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Snowed In With You

Page 8

by Luxx Monroe

  Sutton turned around and I noticed the slight tinge of pink coating her cheeks. I loved how I was the one who made her look like that. “Right, well, I’m going to actually clean myself up. You’re welcome to stay.” She said the last part so quietly that I almost missed it.

  “I wouldn’t leave if you asked me to. Well, I probably would, but I wouldn’t want to.” I shot her a wink and grabbed the body wash beside us.

  We finished our shower together, and I felt like a million bucks when we were all dried off and ready to head back to my room.

  I wasn’t sure what we were going to do for the rest of the day, but I really hoped it didn’t involve clothes.

  Chapter 15


  After our shower experience, I wasn’t sure how Chase was going to be able to top it. I had heard that shower sex was awkward and hard. That was why Jared never invited me in with him, or why he never joined me. I found it pretty damn good.

  Over the next few hours, Chase and I lounged around. I read while he made some business calls, making sure everything was still running smoothly in New York. They had signed a new band, which was already taking off, and after the Christmas season, it sounded like their days were going to be pretty jam-packed with events and performances.

  I overheard a conversation that they may have landed a spot on The Tonight Show. That was huge, and I could tell Chase was over the moon about it.

  When he sauntered over to the couch, where I was sitting and reading a family counseling practice book, and he had the happiest look in his eyes. I wanted to take a snapshot of him, so he could see how adorable he was when he wasn’t scowling.

  “I couldn’t help but overhear, but did you just land a spot on The Tonight Show?”

  Chase jumped on the couch cushion next to me, making my body bounce next to him. I laughed and smiled at his jubilant demeanor. “We did. Sutton, this is huge!”

  When he leaned over and gave me a small, sweet kiss, it should have made me happy and want to celebrate with him, but it only created a sadness in me. Knowing that our time together was almost up, I couldn’t help that my inner woman came out, potentially about to ruin everything we had built.

  “Do you think we’ll see each other after this?”

  Chase’s expression became very serious, but he didn’t look away from me. I knew what he was going to say, and I was ready for the worst. He was going to tell me he had told me from the beginning that this was all in fun. That we were just doing this as an experiment. What I wasn’t expecting was the next words that came out of his mouth. “I’ve actually been thinking about that.”

  I must have looked shocked, because he leaned over and gave me another sweet kiss on the cheek. “I would actually love it if you came up to visit me in New York. I know our schedules are going to be hectic after Christmas, but I like being around you, Sutton. I don’t really want us to say goodbye after this. If that’s what you’re feeling too?”

  “I know you said this was just for fun, but I like being around you too.”

  Chase grinned and brought me in for a deeper, needier kiss. “You have no idea how happy that makes me.”

  I pulled back and started to think about Mandy. “What are we going to tell your sister?”

  Chase just shrugged and brushed off my comment. “It’ll be fine. I mean, we don’t even have to tell her.”

  I sighed, knowing their troubled relationship wasn’t going to be fixed overnight. It would take some time, but I was confident I could talk to Mandy and explain how I felt about Chase. “I don’t know if I can keep this from her.”

  Chase sighed, and I could tell he wasn’t going to talk about Mandy anymore. “Well, enough about that. It’s getting late. Let’s do something fun.” Chase wiggled his eyebrows, and I knew where his mind had just gone. The gutter, that’s where.

  I was about to give in when I suddenly remembered the bet that I had won earlier, the one he still owed me for. “Hey, wait. As I recall, you still owe me a showing of The Notebook.”

  Chase’s face tensed up and he started to shake his head. “No. No way. I do not want to watch The fucking Notebook tonight, and I believe it was a tie.”

  “Nope, I won. You’re going to have to give me something else.”

  “Another bet?” He raised his eyebrow and really started to contemplate our new situation. “Okay, how about this. Let’s make a new wager, and if you win, you get to pick anything else, absolutely anything else for the entire night. But if I win, we watch a bloody zombie movie, deal?”

  “Okay, except what’s the new bet?”

  Chase moved up on his hand and knees then started crawling over to me. “I have a fun idea. Let’s see who calls uncle first.”

  “Uncle? Like who gives in to each other first?”

  “Exactly, let’s see who can hold out the longest. The winner takes all.”

  I smiled at him and nodded my head. He was going down.

  Exactly ten minutes later, we were both butt-naked and laying on the very same rug where Chase had proven to me I was doing it all wrong in life. Great sex was now my new way, and I was never looking back.

  “Now remember, the first one to give into the other wins. Got it? The word is ‘uncle.’ Whoever says it first loses.”

  I laughed at the ridiculousness of our little game, but was also secretly very excited. This was fun, doing these things with Chase. “Got it. And just so you know, you’re going to lose.”

  “We’ll see about that.” Chase trailed a path of kisses down to my stomach, but I held it together and didn’t even make a noise. “Oh, you’re in this, huh? I guess I’ll have to try harder.”

  I knew I’d be a goner if his mouth ever made it down to my sensitive spot, so I decided to end this game before it really even started. I grabbed onto Chase and flipped us around before he even knew what had happened.

  Straddling his body, I pushed my large breasts into his face. “You play fucking dirty,” he mumbled, but then took my nipple in his mouth, slowly sucking and teasing it.

  I laughed, knowing if he didn’t want me on top, he was strong enough to flip me. He was enjoying this just as much as I was.

  I felt more confident with myself than I ever had before. I knew I was going to win this bet, and because Chase was so adamant about not watching my favorite movie, I had something much better in mind for him.

  As Chase was giving most of his attention to my chest, I reached down and grabbed his cock, aligning it with my entrance. I moved my hips so he would brush across my wet lips, but wouldn’t be able to push himself completely in.

  I did this about five more times before he wrapped his hands around my waist and lifted me up. I almost thought he was angry at my playfulness, but instead of pushing me completely off him, he lined my entrance up with his erect cock and pushed me down so he filled me entirely. “Fuck it. Uncle, you win again.” He grunted and leaned his head back onto the floor.

  I threw my head back and laughed, but only for a second, because being on top felt so damn good. “You only lasted like a minute,” I said breathlessly, as Chase continued to move my hips up and down while he plunged deep inside of me.

  “I knew I would cave, and I’m okay with that. As long as I get to do this with you all night long,” Chase smiled playfully as he grabbed my neck and pulled me down for a kiss.

  After my fifth or sixth—hell, I lost count—orgasm, we laid by the fire and talk about our lives for the next hour. I learned that Chase always felt like he didn’t belong in his family, and he came here to tell his parents a family secret he’d learned recently. I could tell he didn’t want to talk about that, so he told me about one of Mandy’s friends he’d dated in high school, and that it didn’t end up well. Mandy ended up losing a good friend, all because Chase hadn’t had feelings for her. He said that after that, his relationship with Mandy was irreparable. I became nervous that I wouldn’t be able to talk to her about this new relationship with her brother, but I knew I had to try. Maybe we could
sneak around for a while, but I knew I would have to come clean eventually. Hell, the minute she set eyes on me, she’d know something had happened between us. I decided to push the thought far from my mind, because at the current moment, I was enjoying the naked man lying beside me.

  Chapter 16


  “You want me to fucking do what!” Chase said a little too loud, as he paced around the living room, looking pretty pissed.

  I couldn’t help but giggle when I twirled one of my red lacy thongs around in the air. “A bet’s a bet, sweetheart.”

  “I’m not wearing it. There’s no way.”

  I jumped up on the couch and started to move my skimpy red thong from finger to finger, getting ready to fling it over to him any minute. “You said whatever I asked, and I asked for a little show in my sexy little thong. I have a song ready for you and I want to see you shake it, honey.”

  Chase looked over at me, back to the red little devil I was holding in my hands, and then toward the fireplace.

  We had been snowed in for exactly two and half days. I didn’t know about Chase, but I really didn’t want to be saved any time soon. I was having so much fun with him, and I wanted us to stay in our little bubble for as long as possible. We ended up passing out in the living room last night and waking up together this morning to a low-burning fire, naked and as horny as ever. I had been fucked every way possible by Chase, but it was like I still couldn’t get enough.

  Looking outside, I noticed the sun was already starting to make its descent and I had just read a text from Mandy saying she should be getting here by tomorrow morning. This was our last night together, and honestly, I had no idea if I would ever see Chase again.

  I did, however, know one thing. I wanted to see him completely out of his comfort zone, and that involved him in the lacy little number I was holding in my hands.

  He ran his hand down the front of his face and finally turned back around toward me. “You may not, and I fucking mean it, may not take any pictures. Got it?”

  “Promise. Now, go get ready. I think a performance is about to start.”

  By the time Chase finally walked over and snatched my thong from my fingers, I was beyond excited to see his little show. He had no idea I’d had something better planned than watching The Notebook. I loved winning bets.

  “Fine, but you better enjoy this, because it’s the last time you’ll see my junk in a G-string, or whatever the hell you want to call this thing.” He waved my thong above his head and headed for the bathroom.

  After I turned the stereo on and hooked my phone up to the speakers to get ready to play my new favorite song, I was ready for the show. The song had a catchy beat, and I knew Chase would have an easy time shaking his ass to it.

  I sat back down, ready for my entertainment. “Come on, what’s taking you so long?” I yelled, but put my hand over my mouth when Chase stuck one of his legs out of the bathroom, showing off his hairy, manly calf muscle, and signaling it was time to push play.

  The bass started, and just when I thought maybe he was going to chicken out, he finally emerged from the bathroom, red thong and all.

  I lost it and started laughing so hard, my eyes were watering.

  “Don’t act like you don’t like this,” Chase said as he turned around so his perfect, tight ass was on display. His balls weren’t contained very well, and his penis was barely shoved into the thin piece of fabric. In fact, when he turned around, it completely fell out, but he stuffed it back in. “These things are ridiculous,” he said with a grunt, but continued to dance his way over to me.

  “You look pretty hot,” I said and catcalled him while he jiggled his ass and flexed it together.

  “I am hot, and a bet’s a bet, so I’m going to give you a show you’ll never forget.” I couldn’t stop laughing, and I loved that Chase was finally being goofy and having fun with me.

  The lyrics started to play, and Chase lip-synched almost every word. He sang the chorus loudly and followed every single word.

  When the beat of the music picked up its pace, Chase danced over to me and stood me up in front of him, pulling me over to the couch.

  I followed him and let him show me all he had. He really wasn’t doing a bad job as a stripper. “You know, if your record label doesn’t work out, I’m pretty sure you’d get hired at any club downtown.”

  Chase laughed with me and sat me down in the middle of the couch. He lifted one of his legs and set it down right next to me, pretending to grind in front of my face. I almost reached out to cup his balls, but he shooed my hand away. “No touching the dancers. It isn’t allowed.”

  I wiggled my eyebrows at him and stood up and started dancing along with him again.

  Soon, he jumped on the love seat next to me and bent over, showing me a not so great view of his manhood, and I couldn’t help but cover my mouth to hide my laugh.

  Suddenly, just as Chase was about to do another move, the front door flew open and Mandy’s parents, or who I assumed were her parents, came barreling through the front door, with Mandy following right behind them.

  I shrieked loudly, which only fueled Chase’s surprise. He was moving to bend back over, which made him in just the right spot to have his backside pointed right toward our new company.

  The next few minutes were basically an out-of-body, chaotic experience, and I’m not sure what exactly happened in what order.

  Their mother screamed and covered her eyes, and their dad was actually cursing and asking us what the hell was going on. Mandy was screaming that she was blind, and I just sat there like a deer in the headlights, not knowing what to do.

  Chase was so startled by it all that not only was his ass and balls pointed right in their direction, but he wasn’t able to get his footing and flipped off the back of the couch, landing right in front of his father.

  “Goddammit it, Chase. What the hell? Who the hell? Get some damn close on!” His dad looked like he was about to burst a blood vessel in his forehead, and his mother still had her hands on her face, shielding her eyes.

  I finally made eye contact with Mandy, and I could tell she knew right away what had been going on there.

  “Sutton, no,” she said and looked back toward her brother.

  I was now the one covering my face with my hands, thinking about how absurd our whole situation seemed.

  Chase was in the bathroom in no time and I finally moved to turn off our ridiculously loud song.

  When I turned back around, all three of our new house guests were staring at me, waiting for me to explain just what the hell was going on.

  “He lost a bet,” I said quietly and sucked in my bottom lip, not wanting to say anymore for fear that I would give myself away.

  Mandy cleared her throat and pointed in my direction. “Mom, Dad, this is Sutton, my roommate. Sutton, these fine folks are my parents.”

  I walked over to them to shake their hands, but they just looked at me like I was some kind of freak.

  Finally, Mandy’s dad spoked up, ending our awkward silence. “Yes, well, I’m so sorry you’ve been stuck here with Chase for so many days. God knows he’s probably rubbed off on you. We’ve tried everything to get the roads cleared off, but living this far out into the country has its disadvantages.”

  I just nodded, not sure what else to say. I felt like a moron meeting their parents like this, but I also had to try and hide a smile that wanted to make its way to my face. Because, frankly, this was pretty hilarious.

  Mandy walked over to me, embracing me in a tight hug. “I don’t know why, but I’ve been so worried about you,” she whispered and I knew I needed to tell her everything that had happened between her brother and me. I just didn’t know how. So I decided to reverse the conversation.

  “I’m okay, but I want to hear everything about your little experience with this storm.”

  Mandy pulled back and gave me a devious smile. I assumed she was with Simon most of the time, and I probably wouldn’t hear her complai
n one bit.

  We were interrupted by the sound of the bathroom door opening. Chase stepped out, fully clothed and looking as gorgeous as ever. He and Mandy really didn’t look anything alike. I couldn’t help it; I swooned as he ran his hand through his dark hair, even as I felt a little pang of sadness when I realized we were free. We were now able to go back to our old lives. It made me sad to think about the possibility that I might never see him again. I’d hoped that maybe he was serious about us visiting each other when we were back to our normal lives. Hell, who was I kidding? Our snowed in vacation was probably over.

  “You have some explaining to do, young man. I raised you better than to prance around in some—” Chase stopped his dad from talking and suddenly looked completely pissed off.

  “Not now. I don’t want to do this in front of everyone.”

  Chase’s dad crossed his arms and looked back and forth between his wife and Chase.

  Finally, their mother looked over to Mandy and me. “Girls, could you excuse us for a minute?”

  Mandy rolled her eyes and grabbed me by the hand. As we walked past Chase, I reached out and brushed my hand against his. I couldn’t help it; I just wanted to touch him one last time.

  “Come on, let’s go to my room,” Mandy said loudly as she pulled me up the stairs.

  When we finally got to her room and shut the door, she grabbed me by my arm. “How bad is it?” she asked and eyed me up and down.

  “How bad is what?”

  Mandy looked at me straight in the eyes and knew I was holding everything back. “What lines did he feed you? How in love with him are you?”

  I sighed and patted her on the arm. “I’m not in love with him, but your brother isn’t a bad guy, Mandy. We actually had a really good time together.”

  Before Mandy could reply, we heard yelling coming from the living room. We both shot our eyebrows up at each other and opened her door, totally invading her parents and Chase’s private conversation.

  “Don’t even start telling me how a man should act.”


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