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Bend To His Will

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “I know. I made it.”

  Sandy got up from her seat. When she’d entered his office she hadn’t expected to leave with more questions than answers. She got to the door and turned back. “I wouldn’t have told any of the Haney brothers.”

  “I know. I wouldn’t have told you anything about Neal.”

  “Then why did you?”

  “I’m tired of you two circling each other. I personally want to see the fireworks when you two get together.”

  She chuckled as she left his office. Giving a wave to Marty, she left the station going to the salon. She had plenty to think about.

  * * * *

  Neal glanced down at his mobile phone and cursed modern day technology. Unlike his younger brothers, he hadn’t been able to adapt to the devices. Being a big man, the too damn small and flimsy gadgets tended to get crushed easily. He’d broken three already.

  They’d become a feature on the ranch so the family could keep in touch in case of storms or problems. Falling off a horse three miles away from anyone else and no way to send for help meant the phones were necessary.

  “Hello,” he said after he pulled the device out of his pocket. No one answered but the damn thing kept ringing. Growling in frustration, then embarrassment, he realized he hadn’t pressed for the call to be accepted. He clicked the button and said hello.

  “Anyone else and I’d have thought you were busy,” his friend, Rory said.

  “And you don’t consider running a ranch, busy?”

  “What can I say? While I’m stopping crime and keeping offenders off the streets, you’re just sitting on the back of a horse galloping around.”

  Neal laughed. Many times they’d had the same discussion on who worked the hardest. Rubbing his brow as the sweat gathered, he looked around him. The horses were all grazing in the fields and their cattle were spread amongst them.

  The Haney family needed more hands. They couldn’t keep up with an ever expanding business if they didn’t.

  “As much as this is a pleasure hearing from you, I’m kind of busy.”

  “I just had a very interesting visit.”

  “From who? The ghost of your future.”

  “Ha, ha. Very funny. One little Sandy Breeden. She brought me cake,” Rory said.

  Neal cursed. Visiting her house the other day had been a bad move on his part. He couldn’t get her taste or the feel of her body underneath his out of his mind.

  “What did she want, and more importantly, what did you tell her?” he asked. The last thing he needed to worry about is what Sandy knew about him.

  “She wanted to know more about you. I gave her little hints. Nothing big. Neal, man, take my advice, either let her down or give in. Sandy wants you and she’s not giving up without a fight.”

  He knew this. Every time he pushed her away, he’d wanted to tell her to leave him the fuck alone. Instead, he didn’t want to be the cause of any extra pain.

  “I know what you mean. Should I be expecting a visit?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. But be prepared.”

  They arranged to have a beer at some point, then cut off the call. He began sweeping after putting the small mobile back in his pocket. Shaking his head, he threw the broom down. Standing around or sweeping muck wasn’t going to help him think. Running out the gate, he made his way along the road to his house. His parents knew he’d be back to finish his chores.

  Neal unlocked and closed the door behind him before making his way up the stairs to his room. Going to the bathroom, he turned the shower onto cold. He took his clothes off and jumped under the stinging water. The shock to his system was welcome. Thinking about Sandy trying to find out more information had heated his blood faster than watching a sub’s ass turn red.

  Sandy would focus on that one thing now—the Dom in him. He knew what Rory had told her. What they’d both agreed on when they joined the lifestyle. Even his brothers had become members of the Dom life. Telling people outside his brothers didn’t feel right though. Why did she have to start taking an active interest now?

  Licking his lips, he imagined how Sandy would look as his little slave. On her knees, naked and ready to please him. Early in his quest to find out why he got turned on seeing a woman on her knees, calling him master, he’d discovered he wasn’t into the leather and chains. He used rope along with other instruments. His use of the BDSM toys changed depending on his preferences and who he was with.

  Closing his eyes, he grabbed his cock in a tight fist. He moaned thinking about Sandy with her long blonde locks falling down her back. Her hair had to be loose. He loved seeing the length swinging free. Her gorgeous blue eyes staring back at him as she asked for permission to suck his cock.

  He would run his hand over her head, presenting the tip of his cock to her willing lips. Moving his hand up and down his cock, he thought about the feel of her wet tongue gliding over him. Her mouth opened wide to accommodate him.

  The fantasy was too powerful for him to control. He slammed his cock into his fist, his cream spurting out the tip. Sandy at his mercy would be a dream come true. Would she be able to put her independence aside to be with him?

  Neal cleaned his seed off, then got out of the cold shower. As he dried his body, his dick hardened once again. For the past year, he’d been left with using the pleasure of his hand. As much as he loved a good palm job, there was no comparison to the pleasure of sinking into a warm, welcoming woman.

  Checking out his reflection in the mirror, he wondered how long she’d wait before approaching him.

  Instead of feeling concerned or stressed, Neal found himself anticipating her next move. If Sandy wanted to know more she’d come to him. Not the other way around.

  Chapter Four

  Another week passed and Sandy still hadn’t approached him. Sipping his beer, he looked around the bar. For a Friday, the place overflowed with more people than normal. All of his brothers played pool while he sat at the bar. Music came from a stereo. The band who should have been playing had cancelled at the last minute.

  The ranch had been hectic. One of the fences had been broken halfway through. Not only did they have to repair the damage, they also had to go round up their lost cattle. Closing his eyes, he took a long sip of his bottle.

  He didn’t know what bothered him more. The fact everything that could have gone wrong throughout the week had or that he hadn’t seen Sandy. At Sunday dinner, her seat remained vacant. Add to that his sister had taken to being moody. He didn’t smile much anymore. The sound of laughter drew his gaze to the front entrance.

  Sandy stood in a short skirt with a tight bikini style top. Her breasts were large and the nipples hard. His cock went hard instantly. Then he saw a man on her arm. Justin Seymore. Grace’s brother stood behind her.

  As she gazed around the room, he knew she’d seen him. Her stare moved over him as if he didn’t exist.

  Pulling Justin by the hand, she walked to the bar.

  Neal looked over at his brothers and saw Luke laughing.

  That little shit knew something he didn’t.

  She stopped near him and leaned over the bar. He couldn’t stop himself from checking out her ass.

  “See something you like?” she asked when his gaze traveled up her body.

  “Very much so.”

  Her eyes widened. The shocked expression crossing her face was the highlight of his day. Smiling, he lifted his beer at the bartender letting him know he wanted another.

  “I expected a visit from you this week,” he said. Her date became insignificant. Neal reached over to caress her arm with his finger.

  His touch brought the desired effect. She stared at the trail he made along her skin.

  “Why would I visit you?” she asked. The bartender handed her two beers.

  Neal smiled knowing he couldn’t say the reason he expected her visit.

  “Sandy, baby. You haven’t been around, you don’t call. I’m starting to think I’m not your favorite person,” Luke said

  Neal watched as his brother wrapped his arms around her waist.

  “I have things to do, Luke. My life is hectic.”

  “Well, you can make it up to me by coming to play a game of pool.”

  Sandy looked between him and his brother. Turning to Justin, she gave him a smile, then whispered something in his ear.

  “I’m all for seeing you bend over a table,” Justin said. He took her beer from her before following her.

  Turning in his chair, Neal watched her ass walk past him. She picked up a stick and got ready to play after each of his brothers gave her a hug.

  Ten minutes later Rory strolled in. A couple of patrons stopped him as he passed. Neal smiled as he took another sip of beer.

  Looking at the table, he watched and swallowed past the lump in his throat as Sandy leaned over the table to take a shot. Holy fuck, the bright red strip of a thong met his eyes. With her pale cheeks on display, his cock woke up on full alert. Luckily, no other man had this view.

  Should he move? Shit, Rory would be able to see after he got over here. Did his brothers know what she was doing?

  She made a shot before standing up. There were no sly looks back at him. He’d never seen this side of Sandy and he didn’t know if he liked it.

  Wherever he went, she always found the time to pay him some sort of mind. Frowning, he wondered why he wasn’t enjoying her lack of attention.

  Rory took the seat next to him. “Is she still avoiding you?”

  “Yes,” he said without turning his head.

  “She’s going to make you work for her.”

  When Rory faced the bartender, Neal focused on Sandy bending over to take another shot at the ball. He didn’t know how long he could cope with staring at her ass. He wanted to slap those rounded cheeks until she promised to dress in jeans the next time she left her house. The moment Rory turned toward him again, Sandy stood, covering herself. If he didn’t know better, he’d say Sandy was deliberating playing this little erotic game of peek-a-boo.

  As the night wore on, Neal stopped ordering beer. He had to drive home. Sandy stayed well away from him. His brothers took turns to come say hi. Nothing out of the ordinary seemed to be going on, but Neal knew they were hiding something. They were all laughing at him. He knew they were.

  When Sandy left to go to the bathroom, Neal saw his opportunity to get some answers.

  “Save my seat,” he said to Rory. Without waiting for a response, he walked the same direction Sandy had. The bathroom entrance opened and a couple women exited. Not one of them looked his way. His anger growing, he went into the ladies room and locked the door. He knew the owner liked to put locks on the bathroom doors to help with privacy. Also, the guy was a horn dog.

  He leaned up against a wall and waited. A toilet flushed, then Sandy walked out. She hesitated as she saw him.

  “Hi, Neal. What’s up?” she asked, moving to the sink. He didn’t say a word as she washed and dried her hands.

  “What’s going on, Sandy?”

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  She walked straight past him. Neal caught her before she got to the door. “You don’t know what I mean?”

  A shake of her head had him smiling. With his hold on her arm, he brought her to stand in front of him. “There is nothing going on? Then why am I the only one getting the pleasure of seeing your ass?” He used his free hand to delve under her short skirt to cup one of those full cheeks.

  She moaned. Neal smiled. There was so much more to her than met the eye. “Are you trying to get my attention?”

  She shook her head.

  “No? Well, you’ve got my attention. You feel that? That’s what seeing your ass all night has done to me.” He grabbed her hand, forcing her to feel his hard shaft. “I want to see that pretty sight again. Bend over the sink.”

  Sandy looked at him wide-eyed. Neal wasn’t letting her get away lightly. Since Rory had phoned and told him she knew his secret, he’d been waiting for her. Only to be denied day after day.

  She moved to the sink and leaned over. Her skirt rode up displaying her pale cheeks.

  Neal went to her. He pushed her small skirt all the way up. He saw the back of her thong. The straps around her hips with the diamond shape at the base of her back. He followed the line down through the cheeks of her ass, past the puckered rosette of her anus. He heard her gasp and smiled. Going down, he cupped her mound. The silky material was soaking wet from her juices.

  “Are you turned on?”

  “You know I am.”

  Neal chuckled. Even with her pussy in his hand she still had her attitude. Grasping her hips, he spun her around to face him. Years of hard labor at the ranch made it easy for him to pick her up and sit her on the counter where he wanted her.

  Slipping between her thighs, he stared into her eyes.

  “Why are you avoiding me?”

  “I’m not,” she whispered.

  Using his finger, he traced a line down her chest, circled both her nipples, and then slipped under her skirt. The temptation at the apex of her thighs was calling to him. The small bit of fabric was all that separated him from her juicy slit.

  “Then you won’t mind me doing this,” he said. Neal pushed her thong out of his way. Sliding a finger against her bare wet slit, he watched Sandy moan. Her eyelids drooped. Circling her clit, he got acquainted with her pussy and what she liked.

  “That feels good,” she murmured.

  “I can make you feel much better,” he promised.

  * * * *

  Sandy closed her eyes as his finger slid against her pussy. The roughness of his skin on her clit almost had her hurtling over the edge of ecstasy. All night she’d been bending over the pool table with the hope he’d see her. Never had she expected this reaction.

  “Your pussy is nice and wet.” He pulled her to the edge of the counter, her ass balancing on the end. She held on, biting her lip waiting to see what he would do next.

  “I’m going to punish you, Sandy.”

  Something happened to his voice. Neal always sounded stern or serious but there was a sharpness to his words. The rough sound combined with the deep sensuality had her anticipating what type of punishment he may want to dish out.

  “How?” Since her talk with Rory she’d done some research as any woman in her position would. There were questions she wanted answered, however, she was shocked by how excited she’d become when she found what Neal could be into.

  “I think you have an idea.”

  He knelt in front of her. A small tug and her thong left her body in two pieces. Her pussy exposed for him to see. She loved to shave her pubic hair. The sensation was intensified when she fingered herself on the worst nights of her loneliness.

  “I’ve never seen such perfection before,” he crooned, running his hand over her bare wetness. “Do you have your pussy waxed at your salon?”

  She nodded her head. “Yes. One of the girls taught me how to do it to myself so if I don’t have time to wait for an appointment. I have the kit at home.”

  “I love this. I don’t want you to change anything, agreed?”

  At the hungry look in his eyes, she could only nod her head again. Is this what Rory meant about him being in control? If his voice stayed that deep and alluring, he could tell her what to do every fucking second of the day. The hum inside her body grew. Her cream must be leaking out of her body. She didn’t care.

  Neal Haney was on his knees before her, staring at her pussy. Who could complain about that?

  “I can’t wait to watch my dick sink inside you.”

  Moaning, Sandy tightened her hands around the edge of the counter. The man tormented her with every word. She hadn’t seen him naked but from the size of the outline on his denim jeans she knew he was large. If he would just get on with satisfying both of their needs and fuck her already.

  “I’m going to taste you now. Don’t stop me. Hold onto that counter. I want to hear you scream. I want to hear you beg,
” he said.

  Unable to tear her eyes away, she watched his head near her pussy. He didn’t lick down her slit, he licked her lips. His tongue coated her outer lips in his saliva while his hands held her thighs open. She gazed at the contrast of pale white thighs against his sun-tanned skin.

  Each lip got his undivided attention before he parted her. He sucked her clit inside his mouth. She couldn’t contain the cry of pleasure that echoed off the walls. The cowboy she’d been in love with for five years had his tongue on her. His head between her legs. The image more surreal than she could ever have imagined.

  “You taste so fucking sweet,” he growled.

  Sandy smiled, then screamed as his fingers penetrated her cunt. Three all at once. She held onto the edge of the counter while trying to relax against the invasion. Everything about Neal was big. His fingers stretched her unused flesh. Her fake cocks and vibrators at home didn’t begin to compare to the real man and she didn’t have his cock yet.

  “So tight and hot. I’d want you to sit on my face and suck my cock as I lick your cream.”

  Every word held the promise of something more. Had Neal finally given in? Sandy jumped for joy inside at the thought of being his woman. Rory had only painted a small picture. She’d been the one to add the details.

  “I’m going to come,” she said, the peak gaining on her.

  A rough hard smack to her pussy made her cry out and stare down at him. Neal had slapped her. Shocked and turned on, her release subsided.

  “What?” she asked.

  “I’m the one in control here. I tell you when you can have release. Understand?”


  “Yes, what?” he growled.

  “Yes, Neal.”


  “Yes, what?”

  Sandy didn’t know what to say. “I don’t know,” she whimpered.

  “Say, yes Master.”

  She licked her lips as the order registered in her mind. Neal truly was a dominant man. Gazing down at her heated pussy, she saw the small red hand print. She expected to be angry at the way he’d mistreated her body. The stinging burn only intensified her pleasure. A pulse going straight to her clit.


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