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Breaking Travis (The West Series Book 5)

Page 4

by Jill Sanders

  He didn’t feel like arguing in front of everyone in the diner, so he grabbed her arm and started walking out.

  “Wait.” She pulled on his arm, stopping him. “You can’t push me around.” She stopped and grabbed her bag from the floor near her chair, and then reached over and grabbed another fry from her almost-empty plate. Then she turned and followed him. “Now I’m ready.” She marched to the door and opened it and then turned and waited for him to join her. He tried not to chuckle.

  As they walked back towards the store, she talked about some of the other changes she’d been thinking of.

  “I had a list going of new items, but after your father died, I didn’t think I should change any more.” She bit her lip and he again found himself watching the sweet motion. “But now that you’re here”—she looked over at him with a slight smile—“I would like to go over a few of them with you.”

  “As long as it doesn’t slow down the process.” And didn’t cost him too much more. In the back of his mind, he was thinking of the bottom line—what would it cost him and what could he gain from it once he put the place up on the market. He wasn’t telling Holly, but after construction on her place and the theater were done, he was going to slap a “for sale” sign on them both as fast as he could.

  “No, they shouldn’t. Most are just small items.”

  “Like a stage?” He looked at her in question.

  “Well, okay, that one was big.” She smiled up at him and he found himself smiling back.

  Just then they heard a car horn honk, and Savannah Douglas pulled her white Jeep to their side of the road.


  Chapter Four

  Holly held her breath as Savannah got out of the Jeep and walked towards them. The last time she’d talked to the woman, she’d been drunk and had given Savannah a broken nose. Ever since that night a few months ago, she’d been avoiding the woman. Savannah for her part had stayed in hiding. Her father had tried to sue the Rusty Rail, the only bar in Fairplay, claiming that Savannah had tripped on a broken tile instead of being almost knocked out by a woman half her size.

  “You’re back in town,” she exclaimed right before she threw herself at Travis and kissed him square on the lips.

  Holly felt her stomach turn and tried to look away, but for some reason her eyes were glued to the couple.

  Travis with his classic rugged cowboy look, his dark hair, dark eyes, and the sexy cleft in his chin. Savannah with her long, blonde, perfectly styled hair, and her large breasts, which were always highlighted in tight, expensive clothes. In the last few months, since the nose incident, Holly had noticed that she’d gained some weight, but she was still gorgeous.

  “Yeah, just got back the other day,” he said, taking a step away from Savannah and looking over at Holly. She’d taken a few steps away and was trying to escape the awkwardness that she felt.

  “You remember Holly.” He motioned towards her, and she wanted to be anywhere but on Main Street with Savannah Douglas and Travis Nolan, easily the two people in Fairplay that the town had talked about the most. Travis and Savannah's affair had caused a lot of loss in the small town; his mother had lost her sanity, his father had lost his job, and two of her best friends has almost lost their lives.

  Savannah didn’t even spare her a glance. Instead she pulled Travis closer and ran her hands over his shoulders. “It’s so good that you’re back in town to stay. You simply must come to the house for dinner,” she purred, leaving Holly wishing she could make her voice sound that sexy. Maybe with some practice?

  “I’m not staying,” he said, pulling her arms from his shoulders. “I’m sorry, Savannah, but I have some business to tend to right now.”

  Savannah’s lips formed into a pout, and Holly noticed that the emotion didn’t reach her eyes. “Well, okay. How about I stop by later?”

  Travis shook his head. “No, not this time. I’ll see you around.” He turned and looked at her. “Ready?”

  She didn’t know what to say, so she just nodded and matched his steps as they walked to the bookstore together. She desperately wanted to turn around and stick her tongue out at Savannah, but she knew better than to stoop to that woman’s level. Besides, she was no longer a child and didn’t want Travis to see her acting like one. But part of her had to admit, it felt good to see Savannah struggle.

  “I heard you two got into a fight recently.” He looked down at her. “Broke her nose?”

  She swallowed and nodded. Everyone in town knew about the fight, which was one of the reasons Mr. Douglas’s attempt to sue the Rusty Rail had failed. “She talked bad about someone I love.”

  He chuckled. “Savannah is always talking bad about someone.” He glanced at her sideways. “I hope he appreciated what you did.”

  She stopped and looked at him. “He?”

  He stopped and turned to her, then nodded.

  She laughed. “The ‘he’ is a ‘she.’ Melissa Holton.”

  His eyes shot up, and she watched as understanding flooded them. “Ohhhh,” he said, and she couldn’t help but laugh.

  “My best friend, not my lover.” She giggled.

  “Oh,” he repeated and he smiled. “Well, you never know. I’ve been to a few places where you always had to question it.”

  “Oh?” she said as they began to walk again. “Like where?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “Mainly Vegas. I spent my first year after leaving here there.”

  “I’ve always wanted to go. I’ve heard it’s fun.” She sighed and stood back as he opened the door for her.

  “It has its moments, but I hope to never return.” He stepped in and motioned for Roger to come over.

  She wanted to ask him more, but the conversation turned to work for the next hour. The three of them hashed out ideas, went over costs, and by the end of the meeting had finally agreed upon the changes that would be made.

  She stood near the back and looked at where her new stage would go. It was a perfect spot. She could just imagine the small tables and chairs around the floor, all facing that direction. The fireplace was off to the side and would provide for a quaint and romantic setting for those close to it. The large windows in front would provide plenty of light during the day, and she planned on having a few rows of lights strung around to help make evenings enjoyable.

  Roger had informed her that he’d ordered her bar top and it was ready to install. It was a large chunk of granite that she’d chosen from a local business. She couldn’t wait to see it on top of the long bar the men were building. There was plenty of room for the homemade wine racks she’d convinced one of Roger’s men, Aaron Miller, to make. She’d known the man since childhood and he made beautiful cabinets and furniture. She had tried to convince him to make her bar stools, but so far he’d been too busy to give her an answer.

  Travis had left, saying he had to check in on the theater and the park. She didn’t like that he was investing so much time in her project but had to admit that so far he hadn’t done any harm. Then she remembered her bathroom and gasped. Rushing around, she found Roger in the back room and quickly asked him what Travis had changed upstairs.

  When he informed her that there were no changes to her apartment, she couldn’t help but smile. Maybe he wasn’t as big of a jerk as she’d thought.

  Travis stood back and looked at the mess that used to be the theater. This project was going to be the death of him, he just knew it.

  Holly’s place would be finished in the next few months. The park would be finished before that, but the theater project was going to take a full year, if not more. Since Roger was overseeing both of the rebuilds and his time was currently focused on Holly’s place, he had to show himself inside. Demolition had already taken place, but where Holly’s place now had electric and plumbing, and some walls had been put up, the theater was still bare.

  When he’d walked in and found no electricity, he should have called it a day, but instead he’d found a large flashlight and had walked around writin
g notes until his hand and head hurt from thinking about everything that needed to be done. His father had drawn up plans for both places, and he’d spent a good portion of the evening last night looking them over in his home office. He had to admit that his father had been a genius at architecture. Sure, he’d come up with a few of his own ideas, but his father had a way of putting it all together.

  He wondered why his dad hadn’t started all this earlier. Then a memory popped into his head of his parents fighting and he knew why. His mother. She’d always opposed him spending his time on projects. Especially after the Mustang incident. He frowned a little, remembering how hurt he and his father had been when his mother had rejected the car and tuned her nose up at all the hard work they had done. The car had sat in the garage, untouched, ever since. Even his father wouldn’t drive it. There had been a sour taste in their mouths regarding it, and he wondered why they hadn’t just sold it years ago.

  It took him almost two hours to go through the old building. When he walked out, he looked down at his dusty clothes and wished desperately for a shower. As he walked the four blocks to the house, he found himself thinking of Holly again. He chuckled every time he thought of her breaking Savannah’s nose. He would have paid anything to have been in that restroom when she’d struck the blow. Not that he condoned violence, or that he wanted to see Savannah suffer. He’d dated her frequently enough over the years that he probably knew her better than most people in town did.

  Savannah had a soft side but at the drop of a dime she could turn into the biggest bitch. It was one of the reasons he chose to steer clear of her now. He didn’t want to get mixed up in her web again. She still looked great, although he’d noticed that she was a lot heavier than when she’d surprised him and showed up in Vegas. She’d desperately tried to get him to come back to Fairplay, and when he’d been determined not to, she’d gotten bored and had left.

  He stepped through the back door and toed off his shoes. When he thought about heading upstairs to shower, he cringed. He hated showering in his parents’ shower, but his bathroom had been painted a pale pink, and he hated going into it. It reminded him of Pepto Bismol. There was a list of things that needed to be done to the old place before he could put it on the market; he just wished they were done already.

  Stripping off his shirt and pants, he walked back outside and hit the switch to the pool cover. He smiled when he saw the crystal clear water and jumped right into the pool in his boxers.

  He swam a few laps, cooling off in the water, then flipped over and floated as he watched the colors of the sunset form above his head. He’d missed the quiet of living in the country. Maybe that’s why he’d thought about staying in Montana. He’d gone up there earlier this month for a few fights and, after winning them all, Randy had booked more in Billings and he hadn’t complained. It was a hundred times better than being stuck in Vegas. Especially since he’d gone clean shortly after arriving in town.

  He shook his head remembering how he’d cleaned up, thankful for the man who had not only saved him from a lifetime in prison, but had helped mold him into what he was today.

  When he opened his eyes, he saw Holly standing next to the edge of the pool, bathing suit on and towel in her hand. “I…I didn’t know you were going for a swim. I’ll come back later.” She turned to go.

  “Why?” He started treading water. “It’s a big pool.” He nodded to the water. He felt himself stir at the sight of her in the small red suit.

  She bit her bottom lip and then turned to set her towel down on one of the lawn chairs that sat around the pool. When she turned around, he noticed the small tattoo above her hip. He couldn’t help but smile at the small pair of boxing gloves with a pink rose above them.

  “For your father?” He nodded to the tattoo. She turned and glanced back, like she’d forgotten it was back there, then nodded.

  “What about yours?” She held onto the railing and stepped slowly into the water. His mouth went dry as he watched her nipples pucker as the cold water hit her skin.

  “Mine?” he asked after a moment. He’d forgotten what they were talking about. His eyes refused to move away from the perfect breasts.

  “Your tattoos? You have a few of them.” She nodded to his arms and chest.

  He looked down at his arms and chest. “Some of them I got when I was young and stupid.” He looked at the dark design around his left shoulder that held no meaning other than the desire to spend his parents’ money and piss his mom off. Then he looked just below it and frowned. “Other ones remind me of what not to do in life. Of where I’ve been and a promise to never go there again.”

  “I like the wings.” He looked up as she nodded to his chest. She was standing just a few feet away from him now in the shallow water.

  “Freedom,” he said, not focusing on the conversation.

  “From?” She moved closer.

  “Here,” he blurted out, not paying attention.

  “Was it that bad? Being here?”

  He nodded. “Wouldn’t you feel the same after what happened?”

  She shrugged her shoulders, and he watched the water play over her soft skin. He wanted to reach out and touch it, to make sure it was as soft as it looked.

  “I guess. It must have been hard,” she said, looking down at his chest, avoiding his eyes.

  He hadn’t realized he’d moved closer, until he felt her leg brush up against his. She jolted a little and tried to move back, but he reached out and took hold of her waist under the water. Her skin felt like silk in his hands. Without thinking, he pulled her closer until she was a breath away. The night colors caused her red hair to look like it was glowing. He’d never seen anything like it before. Her skin looked so soft and he wanted to touch it.

  “Travis?” she said, just before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. He couldn’t have stopped himself if he’d tried. His hands moved over her skin and he enjoyed the feel of her, the softness of her skin. When her body brushed up against his, he moaned and pulled her closer, rubbing himself up against her, wanting more.

  He’d denied himself for too long. Years he’d gone without. Now he didn’t want to deny his starving body the feel of a soft woman. Why would he when she was wrapping her legs around his hips, pressing her core up against his desire.

  When he pulled back and looked at her, he realized his breath was coming out in gasps. He tried to steady and level it, but then he noticed that her breath was coming quickly too.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, resting her forehead on his. Her eyes were closed and he felt her arms relax around him.

  “For?” He smiled a little when she shook her head.

  “I guess nothing.” She laughed a little and looked at him nervously. “It’s just been a while.”

  He smiled. “For me as well, but you don’t see me apologizing.”

  She smiled. “This is a very bad idea,” she said, running her hands over his shoulders.

  “Probably,” he agreed, not wanting to make the next move. He had a plan and falling for a small-town bookstore owner wasn’t part of it. But he didn’t see any reason why he couldn’t entertain himself while he was here. The chances of him actually falling for a woman like Holly were slim, so he saw no harm in going for it.

  “Then why can’t my mind seem to stop my body?” She moved her hips, sending a wave of pleasure to his groin. He closed his eyes and thrust back and enjoyed the small sound she made.

  “Don’t stop it,” he said, taking her mouth. This time he gave in to the urgency he felt. He let his hands travel over her body, enjoying the feel of her nipples puckering under his fingertips. When she moaned and threw her head back, he pulled her suit aside and hoisted her above the water, placing his mouth to the tender peak. She gasped and gripped his hair tighter.

  Then he pushed her swimsuit bottom down those sexy legs of hers and pushed a finger gently into her heat. He moaned when he felt her convulse around it as she screamed out. He backed her up until he could ho
ist her up on the side of the pool and then he held her legs wide as he knelt between her spread legs.

  When he touched his tongue to the sensitive skin where his fingers had just been, she screamed again and gripped his hair tightly. He didn’t mind because her taste had flooded all of his senses. She tasted better than he’d imagined. Her hips rocked against his mouth until he tasted her burst onto his tongue.

  Then he jumped out of the pool and picked her up, carrying her up the outside stairs into what used to be his apartment.

  “Damn,” he said, looking around. Her eyes flew open.

  “What?” She looked around while trying to cover herself with her hands.

  He would have chuckled, but he was too horny.

  “I forgot that none of my stuff is in here. Do you have protection?” He looked around, trying to remember if he had any rubbers in his bag.

  She giggled and nodded. “Top drawer next to the bed.”

  “Good girl.” He carried her into the back room. When he laid her down on the bed, he reached over and took out a silver package, then moved her legs wider and settled between them again. “You taste like sugar.” He smiled, then used his tongue and licked her lower lips. “Sweet as sugar.” She smiled and wrapped her legs around his shoulders. “You have a way about you.” Her eyes closed as she leaned back and enjoyed him.

  When he slid a finger into her, her back arched off the mattress and he felt her legs grow tighter around his shoulders.

  “You like that?” He smiled when she moaned and nodded. “You have the most beautiful pussy.”

  He didn’t know if it was the three-year hiatus talking or the fact that he’d never seen anything as perfect as she was.


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