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Maneuver_Men of Inked_Southside

Page 5

by Chelle Bliss

  “They’re amazing, Lucio. You’re so lucky to have them.”

  She moves into the small, well-stocked kitchen which I had outfitted with new appliances after the last tenant moved out. I follow, keeping my distance because I don’t know what type of traumatic shit she’s been through, and we don’t know each other well enough for me to start looming over her.

  “This place is beautiful. Are you sure you don’t want to give it to someone else?”

  “And what, put you guys on the street?”

  She turns then, facing me with little Lulu staring at me too. “You could’ve.” Her eyes dip to the floor, but I stay quiet because I wasn’t trying to be a hero in this situation. I did what most people would do when someone is in need. Especially when they have a baby in tow. “I mean, my father didn’t have a problem doing that to us.”

  “Listen.” I move forward, closing the space between us now because I want her to understand I want them here. “I don’t know what bad shit you had happen or what type of people you’re used to having in your life, but you needed help, and I had a place. I couldn’t sleep at night if I dropped you and Lulu off at a shelter when I had the means to help.”

  Lulu holds her hand out, reaching for me, and I take her from Delilah’s arms without thinking. Even Delilah doesn’t put up a fight and just hands her over like we’ve known each other for years.

  “I’ll repay you for everything.”

  “Stop right there,” I say sternly. “I’m not looking for money.” I laugh as Lulu touches my lips, plucking at them with her tiny fingers and blows her own raspberry.

  “Everyone’s looking for money.”

  “I have a house, a bar, a great bike, and a nice family. I got everything I need. You’re helping me out by keeping the place in working order and lending a hand at the bar.”

  I feel like a broken record, repeating the shit I’ve already told her, but she doesn’t seem to get it.

  In her world, the one flooded with so much money they practically drown themselves in decadence, she probably doesn’t understand how someone could open their home to a perfect stranger. But as Lulu plays with my face like I’m a Mr. Potato Head toy, Delilah finally seems to relax and let everything sink in.

  “We’re done talking about it,” I say to her, but not like an asshole. I don’t want her to continually thank me or think she owes me something for helping her out. “There’s two bedrooms over there.” As I try to tip my head, Lulu’s grip intensifies, and those tiny little nails dig into my skin.

  “Oh Jesus. I’m sorry,” Delilah says, moving toward me to take Lulu back. “I should probably feed her and put her down for a nap before she gets cranky.”

  “I don’t think this kid ever gets cranky.”

  “Trust me, she does, and it’s like the nine circles of hell when she has her moments.” Delilah laughs softly before kissing Lulu’s head.

  “I have the bottle and formula from earlier. Just relax on the couch, and I’ll get it ready. Once she’s asleep, we’ll start unpacking.”

  Delilah tilts her head and stares at me like I am part of some freak show act at the cheesy carnival that rolls into town from time to time.

  “I can’t let you do this all alone,” I tell her because I know what she’s thinking.

  “Cause your ma told you to?” she asks.

  “Because I want to, and to be honest—” I rub my hands together, knowing I am going to drop something on her she may not care to hear “—I like you and the kid.”

  Her eyes widen like my words are a shocking revelation.

  I want to ask her if she has a boyfriend or anything, but I assume she doesn’t. If she does, he is a piece of shit for not helping out her and the baby instead of me. If she were mine, she wouldn’t be dealing with any kind of stress and certainly not living with her asshole father.

  “Go sit,” I tell her, angling my chin toward the couch behind her. “I got this.”

  She stares at me with her mouth hanging open, not moving as I walk toward the kitchen and start to prep Lulu’s bottle. A few moments later, Delilah walks through the living room and peeks into the two bedrooms. “The crib’s already set up.”

  “We work fast,” I say as I measure the formula and heat the water. It has been years since I prepped a bottle, and my mother did it this morning, but it isn’t any more complicated than making a drink at the bar.

  The leather of the couch squeaks as she sits down. I finally turn around, catching sight of her holding Lulu across her lap and looking comfortable for the first time since she walked into my life. Her eyes are moving fast, checking out the place and all the boxes of God knows what my family decided to drop off.

  What kind of idiot would fuck this up?

  Hot chick. Cool baby.

  Not too much is complicated about the situation. I could never abandon my kid and baby mama, but that’s just how I was brought up. Then there’s the fact that my mother would have my balls in a vise for doing that shit to my own blood.

  I shake the bottle, mixing the chalky formula with the water as I walk into the living room, watching them. “I’ll start unpacking while you feed her.”

  She looks up at me with her big, beautiful blue eyes and long eyelashes, blinking for a second like she is trying to process what I said. “I’m sure you have things to do.”

  “I don’t.” I kind of lie. I didn’t have anything solid planned, but I was supposed to play a game of football with the guys.

  I hand her the bottle and make myself busy, giving her some space and time to think while she feeds Lulu.

  I’ve done some fucked-up shit in my life, but never once did my family turn their backs on me. I can’t imagine what is going through her head after her father basically disowned her, leaving her without any money or a place to live.

  I don’t even make it through the first box when she starts to speak. “I just want you to know no guy is going to show up on your doorstep, demanding to see me or Lulu.”

  “I’m not worried,” I tell her and keep my back to her, slowly pulling out the baby items and placing them on the counter. “You’re allowed to have anyone over you’d like.”

  “Lulu’s dad took off before she was born. I haven’t heard from him since and have washed my hands of him entirely. I haven’t been in a relationship with anyone since, so…”

  “It’s not my business, Delilah.” My heart hurts for Lulu, and Delilah too. Not only do I want to beat her father’s ass, I want to strangle the prick who knocked her up and then abandoned them both.

  “But I want you to know because—” she pauses as I finally turn around to face her “—I like you too.” She speaks so quietly I almost don’t hear her, but those words change things forever.



  Saying those words wasn’t easy either. I didn’t want Lucio to think I only said I like him because he’s helping me out. Of course, that is part of the reason, but not the only thing I like about him.

  Why wouldn’t I love the guy who swooped in and rescued us from the clusterfuck that’s become my life?

  But it’s more than that.

  Here’s this drop-dead gorgeous guy, muscles for days, owns his own house and bar, and he’s willing to help some woman he just met, along with her baby. Lulu’s father couldn’t even be bothered, and I dated him for over a year before he knocked me up. Lucio has the qualities every woman’s looking for but rarely ever finds.

  Clearly, it isn’t just his physical appearance that draws me to him, but damn, it is impressive nonetheless. Even standing in the kitchen, holding a teddy bear in one arm and a little girl dress in the other, he is hot as fuck. His tanned skin, bulging arms, and tattoos scream sexy stripper guy. I probably would’ve made that judgment about him if we’d crossed paths on the street. But he isn’t any of that. He is the only person in the city who didn’t turn his back on me.

  “Give her here,” he says, motioning for Lulu. She’s fast asleep in my arms with the bottle sti
ll in her mouth. “I’ll put her down.”

  I hand Lulu over without saying a word. I stare at him, and he meets my gaze but doesn’t acknowledge what I just admitted. Maybe he doesn’t like me in that way, and I’m totally off base. He could’ve meant he liked me as a sister or a good friend. Not that he wanted to jump my bones in quite the same way I want to hop on him.

  “What the fuck? Way to go, Delilah,” I whisper to myself as he disappears into Lulu’s bedroom down the hallway.

  Pushing off the couch, I scrub my hands down my face and try to overcome the embarrassment as I kneel on the floor. I open a box of baby clothes sitting next to the couch as Lucio walks back into the room. I don’t dare look up because I don’t want to throw myself at him again and make an even bigger fool of myself.

  We work in comfortable silence, stealing glances at one another as we unbox all the items his family brought over. I rarely get flustered around people, but Lucio has me all kinds of off-kilter.

  “Are you hungry?” he asks as he stops in front of me.

  “A little,” I lie, because I am starving.

  “Stay here. I’ll go grab something.”

  “Okay,” I say as he runs down the stairs, leaving me alone.

  Without him here, I walk around and check out my new, but temporary, place. Opening cabinets and drawers, I find the place filled with everything we need. The clean, modern kitchen has stainless-steel appliances, white lacquered cabinets, and black granite countertops. It’s stuffed with pots and pans, dishes, and anything else I’ll need to whip up a feast.

  The decent-sized bathroom has a bathtub with a shower, pedestal sink, and everything else I’d expect to find, including towels, soap, and even bubble bath. The bedroom where Lulu sleeps has a crib and a dresser, but not much else. My room has a comfortable queen-sized bed, nightstand, dresser, and even a small walk-in closet.

  What more could a woman ask for? This isn’t my father’s penthouse, but it is absolutely perfect for Lulu and me. But I don’t want to make myself too comfortable. I know this is only temporary. Lucio is a good man, but I don’t want to overstay our welcome.

  I lie on the bed, staring up at the ceiling and listening to the sirens screeching down the street below. They will take a little getting used to, but Lulu can sleep through a hurricane…thank God. I close my eyes, moving my fingers across the soft comforter and humming to myself when it becomes too quiet.


  I jump off the bed and grab my chest as soon as I hear his voice. “You scared the shit out of me,” I say as my heart pounds underneath my hand. “Jesus.”

  “I’m sorry. I was quiet so I wouldn’t wake Lulu.” He leans in the doorway to the bedroom, arms folded in front of his wide chest, watching me with a devastatingly beautiful smile. “I got pizza. Is that okay?”

  My stomach growls and flutters at the same time. I’ve never felt anything like that before. “You look like a meat kind of guy, yeah? Lemme guess. You got sausage,” I say as I follow him into the living room and hope he’s not the pineapple type. Because pineapple on pizza is a total deal-breaker.

  “Pepperoni. It was the only one they had ready, and I didn’t want to make you wait.” He opens the lid of the box, and the smell smacks me right in the face.

  “It’s absolutely perfect,” I tell him as my mouth starts to water just looking at the gooey masterpiece. The cheese is perfectly melted, a little brown near the crust, and covered in loads of pepperoni, without a slice of pineapple in sight. Thank God.

  “You okay with sitting on the floor?” He looks to the coffee table across the room. It’s the only surface in the apartment that isn’t covered with boxes or items that need to be put away.

  “Of course.” I nod and can’t hold back my smile.

  How could I have a freaking problem with the floor? I don’t have a literal pot to piss in without him. I’d eat on the roof if he wanted. I grab two plates from the cabinet along with napkins before kneeling down next to Lucio. He grabs a slice and motions for me to take one too.

  “So, tell me about you,” I say as I hold the slice near my mouth, moving slowly, trying not to shove the entire piece of pizza in my mouth out of sheer starvation.

  He takes a bite, swallowing down the first mouthful with a shrug. “Not much to tell. Grew up in this neighborhood, and I own the bar with my brothers and sister. It used to be my parents’, but we bought them out a few years ago after my father ran into some legal issues.”

  I cover my mouth, feeling like a complete asshole. “I’m sorry,” I mutter with a mouthful of food.

  “Don’t be,” he laughs and waves the pizza slice in the air. “Santino knew his house of cards would come crashing down someday. He was into some pretty shady shit, but I’m happy we were able to save the bar before the government had a chance to seize it.”

  My heart flutters at the way he stares at me. It has been ages since anyone has looked at me like that. Having Lulu in my arms is always a surefire way for no man to see me as anything but a mom. But Lucio is different; he gazes at me like I’m a woman and not a breeding machine.

  I set my pizza down and place my hand on his arm. “You didn’t have to tell me that. I really am sorry.”

  He shrugs it off, but I can tell the entire thing bothers him. “He did the crime and has to do the time. I’m not proud of him, but he’s still mine. He was always a good dad, just did some questionable stuff we all knew would catch up with him someday.”

  “He’s still a better man than my father,” I tell him, going back to my pizza to stop myself from touching him again. I already let my hand linger a little too long.

  “Do you mind telling me what happened?”

  Typically, my personal home life is private, but Lucio deserves to hear the entire gruesome story. He opened his home to us and needs to know what happened and why. I spend the next ten minutes spilling my guts about my alcoholic father, my missing-in-action mother, and the downward slide of my father’s career and how it changed him into an unforgiving and sometimes reckless asshole.

  “That’s some pretty fucked-up shit, Delilah.” This time, Lucio reaches out and touches my arm, sweeping his thumb across my skin. “I’m so sorry you had to go through all that with him.”

  Goose bumps cover my flesh, and my heart, which is already in overdrive, speeds up a little more. “I’m just sorry I stayed as long as I did. I should’ve moved out a long time ago. I wouldn’t be in this situation if I had.”

  His fingers still, and he tightens his grip on my arm. “But then you wouldn’t be here,” he says without even blinking.

  All the air I have in my body evaporates as I stare into his dark green eyes. The small apartment suddenly feels even smaller as he stares at me, touching my skin. I swallow down the lump that has settled deep in my throat and try to regain my composure. Something I’ve failed at multiple times with him. “You’d probably be out having fun on a Saturday instead of saddled with me and my kid.”

  I regret the words as soon as they come out of my mouth. I sound like I’m fishing for a compliment, and I hate people who do that. I really meant what I said and wasn’t looking for him to say anything about how spending Saturday with me is far better than hanging out with his buddies. We both know that isn’t true.

  Lucio moves closer, and I hold my breath, leaning forward. Part of me is hoping he’s going to kiss me. Our bodies are still connected. He’s still holding on tightly to my arm. I close my eyes as he moves his face near mine and wait for the moment.

  “Delilah,” he says softly. I barely hear him whisper my name over the whooshing of my pulse in my ears and the rapid beating of my own heart.

  “Yes?” My voice sounds needy, and I am. My body is on fire, the nearness of him and his scent overpowering my common sense. The fact that I haven’t been touched by a man in so long amplifies everything.

  “Lulu’s awake.”

  My eyes fly open, and I realize he wasn’t moving in for a kiss. He was trying to get up b
ecause Lulu is crying in the other room. I’d been so wrapped up in him, I hadn’t even heard her.

  I cover my face with my hands, letting out a little groan as Lucio disappears into Lulu’s room. My face is red and heated. All I want to do is crawl under a blanket and hide. I’m sure Lucio knows I expected a kiss. How could he not? I had my mouth open, leaning forward, eyes closed like a dumb-ass teenager waiting for her first kiss.

  “You’re an idiot,” I whisper to myself.

  “Delilah,” he says as he walks back into the room with Lulu in his arms. “I’m going to kiss you, but not until the moment’s right, and definitely not over a box of pizza.”

  I don’t know if I want to spin around the room, celebrating the fact that Lucio does, in fact, want to kiss me, or if I still want that blanket to hide my embarrassment over sitting on the floor with my eyes closed and my lips puckered. “Right,” I say, going back to my pizza and keeping my eyes off Lucio as he sits down with Lulu in one arm.

  “Hey.” He touches my face, forcing me to look at him. “You’re hot, li’l mama,” he says as his thumb brushes near the bottom of my lip. “I don’t want to rush things. You’ve been through a lot. When the time is right, if it is, I’ll kiss you. I don’t want to ruin you just yet.”

  “Ruin me?” I ask, almost choking on my pizza.

  “Once I kiss you, you’ll never want another man again.”

  I wish I could say something witty about how he is full of himself, but something tells me Lucio isn’t lying.



  “Maybe I should just go back home,” she says as we walk through the front door of Hook & Hustle.

  “No, no. My mother wants you here.” I wrap an arm around her back and curl my hand over her hip, stopping her from leaving as she tries to take a step backward. “I want you here,” I admit, shocking her as much as myself.

  “Oh.” Delilah blushes and smiles, tucking a strand of brown hair behind her ear.


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