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Slick as Ides

Page 16

by Chanse Lowell

  I dial the numbers, but she’s changed them once more.

  “Shit! Quit being a bitch and let me in.” I scowl at her gate.

  I shove my phone back in my pocket and push my bike behind one of her thick hedges. My God, I have to smirk. Reminds me of her pubes—so thick and formidable.

  I hop the gate and right away her alarm starts tripping. My chip deactivates it with her special DNA coding. She lets me get so far, only to tease the shit out of me.

  Why do this to me? Why does she tempt me this way?

  I stroll up to her back French doors, press my nose up against the glass and fog up the pane.

  “Iiiiiiides . . . Let me the fuck in. I need you,” I holler with a crack in my voice.

  No response. I bang on the glass, rattling it.

  It won’t break. I’ve tried it before.

  I shuffle toward her office window. It’s high up so I have to prop myself up with a lounge chair from her deck.

  I wobble for a second, but then it steadies.

  She’s at her desk, half dressed in an oversized shirt, and fuck . . . It’s mine.

  I left that one behind. Her shoulder peeks out at the corner, and I can see long, creamy thighs beneath it. Is she completely naked underneath?

  I’ve been carrying around her panties and bra I shredded forever ago. I keep them in my pockets. She can have them back if she’s that desperate for underwear.

  I smirk. Like she’d ever wear something that was damaged.

  I strain to see, and I lick the glass because, fuck, if I won’t do anything I can to get my tongue as close to her as possible. At this point, I practically hold conversations with her destroyed under things I touch frequently.

  She bops around with earbuds in so she can’t hear me.

  What kind of music is she listening to?

  A moment later, she sings and it sounds like Peewee Herman if he was being drowned. I cringe and chuckle.

  Fuck, that’s awful. Shut up, Ides. Please!

  She stretches out a long piece of really shiny metal, coats it with a thin black brush. The metal sparkles and a moment later, looks dry again. She whistles like she’s appraising her work.

  Her tiny fingers place some kind of microchip or something similar to that on the end of it.

  Wait . . . Is that the same thing Dad just put down his drains?

  My eyes squint, and I try to get a better look. The metal curls in on itself and the chair beneath me tips.

  I barely catch myself before I land on my ass.

  Before I can think clearly, I’m scaling her roof.

  If Santa can do it, fuck, I can, too.

  I strip down to my black boxer briefs up on her roof, and holler down her chimney.

  “I’m coming for you, woman. You’re mine! I own that ass,” I yell, cupping around my mouth.

  I stare down into the blackness, and then sit on the edge of the brickwork.

  Would I really fit? Fuck if I know.

  I slide a leg inside, and right away, I realize she’s gotta have traps in there. No way would she make it this easy.

  I sigh heavy and with a grating, rattling sound.

  There has to be a fucking way inside besides sending nukes on her place.

  I pace on her roof and grip the back of my neck as my feet fling out with each sloppy step.

  Think . . . What would she do if she was dying to get to me?

  That’s it!

  I stare at her skylights. Too easy, and I’d probably fall and break my balls off in the process.

  Instead of putting my clothes back on, I chuck them off her roof onto her patio.

  Yeah, it’s raining Vapor’s clothes. What of it?

  I hope she sees and panics. She deserves it.

  I head over to my bike, get out a few of my tools I stash on it and move to her garage key pad.

  Before I do anything at all, I call her up one more time—using one of her old numbers she ditched.


  “Fuck! You’re talking to me now?”

  “Who is this?” a soft voice, definitely not Ides, replies.

  “How’d you get her phone?” I huff.

  “Oh, it’s you. She told me you’d keep calling this number. She was right. How many times are you gonna—”

  “Fuck you, nasty, rotten bitch. I need her,” I say and end the call.

  I pull a wire out of my wallet, hook it into her garage keypad, and I press my palm down over all the numbers at once.

  A clicking sound breaks through the quiet, and a second later, there’s a whirring sound, drowning everything else out.

  I slide my phone up next to the wire, hook it into the headphones portal and my phone lights up.

  A combination starts to go crazy on my screen.

  Can’t be this easy. No way.

  One . . .

  Yeah, okay. Give me more.

  Three . . .

  Baby, you know you want me to get in there . . .

  Five . . .

  One more number, and I’m in.

  Zero . . .

  Click, rickah, rickah, rickah, rickah . . .

  The door starts to raise, and I unhook my phone, drop and roll inside before the garage starts to close up again now that the connection’s lost.

  I feel like Indiana Jones slipping under a closing cave wall like that.

  My body moves fast, and it’s because of her buffed, shiny garage floor.

  I swear it’s ten times shinier than the last time I saw it.

  What’s she been doing, and how the hell does she have time to sterilize everything so thoroughly?

  I lick the ground before pushing up to sitting.

  I’m gonna grind into her dripping pussy out here someday, just to piss her off. Should be fun.

  Maybe right now, actually.

  I get up, walk over to the door to her house, and of course it’s locked.

  Like an idiot, I set my phone down and knock on the door.


  “What the hell do you want?” A gun is pointed in my face, and the door is wide open.

  “I just wanna talk to her,” I say, out of breath, my hands up in the air.

  “She doesn’t want to see you anymore. I’m here to protect her, and protect her I will. She’s locked up in her cave right now anyway and can’t be disturbed,” he says.

  “Riot, c’mon, man. You know I won’t hurt her.” I breathe hard. Just being this much closer to her has me hard as hell.

  “Yeah, you’ll just fuck her until she can’t think straight anymore. She’s been working feverishly since she’s locked you out. She’s been doing some of her best work ever,” he snarls.

  “Yeah, and you’ll tell my dad all about it, won’t you?”

  “No. I don’t report to him anymore.” His eye closest to me twitches.

  He’s lying.

  “Who, then? Rich?”

  His eyes twitch more, and his lips part for a second. “I don’t report to anyone at all. I protect her from the scumbags like you that want a piece of pussy with no regard to her pure genius capabilities.” The gun shakes in his hands.

  I lunge forward and yell “Boo!” in his face.

  He drops the gun, I stomp on his hand when he reaches for it, and then I knee him in the neck, pinning him up against the wall that way, cutting off his voice in the process.

  There’s a telephone with a real live cord. I laugh every time I see that damn thing.

  I take it, rip it out of the wall and twist the cord around his arms, binding him.

  He tries to yell, but I punch him in the face and then drag his ass into the garage with me. I make sure the door isn’t locked before allowing it to close so I can get back in.

  When he’s flopping around on the shiny floor, I smirk. Yeah, I’ll fuck her right next to him. He can watch. Should be even more fun than I anticipated. Better than recording it.

  “Bye, bye, Chad,” I say, stepping back into her house. “Make sure to dirty up her floor o
ut here by pissing yourself. She’ll love that. Should give her something to clean up later today.”

  He’s shrieking like a girl. She won’t hear it. I’ll fuck her in her office before she does so she won’t freak out and say I can’t have her.

  She won’t know until I’m ready for dessert.

  I look down at my boxer briefs, drop them in the hallway and when I get to her office, it’s locked like he’s said.

  After a few seconds of grabbing tools out of her kitchen, I’ve taken the hinges off, and like a punk, I remove the entire door.

  She stands up out of her chair, gaping, her hands clasped over her belly when she startles and realizes her door’s gone, and I’m standing right the fuck there, naked and hard for her. Her eyes go wide, and then she yanks out her earbuds, letting them fall to the floor.

  “Nice,” I say, my eyes raking up and down that lithe little body. “No panties. You were waiting for me—fucking tease.”

  “How did you . . . Did Riot leave?”

  “I told him I needed a good hour before he returned,” I say, shrugging.

  I prowl after her, moving with my head tipped forward and teeth bared.

  Her mouth drops open, and a flush creeps up her neck.

  “Is there any way I could want you more or be harder than this?” I point at my dick without looking at it. I know it’s weeping for her.

  “I . . . Vapor, please . . . I’m busy. I’m working,” she says, shrugging away from me, rubbing her chin on her exposed shoulder. “And I simply can’t stop right now. There’s no way.”

  “I don’t give a fuck if you’re in the middle of birthing a calf.”

  “Ewww! Nick! Don’t say that—it would mean you’re a bull, and while you’re very well endowed, I’m not into bestiality. Think of that vile manure smell!”

  “Shut it, woman. You’re gonna suck me—make up for missed time together. I want it hard, I want it ugly, I want my face to contort in pain, the suction’s so damn unworldly.”

  She licks her lips. “First, let me—”

  “No!” I take three more steps, and I’m before her, gripping her arms, my mouth on her. “Sssssfuuuuucking good. You taste like Heaven and Hell and everything in between. You taste like the woman I’m gonna fuck right now to make everything all right again.”

  I reach behind her knee, cup it roughly, and I’ve swiped her leg out from under her.

  She’s on the ground, and I’m on top of her, pushing her shirt up—my old shirt she decided to work in.

  “You’re wearing it—you kept something of mine,” I growl, biting her belly.

  “You have my hoodie,” she reminds me.

  “I threw that shit out. It’s not like I could do anything with that black bag of a shirt,” I say, sucking, licking and biting harder. Flesh. I want it. My mouth craves a deeper taste.

  “You mean you don’t masturbate on it every night and hold satanic rituals in my honor?” She laughs, and her tummy shakes.

  “Nope—I reserved that for your torn up panties and bra. Now that was worth preserving.” I smirk and lick my lips.

  “I hope they burn on accident when you get them near a candle. Cotton’s flammable.”

  “You think this is funny?” I tickle my fingers down her pussy. “You think I don’t break every night I don’t have you wrapped around me? My dick can’t take it—my heart even less so. I need you, Ides. Stop fighting me. Stop breaking me. Fuck me now.”

  She moans, and her eyes slide up in her head. “Shit, I need to . . .”

  “No. Nothing else matters. I want your come on my hands, your tits in my face—and if I don’t get it, I can’t guarantee I won’t kidnap you and take you away. There’s not much I won’t do to have you.” I glide up her body. “You really don’t wanna push me on this. I’m serious—I’ll take you away from this shitty place.”

  “You could try,” she says, giggling. She grips my shoulders.

  “Woman, don’t test me. I’m ready to snap, and it’s not gonna be pretty.”

  “But you are . . .” Her fingers drift through my bangs and her eyes follow her hands. “So pretty, Nick. I could look at you all day long. I’ve found pictures of you that I’ve put on each of my new phones so I can remember . . .”

  I tip my chin up and kiss the corner of her hand. “Oh yeah? Tell me, baby—remember what?”

  “How you look at me and the way your husky voice grazes over my skin when you say my name while you come. It raises goose bumps on my skin, and instead of scrubbing it away, I actually try to smell it. It’s like you’re kind of embedded in my skin. There’s this faint trace.” She holds her forearm up to my nostrils. “Take a whiff.”

  I grin, and when I inhale, she suddenly rams her knee up behind my balls, flips me over, and there are goddamn cuffs around the legs of her desk that are now hooked to my wrists.

  “Hey, that’s my move,” I say, grunting from the echo of pain in my sack.

  She didn’t really hurt me bad—mostly just shocked the hell out of me, but still . . . She’s not playing fair with my boys.

  “Was your move. Riot told me you’d go to extreme measures. Now sit like a good boy while I finish this up. It’s time sensitive, and then I’ll suck you off however you want,” she says, a twinkle in her eyes.

  I cannot believe this.

  She sits down in her chair, puts one of the legs between my head and arm.

  Every few seconds, she leans over and coos, “So sexy. I may not be into bestiality, but you look good down there like a loyal pet. And I haven’t even gotten you neutered yet.” She snickers.

  “I need my boys, so that’s never a funny joke. And right now they’re pissed at you for manhandling them with your knee like that. It’s time you kissed and made up with them.”

  “It’s funny when I’ve got you at my mercy.” She moves her toes closer to me and strokes my ribs with the pad of her foot. “And you’re a hoot when you’re acting all hurt and pouting.”

  I stare at her like she’s truly fucked up right now.

  She types away on her keyboard and fiddles with the metallic thing from earlier.

  “Dare I ask why my dad has one of those down his kitchen drain while you’re here fucking around with another one?”

  “No, you daren’t.” She smirks when she uses that silly term at the end. “I can’t answer what’s going on anyway. Just know I’ve got it under control, and I’m not the one that gave it to him.”

  “Then who did?”

  “The person responsible,” she supplies, voice disinterested.

  “Responsible for what?”

  “For stopping me months ago.”

  “Are you okay, Ides? Seriously, are you that hard-up you can’t think straight? I’m still fully erect even after your Charlie’s Angel’s move on me. Get down here, gorgeous, and fuck me all you want. Have an orgasm or four. I don’t fucking care, just get down here now!” I yank at my restraints, but they’re not budging.

  She caresses the length of my cock with her toes.

  “Not yet. I told you—time sensitive. I’ll get to you very soon, I promise.”

  “Fucking douche-bag Riot. This is his fault,” I say, stretching my neck up to see.

  She pushes my head back down, shoves a finger in my mouth.

  “Since you seem to be orally fixated today, I’ll give you something to do. I’m done on the keyboard right now anyway.”

  A few mouse clicks, a few grating sighs from her that sound like she’s in pain, and then she kicks her chair away.

  She straddles me but hovers her pussy high enough I can’t reach it.

  “Please, Dena, don’t . . . I can’t fucking wait. I’m dying to have you. Do you know how crazy you make me? Broken laws and endangering myself mean nothing to me when it comes to being with you.”

  “Patience, and it’ll all go away. I’ve got a plan.”

  “So do I, and it involves a lot of come and you screaming my name,” I say, nipping at her arm.

strokes my cheek.

  “I’ll get ready for you, and then I’ll be right back.” She stands up, grabs her item off the desk and heads out of the room.

  “Ungah!” I howl.

  She’ll hear Riot. She’ll leave me here to rot and save him. That’s what she’ll do.

  A few moments later, I hear the door to the garage open.


  I’m naked and cuffed.

  I wriggle and try to get out of this predicament, but she cuffed me real tight.

  “This was not what I had in mind from my sexy girl,” I say, grinding my teeth.

  I flop back and forth.

  “You’re so mean to him,” she says, standing in the doorless entry with shorts on now. I glare at her covered pussy.

  “He deserved it, the prick.”

  “I sent him away. He’s traumatized, thanks to you.” She smiles.

  “That’s always the plan.” I kick my legs.

  “You don’t deserve to be sucked, you naughty boy.” She sashays over to me, bends over and strokes my cock with the lightest of touches.

  “Please . . . Ides, you don’t wanna mess with me. I can’t take it—fucking ride me already!” I snap my jaws at her.

  “Now, why should I do that? How many times have you tied me down and made me beg? What about you begging me to—”

  “Don’t be a bitch. Be my beautiful—the woman I know and love so much. I’ll beg for anything you want as long as you let me inside you,” I breathe.

  “Tsh,” she hisses through her teeth.

  She leans over, lifts her shirt and dangles her tits right above my face.

  “Riot thinks you’re dangerous,” she says.

  “Riot’s a dickless geek that can’t figure out what to do with you. But I know exactly what to do with that greedy, lush cunt. I’ll stroke it, make it gush for me and water until I can drink from you.”

  “I think I’ll let you prove it with one hand. If you can get me off with one hand only, then I’ll release you, and you can have whatever you want.”

  “Whatever I want?” My brow arches.

  “Whatever you want, for as long as you want in a twenty-four hour period.” Her head wobbles, and she bites over her lip, hitting the flesh below it.

  “You’re up to something.” I glare at her.

  “I want you to be up in me, but you have to follow my rules. I need to have my way tonight since you rudely interrupted my work.” A brief flash of brilliant light hits her eyes.


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