Book Read Free


Page 31

by Nancy Ann Healy

  Alex heard the slight hurt in Cassidy’s voice. “You do know that there is no one Dylan loves more than you?”

  “That’s not true,” Cassidy disagreed. “And, don’t look at me like that. I don’t need that to be true.”

  “I know. But, Cass, it’s true. You can see so much when it comes to everyone else, but when it comes to Dylan, you have this blind spot.”

  “I don’t think…”

  “I know you don’t think so, but you do. You have to let go of this guilt you have about you and John.”

  “How am I supposed to do that? I lied to my son.”

  “Yes, but you did it because you love him. And, Cass? You’re the only person who is beating you up over it. Before you start arguing with me, please hear me out. I know that Speed loves me. He loves your mom and my mom. God knows, he loves Nicky and Pip. But, Cassidy, you are the most important person in the world to him. You always have been. Maybe he does want to impress me. I know that. You don’t think I do, but I do. You? You’re the person he trusts completely. He always has. He still does.”

  Cassidy sighed. “Sometimes it hurts, Alex. I know that’s wrong of me. It just hurts. It hurts to know that I betrayed that trust. It hurts to see him laughing with my father. I just…”

  “It’s not wrong. I just wish you could let it go, just a little bit.”

  Cassidy put her head back onto Alex’s chest. “How are things with Claire?”

  Alex sighed.

  “Alex? You two seem to be getting along. Did I miss something?”

  “She saved my ass today, Cassidy.”

  Cassidy sat up. “You mean when you fell?”

  Alex nodded. “Don’t get me wrong, someone would have come down, but…”


  Alex looked at the ceiling to gather her thoughts. “She was as relieved to see me alive as I was to see her hovering there.”

  Cassidy smiled and snuggled into Alex. It gave her comfort to know that Claire was watching out for Alex, and that Alex was watching out for Claire. “I’m just glad you’re safe.”

  “Me too,” Alex confessed.

  “Want to talk about it?”

  “I don’t know where to begin. Lying there… Knowing that young woman was beside me. Jesus, Cass, I fell a short way. It sounds awful, but I hope she was already gone when he threw her in that hole.”

  Cassidy felt Alex shudder against her and tightened her hold on Alex’s waist. “I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

  “We’re close, Cass—close to finding him.”

  “Isn’t that a good thing?”

  Alex sighed.

  “Alex, what is it?” Cassidy moved again so she could look in Alex’s eyes.

  “I don’t know for sure…”

  “Know what?”

  “I think he knew the first victim—intimately.”

  Cassidy struggled to take a full breath. “Like a girlfriend?”

  “Maybe. I don’t think so, though. I have a feeling they had history. She was fifteen, Cassidy. There’s only so many options.”

  “How close are you?”

  “Close. I just worry that when we find him…”

  “You think Claire will go off the rails.”

  Alex shook her head. “I wouldn’t blame her, and that scares me.”

  Cassidy kissed Alex’s cheek. “I don’t blame either of you for wanting to give him his due.”

  “You don’t?”

  “No, but I know that you won’t.”

  “I have to get him before he…”

  “I know.”

  Alex pulled Cassidy back into her arms. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”


  “Just like that?” Alex asked.

  “Just like that. Have you heard from Pip?”

  “Only to give me work to do,” Alex chuckled. “In fact, I need to get up early in the morning.”


  “Don’t worry, it’s not strenuous. Claire and I are headed to Pennsylvania in the afternoon. I need to stop at the Stamford warehouse on the way to the airport.”

  “You’re going to Carecom?”

  “Just to check the new security system. Won’t take long with Claire there to help me.”

  “About the girl?”

  Alex swallowed hard. “It’s not something you need to worry about right now.”

  Cassidy sighed.

  Alex stroked Cassidy’s back. “When this is all over?”


  “What do you think about a weekend away with me?”


  “Really? On what?”

  “Do I have to cook?”

  Alex laughed. “No cooking for you. No cleaning for me. Now that you’ve stopped counting the bathroom tile, I think we can find other things to occupy our time.”

  Cassidy giggled. “Are you propositioning me, Agent Toles?”


  Cassidy laughed. “Proving my mother’s point about rabbits.”

  “Do I want to ask what that means?”

  “Kenzie was curious about her father,” Cassidy explained.


  “Relax,” Cassidy soothed Alex. “Just Kenzie being curious. When I tried to dive a little deeper, she was uninterested.

  “I didn’t think they’d be asking about that for a while.”

  Cassidy kissed Alex’s chest. “Does that bother you?”

  “I don’t know. It’s normal; I know. I kind of hoped it’d be when they were all older.”

  “I think it will be,” Cassidy said. “And, Alex? It won’t change how they see you or Pip.”

  “I hope not,” Alex said.

  “Maybe you should talk to Dylan about it,” Cassidy suggested.


  “I can’t think of a better person to allay your fear,” Cassidy explained. “He lived with Chris as his father for seven years. He found out about his biological father and after all of it? You are the one he sees as his parent. I don’t know why you would think it would be any different with Kenzie and the twins or this baby for that matter.”

  “I just love them so much,” Alex said.

  “I know you do. They love you. You’re their mom, Alex; every bit as much as I am. And, you know that Pip feels that way.”

  “I do. I just wonder what they’ll want from him.”

  Cassidy looked at Alex. “They already have anything they could want from him. Uncle Pip loves all of them equally, including Dylan just like you and I do. The fact that he was our donor won’t change our family. We’ve talked about this a million times. You have to trust that.”

  “I do trust it,” Alex said. “Doesn’t mean I don’t think about it sometimes. Kenzie is a lot like him.”

  Cassidy nodded. “Mackenzie is a lot like you. Everyone comments on that, Alex.”

  Alex’s lips curled into a smile. Mackenzie looked like Cassidy, but her personality resembled Alex a great deal.

  Cassidy grinned. “And, you love that fact,” she teased.

  “Maybe a little,” Alex confessed.


  “I wonder who this one will be like?” Alex mused.

  “He’ll be like Brian.”

  “You really think it’s a boy?”

  Cassidy shrugged. “Don’t know why. I just do.”

  “Maybe it’ll be twins again,” Alex offered.

  Cassidy’s gaze hardened. “If you hope to participate in the rabbit show, you will take that back.”

  Alex laughed. “Tell me about this rabbit show.”

  Cassidy kissed Alex passionately. “Get some rest, pray for one healthy baby and I will give you the show on this weekend getaway you’ve promised.”

  “Praying as we speak,” Alex promised.

  Cassidy resumed her position in Alex’s arms. “Get some sleep, love.”

  Alex closed her eyes. “Will there be hopping?”

  “Go to sleep, Alex.”
  “How about carrots? Do I need to bring carrots?”

  Cassidy giggled. “Not this trip, love.”

  Alex sighed with contentment. “I love you, Cass.”

  “Love you too, Alfred.”


  “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,” he recited the familiar rhyme as he drove. “Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. And, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again.” He looked at his phone mounted to the dashboard, smiled, and pressed the necessary button. He waited for a connection. “Make it fast,” he reminded himself.

  “A hunting we will go, Agent Toles

  Heigh ho, where will I go?

  Find the chair who’s oh so fair,

  Just grab that girl and give her a twirl

  And then I’ll send her home.”

  He disconnected the call and closed his eyes. “Let’s go hunting, Agent Toles.”


  “This place is like Fort Knox,” Claire commented.

  “Jonathan thrives on overkill,” Alex said.

  “I guess so.”

  Alex paced nervously.

  “Jesus, Alex, you’d think Cassidy was giving birth or something. What’s wrong with you?”

  “I just want to get this done and get to the Leibowitz’s.”

  “Yeah, I get that. Do you think they’ll cooperate?”

  “You mean with keeping things under wraps for a day or two?”


  “I hope so,” Alex said. “That’s why I wanted us to make the visit. I can’t help but think BJ has some connection to Monica Leibowitz.” She sighed with relief when she saw the Gestalt van pull up. “Good, he’s here.” Alex opened the door. “Bryce.”

  “If it isn’t my favorite Toles,” Bryce Duncan made his way to the door.

  “I’m the only Toles you know.”

  “Technically,” he agreed. “You must be Alex’s partner.”

  “Or she must be mine,” Claire replied.

  “Got a comedienne on your hands, huh?” Bryce asked Alex.

  “Oh, she’s a regular one-woman show.”

  Claire rolled her eyes. “Do you need me for this?”

  “Nope,” Alex said.

  “Good. I’m gonna make a call.”

  “Say hi to Hawk!” Alex called after Claire.

  “Thinks she knows me so well,” Claire mumbled as she walked outside.

  “I take it you looked at everything before I got here,” Bryce said.

  “Looks good. Anything I need to know?” Alex asked.

  “Seems like your brother wanted the full treatment. Nobody is getting in here without approved access.”

  Alex smirked. Somebody always gets in without approved access. “If only that were true, Bryce. I’m afraid all the security cameras and protocols that exist are never enough.”

  “You’re talking cyber.”

  Alex shrugged. “Someone always wants a challenge,” she said.

  “Speaking from experience?” he asked.

  “Maybe.” Alex was about to ask Bryce a question when her cell phone rang. “Toles,” she answered. “I’m sorry? What did you just say? What? When?” Alex pinched the bridge of her nose forcefully.

  “Came in ten minutes ago,” Assistant Director Bower told Alex.

  “Specifically for me?” Alex asked.


  “I need to hear it.”

  “I’ll put it on speaker. You ready?”

  “Go ahead,” Alex directed. She listened attentively.

  “A hunting we will go, Agent Toles

  Heigh ho, where will I go?

  Find the chair who’s oh so fair,

  Just grab that girl and give her a twirl,

  And then I’ll send her home.”

  Alex’s hand trembled slightly as she waited for AD Bower’s voice to return to the line. “Toles?” he said.

  “Yeah, I heard it. Can you send the transcript over?”

  “Of course. What do you need?”

  “I need you to call Governor Reid.”

  “Why?” Bower asked.

  “Increase her security detail now,” Alex ordered.

  “You think he’s going after the governor? That’s not his M.O.”

  “I’m not sure what he’s doing,” Alex said. “He’s grabbing the spotlight. Typical. He likes the attention. What better way to get attention? Better safe than sorry.”

  “Toles, how worried do we need to be?” Bower asked.


  “I’ll make the arrangements,” Bower promised.

  “Thanks. I’ll follow up. Agent Brackett and I need to get to Philly ASAP.” She hung up the call. “Shit.”

  “Everything okay? Bryce asked Alex.

  “Okay is not the word I’d use. Listen, I hate to cut this short,” Alex apologized. “I thought I’d have a little more time, but…”

  Bryce held up his hand. “Not to worry,” he assured her.

  Alex nodded her thanks and briskly headed for the door. She opened it for Bryce. “Jonathan’s overseas again. He’ll be back next week,” she said. “I trust your work. I’ll make sure he knows to follow up with you.”

  “I appreciate that,” he replied. “Next time, maybe we can catch up over coffee. I’ll buy.”

  “You should buy with what you charge,” Alex chuckled.

  “Ah, Agent Toles,” he said. “You get what you pay for in life.”

  Alex waved him off and headed for Claire.

  “I just heard,” Claire said. “I take it we’re driving instead?”

  “It will be faster.”

  “Okay, get in,” Claire said.

  “You’re driving?”

  “Don’t make a thing out of it,” Claire said. “Just get in the car.”


  “You okay over there?” Claire asked. “We’re only an hour out.”

  “Just stiff,” Alex replied. “I just keep thinking.”



  Claire sighed.

  “You too?” Alex guessed.

  “I just don’t get it,” Claire said. “Where the hell is Brad Lawson? No one just disappears. No one knows that better than us.”

  Alex chuckled despite the gravity of the conversation. Claire was correct. No one vanished without a trace. There was always a trace; it was a matter of someone finding the trail. There could be a million reasons that Brad Lawson was missing. She was confident he hadn’t left the country. There was no passport registered to a Bradley Lawson with the same birthdate. Alex had been able to amass a wealth of information on the missing man. He possessed a valid Connecticut driver’s license that was set to renew in six months. They had moved to track his bank accounts, but that would take time. He had no criminal history. He had served four years in the Army and had been honorably discharged. He’d never been married. His parents were deceased. There were more than enough circumstantial factors to give her pause. The problem was, the FBI and the courts did not function on circumstantial factors. For Alex to obtain a warrant to trace Brad Lawson’s bank accounts, she needed evidence that he might be a viable suspect. Right now, she had none.


  “We need access to his bank accounts to see where he is—what he is spending.”

  “We could get that; you know?”

  Alex sighed. “Going to our contacts in intelligence is not a good idea. How do we explain it?”

  “I’m betting he knows something,” Claire said.

  “I agree,” Alex said.

  “You think he’s our guy?”

  “I think one of them is. Whoever we find first, we either find the killer or the person who knows where we can find the killer. That’s what I think.”

  “Why would Monica Leibowitz be wearing a Greenscape shirt?” Claire wondered aloud. “I mean, our guy likes to leave them naked; right? He wouldn’t dress her after the fact.”

  Alex nodded. �
�Not likely. Like I said, that would mean she knew him. I wish they’d get something from that photo.”

  “It’s old, Alex.”

  “I know. Lawson disappears and no one knows BJ? It doesn’t make sense.”

  “Guess that’s why we have jobs,” Claire said.

  Alex couldn’t help but chuckle. “True.”

  “You really think he’ll make a play for the governor?”

  “Who knows?” Alex said. “You heard that message. Find the chair who’s oh so fair? He’s talking about someone of prominence. It’s one of two people,” Alex surmised.

  “One of two?”

  “Yeah; Candace or me. I can take care of myself.”

  “Let’s just hope there are no holes in the ground where we’re headed,” Claire said dryly.

  “Thanks,” Alex laughed.

  “Any time, partner.”


  “No,” Bryce spoke into his phone. “I’m in Stamford right now. Is it that important?” He sighed heavily. “I can make the detour if you need me to. Yeah, I’m sure.” He hung up the call and slapped the steering wheel. “Another damn detour. I hate detours.”


  Claire pulled the car in front of a small coffee shop. “I’ll get us some coffee before we head down the street to the Leibowitz’s.”

  “Thanks,” Alex replied. She needed to make a follow-up call, and she was sure Claire was giving her privacy to make it.

  “Don’t thank me. Trust me; you need it,” Claire said.

  Alex chuckled. She watched Claire move toward the coffee shop and took a deep breath. She waited for a voice to answer.


  “I’m sure you are thrilled to be getting my call.”

  Candace Reid laughed. “That depends on whether it’s to tell me I need to head to a bunker or not.”

  Alex smiled. There was little doubt in her mind that Bower’s call would have unsettled the governor. But, Alex had known Candace for many years. She was a seasoned politician who was often in the spotlight. Threats were a reality someone of Candace’s notoriety had to deal with. “If it makes you feel any better, I think you are safe.”


  “I’m not one to take chances. You know that.”

  “I suppose; I do.”


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