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Sanibel Sizzle - Vampire Werewolf Menage

Page 7

by Talyn Scott

  Jayce had to get in on the meal. Slanting his mouth over hers, he tasted his mate’s sex and hardened to the point of breaking. “After every hurdle you’ve jumped these past years.” He praised her. “You’re finally blossoming into the playful young women I knew as a teen. I find it endearing and quite a relief.” For a moment, Jayce saw Bren’s tension noticeably ease. They were both waiting for Tatum to crawl back out of her shell. Years of abuse couldn’t disappear in weeks, but she was doing well…considering.

  “Look what’s waiting for us.” Bren inclined his head toward the reinforced meshwork settled between two rock solid palms.

  Jayce landed on the hammock with Tatum straddling him. “I enjoy rocking you.” Dark words sealed her fate.

  Tatum blinked down at him, fisting her hands on his pectorals. “How are we going to manage this?”

  “She’s so cute when she’s outrageously horny…and desperate.” Bren leaned against the palm, taking in the view. “Taste her nipples, Jayce. I want to see her mouth draw up in that little bow before she begs you to stop and then to start all over again.”

  Jayce lifted her by the waist, easing her toward his waiting mouth with one purely male grin. “I love your wide nipples, Tatum, all rosy and mine.” Drawing on one, he kept a strong hand on the curve of her hip while the other flexed on her opposite breast, squeezing and releasing repeatedly.

  “It makes me cramp,” she said, watching what Jayce was doing to her, “but in a good way.” Every time the hammock shimmied; Jayce adjusted, though not so fast that they didn’t enjoy a bump or two - which was the intended purpose.

  Still relaxing against the palm, Bren stroked his heavy cock with his free hand. “Everything we’ll do you to you will be a good way. Jayce…ready for dessert?”

  “I’m always ready.” Sliding his palm down Tatum’s center, he reached between their bodies and strummed her clit. When she jumped, they rocked again. “Where are my fingers going, hellcat?”

  “Inside, deep…ah…there,” she panted, arching her neck and exposing her throat, “anywhere they want.”

  “So they can go back here?” Sliding the juice from her wet sex to her ass, he stroked what was his.

  “Seriously….on this hammock?” she questioned.

  Bren leaned in, rubbing her pussy and then spreading her arousal on her nipples and down to her navel. Jayce lapped every spot, cleaning her off until he reached her beautiful skin. Thrusting two fingers in her ass, Jayce brought his thumb in and out of her vagina.

  “Let me have her a second, Jayce.” Bren barely scratched his canines down her behind, staying mainly in the little crevice.

  Only scraping a bit, Jayce knew, since Bren wasn’t in the mood to mask her flavor with blood. Her natural essence was divinity itself. “She’s riding high, Bren, gripping my thumb and trying to hold it in. Tatum wants this.”

  “Do you, Tatum? You want two big cocks and no room to think about what we’re doing to your body?”

  “More than my next breath,” she whimpered, hunkering down on Jayce’s chest, nibbling at his collarbone.

  That’s when Jayce slid his girl home, gifting his dick with the wet offering that was his mate. “You feel…so unbelievable,” he moaned, pushing her up again and sliding her inch by delicious inch down his shaft.

  “Hold still.” Bren nudged her flush against Jayce. “I haven’t finished dessert.”

  Tatum clamped down on Jayce’s cock, her knees trembling. Bren was licking her globes slowly, easing to the center but not touching the cleft. “You expect me to hold still inside her while you take a leisurely tongue stroll? She flinches and jumps and ….ah shit, she’s gonna come. Convulsing all around my… Please, hold back for me, Tatum.” He panted right along with her. “Remember what I taught you. Take deep, slow breaths.”

  “What a little boy you are,” Bren teased wickedly before running his tongue straight down the middle of her ass. “You should see how tight your balls are, Jayce. I think you’re going to rupture a vein or two before I’m inside.”

  “When this is over, we’re definitely hitting the marsh Were to Were,” Jayce growled very much the Alpha. Lights flashed behind his eyes, warning Bren to wrap it up, stop playing those games.

  “Can you do it in the nude while I watch?” Tatum asked while making her best effort not to climax as Bren took a final swipe with his sandpaper tongue.

  “He’s full of shit, love.” Bren got his game face on. “After this, we’ll want more of the same.” And then, he positioned himself and Jayce felt Bren push his broad head inside, taking time to slip over that tight ring that always fought them both.

  “Bring it up, man.” Jayce met Bren’s gaze levelly while running fingers through Tatum’s golden hair. “She’s still so tight no matter how many times…. Uh, did you just circle?”

  “Liked that move, did you?”

  “Tatum sure as hell did, Bren. Strangling me before you’re fully sheathed, what’s up with that?” Everyone’s breathing picked up a few notches.

  “I can’t stop it now,” Tatum’s panting had changed to desperate gasps.

  “I’m not all the way in,” Bren warned, pushing further, deeper. “Alpha-speak, Jayce,” Bren requested Jayce’s werewolf. “I need to relieve my stress… inside my mate…. I want to feel her burn me.”

  Cupping the side of Tatum’s face, Jayce willed her to listen. “Tatum, you will not come until I say.” No, he really shouldn’t use mystical force for sexual gain, but he’d jack up her pleasure by amplifying every nerve-ending that sparked her body. Good canceled naughty. Well, then again, it was all pretty much naughty right now.

  “I won’t come,” she said thoroughly frustrated.

  When she took a harder nip at his collarbone, Jayce swelled even more. Pressure rose at the base of cock and his head flew back with the rising of his werewolf. Not now. Air charging with the Alpha beast, he wandered the background of Jayce’s mind, insisting his mate’s protection and complete satiation. No worries, I’ll let her come soon.

  Bren’s long length pushed through, pulsating within her rectum. “Ah, Tatum, feel me deep…that’s it…bear down…in I go.” Sliding against the thin membrane that always brought them together as one, he groaned, “Ah, every ridge has my name on it, Jayce.” Jayce held Tatum still, watching Bren’s face transform with sexual gratification. Appetites arced between the three, one feeding off the pleasure of another, and then the other.

  But they were more than hungry.

  Even though they were immortals with primordially driven agility, the hammock played their tricky game of sexual gymnastics. “She feels too good, Bren.” Back and forth, swinging and shifting, they righted themselves only to be thrown off course, repeatedly. Tackling a different position and thrusting longer, slower, faster, and harder, listening to Tatum as she tensed and called their names. “Not yet,” Jayce hissed, meeting her angry eyes with his determined ones. “Feel the heightened desire, let it scald to the brink of pain.”

  And it was delicious, every bit of it.

  Bren slid his elongated tongue over her back, causing her nipples to bead and poke Jayce’s chest. Jayce faintly pierced the closest with a canine, lapping at the tiny swell of blood. “See how flushed she is, Bren. She goes from peak to peak without falling over. It’s getting to her. It’s getting to me.”

  Moments went to delirious minutes, minutes to another friction packed half hour. They joined together at the top, filling their mate fully with their heavy cocks, balls throbbing with seed while holding her steady. The strain showed on Bren’s face as he speared his own bottom lip, dripping blood down his chin. “You’re my sanctuary, Tatum,” Bren groaned low and long. “Just let her, Jayce,” he snarled.

  “Tatum, give it to us…now!”

  She let go without hesitating. Beautiful eyes rolling back, she shuddered between their hardened male bodies, scratchi
ng and hissing, “Oooooh!” Her thighs tightened when the three came as one, moisture gushed through their bodies, liquid relief of the heavenly kind. Bren reached between Tatum and Jayce, fluttering her clit to extend the body altering convulsions robbing their sacks of every drop. Gripping, releasing, fisting, releasing, enthralling their werewolves, she earned the name hellcat every time. Jayce kissed her lips. “You clawed the crap out of me.” The bloody stripes tightened on his biceps, acknowledging her rewarded passion.

  Bren brushed his cheek against hers. “I love you. Can I release the wolf?”

  “What?” Jayce said with an exhausted but clearly startled Tatum.

  “Gotcha,” he grinned, tossing Jayce out of the hammock after swinging a very naked Tatum over his shoulder. Laughing while flat on his back, Jayce spit out sand and flipped Bren the bird.

  “The ocean calls, love.” Bren, still clearly tense, brought Tatum around his body, running his tongue over her dripping sex and then cradling her. “Swim with me for a while.”

  Tatum spread her fingers through his long wavy hair. “Anytime, Bren, I love swimming with the most dangerous predator in the sea.”

  “Speaking of the predator,” he grunted and hit mid-transformation before lowering them in the salt water.

  “Oh, so you weren’t kidding after all.” Her eyebrows met.

  Bren’s voice graveled with the werewolf, “And you don’t sound disappointed.”

  Tatum curved her lips in a siren’s call. “Come here, my hottie badass.”


  Reaching out, Rebecca straightened stiff arms overhead. Cotton mouth, temples pounding, stomach churning, she threw her feet over the bed and couldn’t go any further. Wrists tied to the bed.

  “Good evening, lass, do you hunger?”

  So the good news, she was alive. And the bad, well, she was looking at it. “No.” Shaking her head was a seriously wrong move, spinning – back to the spinning. “Have I slept through another day?”


  Rebecca sucked in a harsh breath, demanding, “What did you drug me with?”

  Ciaran’s canines flashed with his answer, “Herbs. It’s the most respectful way to handle rights to mate. A tradition started here many centuries ago by my father.”

  “Respectful? You’re respecting me now? It’s not working out so well, ace, since I’ve obviously been tied to a bed for three days.”

  Large fingers rubbed a too handsome face, before metallic eyes echoed the wolf. “The respect will come, as we’ll learn one another starting now.”

  Rebecca clamped her legs shut. Ciaran’s head cocked, following her movements with those eyes. Predatory stillness transformed him. An ancient Alpha paced just behind his skin, nearly breaching the surface but not quite. One of many shadows flickering back and forth across the room, it stalked her, sensing secrets. Rebecca could feel it probing her mind. Chills climbed her flesh and she whispered, “You’re not breathing.”

  Inhaling languidly, relaxing his stance, a bittersweet smile touched Ciaran’s lips. “Who are you?”

  “Renee Shirley,” she responded mechanically. “We’ve already covered this smidgen of info repeatedly. It’s an endless cycle. You ask, and I answer. The same answer, it never changes.” She tugged at her ties furiously. “I’m someone you won’t leave alone.”

  “You should be thankful I can’t leave you alone, Renee,” he said in a low rasp. “Otherwise, you’d be dead.” With a flip of is internal switch, his expression turned bored.

  “You really changed your mind about killing me?” His mood swings were the least of her problems. He was a startling enigma wrapped in a sexy package that she couldn’t begin to figure out. Rebecca long ago decided that Ciaran crossed indescribable borders simply by existing in a dangerously breathtaking form: a true predator. He fit in here, lost in time, where he was born to be. The battles, the swords, the horses, and the blood set the hardline of his jaw perfectly. Rebecca thought he just needed one of those signs that said: Look but don’t touch.

  “That and validities of the pack further persuaded,” he spoke coolly. Sitting casually on the bed in faded jeans and nothing else, his body spoke for him. Liquid movements and barely leashed power, tribal tattoos lined both bronzed arms, starting at his pecs and ending above his wrists. Three hoops pierced his left brow while one spiked the corner of his lower plush lip. Another piercing bored above his left nostril but was a round cut emerald. Dark hair layered his face, silky black ending above his shoulders. Blue-black whiskers shadowed his jaw. Further down, his pierced navel topped an arrow of midnight hair pointing to…

  Heat, it must be the heat, why would she linger on his body this way? Flicking her snooping eyes back up to his, glowing eyes keenly studied her in return. Tilting his head in the werewolf’s way, he waited for a different reply: the truth. Then it dawned on her; she didn’t smell like a human. Her clothes were changed and body bathed. “I drank his blood.”

  “The Beta’s, I know.” With a curl to his lip, he crawled to her as a lazy cat. “Strange you remember. Funny thing about those particular herbs, the combination works exceptionally for those of Were descent, but dangerously so for those pure of blood.”

  He straddled her.

  “You’re in the wrong position to speak falsities, lass.” Skimming both arms with his fingertips, he touched the knots securing her wrists. Hovering over her, his nose rubbed hers. Hot mouth met hers – not for a kiss. Whispering words over her lips in a way that was only his, “My life changed last night, so did yours. No more untruths will remain between us.”

  “I’m not yours,” she dared. She had to. The way he was acting, proprietary as a dominant male courting and claiming a mate – his prize, pissed her off. She belonged to Blade and Blade to her. “I can’t stay here.” A harder tug but she couldn’t free herself, realizing the rope must have silver woven inside.

  Licking under her lower lip, he nipped a warning, “You believe that?” Smooth skin stroked hers. Ciaran invaded every pore. Suffocating. I can’t breathe. Gliding a hand over the curve of her hip, he shimmied down her body, lowering his head. Nuzzling the silky fabric skimming her thighs, he pushed with his nose until he exposed her. “I’ve clipped your wings, little bird.”

  A slow lingering lick tasted the dip at her pelvis.

  Staring up her body, he proposed every thought, every dirty deed he was going to do to her with one smoldering look. A blur of movement, a sheet resettled, he was off the bed. Strolling barefoot across the floor, he turned back before he opened it. “Get dressed. Dinner is served and I’ve waited long enough to dine with you.” The ropes fragmented, freeing her wrists.

  “We’re having dinner together? Rebecca couldn’t do this, didn’t want to do this. “I can’t do dinner, my head aches.” So did her hands, she rubbed her wrists trying to get the blood flowing.

  “Oh, but you can and will. You’ve left your prison behind, mistress.” His hands raised in a grand gesture. “Welcome to my gilded cage.”

  Blade misted in after Ciaran closed the door. “Hey.”

  “How?” She was stunned he could mist inside the warded chamber.

  “Broke through two additional wards while you were unconscious,” his voice was barely audible even to her extraordinary hearing. “I can hit three other chambers in the castle and spin past the perimeter.”

  “As gallant as that sounds, I need a bathroom break.” Thirst and humiliation tightened her throat. I really can’t face him after the Beta. She wasted no time scooting past Blade and disappearing behind the door. Minutes later, she opened it back and neared the sink. “Things have changed.”

  “I know.” He brought a glass of wine to her lips.

  After downing half the goblet, she placed her words carefully, “You weren’t there.” At rights to mate. Loading her toothbrush, she shoved it in her mouth, needing time to think without speaki
ng. Rebecca remembered everything from that night, every last detail. While pushing the toothbrush around her teeth, the new canines peeked a bit again. “Why not?” she asked after rinsing.

  Now at her side, breathing against her ear, Blade explained, “It was my only chance. The diversion, for lack of a better word, allowed me to test different wards. And I got back to Gage. Your brother received the good news and their tightening up our plan.”

  A relieved sigh left her body. Steadying her hands on the vanity, she turned to her mate. “Ciaran is way past suspicious. I’m not fooling him. And if he finds out I’m not Renee before I escape, she’s back in danger along with me…and you.”

  “That I know. God, Becca,” he continued in a whisper ruled with steel, “you smell like another male and weed.”

  “Yeah, I do and how are you so calm? Bren walks the knife’s edge since mating.” She dropped the towel from her hands. “If anyone breathes near Tatum, he sprouts claws.” Why weren’t you there blowing our cover and thumping your chest like a wild man? Thank God, he had the foresight not to, she realized, the wisdom to move forward with the plan.


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