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The Wild Interview

Page 14

by K. A Knight

  He stumbles over the next sentence, and when I look up his eyes are on me, his hands gripping the book for dear life. We stare at each other, both filled with desire but not wanting to cross that line.

  My tongue darts out to lick my suddenly dry lips and he groans. “King—” I gasp as he swoops down and seals our mouths together. He doesn't hesitate but pushes at me, demanding entrance. I gasp and his tongue sweeps in as he rolls me onto my back, his body landing between my parted thighs.

  Reaching up I grip onto his shoulders as he devours me, he takes no prisoners. It’s not soft and unsure like Blake’s, or teasing like I expect Liam to be, but hard and bruising and it’s perfect. Groaning into his mouth at the taste of him, I wrap my legs around his waist and he rumbles, rubbing against me, making me gasp again. One of his hands pushes up the cami, and spans my waist as he strokes my skin. Pulling back, he nips my bottom lip and the stinging pain only adds to the pleasure as his hand slowly moves up.

  “Fuck, I—” He groans and I silence him with another kiss, not wanting to spoil the moment and let my responsibilities come back. I just want to enjoy this, I can feel guilty later.

  I arch into his palm as he covers one of my breasts, fumbling at his mouth until he takes control again. All the need and lust that’s been building up since I met them seems to explode through me, and all I can think about is getting his cock inside me.

  Reaching between our bodies, I stroke the front of his underwear and he pushes into my hand. Needing to breathe, I turn my head and he kisses down my neck, his chin nudging my cami down, leaving my breasts exposed to the cold air. Slipping my fingers into his underwear I freeze, just shy of touching him when I hear footsteps on the stairs. He freezes too, his mouth hovering above my nipple.

  We wait, both of us holding our breath, but when it becomes clear they are heading this way, we jump apart. I struggle to get my cami back in place and he flings the duvet over his hips, but not before I catch a mouthwatering glimpse of his hardness pushing against the fabric. Fuck. No wonder he has the Black Stallion as his nickname, it finally makes sense.

  Breathing fast, I try to straighten out my hair as he grabs the book and pretends to read just as my door flies open, and a grinning Liam strolls in.

  “What did I miss, oh yay! Story time, it better be dirty,” he jokes as he jumps on the bed and curls up behind me, spooning me. I swallow hard and look up at Kingston. He glances down and we share a smile before I have to look away.

  Can a lady get blue balls? Fuck, they are killing me. I breathe deep and concentrate on Kingston’s words as he weaves the story, trying to ignore the wetness between my thighs and the taste of him on my mouth, Liam is oblivious as he holds me and I end up falling asleep between them again.

  The next morning I wake up late to find either side of the bed cold. Deciding to make the most of my last weekend of relaxation, and not being stuck in the bus with the guys and different hotels every night, I slide out of bed and run myself a bath. Adding a bath bomb, which mysteriously appeared in a set in my bathroom, I smile as the flowery scent reaches me. I don’t know which guy to thank, but it made my heart melt.

  When the bath is full, I undress and slide in, sighing at the blissful feeling of the water lapping against my skin. There’s just something about a good bath that can do miracles, leaning my head back I close my eyes and just float. When the water starts to go cold, I wash my hair and get out, drying off before brushing my teeth and blow drying my hair. Leaving the strands wavy, I slip into some comfy clothes and slippers, and make my way downstairs. Blake is just making a coffee and when I walk in, and he smiles over his shoulder at me.

  “Mornin’, tea?” he rumbles, sounding half asleep.

  I nod and slip into a chair at the table, watching him move around the kitchen in only his boxers. “Sleep well?” I ask, dragging my gaze from his ass.

  “Yeah, what about you?” he responds, bringing the mugs to the table. I smile in thanks and bring my foot onto the chair, leaning my head on my knee as I watch him.

  “Really well, I was in a stripper sandwich,” I tease, and he chokes on his sip of coffee before glaring at me. I laugh and his face softens, looking down into his mug.

  “You don’t have to let them sleep in there with you, you can tell them no. They are like giant puppies,” he says, sounding concerned.

  “Nah, I don’t mind,” I assure him, not wanting him to say anything to them.

  He nods and we sip our drinks in peace. Standing, he grabs my empty mug and puts it in the sink with his. “I’m going for a run, see you later,” he mumbles before leaving. I will never get that guy.

  I can’t be bothered to cook, so I grab an apple and I head back upstairs, going to catch up on some emails. When I pass Leo’s door I hear raised voices and wince. Poor guy. Not wanting to be caught eavesdropping, I head into my room and grab my phone. Sitting crossed-legged in the middle of the bed, I work through them until I hear a bang. Jumping, I drop my phone as my door opens and a frustrated looking Leo comes in. He jumps on the bed, his head inches away from my knees, and looks up at me.

  “Didn’t go well, huh?” I ask, stopping myself from reaching out and touching him.

  “No.” He sighs. “She’s taking the weekend to think,” he mumbles and I wince, that isn’t good.

  “Sorry sweetie,” I reply and I genuinely am. He nods and shuffles back, putting his head in my lap, making me freeze.

  Swallowing, I grab my phone again and start thumbing through everything and anything to keep myself distracted from how handsome he looks, and the fact he’s shirtless. I mean, do none of them own shirts? I suppose if I looked like that though, I would go shirtless too.

  I drop a hand to the bed as I scroll, and before I notice it, he’s playing with my fingers. I look down to see him comparing our hand sizes and skin colours. Shaking my head I go back to my emails, replying one handed. It’s nice actually, we don’t talk, we just let each other know we’re there, even if my heart races and my palms turn sweaty.

  Leo leaves a hour or so later and I head downstairs to watch a movie. Kingston and Damon join me shortly after, and I have to ignore the way I want to touch my lips, remembering the kiss we shared, or how much further we would have gone if we hadn’t been interrupted. He doesn’t mention it or make it weird, but we share some secret looks, and when I lean over to get the controls he caresses my side, almost making me jump. He does it for the rest of the day, even as the others slowly trickle in and we start up some movies, everyone taking the time to relax. They are little touches, some innocent, some not. Like when he slides his thumb across the side of my breast when he leans over to get a drink, or when I go to the bathroom and he grabs my ass to help push me up. Whenever I look at him afterwards he just grins.

  I go to bed early that night and for once I lock my door, needing the space to think and redraw those blurring lines between us. One of them tries the door handle, but when they notice it’s locked they respect my privacy.

  I spend most of the next day in my room, getting everything ready for tomorrow, packing and what not. Leo brings me some dinner and we eat together, and before I know it, it’s nighttime again.

  I head downstairs and they all smile at me. Leo is cooking again and I jump in to help, all of us working together to get the meal ready and the table set. We laugh and joke over it, the excitement riding the air for the start of the tour tomorrow. I remind them all to get some good sleep, because it might be the last time in a while, and they all grumble but listen to me.

  I check my emails that night, grinning at the tour bus company confirming the bus will be there at the studio at eight AM sharp. I can’t wait to show the guys, they are going to flip. It’s the least I can do after all the hard work they have put in though. Locking my phone, I snuggle back into my bed, feeling lonely that there isn’t at least one of my guys next to me, I even left my door unlocked wanting them to storm in, but not wanting to ask them. Just as I think that, I hear a bang in the hallw
ay. Groaning, I slip out of bed and pad to my door, and when I open it, I grin. Liam has Damon in a headlock and they are both half naked.

  Leaning against the door I clear my throat, they both freeze and look over at me with innocent smiles. “Whatcha doing?” I ask all cutesy and they break apart.

  “Just working out who gets to be big spoon,” Liam replies with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

  “Uh huh and the other one will be little?” I question, confused.

  Damon snorts and strides past me into my room. “No, you’re little spoon. The other gets the other side.” With that he jumps onto the bed and kicks under the covers and I gape. Liam grins and walks past me, dropping a kiss on my cheek as he runs and launches onto the bed, landing on Damon who just grunts. They start play fighting, and with a sigh I shut the door.

  “Stop it, or neither of you do!” I warn, crossing my arms, and they jump apart so fast Liam falls off the bed. I can’t help it, I giggle, especially when his head pops up over the side with his hair all over the place and that fucking smile.

  “Get in.” I roll my eyes and crawl between them.

  I wrap myself around Liam, burying my happy grin in his back as Damon gets to be big spoon.

  Oh fuck it, I’m just going to go with it. Who cares about lines and keeping my distance when being in their arms feels this good.

  The look on the guys’ faces when they see the tour bus is comical, and totally worth the fight I had to put up to get the board to agree to it. Liam looks like he’s about pass out with excitement, bouncing around like a child who just heard he’s going to Disney. I also managed to convince the board to fork out for some new vans for the crew to transport the set around, the last ones had seen better days. I had sold it to them by saying that we needed to look professional, and seeing as we had spent so much money on new set, we wanted to transport it safely, but really the crew deserved to travel in luxury as well. Everyone had worked so hard and they deserved to be treated as well as the guys. It hadn’t been as difficult to convince the board as I had thought. The fact that the tour had mostly sold out since the press conference probably had something to do with it.

  “We’re like Rock stars!” Liam exults with glee, as he throws his suitcase onto the bunk bed that he’s claimed as his. The bus has enough beds for all of us, as well as a shower and a communal area for us to relax in, with sofas lining the walls of the bus.

  “Remember, we’re staying in hotels for most of this tour,” Blake reminds him, his tone stern, but I can see the excitement shining in his eyes as he looks around the tour bus. He may act all cool and tough, but even I can see that he’s pleased with this development.

  “Yeah, but you have to admit that this is still freaking cool!” Leo chips in, as he climbs up into the bus, his arms full of items.

  We had already loaded up the vans with all of the set, props, and costumes, with the stage crew going on ahead of us to the first venue. I wouldn’t let them on the tour bus until they had finished helping get everything packed up, knowing they would get distracted. Now that everything is packed, they are getting settled on the bus. Our driver, having introduced himself and given us the tour, is now waiting for us to get settled before taking us to our first destination.

  The guys are based just on the outskirts of London, and since this is a UK wide tour, it was decided to leave London for last, with the tour visiting the east of England first on the way up to Edinborough, before coming back down through central England and across into Wales, finishing up on the south coast before heading back to London to end the tour. We’ll be on the road for several months, and while I’m looking forward to it, nerves are starting to build at the idea of living in close confines, with six guys in the back of a bus for that amount of time.

  Everyone settles in and takes their seats as the driver starts the bus, pulling away from our base. I’ll miss sleeping in that beautiful house. Never mind, it will be there when we get back. I’m sitting at the table in the communal area, my laptop out in front of me as I check my emails, sending off a quick one to the board to let them know that everything is going according to plan at the moment. Our first venue is in Cambridge, which is about an hour and a half journey, and the guys are chatting excitedly with each other about the upcoming show. Our first show is tonight, so we don’t have much time to set up and rehearse before lights up, but if everything goes right then we should be fine.

  The first venue is great, and the stage crew who arrived before us has already started to set everything up. When we first arrive, I send the guys straight to the rehearsal studio that was put aside for us to use. They need to warm up their bodies to make sure they don’t hurt themselves during the show. I’m just finishing sending an email when there’s a knock at the door of the bus, followed by a smiling, red haired lady.

  “Hello there, I’m Denese, the Venue Manager. I’ve already met the guys, and I assume you are the ‘Boss Lady’ they told me to meet?” she says, her smile still in place as she does air quotes around ‘boss lady.’ I laugh and push myself up from my seat, walking over to shake her hand.

  “Hi Denese, I spoke with you over the phone, I’m Gabby, the Tour Manager for The Wild Boys.”

  “Nice to meet you Gabby. Did you want a tour of the venue? The boys are already rehearsing in the studio and I’ve got people sorting through the merchandise to sell at the door.”

  “Great, thanks for that. Yes please, I would like to see the stage and make sure the crew are setting up okay. I would also like to run through ticket sales and your staffs help for tonight.” She nods and I follow her down from the bus, clipboard in hand.

  She shows me around the whole venue and introduces me to her staff. I run through their part in tonight's show, wanting everything to be perfect, before I go and check on the guys. Nibbling my lip, I add a few items to my list of what I need to do before tonight's show, I’m not paying attention so I jump when I smash into a hard chest.

  Looking up with wide eyes, I meet the amused ones of Damon. “You okay, Boss Lady?” he asks and I nod, stepping back to stop myself from feeling up his chest.

  “Yes, how’s rehearsal going? You’re behaving?” I inquire seriously and he grins.


  I arch my eyebrow and he looks around before stepping closer, until I have to tilt my head back to see his face. “You look beautiful today,” he murmurs and I freeze. I expect that kind of thing from Liam, Kingston, hell, even Blake but Damon? He’s the silent one, but with his voice wrapping around me now I can’t remember why I need to step away. “I mean it, you look beautiful everyday, hell, Liam has it right, especially in the morning when you have your hair up and you’re half asleep, you look like an angel, but right now? You look badass.”

  I gawk at his words as his hand reaches out, and he runs it from the top of my blouse break, just above my cleavage, to my lips. Voices reach us so I quickly step back, but he keeps that smile and winks as he turns away whistling, leaving me there wondering what the hell just happened.

  Clearing my throat I make myself busy, by finding Mark and running through everything with him. Then I go on a search, trying to remember how Denese showed the way, and eventually I find the guys. They are on stage running through a number, so I lean against the wall of the stage and watch. The improvement since I first met them to now is crazy. It also brings home that tonight is the night, the first chance the world will get to the see the new Wild Boys. I’m excited, but also a little sad, I’ve enjoyed our time together and now we’re on tour, and with women fawning over them they will turn their flirting elsewhere. It’s for the best, doesn’t mean I will like it though, but what I told Kelsey is true, it’s a fantasy. They put on this show, they lose themselves in the music, all to make a woman smile. Each touch or wink is just another part of their performance, it’s like when actors kiss or fuck on screen, it doesn’t mean anything.

  They finish up and I clap, telling them how great they were as they turn to me, grinning. “Amazing
guys, really!”

  “You think?” Liam asks, looking nervous, and I notice a few of the others do as well.

  Blowing out a breath I step onto the stage and face them, I need to nip that in the bud now. It’s good to be nervous, but I don’t want them questioning their skills, half of the appeal is their confidence. “Sit down,” I order and I grin when they do, even Blake does as he’s told for once.

  “Right, I’m going to say this once and only once, so listen up. Tonight is going to be the best show you have ever done. You know the moves, you know how to work the crowd, but most of all just be you. You have worked way too fucking hard to let nerves take over now. You’re going to get on this stage and prove every asshole on the board wrong, show them exactly why they are keeping you around, and I’ll be cheering for you the whole way through. You can do this guys, I believe in you.” I make sure to meet every one of their eyes. “Comprende?” When they nod, I smile. “Good, let’s hit the showers and relax on the bus for a bit before the madness starts. C’mon, get those pretty arses moving.”

  Liam whoops and stands up, rushing to my side as he drops a kiss on my cheek before he turns around, and whips his sweaty shirt off as he starts stalking towards Leo, who narrows his eyes at him.

  “Don’t you dare,” he warns, but Liam keeps coming. Leo jumps to his feet and starts backing away. With a grin, Liam bursts into a run and Leo turns and races off the stage, with Liam chasing him, laughing. Those two, there’s definitely something there other than friendship, and the thought sends a pulse through my lady bits.

  “Come on, Boss Lady,” Kingston says, dropping his sweaty arm around my shoulders and steering me from the stage.

  Blake walks past and pushes it off. “Don’t sweat all over her.” He rolls his eyes and Kingston wiggles his eyebrows at him.

  “Damn, there goes my plans for tonight.” He winks at me and I snort out a laugh, walking away as I call over my shoulder.


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