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No Safe Haven

Page 8

by Virginia Vaughan

  “You didn’t see his face today. He was so smug. He doesn’t think anyone can touch him. You’re in danger, too. I don’t want you to go out alone. Don’t go to the store, don’t go to the courthouse, don’t go anywhere unless someone is with you.”

  She hesitated. Precautions were one thing but he was talking about being on full lockdown. Her initial response was to refuse. She’d already given up so much because of Robert Young. Could she really allow him to take more? “That’s a lot to ask. I still have to do my job.” But as she remembered the malice she’d seen in his face, she knew they’d only glimpsed what this man was capable of. She shuddered, thinking of the words smeared across her mirror.

  “My trial has ended so I’ll have some free time. Please promise me you won’t go out by yourself. I’m worried about your safety.”

  She smiled at the idea of having Andrew around more. But that would only put his life at risk. “You need to take precautions, too, Andrew.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself.”

  “How would Sarah feel if something happened to you? If Robert harmed you?”

  She pulled her hand away from his and stirred the ice in her tea. He needed to know what could happen to him...but was she ready to share this story? She looked into the determined set of his face and knew she had to. He needed to understand the danger.

  “I once knew this woman who got mixed up with the wrong man. She thought she was in love, but her dream man turned violent. He threatened to kill her if she tried to leave him. She asked her brother for help.”

  “Sounds like me and Sarah.”

  “Yes, it does.”

  “What happened to her? Did she get away from him?”

  Jessica closed her eyes, reliving that awful night in one moment. “Her abuser broke into the house intent on killing her. The brother got between them, so the man stabbed him to death instead. She was devastated. Her life was ruined. Her abuser went to jail, but she was left with nothing but guilt over what she’d done to her brother.”

  “She didn’t do anything. It wasn’t her fault her brother died.”

  “Wasn’t it? She’s the one who got involved with this man in the first place. She got him killed.”

  “Do you really think Robert is that dangerous?”

  She gingerly touched the goose egg she still had from their last encounter. She’d seen the look of evil in his eyes. “I think he could be. And I think it’s a shame the District Attorney’s office doesn’t recognize that danger.”

  “From a prosecutorial standpoint, it doesn’t pose the same threat to the community as stranger assaults do.”

  A fire in her eye ignited on the subject of her life’s work. “Are you aware domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women—more than car accidents, muggings and rapes combined? And that the chances of being raped or robbed or murdered are more likely to occur by someone the victim knows and is usually intimate with?”

  “You don’t have to dictate facts to me, Jessica. I know them.”

  “Do you? Because you seem to be defending the status quo...the one that says Sarah is less than a victim because her attacker is her husband.”

  “I don’t believe that.”

  “I hope not. If one good thing could come from this nightmare, I hope it’s that you empathize more with victims than you used to, that you understand more readily what they’re going through.”

  “I guess I do.”

  She covered his hand with hers again and smiled. “That’s a good start, Counselor.”

  * * *

  This is better, Jessica decided, as she settled into her office’s sofa bed for the evening. She’d already checked to make sure the doors were locked and the alarm was set. Now that she would be staying at the shelter full-time, she made a mental note to call Mr. Grayson tomorrow and let him know she would be moving out. It meant breaking her lease, but Mr. Grayson knew her situation and he would understand her taking such precautions. She would also need to set aside one of the rooms at the shelter for her own personal space. She couldn’t sleep in her office long-term.

  A beep alerted her to a text message on her phone. She picked it up and smiled, seeing it was from Andrew checking on her.

  See you tomorrow his message stated.

  She had errands to run in the morning—going to the bank, the post office, the dollar store—and Andrew had insisted on accompanying her. She should have been offended and claimed she didn’t need a babysitter, but she had to admit she was glad to have his company. She did feel safer having him around, yet she doubted she would have that feeling with just anyone for company.

  She responded to his text then set down her phone and got ready for bed, already looking forward to tomorrow. Who knew such mundane tasks would bring her such enjoyment? She smiled, feeling very satisfied and hopeful for the first time in a long time. Andrew Jennings had become a nice surprise.

  Her phone beeped again and she relished the idea of another message from him. But when she picked up the phone, her heart fell. This message wasn’t from Andrew but a number she didn’t recognize. A photo of her and Andrew on her porch when he’d embraced her appeared with the caption, You can’t stop true love. She shuddered at the image. That was how close he’d gotten, close enough to snap a picture of them together on her porch.

  Robert knew where she lived and he’d been there watching her. She was glad now that she’d decided not to stay. Who knew what he would have done once Andrew left?

  She studied the picture, recognizing the tree that separate her and Mrs. Brady’s yards. She realized this picture had been taken from Mrs. Brady’s. That was the only explanation. She shuddered, remembering how Marlon had been roaming free. Mrs. Brady would never allow that, but Mrs. Brady hadn’t been there. She’d fallen and broken her hip.

  Had Robert taken advantage of her absence to spy on her? But how had he known Mrs. Brady wouldn’t be there unless... Jessica shuddered. Would Robert really stoop to battering an old woman?

  Jessica was certain of it.

  Had Mrs. Brady reported an assault to the police? Margo hadn’t mentioned it to her. Was it possible Mrs. Brady was unable to tell anyone what had happened? Mr. Percy said she’d broken her hip, but he hadn’t mentioned any head trauma. Was the woman too terrified to speak up?

  Jessica made up her mind to go see her neighbor tomorrow. And if Robert was responsible for her fall then Heaven help him.

  Her phone rang. She braced herself. Was Robert calling to taunt her now? She checked the caller ID and saw Margo’s name and number. A sigh of relief flooded her. “Hey, Margo. What’s going on? It’s late.”

  “Are you busy?”

  Jessica recognized the serious tone of Margo’s voice when she answered her call. She wasn’t calling just to chat at this time of night. “What do you have?”

  “Amy Vance. Twenty-two years old and a college student. Her professor boyfriend attacked her with a baseball bat.”

  Jessica sighed. She never got used to hearing about the violence some men were capable of. “Where are you?”

  She jotted down the address Margo gave her. She liked to be at the scene before the paramedics transported the victim to the hospital. The sooner Jessica arrived, the better things usually went. She phoned Mia and asked her to come in. Someone needed to be in charge while she was out in case an emergency occurred while she was gone.

  It was only as she was pulling on her jacket that she remembered her promise to Andrew not to go out alone. She glanced at the clock. She would lose a half hour waiting on him to arrive. Those were precious minutes she would lose counseling Amy Vance.

  She saw headlights in the parking lot and knew Mia had arrived. She couldn’t wait for Andrew, and the less he knew about this the better. He might not understand, but this was her job, her mission, to
help women in trouble.

  She couldn’t wait for an escort.

  Jessica met Mia in the parking lot. “Thanks for doing this, Mia. I know it’s not fair.”

  “It’s no problem. My plans with John fell through, anyway.”

  “Who is John?”

  Mia’s face lit up. “We met at the grocery store. He has dark hair and he’s tall and he wears these cowboy boots.” She sighed. “He’s so dreamy.”

  “He sounds nice.”

  “He is, but...” She twisted her hands nervously. “With everything I’ve witnessed the past few months I sometimes wonder how I could ever make a relationship work. I’ve seen how men can be so mean. How do you get past that and trust that someone is who he says he is?”

  Jessica hesitated. Who was she to offer advice on love? She was far too jaded. “I understand your concerns, but I’m not sure I’m the right person to ask about that kind of thing. It’s been a very long time since I’ve been in a relationship.”

  Mia took her hand. “I really admire what you do, Jessica. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you.”

  Jessica slid into her car. She was grateful for the kind words, but Mia had gotten her thinking. Was she destined to be alone forever? Would she ever have another chance at love?

  She smiled as Andrew’s smile came to her mind. He was the first man who had caught her attention in a long, long while. Was it possible she was ready for something more than a guilt-stricken life alone?

  She shuddered. She’d seen so much violence. She knew the evil of men better than anyone else.

  Unable to push away the weary thoughts about her past, Jessica rolled down the window and called out to Mia. “Just be careful, Mia.”

  As she drove, she prepared herself mentally for what was to come. Another violent man, another violent incident. One more battered life. It broke her heart.

  The address Margo had given her was across town. She didn’t usually like to take the interstate but knew it was the fastest way. Traffic was especially heavy for a Thursday night so she sped up as she approached to match their speed. Suddenly, the car behind her sped up too and swerved into the lane, essentially blocking Jessica’s path and preventing her from merging. Someone was in a big hurry. The on ramp lane was ending so she slowed down to let the car pass. Instead, it slowed as well, again blocking her way and leaving her little choice but to cut the car off as she merged into traffic.

  The blare of his horn sounded, but Jessica tried not to let it ruffle her.

  Her phone buzzed and Jessica reached to answer it.

  “Where are you?” Margo demanded.

  “I’m ten minutes away.”

  “You might as well turn around. The paramedics are transporting our victim to the hospital. She’s got a broken arm, but it could be worse.”

  “I’ll meet you at the hospital.” The hospital was in the opposite direction. She needed to get off at the next exit and turn around. She changed lanes, getting over as far as possible as quickly as possible.

  The maroon car behind her did the same.

  She gripped the steering wheel. That was odd. It was the same car that she’d cut off getting onto the interstate. Was it possible he was following her, waiting for her to stop so he could have words with her about her driving? She’d heard about people doing that. The news called it road rage.

  Great, that was just what she needed...another enraged person threatening her.

  Her mind quickly went on alert. Maybe she wasn’t dealing with road rage. Maybe it was just good old plain rage she was used to. She glanced at the car in the rearview mirror. She couldn’t see much with the glare of headlights. But she remembered it from before. A maroon four-door sedan. Her mind immediately went to Robert. Was it possible he was following her now, waiting for her to stop, waiting for his moment to strike? But he drove a white truck, not a maroon sedan. Of course, what would stop him from borrowing a car or even stealing one?


  She swerved back into another lane secretly hoping she was only being paranoid.

  The maroon sedan changed lanes, too.

  Jessica gripped the steering wheel even tighter. She wasn’t being paranoid. That car was following her.

  Panic gripped her. Why hadn’t she listened to Andrew when he’d warned her not to go out alone?

  Suddenly, the maroon sedan sped up and rammed into the back of her car. Jessica was knocked against the steering wheel as the car careened forward. She screamed and grabbed hold of the wheel tighter trying to get the car back under control. A fleeting moment of doubt rushed through her mind. It could have been an innocent accident. But that thought was quickly disregarded when the car revved up and slammed into hers again, propelling her forward. Fear-laced adrenaline pumped through her as horns blared and tires screeched. This maniac was trying to run her off the road. He was trying to kill her!

  Jessica glanced in the rearview mirror and saw the car moving beside her. It was going to ram into her again. This time she swerved to miss it, veering into the other lane and nearly slamming into a different car.

  She changed lanes again as the maroon sedan swerved to her side once more and attempted to push her over. Jessica hit the accelerator. Her only chance was to outrun him.

  The next exit was coming up. She needed to get off the interstate.

  She jerked the wheel, crossing three lanes in one movement. Tires screeched and horns blared again, but Jessica didn’t care. She was going to make that exit.

  She flew down the off ramp, made a quick right turn and sped through an intersection.

  She reached for her phone and hit the speed dial, calling Margo’s number. The call went straight to voice mail. Margo must have shut off her phone after talking to Jessica. She hit the speed dial again and called Andrew’s number.

  He answered on the first ring.

  “Andrew, I’m in trouble!”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Someone’s after me. He’s ramming my car. He’s trying to run me off the road.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Flowood Drive. I was on my way to a call. I’m sorry. I should have listened to you. I shouldn’t have gone out alone.”

  “Hang on. I’m going to call 911 on the other line.”

  His voice disappeared and Jessica felt his absence from the car. But he was back after a moment.

  “Jessica, I have the 911 operator on the line. Tell her where you are.”

  Jessica called off the location and described the maroon sedan. She spotted the car in the side mirror approaching her again at a high speed. He’d found her. “He’s coming after me!” The car rammed hers and Jessica screamed, skidding to keep the car on the road. “He’s trying to kill me!”

  “I have patrol cars moving to your location,” the operator said.

  Panic laced Andrew’s voice. “Hang on, Jessica. Stay on the line with me. I’m on my way.”

  The car sped up and tried to get in front of her. Jessica slammed on the brakes and let him skid into the railing before taking off around him.

  “Jessica! Are you all right?”

  “I’m okay,” she said. But the car kept coming. She strained to see the driver’s face as he pulled up beside her, but all she saw was the darkness of the car.

  He rammed her again, this time causing her to veer off the road. She lost control and the car broke through a fence before skidding to a stop and turning off.

  The seat belt locked, throwing her backward against the seat. She fought to catch her breath, uncertain if it was force of the seat belt or pure adrenaline that knocked the air from her.

  “Jessica! Are you with me?”

  Andrew’s voice was a calming balm as she fought to steady her breathing. “I’m here,” she managed to say.

at happened?”

  She looked up as the headlights cast a glow on open land. “I went off the road.” She tried the ignition but it wouldn’t restart. “The car won’t crank.”

  She glanced in the rearview mirror and spotted headlights up on the road. A door slammed and Jessica felt her stomach clench.

  “Someone’s coming!” What if he was returning to finish the job?

  “You should be hearing the sirens approaching you soon,” the 911 operator stated. “Do you?”

  Jessica strained to hear them over the pounding of her own pulse. The police were on their way...but would they make it in time?

  She gripped the steering wheel, torn between her desire to get out and confront this man who was terrorizing her and her common sense commanding her to run. But where could she run to? She was a sitting target, waiting for her predator to attack.

  “I want to see who it is,” she stated, opening the car door and stepping out.

  “Jessica, stay in the car!” Andrew’s voice was frantic over the speakerphone.

  Part of her was screaming to run, but her stubborn streak wouldn’t allow her feet to move. She wanted to see who it was. She wanted to know who was behind this act. What kind of sick person did this to someone?

  She sucked in a breath as he drew near. All she could make out in her car’s dome light was his outline. It could be anyone.

  Robert Young.

  The spouse or boyfriend of one of the women at the shelter.

  Or some random man she didn’t even know about.

  “He’s coming,” she whispered. “He’s heading toward me.”

  “Jessica, get back into the car!”

  But as he grew closer, the light from her car began to make his features visible.

  She was about to find out.


  Jessica’s heart pounded as the man approached. She reached into her purse for the can of mace she kept there. If he was here to start trouble, she was ready for him.

  She squinted, trying to make out the features of his face but his ball cap made that impossible.


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