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The Wild Interview

Page 16

by K. A Knight

  I grin and turn back to the crew, going around and checking everything as the music changes and I hear the boys leave the stage to join the crowd. I peek out to see them dancing on women, moving like water through them as they go from one to the next, letting them close enough to touch.

  I listen for my cue as I watch, and when the music slows down I climb back on stage. Damon comes towards me, fake money shoved down his joggers and a grin on his face. “Well, are we having fun yet?” I shout and they all scream, I see the guys still working the crowd, taking pictures, sitting on knees.

  “How about some one-on-one action?” I ask with a wink, and the women go crazy. “Boys, if you will be so kind... grab a girl!”

  I watch as the crowd goes crazy, all of them vying for one of the boys’ attention, hands reaching out as the boys choose and bring their picks on stage.

  The music changes to a more sensual beat as they drop them into chairs and start dancing on them. The women are loving it, their faces flushed until they finally lose their embarrassment and just go with it. I make myself watch, wondering if I’ll get jealous.

  There’s a twinge, but when I see the concentration in the guys’ faces I remember it’s a job to them. They don’t touch the women more than they have to, there are no sneaky touches. They let them touch their chests, legs, and bum but nothing else. I’m not saying there isn’t a little green monster on my back, especially when one ballsy blonde woman leans forward and kisses Blake’s chest. Mark comes up to the side of me, and I force myself back into manager mode.

  The rest of the show is a blur, with so much to do I only get to sneak looks and run on stage to introduce the next section. The women and men in the crowd love it. The guys’ dancing is incredible, weaving stories. They get the crowd to join in with singing, dancing, all of it.

  Before I know it, it’s the end of the show. The thrill is still riding me and I’ll admit, I’m loving it too. The crew and I are dancing back here and having fun between organizing the next set.

  Climbing to the stage I grin at the crowd as they dance and cheer to the music. Standing in the middle of the stage with the guys around me, I can’t help but laugh. Today’s show was amazing, and I was right. They are going to be a hit.

  “Let’s give it up for The Wild Boys!” I shout, and the cheering gets louder as the guys dance and flirt, taking pictures and stealing phones.

  “Don’t forget the boys will be doing an exclusive signing out in the lobby, who wants a picture with them?” I holler and they scream louder.

  Liam drops his sweaty arm around my shoulders and grabs the mic. “Yes ladies, come and pose with us... you can capture all of this.” He runs the mic down his chest and starts laughing.

  Blake grabs the mic off him and pretends to kick him away, Liam laughs and falls dramatically into Leo’s arms, fanning himself. “Thanks for coming ladies, you were amazing! How fucking amazing was Gabby though, without her, there would be no Wild Boys!” He points and me as the crowd whistles. I grin at him and he winks down at me. “Make sure you’re nice to her ladies, she holds our leashes.” They cheer as Damon and Kingston slide over, sitting at my feet and looking up at me.

  Laughing, I grab the mic back. “He’s right though ladies, so why not grab your drinks and head into the lobby. I’ll make sure they are all oiled up for you.” I laugh and wink as the music comes back on. We wave as we leave the stage, the boys doing lots of bows and dancing around the stage to the crowd’s joy. Only when we finally leave the stage do the lights come on and the attendants usher the crowd out.

  Some linger, talking, laughing, taking pictures and trying to catch a glimpse of the boys.

  Climbing down the stairs, I meet Mark as he waits at the side of the stage. “That was amazing, sweetness, they are going to be famous!” he shouts and I nod.

  He’s right, they are going to be, and I’ll be at their side the whole way.

  Liam jumps off the last step of the stage with a whoop, and he zeros in on me as I sign on my clipboard and I narrow my eyes at him.

  “No,” I warn, backing away as he prowls towards me.

  “Don’t do it,” I say snottily, and he grins.

  Oh fuck.

  Spinning, I run down the corridor with a laughing Liam on my heels. He chases me into my dressing room as I try to shut the door on him.

  “Liam...” I whine and he grins at me.

  “Get your sweaty stripper hug like a good girl,” he demands and I groan.

  Dropping the clipboard into my chair, I walk into his open arms. He wraps them around me as I groan at his sweaty chest. Propping my chin on it, I stare up at him as he grins down at me.

  “You were amazing.” I smile at him and his eyes dance as he watches me, his face still flushed from the show.

  “Thank you, Angel. We couldn’t do it without you.” He lets go of my waist and strokes my cheek. I can’t help it, I lean into his hand.

  “Damn straight we couldn’t, now where’s my hug?” Damon grouches from the doorway and I laugh. Liam winks down at me and I roll my eyes as he spins to Damon.

  “Aww, does Damy-wamy want a hug?” He grabs him and squeezes, as Damon laughs and tries to bat him away.

  Grinning, I watch as the other guys jump in, wrapping around Liam and Damon, even Blake joins in. When he catches my eye, he jerks his head.

  “Get the fuck in here,” he orders.

  Groaning, I do as I’m told. I’m going to have baby oil and sweat all over me before the night is through, and not even for the fun reason why. I slide into the hug and they all jostle until I’m in the middle.

  “To The Wild Boys!” Liam shouts.

  “And Wild Girl!” Leo adds, making us all laugh.

  Shaking my head, I lean into their arms and bodies, not knowing who is where, but loving it all the same.

  While the boys get changed and freshen up a bit, I make my way to the stage crew, instructing them on getting everything ready and packed away. We have two hours to get out of the venue. One of those hours is for signing, where I need to be so I can make sure no one has any questions before I find security.

  Confident they have the doors covered and are there just in case anyone gets out of hand, I stick my head out the door to check the line for the signing. When I see it I whistle, that must be nearly half the show out there, all clutching new Wild Boys merchandise as they look around, waiting for the boys. Their posters, t-shirts, and hats held eagerly to their chests, eyes bright and excited to meet the guys up close.

  Shutting the door, I lean against the hallway while I wait for the boys. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I shoot off a few emails, update the boards, and check information for venues and hotels for the next leg of the tour. Once I’m done they still aren’t here, so I head over to social media, scrolling through the group’s Facebook. I uploaded some pictures and videos throughout the show, and it has blown up.

  The messenger for the page is full, so I open a few and send a couple of replies. Some are general questions, like ticket prices, and where they will be. Others are dirty questions about the boys and the show. I laugh my way through them, flirting back, pretending to be one of the guys. The next one I open has me frowning.

  They are mine, back off

  With some angry emojis after it. Clicking the username, I frown harder at the obvious fake profile. Bloody weird people on the Internet. Another message pings through from the person.

  I know you read my message, I’m warning you.

  Fucking weirdo. Not willing to get into an argument with a troll, I block the account and delete the message.

  “Hey, Angel! Your poster boys are ready!” someone shouts, and I put away my phone and replace my frown with a smile.

  They are strutting down the corridor, heading my way. Blake is in a black tank top and grey joggers. Leo has on a red silk shirt, unbuttoned, and black trousers. Liam is just in his grey joggers. Damon has on his leather pants and biker boots. Kingston has a leather vest and black jeans on. Emmet
t wears ripped blue jeans and a white tank top. They look hot as hell, the women are going to go crazy.

  Straightening from the wall, I stand in front of the door as they stop before me. “Okay, little pep talk before we go out there. No touching the women unless with permission, I know you won’t, but I have to say it. No dirty pictures, no arses or cocks out. You can pick them up or flirt, but keep it PG and be on your best behaviour,” I warn.

  “Got it babe, we’ll keep the dirty stuff for you.” Damon winks at me and I grin before trying to maintain my strict face.

  “I mean it guys, please, for me, be good. I know you’re riding the show high, and you can have fun, but we also need to show the public and the board that we can behave,” I remind them solemnly.

  They nod and Blake winks at me. “We’ll behave. If not, you can spank us with the clipboard. Now, let’s get out there before there’s a riot.”

  I laugh and turn around. “Ready?” I ask, my hand on the door.

  I hear a chorus of yeses so I slip out, ready to announce them. When the crowd sees me they go mental. To my surprise, I get catcalls and asked for pictures.

  “Are you ready?” I shout and they cheer.

  “I said, are you ready?” They scream and shout.

  Turning, I throw open the doors and the boys pour out, already waving and blowing kisses.

  The screams only get louder as they make their way to the table for the signings and pictures. The queue starts to dissolve, so I nod at security and they step in, getting everyone back in order as they all crush, trying to get to the front.

  I keep my eyes peeled for anyone causing trouble, but they seem to calm down when the boys start moving through the crowd quickly.

  My headset crackles and I press the button. “Gabs, what’s up?”

  “Sweetness, you got thirty more minutes of signing.”

  Grinning, I survey the crowd, Mark has started to act a lot more like my father than my employee recently. Thinking about my own father has me nearly scowling, so I push it aside. “Got it pops.”

  Two middle-aged women walk my way, throwing each other nervous looks. Smiling brightly, I wink when they reach me. “Have a good night ladies? Hope you got a good picture!”

  The plump, blonde haired one on the left nods. “We did, thank you! We just wanted to say how amazing what you’re doing is, and that it was nice to see a woman in charge.”

  My heart melts a little, my smile turning genuine. “Thank you ladies, I can’t say it’s easy with those boys, but I manage.”

  “Can we get your picture?” the one on the right blurts and I laugh.

  “Sure, but I’m not nearly as pretty.” They hurry to either side of me, the one on the left holding out her phone to take a selfie.

  When it clicks they pull away. “I’m going to show my daughter, prove women can do whatever they want!”

  “You do that, tell her to ignore everyone else!” They share a smile as a security guard comes towards me. Seeing that I’m needed elsewhere, they wave and hustle away.

  He’s big, most security is. His hair is shaved short and he has deep blue eyes. His face is square and every inch of him looks massive. He isn’t traditionally handsome, but I always did like big men.

  “Just wanted to make sure you were okay,” he says, his voice deep, but even though I can appreciate how handsome he is, he just isn’t doing it for me. I bet that has something to do with the men currently spanking each other behind the security guard.

  “I’m fine thank you, will you make sure the others know we only have twenty minutes left, before we start gently directing the customers to the exits?” I ask sweetly, looking back down at my clipboard to make sure I haven’t missed anything.

  “Sure, name’s Vince by the way. You’re Gabrielle right?” I look up as he smiles at me.

  “Yep, that’s me.” I smile, trying to be nice even as I try to stare around him to make sure the guys aren’t up to mischief.

  “That’s a beautiful name.”

  Blinking, I look back at him. “Er… thanks?”

  Is this guy really flirting with me at a strip show? If I wasn’t so caught up in the five guys I’m supposed to be managing, I might have been flattered.

  “So, are you guys staying around here tonight or—” He gets cut off as Blake jogs up to us. He completely ignores the guy and stops with his back to him.

  “Hey Baby Girl, we need you for a moment.” He grins at me and I arch my eyebrow. Oh really? So he’s going to be like that?

  “Blake, be nice. Say hello to Vincent,” I say sweetly. His eyes narrow at me but he turns around, throwing his arm around my waist as he takes in Vincent from head to toe. If his expression is anything to go by, Blake isn’t worried.

  “Hello, mate. Now, if you’ll excuse us, I need my Gabby for a minute.” He winks at the guy and pulls me. I see Vincent’s face drop as he looks at Blake’s arm around me. That little shit. I know exactly what he’s doing, but I can’t help the little thrill that runs through me at him calling me his.

  He pulls me away and I stop halfway across the room, crossing my arms with my back to the crowd. He smiles at me, looking innocent as hell.

  “Uh huh, we are going to talk about this later. I still have Barney the dildo, and I will hit you with it,” I warn and he smirks. Stepping closer, he lowers his voice so only I can hear him.

  “Oh darlin’ you can use your dildo on me anytime, but if I hadn’t come over there to stop shitstick from flirting with you, Kingston was going to break him in half.”

  I smirk back. “Just Kingston, hmm?”

  “Yep.” He nods.

  “Okay, so what if I go back and let Vincent know what hotel I’m staying in?” I probe. His eyes narrow on me and he frowns.

  “He won’t make it through reception before one of those boys sets him straight.” He jerks his head at the others, who keep throwing Vincent dirty looks.

  “But not you?” I whisper, stepping closer. I know I’m treading a line here, but I can’t seem to stop myself.

  “No,” he growls.

  “You don’t sound sure, want me to go over and ask Vincent just so we can see?” I flutter my lashes at him.

  “Try it Baby Girl, you will find yourself over my shoulder and spanked faster than you can blink. I don’t give a shit if the crowd is watching.”

  My pussy clenches at his words, I would love for him to do that, but I won’t let him know it. We have a staring contest, which is only interrupted by fans screaming his name.

  “Come on, before they storm over here.” I turn and start to walk away.

  As he passes, he whispers in my ear, “We’ll finish this later, better get that pretty ass ready to be turned red.”

  I gape after him, but he just struts back to the table, winking at the crowd. I should have smacked him with my clipboard. Trying to ignore the ache between my thighs, I follow after him.

  The rest of the signing goes by quickly and I nod at the security, and they start leading the crowd out. The boys follow me backstage and I can see their tiredness in the slump of their shoulders and faces. It’s been a long day.

  “Everything should be nearly packed away. You guys head to the bus and get to the hotel, I’ll stay and make sure everything is okay.” I grab my headset as Mark rounds the corner, obviously catching my last words.

  “Nope, you head out with them, sweetness, otherwise they might burn down the joint. I’ve got everything here, see you for breakfast in the morning.” He grins, smacking the guys on the back as he goes.

  “You sure?” I worry my bottom lip, and he just smiles at me.

  “Yes, go on. Get them gone.” He winks and walks away.

  “Okay then, let’s go!” I clap my hands and they all follow me back to the bus. They are quiet, but when I see their eyes almost shutting, I just smile.

  They lounge about the bus as we head to the hotel. I take some time to reply to emails and get our bookings set up so we don’t have to wait ages in reception.r />
  We get there in twenty minutes, pulling through the gates and around the hotel so we can park far away in the lot. We don’t want the large bus to block anyone in.

  Shutting off the engine, the driver climbs out and opens the bay so we can all grab our bags. Without asking, Kingston grabs one of mine and Damon hooks his arm through mine.

  We laugh and joke quietly as we walk towards the front door of the five-story hotel. It’s an old building, but still looks nice. We round the corner to see the awning with ‘Countryside Escape’ on the front. Being outside of the main city, the hotel is nestled into the countryside, so hopefully it should be quiet and far enough away from any fans so they shouldn’t be able to run into us. The glass doors open as we approach and the heat from inside hits us instantly, the change is nice from the nippy summer night outside.

  The reception is a long room, with a massive white desk, and a TV hung up in one corner to the left. To the right is a sofa and some seats with brochures on the table, and a TV is mounted above it. Behind that are stairs and a lift. At the end of the room is what looks like a lounge with some computers and more seating areas.

  I stride up to the desk, leaving the boys looking around. The bored looking man perks up as I approach.

  “Do you have a reservation, ma’am?” he asks, flashing me a smile.

  “Yep, it’s for The Wild Boys Production team. We should have a suite booked.” I pass over the paperwork, and he hums as he looks through it.

  “Of course, let me just grab your room keys. Breakfast is served from six to ten AM in the dining room just down there. There are four phones in your room, just dial zero to get reception. We also have room service on until eleven PM tonight and the menus are in your room. Would you like someone to help you with your luggage?” he inquires, passing over four key cards in cardboard wallets.

  “No thank you, can you just point the way?” I grab them and tuck them into my clipboard.

  “Of course, if you use the lift, it’s floor five. When you reach your floor, you will want to go left until you reach the very end. The wifi code is in the welcome pack in your room, thank you for choosing us for your stay.”


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