when her prospective mate showed up. Two days later Eglise appeared at them mansion and Finn was able to meet a real live alien for a change. Later in the day, Nossa showed up too and let Monique know they would both be sleeping with her that evening. It was a big relief for Monique as the stress of playing undercover operative and Finn had become unbearable over the past few days. It gave her something to look forward to for the evening.

  Later that evening, Monique found herself relaxing in bed between her two Torzinite lovers. They took turns on her that evening, something she enjoyed as it allowed her to give each man as much attention as she could without feeling one of them was left out of the mix. Eglise was on top of her when Nossa entered the room, removed his clothes and allowed them to finish before climbing into bed. After Eglise was relaxed, he left the bed and took a shower while Nossa entered her from behind as they spoon
ed on the bed. One moment she was under a handsome man with a warm body, the next he was off her and another man took her from behind. Monique felt as if the entire universe consisted of cocks, each that needed to probe its way into her. When Eglise returned from the shower, she was still bent backwards trying to service her other man. All three of them finished this time with Monique stroking Eglise to completion as he kneeled to one side. Her hand burned as his seed poured down her fingers. Seconds later her insides became fire when her other lover unleashed. She took a shower with Nossa before returning to the bed.

  Nossa left an hour later as he needed to attend to something else in the downstairs office. She snuggled to Eglise who nibbled on her ear under the sheets. “Is something troubling you, Little One?” he asked her.

  “Yes it is, Daddy,” she told him. It was still strange to her how easily she could use the term. Would this come up later in some kind of federal investigation? she wondered. “I think we are having trouble with the new girl. Where did you find her?”

  “She came to us through the usual channels. Is there anything we should know about her?”

  “She had a career as a professional video sex performer. I think this is affecting the way she responds to the mansion. She seems to be playing a role of some kind.”

  “I knew about her past. I didn’t know it would haunt her. Keep me updated, as I need to be able to tell her potential husband anything he needs to know on arrival. It’s only a few days away.”

  Monique felt his strong fingers open her up and is hot tool probe deeper. “Oh, Daddy, you are too good to me.” This was true too as she would miss the heat of his cock when she left after the mission ended. She was accustomed to the hot sensation inside her and didn’t know where she would ever find human who could make her feel this way.

  The day before her prospective husband was to arrive, Monique walked outside to see Finn pacing back and forth on the patio. This was a disappointment, as she’d seem to progress to an understanding of a role as wife and mother. Parental skills she would need to learn off-world, but it could be taught by the Torzinites and the women who were already married to their men. Eglise kept an album of the women who’d given birth off-world and their children. Off course, they were always clothed in the photos. Photos that had to conform to local customs. An album full of naked Earth women could be used as evidence.

  “I wish I hadn’t quit smoking,” Finn said to her as she walked outside. At least Finn was sticking to the rules and wore a thong. She ran a hand through her crimson hair when Monique appeared.

  “I like those,” Finn said when she looked at the rings in Monique’s nipples. “Were you serious about the clit ring for marriage?”

  “Not through the clitoris,” Monique explained to her, “It will go through your labia or lip. They have people who can do it off-world, but we have an expert piercer who comes here for the job.”

  “And they have a new diamond put it in each year on the anniversary?” She asked again, as Finn brushed her own hand between her legs. Monique could tell the whole subject was disturbing to her.

  “Yes, it’s some kind of tradition the Torzinites keep. You can bring it up with your prospective husband tomorrow when he arrives.”

  “Jesus, what happens when you run out of room on the ring?”

  “Good question, I guess you get another ring. I know the Torzinite women are often married to more than one man because of the sex imbalance. The matriarch showed me her lower piercing and she has a different color ring for each of her three husbands.”

  Finn walked over to Monique and took her by the hand. “Can you walk around the gardens with me?” she asked. “I really need to talk to you.”

  “Certainly,” Monique told her and led her through the grounds to the hedge maze Eglise planted three years ago. It had matured and was the perfect place to get away from any human or Torzinite eyes in the mansion. It wasn’t very large and only had eight dead ends, but the ground crew spent plenty of time trimming the hedges during the growing season. They entered it and were soon isolated. At least from humanoid presence. Monique suspected there were security cameras inside it no one knew about unless there was a need to know.

  “I’m glad you came out here with me,” Finn said as she fidgeted and squeezed Monique’s hand. “I just needed to talk.”

  “About anything in particular?” Monique said to her. She turned to watch a small bird land on one of the hedges.

  “I’ve been mostly with women the past three years,” Finn said as they walked down the newly mowed path. “I’ve had a few relationships and some girlfriends, but they never worked out. Everyone wanted to fuck a celebrity of some kind. Some of them just thought I had money. Women can be very possessive and I had a hard time getting rid of a few of them. But I assumed that I wanted to be with women by this time last year. It wasn’t until I saw the ad online I thought to give it one more try with men.”

  “Are you afraid this is all about the money?” Monique asked her.

  “I’m just not sure what I want to do. I don’t know if I should go back and try to make it in the video industry again or leave Earth forever. Honestly, can you see the likes of me having babies for some man I’ve never met? I don’t care that he’s not human. Some of the men I’ve been with can barely qualify as human anyway. I’d just as soon go somewhere they’ll never know who I am. What am I supposed to get out of all this?” She turned away from Monique and began to weep.

  This was the part where Monique was supposed to ask her if she had ever thought of helping her country. She was supposed to use the target’s moment of weakness as a fulcrum to bring her in to gain her support for the mission. But she couldn’t do it. It was too much to ask and this woman needed someone to take care of her. In front of her stood an adult woman about thirty-three years old who was crying her eyes out. It was hard to believe this was the same video star Monique had watched on cable TV years ago take on a room full of men. It was a good thing she hadn’t brought up Finn’s adult video career.

  All she could think to do was find some way of comforting her. Monique placed one hand on Finn’s bared back to let her know she understood and had her support. She did not expect what would happen next.

  Finn turned around and grabbed Monique, putting her lips to hers and shoving her tongue down her throat. She wrapped her arms around her and said in her ear, “I’ve wanted you since the moment I stepped in the door. You are so beautiful!”

  Monique pushed her back gently. “I know you have all kinds of emotions raging through you right now, but I’m with two men, as I’ve explained. I appreciate the offer, but remember what I said about the rules.” Which was the wrong thing to say as Finn ran away from her, tears streaming from her face. Monique watched her run down one of the corridors of the hedge maze and turn right. She could still here the sobs in the distance.

  Wrong turn, Monique thought, that will take her to a dead end.

  She sighed and began to walk in the direction of the sobs. The grass felt cool on her feet as she slowly walked down the row, making sure not to brush up against the hedges. Wearing no clothes meant any accidental brush up against something could result in a painful scratch. She needed to make sure Finn was okay. This day wasn’t going the way she had planned, but life seldom moved in the direction you wanted it to. Monique turned the corner and went over to the nude form of Finn who sat on a bench by a statue of an ancient goddess, rocking back and forth. Monique sat down beside her and let her cry until she stopped.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said. “I’ve been lonely and I know the rules but you are so nice to me. Please don’t think badly of me.”

  “Don’t worry,” she said. “This happens from time to time. You have to make a big decision and all kinds of emotions come to the surface. Bind that with the way we expect you to be presentable all the time and these things happen.” She patted her hand, but made sure not to touch her any way that could be misinterpreted.

  “Do you really want to
go back, Anita?” Monique asked. She hoped the agency wasn’t listening in right now because they were about to see their sneaky little plans blown to the sky. “What is waiting for you? You told me there is nothing waiting for you where you came from? You want to exchange an early death and frustration for a life in the stars? How many women have died from diseases in your former career? Do you want to look at the fatalities of women in your industry? I think you have a chance to set things right, leave this dump of a planet and go off with a man who will take care of you. Do you remember the lady named Jadeen who had dinner with us? She was in a horrible state when she came here. Undernourished, all kinds of drug problems as she grew up. Mr. Eglise took care of her. It took a while but he saw some potential in her. He knew she had the right characteristics that would make her a good match for a Torzinite man. Now she’s happy and has two children. What is wrong with that?”

  Monique rose to her feet. “You had your little fling in the sun, now grow up, woman!” she said with a stern sound in her voice. “Let’s go back in the mansion and pretend this never happened. Tomorrow you are going to meet your future husband and he will treat you better than any man ever has in your entire life. You will be introduced in the afternoon and by evening; he will be so deeply in love with you he’ll want to marry you on the spot. But we won’t let that happen, because Torzinite men, like ones from Earth, tend to make stupid decisions when it comes to matters of the heart. We will make sure you and he have some wonderful days together so you can know each other. Then I’m sure you’ll want to go off-world with him. And in a few years I expect to see some pictures of you and your beautiful children.”


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