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ZetaTalk: Being Human

Page 13

by Nancy Lieder

  given center stage, and past lives that passed the minimum acceptance criteria are pruned and amended by humans

  remembering them just as they have selective memory about their current incarnation.

  Past lives are most often remembered by subtle message the soul gives to the current incarnation, the body. If the soul

  is strongly into integrating, fixing past mistakes, it may be firm during these messages, so the human has no rest until they are in sync and with the program. It is during such incarnation that humans report they have uncovered past lives.

  But unless such a situation exists, mediating and begging the soul to play out in full color and sound and fury the

  interesting past lives is not honored. The soul considers this idle curiosity on the part of the human, who is treated not as an equal during incarnation. Thus, such attempts, where not called for, are futile. Thus, humans seeking to

  reconstruct their past lives are fighting an uphill battle, and will never get close to the hoary truth.

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  ZetaTalk: Near Death Experience

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  ZetaTalk: Near Death Experience

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Near Death Experiences are quite common, and are similar to Out-Of-Body experiences, but with a twist. Where the

  entity has left the physical body, seeing the trend, it moves forward on its journey to return to the birthing envoys in

  preparation for the next incarnation. This process is complicated, and has many steps. The first step is to let go of the former incarnation. As every dying person has many issues left undone, many statements left unsaid, and many

  concerns not yet completed to the entity's satisfaction, their focus is torn between the life they are leaving and the

  future. The birthing envoys meet this head on, by presenting the newly disincarnate entity with those involved in the

  leftover concerns. Thus, in a Near Death Experience, an entity may meet relatives and friends, both loved and hated,

  or co-workers involved in incompleted projects. When the pending death does not occur, the person remembers

  meeting familiar people, but not much else as the death was aborted. Had the death continued, settling these leftover

  issues would have proceeded.

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  ZetaTalk: Ghosts

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  ZetaTalk: Ghosts

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  All humans have visits from those they knew in the past, now dead. These spirits, who are primarily disincarnate but

  can come from their next incarnation in an Out-Of-Body, are trying to settle things they feel were left outstanding.

  These matters can be as simple as an apology they wished to express to you, or a bit of information they felt you

  needed, intended to be told to you when you next met. Death interrupts the plans. Ghosts are such disincarnate entities.

  Ghosts often show themselves to humans in a form that the human remembers. This is not a willful act on the part of

  the ghost, it is the way the human’s mind perceives the ghost based on the fact that they understand they are

  communicating with someone they knew. The mind plays tricks where the human see what he expects to see or hopes

  to see, and fails to see something they do not wish to see.

  This is exactly what occurs when humans are being visited by ghosts. The ghost takes the form that the human recalls,

  the form the ghost took when they were alive. This form is shaped in the mind of the human as it fits with all the

  circumstances of the conversation between souls that is taking place. The human has formed this image from memory,

  but because this memory is swarming about, chemically speaking, with all the other circumstances of the encounter, it

  merges in the mind of the human. Like scenes that the filmmakers in Hollywood make, where a person on top of a

  wave may in fact be standing in a room, superimposed on a wave, the human encountering a ghost superimposes what

  the human used to look like. To the human, this has all been received as one impression.

  Not all ghosts are from the dead, as a ghost can be a spirit having an Out-Of-Body experience or a normally

  disincarnate spirit. The majority of time, during 3rd and 4th Density, an entity will find itself incarnated. Upon death, the entity leaves its physical body, and this can also occur slightly before death too. Many humans experience Out-Of-Body experiences, and these are times when what you call the soul separates from the physical body either because it

  is curious and wants to go somewhere the physical body cannot, or because the physical body is experiencing trauma.

  Disincarnate entities are in light form. The reason some such entities appear brighter in light form than others is related to their spiritual maturity. The older and wiser, the brighter. They gain in spiritual bulk, one might say.

  When an entity is disincarnate, it can wander about just as the soul can in Out-Of-Body experiences. Likewise, as in

  Out-Of-Body experiences, it is drawn to places it is either curious about or tied to because of emotional trauma. The

  entity that feels an issue is unresolved will hang about, desiring to influence proceedings. This is much displayed in

  your media in ghost stories of one kind or another. Just as with visits from entities in 4th Density or higher densities, these disincarnate entities cannot affect humans unless the human gives The Call. It is not because these disincarnate

  3rd Density entities are under the same rules as we, the rules from the Council of Worlds, it is because their substance

  cannot affect the physical world, and they cannot possess another's body unless The Call has been given and

  permission granted. In this regard, a walk-in or a possession is a reality, and can happen.

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  ZetaTalk: Out-Of- Body

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  ZetaTalk: Out-Of- Body

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  The Out-Of-Body experience is much misunderstood. It is desired by many but experienced by few. The entity, driven

  by curiosity or strong emotion, flits out of the physical body, desiring more mobility. Once the spirit learns how to

  jump out of the body, the human finds they can go out of the body at will, but they cannot describe the mechanism as it

  is, after all, a skill of the soul, not of the human body that the soul inhabits. Out-Of-Body is not a particular position or a particular mind set, and it is not really a voluntary activity on the part of the human. This is not something that a

  human can teach itself, because it is a lesson that the soul must experience.

  Most often, in humans, it occurs in trauma or impending death, the sense of the spirit that the body will die. It is

  stepping away as though jumping out of the fire. The soul often jumps out of the body just as death is happening, as

  those who have come back from Near Death experiences can relay. They were watching the scene. Even though the

  point of death experience is remembered by spiritus, this pales in the flood of other experiences and tends to be not

  remembered until a similar instance returns, such as the death of the current incarnation.

  Once entities learn how to do this, they want to do this often. If they don't return voluntarily, on their own, they are

  returned by their spirit guides, who watch over the incarnated entities like school yard monitors, ensuring that the

  incarnation proceeds by the rules. These tempor
ary exits are self limiting, as the guides force the entity back into its

  physical body after a time. No skipping out of school. During 3rd Density the entity is required absolutely to be

  incarnated, as this is where it learns the fastest. There are occasional Out-Of-Body experiences, but in the main, 3rd

  Density is a grounded experience.

  During 4th Density the entity is also incarnated, but is aware of the potential separation of the spirit from the body, and Out-Of-Body experiences are openly discussed among all - a fact of life. 4th Density is a long plateau, where many

  lessons are solidly mastered. During 4th Density, the entity increasingly finds itself Out-Of-Body, and thus is getting

  familiar with life without a body. Moving into 5th and 6th Density, then, the entity is comfortable without a body, and

  finds its learning experiences can continue apace with or without. However, depending on the determination of the

  entity and lessons to be learned, these 5th and 6th Density entities may find themselves incarnated, even back on a 3rd

  Density world such as the Earth is at present.

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  ZetaTalk: Walk-in

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  ZetaTalk: Walk- in

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  A walk-in is where a naturally evolved Earth entity vacates its human body and then an entity from another world

  enters, incarnating. When a walk-in takes place, it is not because the entity has left temporarily, but, like death, has left permanently. This occurs when the entity essentially wishes to commit suicide, and would do so if the walk-in were

  not allowed. The spirit guides are aware of this, conferences take place, and all is agreed. Since this changes the nature of the incarnation agreement, it is like an amended incarnation agreement, terminating the incarnation for one entity,

  but instituting this for another. Walk-ins are very rare, although they get a lot of press. Possessions are one such

  instance, and exorcism is where the original entity is persuaded to return. Another example of a walk-in is where there

  is extremely important work to be done, but the incarnated entity does not feel up to it. This occurs only where there

  had been conferences between the entity incarnated and the entity desiring to enter. Also present in these instances is a mission that both feel is important. However, if a human, being miserable, wishes to end his life and inadvertently

  gives The Call to the Service-to-Self crowd, he may be mis-informed as to the mission. The Service-to-Self crowd is

  not noted for truthfulness. One should not assume that disincarnate entities are waiting around for an opportunity to

  jump in, or that this would be allowed by the spirit guides, in any case. As we say, this is an extremely rare occurrence.

  Service-to-Self entities from other worlds rarely do walk-ins unless the stakes are high. The reason is simple. They

  don't give a darn about anything except themselves; they have more power and fluency in the higher densities; and in

  agreeing to a walk-in they are stuck in the human body until death can be arranged. Although suicide can end a walk-

  in, and often does when the walk-in has occurred by a Service-to-Self entity, the suicide itself involves pain that the entity would rather not experience. Walk- ins by those in the Service-to-Self should be looked for where humans in

  positions of authority begin acting strangely and reverse some prior decisions in a manner that would benefit those in

  the Service-to- Self. An example might be a judge ruling that oppression of an underclass should continue, an act that

  would cause elitism in the upper classes to increase and despair and hopelessness in the underclass to likewise

  increase. A walk-in by the Service-to-Self might be suspect in this case only if this is a change from the prior tone of

  rulings and this changed tone continues, affecting other aspects of the judge's life.

  Note: added during the November 9, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  There is a misunderstanding about incarnations. The spirit has memories, from past lives, but when incarnating as a walk-in relies on the humans memories. The human, thus, experiences few new memories, unless the spirit is sharing

  conclusions or deja-vu feelings with the new human. The human left by the spirit does not feel a void of memories at all.

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  ZetaTalk: Star Child

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  ZetaTalk: Star Child

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Star Child is a New Age term that has come up only in the past few years in regard to incarnations into human form by

  entities from other worlds. A Star Child differs from a walk-in in that the walk-in entity is not incarnated from the

  point of birth. As the Earth is scheduled to be a Service-to-Other world after the Transformation, at this time a Star

  Child can only be from the Service-to-Other orientation. When an entity from another world in the Service-to-Self

  orientation takes possession of a human body, it is more in the nature of a walk-in, or what some call a possession. As

  Star Children bring experiences from other worlds to the incarnation, they approach life on Earth differently than terran born entities. Each Star Child also approaches life on Earth differently than other Star Children, as they come from

  many different worlds.

  An entity formed on a world where the intelligent species was a bird found that flight was always possible, and

  thus confrontation may stun this entity. Another, from a world where the intelligent species could not escape

  confrontation, would have many experiences to tap in a confrontational situation, and not shrink from


  Where the original life form had few senses, the entity may be used to relying on intuition heavily. Another,

  from a world where the senses could observe sight, sound, auras, electrical energy, temperature, relative weight,

  and physical composition would feel handicapped incarnated as a human, and may flounder a bit.

  An entity which has determined to help humans accept the massive death that will result from the pole shift will

  set out to speak of the transient nature of any given incarnation. This might put their particular mission at odds

  with another Star Child whose mission is to help humans survive the pole shift.

  Star Children are often misunderstood while incarnated as humans, simply because they have no way of

  communicating their vast background to their human neighbors. Imagine trying to talk to little children, who have only

  known the nursery, about jungles and deep oceans and the vastness of space! There is no frame of reference. Star

  Children seldom operate alone, but are assisted with others from their group who operate disincarnate, in the main,

  particularly if the Star Child is from a higher density beyond 4th Density. Nevertheless, the Star Child finds himself cut adrift, as the human body is confused and has only the incarnating soul as a point of reference. Thus, a Star Child's

  spirit may urge the human mind and body to a particular action that the human, mingling in human society with its

  limited perspective, finds absurd. The incarnation is then at odds with itself, with the human distressed and feeling

  lonely and confused.

  Since a Star Child is an incarnated spirit from a higher density, they are more powerful than the human body is

  prepared to deal with. The human body finds it knows things, senses things, and attributes this to all manner of reasons

  because its dealing basically only with wh
at it has perceived and learned in school and from its immediate family. So

  there are incidences where a Star Child has lived its entire life and the human body has never become aware of the true

  nature of the incarnated entity, or maybe not even be aware of reincarnation as a concept. Other Star Children are

  aware almost from birth of their true nature. In many cases, the incarnating spirit allows the body to not be troubled

  until the time comes for action and then intrudes upon the body to get in sync. Often this is very stressful for the

  human body. Illness can prevail, and a lot of anxiety. Thus often the human is given an out, so unless it is necessary

  for the human to be in sync, the human is allowed to blithely go along in ignorance.

  Note: added during Jan 25, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Star Children, who are entities that were born as spirits on worlds other than the Earth, are from widely varied

  backgrounds. As most emerged on water worlds, this is their base experience, and they tend toward fluid social[2/5/2012 1:27:50 PM]

  ZetaTalk: Star Child

  interactions as a result. A water baby can move in more directions that humans are used to, and this is an escape

  mechanism used. Likewise, entities that were birds in their early existence use flight to escape, in the main, and do not stand and fight. Of course, both experiences have situation where being trapped, or pressed, to confront occurs. The

  water baby can find itself pressed into a rock crevice, with no where to escape. The bird form can find its young under

  attack, and decide to enter the fray even at cost to itself. Reptilian evolution is confrontational, as in hominoids, as the creature is land based and moves relatively slowly. Thus, fainting is an escape, or a version of fainting, if flight or

  fight is not determined.

  Beyond the base life form experience, there is the social complexity, where to say that billions of cultures are involved in the Universe to which the Earth is a part is an understatement. Of the billion of so incarnated Star Children on Earth at this time, assisting with the Transformation and Awakening, it would be fair to say that a least a million different


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