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Maneuver_Men of Inked_Southside

Page 7

by Chelle Bliss

  “No. You stay here and relax,” I tell him. He looked so hopeful before those words left my mouth, but I am being selfish. I want a little time alone with his mother, someone I would’ve loved having as my own.

  “I promise to be on my best behavior,” his mother says.

  Lucio doesn’t look convinced. “I think I should go too. Make sure you two are safe.” He takes a step forward, but his mother places her small hand on the middle of his giant chest and stops him.

  “You’ll stay here. Give the girl a little room to breathe, son. Let your momma handle this,” she says as if I’m not even in the room, listening to the entire conversation.

  It seems to be a theme in this family. I don’t know if it’s because I’m the new girl or maybe they just like bossing each other around, but it’s starting to drive me a little crazy.

  “Delilah, why don’t I show you where we store it in case you want to use it again?” Lucio motions for me to follow, and I glance at his mother.

  “That’s a splendid idea. I’ll just run and get my hat.” She smiles and shoos me toward the stairwell where Lucio is waiting. “Gimme that sweet girl,” she says, taking Lulu from my arms before I can take a step.

  We don’t speak as I follow him through the bar, down a hallway, and to the storage closet where I think they keep the stroller.

  Before I have one foot in the doorway, Lucio has his arms around me, pulling me in closer until there’s no space left between us.

  “I’m sorry,” he says as he leans forward, staring into my eyes so intensely my knees start to go weak.

  “For what?” I ask as he moves his mouth closer to mine. My voice is so soft I’m not sure he heard me because he doesn’t answer right away.

  “For this.” He presses his soft, full lips to mine and holds me tighter, stealing my breath. He sweeps his tongue across my bottom lip, and I tip my head back, opening to him. In this moment, as our tongues tangle together, I know one thing for sure. He was right.

  I am ruined.



  “I can’t quite place the look on your face,” Daphne says as I stand behind the bar, looking out across the room filled with customers.

  I know where she’s going with the statement. I’ve been walking around in a haze ever since I kissed Delilah, but I didn’t think it was noticeable. I should’ve known Daphne would be all over me, sticking her nose exactly where it didn’t belong.

  I fill a pint at the tap, trying to busy myself. “Shut up, Daph.”

  I walk to the other end to get away from my sister’s prying eyes, but she follows me. “You really like this chick, don’t you?”

  I set the beer down in front of Johnny before I turn to face her. I know she isn’t going to back down. That’s never been my sister’s style, especially when it comes to her brothers and our love lives. “I do,” I admit, turning to face her and crossing my arms in front of my chest.

  “Huh,” she mumbles and shakes her head slowly. “Never knew you had it in you.”

  My muscles tighten, and I’m instantly defensive. “Had what?”

  “The love gene.” She punches my shoulder playfully and laughs. “I’m pretty sure it’s the end of the world.”

  “I’m not in love, Daphne. I just met the girl.” I may not have been there yet, but I could easily fall in love with Delilah. My ma was right about one thing; Delilah is more stable than most of the women I’ve dated. She doesn’t ask for much, and even though she grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth, the smallest things seem to make her happy.

  “You doth protest too much.”

  I roll my eyes, stalking away from her, done with the conversation. But Daphne’s not ready to move on. She follows me, almost face-planting in my back when I stop too quickly. “What are you doing?” I ask, trying not to lose my cool as I glare at her over my shoulder.

  Daphne comes around in front of me, blocking the path to the back room and wags her finger in my face. “You had sex with her already, didn’t you?”

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but I haven’t.” I don’t know why I tell her. She doesn’t need to know everything that happens in my life. Working together has added a new level of brother and sister closeness I never expected when I agreed to buy the bar with them.

  Daphne staggers backward, holding her chest like she’s heard the most shocking news. “You haven’t? Oh. My. God. It is the end of the world.”

  “Stop being overdramatic.” I push her aside and stalk toward the office.

  “You sleep with everyone, Lucio. She’s been under your roof for more than twenty-four hours, and you haven’t nailed her. That can only mean one thing.”

  “Don’t say it,” I tell her as Michelle, my sister’s best friend and our best waitress, walks into the office just behind us.

  “What the hell are you two doing?” She places her hands on her hips, staring back and forth between the two of us before tipping her head toward the door. “We have a bar full of customers waiting.”

  Daphne waves her hand at me. “Lucio hasn’t slept with Delilah yet,” she says, not answering Michelle’s question and totally selling me out to Michelle.

  My sister says I sleep with everyone, but I don’t. Hell, I haven’t slept with Michelle even though she’s smoking hot and totally my type. She’s way too connected with my sister for me to even think about sleeping with her. Something about the very thought has always grossed me out.

  Michelle’s eyebrows shoot up, and she steps inside the office, forgetting about all the waiting customers she came in here to tell us about. “Oh, do tell me more.”

  “Both of you get out,” I tell them, shooing them toward the door.

  They step backward in unison, giving each other a look before laughing. “Someone’s got it bad,” Daphne teases and nudges Michelle’s arm with her bony elbow.

  “Get. Out,” I repeat as I push them into the hallway, needing some time alone to get my head on straight.

  I head home early, leaving Daphne and Michelle to clean up because they wouldn’t get off my case. I tiptoe through the front door finding Delilah sitting on the steps to her apartment, leaning against the wall, and sound asleep. She doesn’t even flinch when the front door clicks and I engage the lock. She looks so peaceful, so beautiful as she sleeps, but in no way does she look comfortable.

  Delilah mumbles something as I lift her into my arms, and her face falls against my chest, making it impossible to understand her words. I’m tempted to carry her to my bed, but I know we may not hear Lulu crying, so I take her upstairs instead.

  My life went from carefree to complicated the moment Delilah walked into the bar. I’ve never been one to turn my back on a friend in need, but strangers are a different story. Not that I’m a heartless bastard, but I have too much other shit to deal with on the daily to put a whole lot of thought into helping someone I don’t know.

  If she had been alone, I might have reacted differently, but I couldn’t turn my back on her and Lulu both. Lulu is an innocent in the entire situation, and as far as I can tell, so is Delilah. In all probability, I wouldn’t have turned my back on Delilah either because I’m a sucker for a pretty lady, especially one in crisis.

  My ma has said more than once that I attract the crazy chicks, but there’s a reason for that. They’re safe. I never worry about falling in love when the girl is one step away from a padded room.

  Delilah isn’t safe. Not for my heart, at least, and it’s a scary place for me to be in, as well as totally uncharted territory.

  “Lucio,” Delilah whispers as I place her on the bed.

  “Shh,” I say softly as she stretches. “Go back to sleep, sweetheart.”

  I expect her hands to fall away from my neck, but she tightens her hold. “Lie down with me,” she begs, and in that moment, I can’t say no.

  I crawl under the covers, placing my front against her side. She curls into me, smashing her face back against my chest again. I’m not sure where to put
my hands, not knowing her well enough to touch the parts I really want to. Instead, I set one hand against the small of her back and use the other to prop my head in my palm.

  “How was work?” she asks, pulling her face away from my body and staring up at me with sleepy eyes.

  “It was good. You okay?”

  She looks sadder than usual, but she nods. “I’m fine. Just had a long night. Lulu wouldn’t stop crying.”

  “Is she sick?”

  “No. She was just fussy. Thank God she’s sleeping.” Delilah groans and brings her hands between us, wrapping her fingers around my T-shirt and holding on to me tightly. Her breasts press against me as she shifts, and no matter what I do, I know my body’s going to respond to the feel of her.

  I move my face and bury my nose in her hair, recognizing the lavender scent of the baby shampoo my mother gave to her after the family dinner. “Is there anything I can do to make things easier?”

  She peers up, tightening her hold on my shirt. “Kiss me,” she whispers.

  I don’t know what I thought her answer would be, but I like where she takes my offer. I’m not sure kissing her again will make things easier, but I know it sounds like way more fun than anything else.

  I don’t hesitate in moving my lips to hers, our eyes locked on each other as our breathing grows harsher and more labored.

  I struggle to keep my composure as my mouth crashes down on hers for only the second time since I met her. The feel of her lips is no less spectacular or mind-blowing than it was the first time I kissed her.

  She slides her arms around my shoulders, pulling me on top of her as I tug on her lip with my teeth, teasing her and myself in the process. She lets out a small moan, making it damn near impossible for me to take things slow.

  I slide a hand under the hem of her T-shirt, finding the soft skin near her waist. It takes everything in me to keep my fingers there because I want to slip the thin fabric from her body and mine, removing every obstacle between us. The only noise in the room is our lips smacking against each other, and it sounds like pure heaven.

  “I want you,” I murmur against her lips. God, I want her more than anyone I’ve ever wanted before. But restraint is key with a girl like her. A single mother needs to be treated with kid gloves. Having her as a roommate makes everything more complicated. I know once we go down this road, there’s no turning back.

  She laces her fingers through my hair, holding my face and lips to hers. I wasn’t going anywhere, though. Nothing could stop me from taking what she had to give.

  I slide my tongue across her bottom lip, feeling her softness and tasting her sweetness. Her tongue meets mine, sending shock waves through my system, and the haze I’ve been walking in for most of the day seems to vanish.

  I don’t know what I was thinking when I kissed her in the bar, but in all reality, I wasn’t thinking at all. I let my body lead the way, and I’m doing it again. I know I shouldn’t be touching her, but I can’t stop myself.

  “I want you too,” she admits, and when she wraps her legs around my back, the small sliver of resistance and common sense I had slips away.

  I kiss her harder, loving the way she responds with soft moans and by tightening her legs around my body, pushing my cock into her.

  She wants me. I want her.

  This should be simple, but I know nothing about what’s about to happen is.

  Just when I’m about to make my move, Lulu starts to wail from the other room. For a moment, we don’t stop. It’s like some invisible force is holding us together, but as Lulu’s cries become louder, we both pull apart. I roll to my side, staring up at the ceiling with my cock hard as a rock and throbbing with need.

  “I’m so sorry,” Delilah says as she crawls off the bed.

  “Don’t be,” I tell her before she walks out of the room to grab Lulu.

  Lulu may have saved me from a big mistake. I don’t want to sleep with Delilah because I’m horny and she’s barely awake. I want the moment to be right, the feelings to be there. Once it happens, there’s no turning back.

  I already know I can’t imagine them walking out the door, never seeing them again, but can I get over the worry I’ve carried around my entire life about being too much like my father? I owe it to Delilah and Lulu not to go any further unless I know I can be the man they both need.



  It’s official.

  I’m going to be the world’s worst waitress.

  “Again,” Lucio says as he sits in the back corner of the bar, pretending to be a random customer.

  Lucio’s been patient with me, setting up the afternoon for us to train, and he hasn’t complained once. But I know I’m bad. Bad isn’t even a good enough word to describe the level of awful I am at taking orders and serving drinks. Carrying a tray is easy when it’s empty, but add a few drinks, and I’m a hot mess with absolutely no balance.

  Thankfully, the bar is almost empty. There’re a few regulars hanging around, but they’re too busy arguing about politics to watch how epically I’m failing.

  I turn around, trying to regain my composure before facing him with a kind smile. I’ve already spilled three drinks and dropped the tray half a dozen times. “Good evening. Can I get you a drink?” I say, changing up the script we’ve gone over a hundred times.

  “Good evening?” He raises an eyebrow.

  I drop the straight face I’ve been able to maintain. “What? It sounded good.” I shrug. “No?”

  “Delilah, look around the bar.” He waves his hand across the table toward the few guys sitting on the stools near the bar. “What do you see?”

  I peer over my shoulder. “Some guys.”

  “What kind of guys?”

  “Regulars, I assume.”

  “Yeah, but do they look like the type to say good evening?”

  I peer down at the floor and kick the hardwood with the toe of my shoe. “Well, no.”

  “This isn’t the country club, and the men who come in here don’t wear a suit and tie. Keep it casual.”

  I shrug and blow out a breath. My feet hurt, and I’m irritated with myself. “Whatcha wanna drink?”

  Lucio covers his mouth, but I know he’s laughing. The words are so foreign coming out of my mouth I can’t even stop myself from laughing too.

  “That’s closer than good evening. Just be yourself.”

  I go right back into my role, taking his advice to be casual and act more like myself. “So, whatcha want? I don’t have all day, mister.”

  “I’ll take a gin and tonic.”

  I have my tray tucked under my arm, scribbling his drink order on a pad of paper. “How about a double for three bucks more?”

  “Nice touch and upsell. Make it a double. I’ll also take a Sex on the Beach and a Blow Job.”

  I blink a few times with my pen hovering over the pad of paper, but I can’t seem to write out the words or make enough saliva to swallow without sounding like an idiot. My face heats, and I can’t deny both sound pretty damn good about now. I imagine the sun bouncing off his tanned skin as the waves splash over our bodies.

  I’m so lost thinking about screwing Lucio, the tray falls from under my arm and bounces off the floor, bringing me right back to reality. “You want a what, again?”

  “They’re drinks, Delilah. Sex on the Beach and a Blow Job.”

  Last night, we were so close to having sex until Lulu used her magical kid powers and put an end to mommy time. It was probably for the best, but I can’t stop thinking about what could’ve happened and what the repercussions would’ve been today.

  “Oh.” I’m sure he hears the disappointment in my voice because Lord knows I do nothing to hide it. “Coming right up.” I snatch the tray off the floor and march toward Angelo, fanning myself with the tiny pad of paper.

  Angelo’s leaning against the bar, watching me as I approach. “Lucio being too hard on you?” he asks, giving me a kind smile as he stops whatever he’s been doing to give m
e his full attention.

  I shake my head and blow the hair out of my eyes that had fallen when I bent down to pick up the tray. “No. He’s great. I just suck at this.”

  “You don’t suck. Give yourself some time to adjust. Why don’t you lose the tray and leave the paper in your pocket? Only use it when you have a large order you’re worried you won’t remember.”

  “I can do that.” I somehow muster a smile through my embarrassment. “I hope I don’t mess things up tonight.”

  “You won’t. Strangers are easier to serve than someone you know.”

  “Lucio makes me nervous,” I blurt out and instantly regret letting that little nugget of truth slip.

  Angelo’s ice-blue eyes sparkle as his smile widens. “I think the feeling’s mutual, Dee.”

  His statement makes me feel better. Lucio always seems to have his shit together, while I’m a mess of emotion. “I don’t know about that. He’s a pretty smooth talker.”

  Angelo leans forward, closing the space between us. “I’ll let you in on a little secret,” he says as I lean in closer too, dying to know what he’s about to say. “My brother is a smooth talker, but you fluster the hell out of him. I’ve never seen him so unlike himself around a woman until you walked through the door.”

  “Waitress,” Lucio calls out from across the room. “How’s my drink coming?”

  “See,” Angelo says as he backs away. “He doesn’t even like me talking or getting that close to you.”

  I peer over my shoulder at Lucio, who’s watching us carefully and doesn’t look one bit happy. “Coming, sir.” I smile in his direction, but he doesn’t return it.

  “What did he order?”

  “Double gin & tonic, Sex on the Beach, and a Blow Job.”

  Angelo rolls his eyes and grabs three glasses before filling them with water. “Carry them without the tray and try not to spill more than a few drops this time.”

  I carry the shot glass in one hand and the other two drinks in the opposite, walking as smoothly as possible toward Lucio.


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