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Claiming Her: A Reverse Harem Romance

Page 14

by A. J. Snyder

  Book 1 of the Keep Me Series




  Copyright © 2017 Angela Snyder

  Cover Art ~ Addendum Designs

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

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  Keeping Her is Book 1 in the Keep Me Series.

  The books in the series feature adult content and touch upon some very serious issues and sensitive topics that could be considered as triggers for some readers.

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  "She calls to me like one of the Sirens from Greek mythology, and I would gladly crash into a thousand jagged rocks for just a single touch from her."

  To say I had a rough start in life would be the understatement of the century.

  My uncle may have rescued me from my abusive childhood, but he couldn't save me from the neurotic and compulsive obsessions I would develop in my adulthood.

  I deal with some of the worst criminals in the seedy underbelly of the world just to get what I want. What I need.

  And what I need is the perfect woman. Perfect and pure in every way possible. And I'm willing to obtain that matter the cost.

  So when I make my newest purchase, I expect Adeline's fate to be like all the others before her --- taking what I want and then never seeing her again.

  But she's different.

  Her beauty is disarming.

  And even though I promised to let her go after I took what I wanted...I slowly come to the realization that I can't.

  I have to break my promise to her, because she's mine now.

  And I'm keeping her.



  Falling in Reverse - Coming Home

  Palisades - Let Down

  Highly Suspect - My Name is Human

  The Plot in You - Feel Nothing

  Breaking Benjamin - Breath

  Hellyeah - Love Falls

  Lana Del Rey - Love

  Denmark + Winter - Every Breath You Take



  Thank you, first and foremost, to my friends, family, and especially my husband, for understanding my need to get lost in the books I'm writing, even if it means ignoring everything and everyone around me in the real world for a while.

  A huge thanks to Ashley W. Sometimes I just don't know what I would do without you and your advice. Thanks for always telling me to "let it go".

  To my eagle-eyed beta readers: Ana Rita C., Brandy F., Courtney J., Lawanda J., Lisa T., Melisa G., Rachel Lyn A.B., Robyn B., and Sandra E.K. Thank you for your time, encouragement and support.
















































  In all honesty, I'm beyond desperate at this point. I have a deadline that I'm supposed to meet, but I don't have the goods to deliver to my client.

  And as I look over at my fiancée sleeping peacefully on the couch in my living room, the sinister idea that I've had for weeks now strikes me again. Hard.

  Shaking my head, I force the thought out of my skull immediately, but it only takes a few moments before it comes right back again.

  My eyes stray to the sleepin' beauty. Thick, dark lashes sweep across her rosy cheeks, her normally porcelain skin turned a ruddy shade of pink from spending too much time on the beach with me today. Her long, chocolate brown locks cascade over the armrest of the leather couch in soft waves, and her small hands are curled under her cheek.

  She looks picture perfect, and that's because she is…in every way.

  Even though our imminent marriage is an arranged one and orchestrated by her father and my boss, Salvatore Valenti, I like to think that I would have chosen Adeline under normal circumstances, not only for her beauty on the outside, but for her beautiful, kind soul. She's breathtaking beyond belief both inside and out.

  However, bein' forced to do something has always made me fight that much harder for the complete opposite. So, when Sal thrust this marriage proposition in my face, let's just say I wasn't pleased.

  Salvatore's late wife bore seven children, all of them girls. Adeline was the last one to be born shortly before her death, and so Valenti never received what he really wanted --- a boy. An heir. Someone to carry on the family business and the family name.

  Sal didn't get a son, but one of his daughters could still bear an heir for him. With four of Adeline's sisters dead and the other two married to schmucks that Sal never approved of and would never welcome into the family, Adeline is the only one unmarried…and not dead.

  So, with his choices limited, Salvatore chose me, one of his most trusted employees, someone he took under his wing from an early age, to take on the task of marrying his youngest and producing an heir.

  Being that Adeline was Sal's only option left, I think that's why he locked her up from a young age. Why she was homeschooled; never allowed to venture out in the world.

  And that's also part of the reason why I eventually conceded to Sal's marriage proposal between Adeline and me. I felt sorry for her, knowing what she'd been through as a child, knowing how lonely and broken she was.

  It's not Adeline's fault that we're getting married, though, so I try to not show any anger towards her. She's as much the innocent bystander as I am at this point, although I have much more to gain than she does.

  Sighing deeply, I turn my attention back to the computer and close my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose a
nd trying to ward off the migraine that is hitting me full force. I read over my client's email again as my hands clench into fists against my thighs. I wouldn't even be in this situation right now if it wasn't for Adeline's father.

  Unfortunately, I have a reputation to uphold, and the drug trade is too damn crowded for me to make as much money as Salvatore requires. He takes such a huge cut of my profits that I have to make five times as much to please him and to keep my lavish lifestyle.

  I'm useful to Salvatore at the moment. And now that I'm his future son-in-law, he's been requiring much more of me. And I cannot disappoint him. I've seen what happens to guys who disappoint the all-mighty Valenti mafia king, and it ain't pretty.

  Shuddering at the thought, I think back to when I first made the decision to deal in the flesh trade. It was a recommended alternative by a mentor of mine with a promise to be extremely lucrative. What can I say? There are a bunch of pervs out there that are willing to pay almost anything to have the kind of girl they want. And the most profitable girls on the market are virgins. You can get sometimes double or triple the amount of money for them, but they're about as easy to find as a fuckin' unicorn. I guess that's why men pay top dollar for 'em.

  Salvatore doesn't care how you make the money that pads his fat wallet and keeps him in business. In fact, he doesn't even want to know. He just wants a significant portion of whatever his hired men make, not caring how people got hurt or had to die in order to get it.

  That man has no fuckin' conscience.

  If I go through with this transaction, things will never be the same between Adeline and me. But it's only one small dark spot in what could be a lifetime of happiness. And I will do my best to make her happy. I will go above and beyond to make her forget all about the darkness she is going to endure because of me.

  My fingers tremble against the keys as I type out the email to my client. I only know him by his alias--- The Big Bad Wolf. I don't know his real name, and I know his IP address is fake since it's always pinging at crowded cities throughout the world and never the same location from day to day. He covers his tracks well, and that's why halfway through the email I stop typing and hesitate.

  I've been dealing with The Wolf for a while now. This will be my fifth transaction with him. The first four girls weren't easy to find, but it was worth all the trouble when he paid me handsomely for them. If a supplier can't meet his demand, The Wolf, along with my other clients, will move on to find someone else to satisfy their needs. And I desperately want to keep him as one of my buyers, because he's a solid guarantee for a lot of fuckin' cash for me.

  From what I understand and from the rumors I've heard from another seller that has dealt with this particular buyer is that The Wolf releases the girls soon after he takes their virginity. He never keeps them long after the girls give him what he purchased them for in the first place. And then he's quickly on the prowl, looking for another girl to meet his demands.

  The fact that he lets the girls go after he's finished with them is what gives me a sense of optimism for what I'm about to do. Salvatore Valenti is leaving his empire in New York City to visit an affiliated mafia clan in California for a few weeks. It's perfect timing.

  Almost too perfect.

  And if everything goes according to my plan, Salvatore will not even know his daughter is gone, and she'll be back before he returns to New York, none the wiser. Then, I'll convince Adeline to not tell her father about what happened, assuring her that it will only upset him and get me in trouble. I'm sure it won't take much convincing considering she does everything she can to keep her father happy.

  And then, after this whole nightmare is over, I'll help her get through whatever happened to her while she was with The Wolf.

  Once more I glance at my beautiful fiancée. Her crimson lips move as she mumbles in her sleep, and I can't help but grin. She's pure. Innocent. Not allowing me to sleep with her until after we're married. That's more of her father's rule I think, but she follows it to a T.

  It's a shame that I haven't even had a chance to sample her. I wanted to be the one to take her virginity on our wedding night, and it pains me to think that I won't be her first. If I go through with this, I'll be her second…but also her last.

  My eyes dart to the email message, and I force myself to keep typing. I have no other choice at this point. My money is slowly dwindling, and I need a flush of cash fast.

  Big Bad Wolf,

  I have what you want, but it's going to cost you. One-hundred percent pure, virgin, 5'4", around 125 pounds, beautiful with dark hair, as you requested.

  You will receive the goods once I receive the cash.

  And I expect her to be released once you get what you paid for.



  I encrypt the email and send it through a series of undetectable servers. The man on the other side of this message should be receiving it soon.

  Feeling sick to my stomach, I back away from the computer and stand up. Pulling out my cell phone, I dial a number I have memorized but rarely use.

  When his deep, gravelly voice answers with hello, I tell him, "I need your help with something." I hesitate before I say the next words. "I need to make it look real. I need it to be believable. I'll text you the details."

  Unable to steady my nerves after ending the call, I go to the fridge and crack open a beer. Taking a long swig, I make my way back to the living room where my Adeline is still sleeping soundly. She has no idea how much her life is about to change.

  I feel shitty for being the one responsible for the pain and heartache she's about to endure, but there's no other way around it. My customers have needs, and I supply the girls for those needs…no matter what. I didn't make my millions by having a heart. In fact, if it weren't beating out of my chest right now on adrenaline, I would think that all that resided in my chest was an empty, black hole.

  My lips seal around the bottle's edge as I pour more alcohol down my throat. I'm gonna need a shit ton more alcohol if I'm actually going to go through with this.

  I sit on the large leather couch beside the girl of my dreams. Her eyebrows crease, and her full lips part as she mumbles incoherently. She's having a nightmare I realize. How fitting, I think to myself, considering I've been planning her real-life nightmare for the past hour.

  Hushing her, I work my fingers through her beautiful hair and down her cheek, soothing her out of the bad dream. Her murmurs stop, and her face finally relaxes from my touch.

  Leaning down, I kiss her soft, full lips, allowing myself to linger there for a few seconds. Then I lean back, studying every inch of her gorgeous face. I just sealed her fate with that kiss. In more ways than one.

  A pounding at my front door awakens my sleeping beauty. She moans softly and stretches, flashing me a timid smile that has my heart skipping a beat. Adeline is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, and I still can't believe her father chose me to be her future husband.

  I've watched her grow up from a shy girl and blossom into a beautiful, young woman. It was weird at first, trying not to picture her as Valenti's daughter but a possible mate for life. But it's not like I had much choice in the matter. Valenti does what he wants, and what he says goes.

  The pounding starts again, and I grumble as I stand up, setting my empty beer bottle on the coffee table. "Stay here," I tell her.

  When you work for the Italian mob, you never know who may be at your door. But when I glance at the clock on the way to the entrance of my condo, I have a good feeling as to exactly who it is.

  "Fuck," I curse under my breath when I check the security cam on the small video panel. Salvatore Valenti, the devil himself, and four bodyguards are stationed outside my door.

  Steeling myself, I unlock and open the door and am met with a pair of black, beady eyes belonging to my boss and future father-in-law.

  "Where's my daughter?" he hisses through clenched teeth. Before I can answer, he pushes past me to storm through the entrance of my
condo. Adeline must have known what was coming, because she's already up and off the couch, smoothing her skirt as she plasters on a saccharine smile for her father. I can see right through her, though. She's fucking terrified. Just as I probably should be.

  "Do you have any idea what time it is?" he snaps at her.

  Her eyes instantly move to the floor. She twists the engagement ring, which I placed on her finger just four short weeks ago, around her finger nervously. "No, Papa," she whispers demurely. "I fell asleep on the ---"

  Without warning, Salvatore grabs his daughter by the hair and yanks her towards him. I cringe at the action, but it's not like I'm not used to it by now. I've seen him manhandle all of his daughters, but it always seems like he saves most of his anger for his youngest, Adeline.

  Sal treats his daughters like dolls, wanting them to be perfectly poised and bending at his every whim, but he has no qualms about roughing them up and putting them in their place.

  I'd open my mouth, but I would be signing my own death warrant. You can't ever tell Sal he's wrong…unless you enjoy swimming with concrete blocks tied to your ankles, that is.

  Trying to placate the situation, I approach them carefully and explain by saying, "We had a long day at the beach. She fell asleep on the couch, and I lost track of time going over paperwork on my computer."

  Salvatore's attention snaps to mine, and he narrows his eyes. "If you touched her…"

  I hold my hands up defensively. "I would never," I tell him honestly, and I fuckin' mean it. "I want to keep my head," I say with a smirk, attempting to crack a joke, but Salvatore is in no laughing mood.

  "Nothing happened, Papa," Adeline says quickly, and I can hear the tremor in her voice. "I swear. I swear on Mama's grave," she whispers, her lower lip trembling as she holds back tears.

  Salvatore stares at her face, studying her, perhaps trying to see if she's lying. Then he releases his tight grip on Adeline's hair and pushes her to the floor. She falls on all fours and stays down like the good little doll he raised her to be.


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