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The Wild Interview

Page 19

by K. A Knight

  “Maybe even like a brother?” he questions softly and I freeze.

  My eyes well, but I refuse to let the tears fall. “I would like that,” I murmur softly, and he wipes a stray tear away. My hand clutches at the necklace around my neck, a heavy reminder of the brother I lost.

  “Good, now what’s the plan for today?” he asks.

  Shit, today. Jumping to my feet, I straighten my hair and shirt.

  “Right, come on. Let’s get unpacked and head to the venue. You guys can rehearse and I can meet the manager so we can get everything ready for tomorrow. Then we have tonight and tomorrow morning off before rehearsals again,” I yell, and I hear groans, but they all do as they are told. Emmett laughs and gets to his feet, following me to the door.

  The venue is nice, bigger than our first one, and I find that I keep getting lost in the maze of corridors backstage. Stacey, the venue manager, did show me around, but I keep getting turned around. The guys are rehearsing, and I’ve checked in with Mark and the rest of the crew. Everything is set up and ready to go for tomorrow’s show, plus the merchandise for the signings has already been set up by the venue, so this is something I don’t need to worry about sorting. I cross off another item from my list on my trusty clipboard, pleased to see that almost everything has been done. I glance at my watch, the guys still have another hour or so to rehearse before we can go back to the hotel and rest for the evening. I head to the little green room off the back that has sofas, drinks, and snack set out for the guys. Throwing myself down into one of the sofas, I pull out my laptop and look through the social media sites. I want to do something a little different for the fans. Tapping the side of my laptop I run through some ideas, a smile coming to my face as I come up with the perfect plan. Pushing up from the sofa, I head to the rehearsal space.

  “Okay, I think that's enough rehearsal for today. We don’t want to overwork you. Now... I have a crazy idea, but if we do it well, it will help build excitement for tomorrow’s show and might even get more tour dates added if it goes viral,” I explain, my arms crossed as I face off with them as they sprawl over the stage floor, still sweaty but grinning. They have been at it for hours and there’s only so much practising you can do before you get bored and tired. I don’t want them overworked, so not only should my idea get them excited again, but also add to their confidence on stage.

  “Alright, Angel, what has that dirty mind of yours cooked up?” Liam calls, as he sits up from leaning against Leo.

  “Ever seen when celebrities read thirsty tweets?” I grin and Liam laughs. “Oh yeah boys, we’re going to do that. Wild Boys style, let’s get all those cougars nice and wet so they get their purses out.” I fist bump Liam.

  “You know, most women would find that weird,” Damon adds, rolling over and getting to his feet.

  I blow him a kiss. “Hey, I get to watch this live... trust me, I ain’t bothered.”

  “Does that mean you’ll get wet for us?” Kingston rumbles.

  I wink and wave my hand at Mark, already having roped him into my little idea. He brings out stools for the guys and some water bottles.

  “Alright, take a seat and pass your phones over. I’ll select the app and the posts, you just read them... maybe add a little something to your readings though.”

  Blake nods and gathers everyone’s phones, passing them to me. None of them have locks, bloody weirdos. I grab a random black iPhone and unlock it, only to freeze at the background image. It’s me and in my dress from the night I fought with my parents, it seems like so long ago, but here I am. Swallowing, I meet Damon's eyes, he lets me see the caring and need there, and I have to look away quickly.

  Bringing up the lads’ social media, I pick tweets, Instagram, and Facebook posts for each of them and screenshot them on their phones before passing them over. I ignore the weird stalkery and hate messages, no need for negativity here.

  “Okay, here we go. We need to keep it hot, sweet, and short. You ready?” They all nod, loading their first picture as I step back and grab my own phone, loading up Facebook for a live video.

  I pull up the video and aim it at the boys. Blake steps forward, wearing his usual smirk.

  “Alright ladies and gents, we have noticed your saucy little comments online and we decided to read our favourites. Don’t forget, we still have some dates available, so grab your tickets from our website before they sell out and you can meet all of this in person.” He rubs his hand down his sweaty chest.

  He brings up his phone. “Get in my bed, from sophie123.” He drags the words out, making them sound dirtier than they are. “Gladly Sophie, or you could get in ours…”

  Kingston steps forward next. “I would climb that god of a man, and claim his flagpole.” He winks at the camera. “I’ve heard it’s more of a hammer.”

  Liam steps up next, rubbing his hand across his abs as he stretches. “Liam is my favourite by far, he’s so cheeky and sexy. I would marry him,” he reads, before striding up to the camera and getting really close before whispering. “Baby, I’m everyone's favourite, why not come and find out why.”

  He gets pushed back by Emmett who winks. “Oh my god, I wouldn’t kick him out of my bed... or house... or car... or anywhere he’ll have me.” He laughs, playing the good boy, wagging his finger at the camera. “Now, now, I don’t kiss and tell.”

  Damon slides his arm around him. “I do though ladies, oh, and it looks like it’s my turn.” He pulls up his phone, grinning at it as he licks his lips. “After seeing him, I think I’m pregnant.” He laughs, throwing his head back before looking back at the camera. “Dirty girls.”

  They move back and Leo grins. “Looks like they saved the best until last, shall we see what naughty things have been said about me?” He scrolls through his phone and clears his throat. “Is it wrong that I think about you after the show, so I jumped my boyfriend?”

  They all laugh and Leo shakes his head. “Not at all, dream about us because here at The Wild Boys, we make those wet dreams real.”

  They all blow kisses or winks and I finish the video. I leave it to upload as I grin at them. “That was great guys!”

  They nod as they start talking between each other and I get busy with the video. I wander from the stage, giving them space as they tease one another and fake wrestle. I find myself leaning against a wall off stage. The video finally posts and I wait for the public to go crazy.

  “Gabs?” Leo’s soft voice pulls my attention to him, my eyes getting caught on his chest before I drag them up to his face. “Are we okay? It seems like you have been a bit… off with me?” His voice is quiet, so the others can’t overhear, and I almost can’t hear him over the pounding of my heartbeat. “I know that you like the other guys. And I just…” He trails off, and for a moment I think I see a flash of jealousy in his eyes.

  My heart pounds, is he trying to say he likes me too? No Gabby, don’t think like that. Remember Kelsey. “Of course we’re okay,” I tell him with a smile, placing my hand gently to his cheek, my voice soft so he can hear the sincerity in my words. I don’t want him to think I’m brushing him off, I just wish I could tell him how I really feel.

  He closes his eyes at my touch, leaning into my hand. When he opens his eyes again, they are burning with heat. Covering my hand with his own, keeping it pressed to his cheek, he steps closer to me until we’re chest to chest. With him holding me like he is, even if I wanted too, there’s no way I could move away.

  “Gabs, there’s something I need to tell you,” he murmurs softly, and I know the words that are going to come out of his mouth next will change things between us. Part of me is dreading it, this will cross a line that I never wanted to cross. But another part of me is cheering, desperate for him to say it. I look up into his eyes and I can see the desire and pain warring within him.

  “Wait. This isn’t fair to Kelsey. We shouldn’t be doing this.” I shake my head, but I’m unable to look away.

  “We aren't doing anything yet,” Leo reminds me, o
pening his mouth to say something else.

  “Angel! Can we get pizza tonight?” Liam shouts across the rehearsal space before I hear a smacking sound and an “ouch” from that direction. Leo and I spring away from each other guiltily, and I look over towards the others where Liam is rubbing the back of his head, while Emmett glares at him for interrupting the moment between Leo and me.

  That was close, Liam saved us from making a mistake that was bound to only end in tears. I would like to think I wouldn’t cross that line, but I don’t want to test my limits. I’ll have to be on my best behaviour. Plastering on my manager’s smile, I gesture for them to walk over.

  “Alright, let’s head back to the hotel and relax, that steam room is calling my name.” I wink and turn on my heel, the boys following behind me. What a day.

  When we get back to the hotel, we head straight back to the room. I drop onto the sofa, laying back and staring at the ceiling. My feet are lifted, and when I look up Kingston has sat down and put them in his lap. Liam jumps over me, nearly making me roll over the edge, but he grabs me and snuggles up. I roll my eyes but grin up at the ceiling. He really is like a puppy, I wonder why he’s so touchy-feely?

  I don’t even realise I’m running my hands through his hair until he hums.

  “I’m hungry,” Emmett whines, and I turn my head to see him sprawled on one of the swivel chairs.

  “Me too,” I reply.

  “We could grab room service and chill here, Gabs wants to use the steam room anyway and there are plenty of DVD’s and games,” Leo offers.

  “Seconded, I don’t wanna hang with a bunch of uptight businessman downstairs,” Blake adds.

  “Yes!” I fist bump Liam. “That means jammie time, grab me a burger and fries and some wine, will you?” I slip from the sofa as Blake nods, passing the menu around.

  I head into the second bedroom and strip, dropping my clothes onto the chair in here. Looks like they already knew I would be in here, because my bag and suitcase is on the bed. I want to shower but I also want to use the steam room. Grinning, I spot the other bag on my bed. I open it and dig inside.

  “Nosey.” Grinning, I look up into Damon’s eyes.

  “I was going to borrow a shirt, so I don’t have to wear my pj’s before I shower,” I admit. He walks towards me, his tank top sticking to his skin, his feet bare—why is that always a turn on?

  “So, you were going to make my clothes all sweaty?” He laughs.

  Why does that sound filthy, maybe it’s just my mind?

  “Got a problem with that?” I counter, I should stop. This flirting only leads to more disappointment, and at this point I don’t think my needy little vagina can take all the teasing.

  “Yes, I would rather you make me all sweaty.” He stops and leans against the post at the end of the bed.

  I look back to his bag and blow out a breath. “Damon—”

  “Shut up for once Gabby, stop thinking so hard babe. You worry about everything, your mind works a hundred miles a minute. Just for once, switch off and go with it. Would it really be that bad?” he asks, and I look at him.

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  He steps closer and tilts my chin up with his finger, his eyes searching mine. “Why?”

  “Because right now, me going with it would be fucking you on this bed while the others order tea for us,” I admit honestly.

  His eyes widen before they turn smouldering, his fingers gripping my chin harder. “That’s a bad thing, why?” His voice is velvety, all deep and dark.

  “I have forgotten why.” My eyes are locked on his lips. Fuck, Gabby. Think. Stop letting your lady balls lead you. “Because of my job, your job…” I list, trying to kick my brain into gear.

  “Nope, whatever is between us stays between us. So, next excuse?” He leans down and whispers the last bit in my ear.

  “Erm, you’re hungry?” I try lamely.

  He pulls away and stares into my eyes. “I am, for you. Now, you told us earlier you wanted us, why are you backing out now?”

  Fuck, why am I? I’ve been attracted to Damon since I first saw him, and all the flirting and teasing between us all has been building up until I feel like I’ll explode. Taking this last step means there is no going back for me, but then I remember how sweet he was turning up the restaurant so I didn’t have to go alone. His hurt when he found me crying in the studio. This is more than just need, and how can I keep pushing him away when I need him that much?

  He must see the decision on my face because he covers the final distance between us, his lips meeting mine. It’s not soft or hesitant, it’s all teeth and fire. Both of us working out our pent-up frustration.

  I groan into his mouth as his tongue sweeps in, his hands burying under my shirt and pushing my bra up. His warm hands cup my breasts and squeeze. I drag him closer and copy his movements, running my fingers across his chest, flicking his nipples as I go.

  He pulls away from my mouth and yanks on my shirt, ripping it open. My bra is next to go and then my panties, I help kick them off. Our clothes disappear in a flurry, both of us too eager to wait or tease.

  I move him towards the bed and push until he falls back, crawling on after him until I sit over his hips, his hard cock bobbing between us. Leaning down I lick the tip as he watches me hungrily. Reaching down, he yanks me up and flips us so I’m on my back, then he nudges my thighs open and settles between them, grinning up at me.

  “I think it’s time someone made you cum, don’t you?”

  Hell fucking yeah, I do. With his eyes still on me, he parts my fold and flicks his tongue over my clit. I’m already so worked up that I moan, my lips parting as I watch him eat me.

  He dips his tongue inside and starts licking me for real, like I’m his favourite dessert. His fingers join in, he slips one inside me before stretching me with another. Groaning, I throw my legs over his shoulder and grip his hair for dear life.

  “Damon, please,” I beg, willing to say anything to be able to come at this point.

  That’s when he shows me he was only teasing before. He locks his lips around my clit and sucks as his fingers curl inside me, pulling out and thrusting back in. Arching my back, I run my other hand up my curvy stomach until I can flick and twist my nipples.

  I’m so close, I can feel it building and when he nips my clit and curls his fingers at the same time, I explode with a scream, holding him to my pussy as I shake and breath heavily.

  Only when it passes do I let go of his hair. He glances up at me, a self-satisfied smirk on his face as he gives me one last lick. He might have taken the edge off, but I need him inside me. I may be in control in everything else, but I love a guy who takes control in the bedroom and he does just that. I don’t even get to utter a word as he pulls away and flips me. My face meets the pillow as he yanks my hips into the air, lining up with me and thrusting in.

  We both groan in unison as he stretches me, my pussy still pulsing from my orgasm. Then he starts to move.

  Fuck, at this angle he hits me deep, and with every thrust in he rubs along my bundle of nerves. I’m a moaning mess, words pour from my mouth as he pounds into me. Fucking me hard and fast. His thrusts are so powerful I move up the bed, and I have to throw a hand out and brace myself on the headboard. My nipples rub the bed, the friction is delicious and I start to push back, needing so much more.

  “Damon, god, yes. Harder,” I moan and he grunts, his fingers digging into my hips as he lets go of all control and slams into me, again and again. I can feel another orgasm building until I come apart with a scream. I go limp as he slows his thrusts, letting me catch my breath.

  “That’s it, babe, come apart on my cock. Let them all hear you scream for me.” He groans, twisting his hips as I clench around him. Those dirty words drive me wild and I push back again.

  He pulls me up until my back meets his chest, one hand still digging into my hips as I spread my knees. He stops moving, his other hand coming up and circling my throat. He keeps his hand there,
just pressing slightly so I don’t move and I know who’s in charge. Kissing along my neck, he starts to move again with slow, controlled thrusts.

  “Fuck, you feel so good wrapped around me,” he moans into my ear, before licking the shell. I throw my hair to the side, giving him better access and he nips my neck.

  “Yes,” I groan, loving the mix of pain and pleasure. He squeezes my throat in warning.

  “Now, be a good girl,” he orders, before kissing down my neck and along my shoulder, only to go back up with stinging bites.

  I whimper, trying to push back, trying to get him deeper, but he squeezes and bites my shoulder hard.

  “Fuck!” I yell.

  He pulls me back, thrusting deeper as he whispers in my ear.

  “I want to feel you come apart in my arms again, I want you to scream until your voice is hoarse.” He blows a cool breath along my neck, making me shiver, still driving into me in those maddening thrusts. “You going to scream my name for me, babe?”

  “Yes, now hurry the hell up and fuck me,” I demand.

  He laughs, his fingers digging in deeper as he stops toying with me. His thrusts pick up speed, his hand still holding me against him as he fucks me. I push back with him, working with him until he groans.

  “Babe, I’m so close.” His hand leaves my hip and flicks my clit, making me moan.

  “Please,” I beg, it’s just out of reach but I’m close as well.

  He twists his hips as he slams into me again and again, flicking my clit in time with his thrusts, and when he squeezes my throat so hard I see spots, I scream his name. Almost choking on it as I come apart. My pussy clamps down on him and he yells, his hips stuttering as he thrusts twice more, his cum spurting into me. I’m so fucking boneless that the only reason I haven’t fallen is because he’s holding me up.


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