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Losing You (Stars On Fire #4)

Page 17

by Ryleigh Andrews

  The need to feel her closer had him lifting her onto the step and crushing her to him. He’d hugged Lizzie tight in the past . . . felt her chest against his, but it had never felt this goddamn good. She moaned loudly when he pressed his hard-as-a-hammer cock against her and hopped up a little. Fuck yes, he thought as he helped her wrap her legs around his waist.

  He broke his contact with her lips and smiled at her passion-filled green eyes.

  “Tom . . . holy shit!” she exclaimed, her mouth going back to work—this time on his neck.

  “Holy shit could mean many things . . . good? Bad?” he asked, his hands kneading her ass, moving her against his dick.

  “So fucking good. Don’t you think?”

  He answered with a swift kiss then climbed up the stairs to her bedroom, her legs wrapped tight around his waist. When she tugged on his lip with her teeth, he tripped over his own feet. Luckily they didn’t fall onto anything harder than her bed, causing them both to laugh.

  “Smooth,” she said.

  “I’ll show you smooth,” he joked, pushing off her and then repositioning her on the bed. Staring down at her, the unkempt sight of her skirt hypnotized him, called to him. His fingers teased up the side of her legs until they ran into the fabric. He pushed it up to her waist, revealing sexy rose gold underwear.

  Lizzie’s underwear.

  And beneath that was a place he’d ignored she had—for years. If he pulled those panties aside, there was no going back. He wouldn’t be able to forget what he saw—his best friend’s pussy.

  His best friend had a goddamn pussy!

  With a wide smile, Tom reached under her skirt and pulled those panties down and off her legs.


  “What?” she asked, leaning up on her elbows.

  “That,” he said, pointing between her legs.

  “Oh . . . that’s what we call cobwebs, just blow them away,” she said, her face all business as she unzipped her skirt.

  “Cobwebs, huh?” he mused as he drew his finger down the center.

  “Yeah,” she sighed, her eyes fluttering shut.

  After making quick work of removing her skirt, Tom laid between her legs, his face lined up with the magic land. With a grin tickling his lips, he blew against her opening and Lizzie burst out laughing. But as much as he loved her laugh, he went about silencing it. One hand held her open while two fingers of the other found her clit. Her shaky exhale sounded awesome and he wanted to hear more of it.

  “Oh, holy hell, you are good at that,” she declared, clutching onto the collar of his shirt.

  “Bits,” he said after he knelt back to take off his shirt. “I’m more than good at that.”

  “Uh . . .” she whimpered, her gaze stuck at his waist.


  “Hmm?” she answered, her dark green eyes still locked on the same place.

  “Take off your shirt,” he ordered.

  Breaking her trance with a quick shake of her head, she followed his order and the shirt went flying off her body, her hands unexpectedly coming down on the button of his jeans. Her downcast eyes lifted up and held his gaze as she tugged at the fastening.

  Once undone, she pulled the zipper down right over his erection, her knuckles rubbing against the hardening flesh. He didn’t know what to do. He wanted her hands on his cock and he wanted his hands on her breasts. His momentary indecision allowed her to push him to the bed where she, with his help, removed his jeans.

  “Bra,” he said as he tugged off his boxer briefs.

  In no time the bra was gone and two best friends were on a bed—naked together for the very first time. It was like they realized that momentous fact at the same moment because smiles erupted on their faces.

  “You sure?” he asked because he wasn’t scared. If anything, he’d never been happier.

  “Yeah, Tom. I’m sure.”

  Her sweet smile pulled him to her. He leaned forward until her back was against the mattress, his bare chest touching hers, and then his lips brushed against hers, teasing her . . . and him, until the kiss escalated in intensity.

  Her legs opened wider to accommodate him and he put himself completely into the kiss, feeling her body mold to his, her fingers gripping his shoulders, her legs locking around his hips.

  Every movement brought his dick into direct contact with her heat, taunting him over and over until he almost pushed right in.

  “Condoms?” he asked, hoping she had some.

  “Side table,” she answered, her fingers trailing down his back until they reached his ass where she dug in, bringing him to that heat yet again.

  Scrambling to the table, he opened the drawer, fished a condom out of the half-empty box and rolled it on. When he returned to her, the enormity of what they were doing hit him. “You really sure?” he asked one more time.

  “I’m so sure, Tom. You’re my best friend. I know you won’t hurt me. Now stop all the talking and get fucking,” she said with a grin on her face.

  “Since you asked so nicely,” he remarked then grabbed her legs and pulled her to him, an unexpected squeal passing through her lips. He brought her legs up and rested them on his shoulders. Holding her eyes, Tom eased into her, groaning as she encased him.

  “Oh, fuck, Tom,” she said, her fingers gripping the sheets.

  Sliding his hands down her legs, he held her hips and thrust into her, gradually building up his pace. Her hands reached out for him, skimming his legs. Moving her legs and pushing them open, he fell to her and her hands greedily canvassed his skin and when they found his head, Lizzie pulled it down and sealed her mouth to his.

  The moment her body tensed and her lips fell from his had Tom lifting his head up so he could watch his best friend fall apart beneath his body . . . all because of him.

  Hottest fucking thing ever.

  And because of her, he let go and came inside of her.

  Falling onto her, she held him tightly against her while he regained his breath.

  “I’ll be right back,” he said a few moments later, then went to the bathroom to discard the used condom. When he returned, Lizzie sat back against the pillows and with a quick nod of her head, he was back in bed with her.

  Tom rested his head on her slightly rounded stomach, loving the feel of her soft skin against his cheek as her fingers played with his hair. They hadn’t spoken a word but his thoughts were going crazy. He couldn’t think of anything better than lying naked with his best friend. She knew him like no other person did—even more so now. Though there was so much more to learn . . . he wanted to know all the ways to make her moan like she did when his fingers touched her clit for the first time or when he filled her full. He wanted to know how far he could push her.

  When he kissed the inside of her thigh, goose bumps erupted beneath his hand. So responsive to him, so adorable, so tiny. He still couldn’t believe he’d just had sex with his best friend. Tom couldn’t help the grin that hit his lips.

  “Was that a smile I felt against my stomach?” she asked quietly.

  “You know, I think it was,” he replied, flipping over so he could look at her. And what he saw confused him—there were tears in her eyes. He went to get up, but she placed her hand on his head and slowly shook her head.

  “It’s okay.”

  “But . . .” he interjected, unconvinced.

  “Tom, really, it’s all right. I was just thinking that my best friend just made love to me,” she paused as he rose to sit across from her. “And then I looked down at you and saw your incredibly hot body in front of me. Tears came to my eyes because I could have had that mighty hammer years ago and I stupidly deprived myself . . . oof.”

  The pillow he’d playfully thrown in her face cut her off. She laughed boisterously.

  “Mighty hammer, eh?”

  “Yeah . . . you pounded the hell out of me with it,” she said with a wink.

  “I can’t wait to show you all the things my hammer can do,” he said, placing her on h
is lap. Then sobering up, he looked at her. “Bits, do you think we’ll ever be able to just hang out again?” he asked as his lips traveled down her throat, his hands kneading her hips.

  “I think we found something much better,” she answered as her hands gripped his cock.

  Hell yeah they had.


  May 2009

  “Shit!” Lizzie said, standing on the train as the last express train of the night pulled away—without her. She let out a few more curse words. She was totally going to be late to Gwen’s birthday party.

  Turning around, she went inside to the concourse and grabbed a cup of coffee before sitting down to wait for the next non-express train.

  Missing that train was the icing on her shitty cake. Work had kicked her ass the past two weeks with absolutely no end in sight. Parker deciding to open another office in San Francisco at the same time as two big projects were finishing up had taxed Lizzie to her limit. Staying late at the office then working when she arrived home.

  It all added up to her having very little time to see Tom.

  Just the thought of him put a smile on her face. Taking that step over the friendship line and into lover land had scared her. She hadn’t wanted to lose her best friend. He’d always been there whenever she’d needed him. He knew her. She couldn’t imagine not having him be a part of her life because, to her, it felt like he’d always been her best friend.

  But instead of losing him, she gained even more. A whole side she’d never known—him as a lover. These past months they’d explored each other, learning the other’s sexual likes and dislikes . . . though they didn’t have many of the latter. She loved his dominant nature as well as the way he could melt her with his sweetness.

  As a couple, they talked more than they had as just best friends, but that might have to do with the fact that they spent more time together . . . though a lot of it was in bed. Most times it was silly stuff they discussed. Sometimes topics she didn’t want to discuss—like what would happen if Marc came back. She fought that conversation.

  They’d been sitting down in the living room, enjoying a beer and watching the Cubs game when he’d brought it up. Immediately, her shoulders had tensed up, her stomach soured.

  “I don’t want to talk about this,” she had said, putting her bottle on the coffee table.

  “We need to,” he’d replied, spinning her to face him.

  “Why?” she’d asked, pulling her hands from him. “It’s been almost a year! It doesn’t matter. He left me. He hasn’t spoken to me. His opinion doesn’t matter. What I do in my life is not his business anymore. If he’s hurt, he’s hurt. Oh, fucking well. He didn’t seem to care that what he did hurt me—why should I?”

  “Because you love him.”

  That statement had her bolting from the sofa, leveling a glare at Tom. “What are you trying to do? Intentionally make me upset?”

  “No,” he’d said, making his way to her and wrapping her in his arms. “No. I don’t want you upset.”

  “Then why bring this up?”

  “Because with every day that passes, the chances increase that he’ll show up.”

  “Or it’s the opposite. With each passing day, the probability of him returning decreases. So, please, can we stop this conversation?”


  Because I’m afraid of what I’ll do.

  She hadn’t said those words. She’d said nothing. Just stared at him.

  With a sigh, he’d pulled her into his embrace, his mouth near her ear. “I’m sorry. Forget I brought it up.”

  “I’m angry.”

  “I can make the anger go away.”


  He’d stepped back and given her that look that always rendered her dumb. Well, not dumb . . . it drew her in and hypnotized her—drugged her—so all she could think about was him. That’s the way she wanted it.

  Her ringing phone dragged her mind from Tom. She prayed to God this wasn’t a call from work and grabbed the phone out of her purse. Checking the caller ID, a smile came to her face.

  “Hi, Pooh bear!” she answered with a laugh.

  “Fucking name,” he grumbled under his breath. She knew he wasn’t actually mad . . . the name seemed to grow on him, but he still liked to mess with her.

  “You love it.”

  He grumbled some more. “If you say so, pita pocket.”

  “What the fuck does that even mean?”

  “Maybe I’ll tell you someday. So, Bits, where the heck are you? It’s past six and you were supposed to meet me at my place before we went over to Gwen’s.”

  “Sorry. It’s been such a crazy day. I’m just getting on the train. I’ll probably get to my place after seven. Then I really have to change out of these clothes. Why don’t you just meet me at Gwen’s? I can be at her place by eight.”

  “Eight? Fine. Hey, you spending the night?”


  “Because I seriously need to fuck you.”

  “Totally spending the night,” she said with a giddy laugh.

  “Good. Now hurry your ass up.”

  “I will.”

  “See ya, Bits.”

  “Bye,” she said, disconnecting the call and slipping the phone back in her purse.

  Once she finally got home, she got out of that damn pants suit and threw on an ankle length black skirt paired with a loose, celadon green sweater.

  Glancing at her watch, she swore and quickly packed a bag for this weekend then flew down the stairs to the living room to grab her purse. She was finally on her way to Gwen’s only two hours late.

  Lizzie barely got to wish Gwen a happy birthday before Tom was waving her over. “I’ll be right back. Tom’s having a fit or something trying to get my attention,” Lizzie said to the birthday girl then crossed the room to where Tom stood against the wall.

  He gave her a quick hug and a whispered order. “Downstairs bathroom. Wait for me.”

  Her eyes shot up to look into his bright blue ones and saw the dare. Would she do it?

  “You serious?” she asked, her eyes wide in excitement.

  “As a heart attack,” he said, walking off towards the kitchen.

  Oh, hell yes, Lizzie thought, heading off in the opposite direction towards the bathroom.

  Hurrying down the stairs, she turned down the hallway and saw Tom coming from the other direction. The predatory look in his eyes gave her a slight pause. In under a minute, he was going to devour her.

  With a jerk of his head, he ordered her into the bathroom. The moment she stepped inside, her world turned upside down. He yanked her towards him, spinning her around in the process and his lips found hers. His attack pushed her towards the open door which he kicked shut. He backed her up against the door—the click of the lock unleashing his control.

  Wild movements had her sweater up over her breasts, the cups of her bra yanked down, and his teeth biting down on her nipple.

  “Ahh!” she groaned, holding his head in place. She loved having him so out of control. It didn’t scare her—it turned her the fuck on.

  As he assaulted her breasts, her free hand traveled down his side and sought out what she hoped was his hard-as-steel mighty hammer.

  So fucking hard, she thought as she squeezed it through the fabric of his jeans, rubbing the erection back and forth.

  Ripping his mouth off her breasts, he stepped back and began to unfasten his pants. “Fuck . . . on your knees, Lizzie.”

  “Hell yes,” she said in a whoosh of air as her knees hit the tile.

  “Open up,” Tom ordered, the tip of his penis hitting her lips. Her tongue lashed out against it before doing as he’d requested.

  His fingers thrust into her hair just as his cock did the same to her mouth. He held her in place as he moved his dick in and out of her.

  “You’re so good to me, Bits. So . . . fuckin’ . . . good—hell, woman,” he called out when she cupped his balls. “You keep doing that and I’ll come in your pretty mout
h when I want to come between your legs. Skirt . . . take it off,” he directed between his slowing thrusts until he stopped. “Now,” he added, yanking out his wallet from his back pocket and pulling out a condom. Her legs spasmed in excitement of what was to follow.

  “Skirt, Bits.”

  “Oh, sorry,” she said, pulling her eyes from his cock. She stood before him and pushed down the maxi. He smiled wickedly when his eyes landed on her.

  “No panties, huh?”

  She shook her head. “No. I was going to tease with that knowledge, but you beat me to it.”

  “I did . . . walk to the counter and face it.”

  Stepping out of her discarded skirt, Lizzie crossed the small space to the counter, her eyes fixed on Tom behind her. His gaze stayed on her reflection as he walked to her, his body up against hers, pushing her into the counter. One of his hands snaked around and cupped her breast.

  “I’m gonna fuck you hard, Lizzie. You okay with that? I’m not gonna be gentle,” he said against her ear, his fingers pinching her nipple to the point of pain . . . glorious fucking pain.

  “Yes. Please,” she begged, wanting him to let go on her.

  Tom paused a moment to put on the condom, then with his hand to the back of her neck, pushed her against the counter, her body tensing at the contact with the cool counter. He teased her with his cock before slowly entering her. Putting her mouth to her arm, she tried to contain her moan. His grip on her hips tightened, yet he stayed still. That was the last calm moment before he fucked her like he’d been starving for days—which he pretty much had.

  “Look at us in this mirror. You see it? You and I are so fucking hot together.”

  She’d believe him. Lizzie could barely keep her eyes open, let alone focus on what was in the mirror.

  “Look,” he repeated, pulling her up by her biceps. Her eyes rolled at the change in position, the orgasm starting. “Fuck . . . don’t look. Come, Lizzie,” he urged, ramming into her. If he hadn’t been holding her up, Lizzie was sure she would have collapsed with the force of her release. Her body convulsed in pleasure, pulling the ecstasy right out of him. A long groan vibrated against her ear as the grip on her arms strengthened.


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