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Always My Home (The Aster Lake Series Book 2)

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by Alora Kate

  “Who’s your employee?” I asked while my eyes roamed around the room. It was messy, fabric and thread was everywhere, but I’m sure they worked best this way.

  “Raymond,” Sam answered, turning off the TV. I hadn’t even noticed it until now. “He’s a drag queen at a club about a mile away, and he’s amazing with a sewing machine. Probably better than we are. We let him sew his gowns here when he’s not working.”

  She was so happy and full of life. Usually that’s me. I’m the one that’s always happy, laughing, and outgoing.

  Steph seemed a little more laid back than Sam was, and I caught her smiling a few times. I got the feeling she didn’t like being the center of attention.

  “He comes in later in the day because he works nights at the club.”

  “Oh okay,” I said and found myself gripping my purse.

  Steph stepped towards me. “You okay?’

  Before I could answer Sam came to her side. “I’m so sorry, Madi.”


  “It’s me, right? I get so excited sometimes, I just can’t help myself,” she said quickly then started biting the inside of her lip.

  “No!” I replied a bit too loud. “No, it’s not you Sam. I’ve never been so far away from home, it’s so overwhelming, and now I’m going to be on TV. It’s all starting to hit me.” I found myself getting hot and my breathing picked up. “Is it hot in here?”

  “Get her some water, Sam.” Steph pulled up a chair and I sat down, letting my purse drop to the floor.

  “This isn’t me,” I started to explain. “I don’t have panic attacks. I have dinner parties and hang out with my best friend, talking about men and sex. Or Rocco. I’ve been spending time with Rocco lately.” I can’t believe all that just spewed from my mouth when I haven’t even told my best friend yet!

  What is wrong with me?

  “That’s a great name. Rocco,” she whispered his name slowly as I relaxed in my chair. Sam brought me a glass of ice-cold water and after it slowly slid down my throat, I felt much better.

  “New York is huge and that in itself is a lot to take in. I couldn’t imagine being on a TV show,” Steph said sitting on the floor in front of me. She ran her fingers across the comfortable looking shaggy black carpet.

  “You got balls,” Sam added, sitting next to Steph. “I couldn’t be on a TV show. Hell no. Not me.”

  “You’d scare everyone away,” Steph told her. “You’d automatically win by default.”

  “Fuck off,” she teased.

  I drank the rest of my water and smiled at them. “I feel better.” At least I did at the moment, I wasn’t sure about tomorrow. The reality of my situation was hitting me hard.

  “Good.” Steph stood up with Sam following her. “Want to go out to dinner tonight? Maybe a few drinks?”

  I stayed in the chair. “I’d like that, but I can’t be too late. We start filming tomorrow and I have to be on set by seven a.m.”

  “This is so exciting!” Sam blurted out and we both looked at her. Her smiled fell from face. “Sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” I told her. “I need to be that excited. I want to be that excited.”

  “And you will,” Steph assured me, pulling me to my feet. “We live upstairs, so the tour’s not over. Let’s take your mind off things for a few hours.”

  I grabbed my purse and smiled. “I’d like that.”

  “Margarita’s for lunch!” Sam yelled, running out of the room while I laughed along with Steph.

  “You’ll get used to her.”

  And I did. A few hours later, they tucked me into a cab because they were afraid of me walking back on my own. I might have had more than one margarita. I tipped the driver, despite traveling less than a mile, and made my way to my apartment. When the elevator finally stopped on the tenth floor, I tripped over my own two feet. I prepared as much as I could for the fall, but I didn’t land on the floor. I landed in the arms of someone. The scent tickling my nose told me it was a man; it was a light and soft scent, and not overpowering. I was almost afraid to look, but I did. I slowly gave him my eyes as he helped me get steady on my feet.

  His soft yet powerful rumble of a voice asked, “You okay?”

  Warm, chocolate eyes met mine. They were smiling at me, as was his mouth. Perfect white teeth and a nice chocolate skin color to match his eyes. He was a perfect blend of light and dark, and the attraction was immediate. I noticed his hair was buzzed short after he pulled down his hood.

  “Yeah,” I said breathlessly.

  “Good,” he replied and we both stood there staring. Well I was staring, he just kept smiling at me.

  “Is it warm outside?” he asked while his eyes slid down my body.

  “Not bad,” I croaked out.

  “Nice dress.”


  He slipped his hands in his pockets. “So…”

  The elevator dinged behind me and I realized I was standing in front on it. “I’m sorry.” I took off, walking as fast as I could down the long hallway. There were no decorations on any of the doors, except mine. I taped a picture of a ghost that Bailey colored for me before I left.

  From behind me he yelled, “It was nice meeting you!” I could hear the smile in his voice and I turned around to say something, but he was gone. There were about twenty apartments on each floor, ten on each side, and I briefly wondered if he lived here or if he was visiting. I knew the other eleven contestants lived in this building, but they didn’t want us meeting until tomorrow morning. My phone rang as I slipped into my apartment. I dug it out of my purse only to find a picture of Adalyn and Bailey flash on the screen. I couldn’t answer fast enough.


  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” I nestled my phone between my ear and my shoulder and slipped my coat off.


  I sat down on the couch. The apartment came furnished but they didn’t splurge on the furniture, and sitting on it made me miss my couch even more.

  “I’m in New York.”

  “Yeah Madi, you are. Now what’s wrong?”

  I heard the concern in her voice and sighed. “I met Sam and Steph.”

  “Oh my God,” she squealed. “How was it? What were they like?”

  “I loved them, but yesterday all I did was stand in my living room and stare out my window.”

  “I’ve seen the view, Madi, so what’s wrong with doing that?”

  “I’m out of my comfort zone. I don’t even feel like myself.”

  “Oh, Madi,” she soothed softly.

  “I wish you were here.”

  She snorted. “I was, like six months ago.”

  “It’s weird we traded spots,” I told her.

  “We were meant to find each other.”

  “Yes, we were.” I stood up and went to the window. “Tell me what’s been going on there.”

  “You’ve been gone two days.”

  “So, something could have happened.”

  “Nothing. Ian and Leyton love your house. We went over there earlier and brought them cookies. The kids have school tomorrow and the baby is fine. My belly isn’t any bigger, haven’t felt him move yet either.”


  “We still don’t know.”

  “You better call me as soon as you find out.”

  “You know I will,” she paused. “Hold on Madi, someone’s here.”

  I went back to the couch and took my wedges off. I stretched my feet out and then rested them on the coffee table. I heard muffled voices on the other end of the phone while I sat waiting. I picked up the remote, turned the TV on, and started flipping through the channels, not paying attention to anything in particular.

  “Sorry, Madi,” Adalyn said coming back to the phone. “Rocco showed up.”

  “What!?” I sat up and tossed the remote on the table.

  “Rocco’s here.”


  “I’m not sure, but when I told him I was o
n the phone with you he gave me a weird look then said, ‘Tell her I said hello.’”

  “Oh,” I said, thinking about all the reasons why he would be there. I had no clue if he’d ever been to Rudd’s house. I guess they’re friends? Hell, I don’t know.

  “Shit, someone else is here now,” Adalyn huffed. “I’m tired, Madi. Being pregnant takes everything from you. I really wanted a nap today.”

  “I’m sure it does,” I mumbled.

  “Oh hey, Mom,” Adalyn greeted and then asked her to wait a few minutes. “Look Madi, in a few weeks the world is going to know you. Know your name and see how awesome you are.”

  “Oh God, not the whole world!”

  “Fine, whoever watches the show; look, you dedicate yourself to everything. You’re so committed to your job and helping other people. You love life. Shake off your insecurities and get your shit together. You’re going to win this thing, I know it.”

  She was right. I was going to win this. I had no idea what was in store for me, but I was going to do my best to win. The prize money would pay off my house and my car.

  “I miss you.”

  “I miss you, too, and so does Bailey. She just raised her hand up and then went back to drawing. She’s getting really good.”

  “Maybe she’s going to be an artist.”

  “Whatever she decides, I know she’ll be happy and so will we. The same goes for you. Dedicate yourself. Stay on track and think outside the box.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  “I know you will. It’s the only way you know how to do it.”

  I smiled and my phone vibrated telling me I had a text message.

  “I really need to go, Madi. Call me as soon as you can tomorrow and tell me all about the show. Okay?”

  “I will.”

  “I love you”

  She clicked off and I saw the text message was from Rocco.

  I’m glad you’re ok. I’ve ignored him all day and of course he’s sweet to me.

  I sent one back. I’m sorry, it was a busy morning; call me when you’re done there.

  I waited for a reply and after five minutes, I gave up. It was only four p.m., but I decided to get ready for bed early. My margarita buzz was gone and left me feeling sleepy, so I curled up on the couch with some ice cream and flipped through the channels.


  Rocco hit his hand on his steering wheel. “Fuck!” he yelled inside the cab of his truck after the third call to Madi without an answer. He was headed home from Rudd’s house and wasn’t sure if she was ignoring him or sleeping. She was two hours ahead of him so maybe she was sleeping. She had a big day tomorrow and he knew that it would probably be hit or miss when they’d be able to connect. He wanted to hear her voice, talk to her, and tell her he missed her. He really fucking missed her and Madi didn’t believe him. He was going to tell her every day, every time they talked just how much he missed her. Not in a clingy kind of way though. He wasn’t clingy; he just knew what he wanted.

  Madi was stubborn and Rocco couldn’t understand why she wanted his body, but nothing else. Friends. Friends who fucked and fucked really well. Rocco’s never had anything this good with a woman before. He was very picky and didn’t date much, and of course, Madi didn’t believe him because he owned a bar and women hit on him all the time. His occupation was interfering with their relationship; he just had to prove to her that he wasn’t that kind of man.

  His phone finally rang as he pulled into his parking spot behind the bar.

  “Hey,” he answered.

  “I’m sorry, I fell asleep watching TV,” she mumbled, her voice full of sleep.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you, just worried.”

  “I’m fine, Rocco,” she said while she yawned.

  “I know you are.”

  She snorted. “That was lame.”

  He smiled. “It was.”

  There was an awkward pause as he walked up the metal stairs to the back door of his apartment. “You excited about tomorrow?” he finally asked.

  “Yes, but I’m nervous.”

  “You got this,” he assured her for the hundredth time since she found out she was leaving.

  “I know,” she answered softly, her voice thick with doubt.

  “I miss you, Madi.” She didn’t say anything so he kept going, “I’m going to tell you every day, every time I talk to you, until you believe me.”

  “I believe you, Rocco.”

  “I don’t hear it in your voice.”

  “Because I’m tired.”

  He decided to drop it for now. She never wanted to talk about them, because according to her there was no them.

  Madi had the same idea when she said, “I’m crawling into bed, Rocco. I’m sorry, but I have to be up at five so I’m ready when the van comes to get us.”

  “Okay, beautiful.”

  “Thanks, Rocco,” she whispered and hung up.

  He tossed the phone on the counter and grabbed a beer. It was Sunday night and he never worked on Sunday nights; his new manager, Olivia, did. She’s only been there a few weeks but she was fitting in just fine. It bothered Madi, but Olivia liked girls and if Madi would pay attention and not worry about him, she’d know this about Olivia. Rocco liked her being jealous though, so he hasn’t told her yet. He honestly thought she would know this by now. The people in Aster Lake like to gossip and get into everyone’s business.

  Rocco stripped down and took a shower, washing off the sweat and wood chips that were in his hair. With Rudd’s shoulder injury, he got behind on his wood chopping. Rocco volunteered to help, along with his dad, Ian, and that kid that follows Ian around wherever he goes. They all showed up there tonight to help. Rocco and Rudd grew up together, graduated together, both decided to stay in Aster Lake, and by default, they were friends. They were never close, but they didn’t hate each other and would always help each other out if needed.

  After his shower, he drank three more beers before crawling into bed. He went through the pictures on his cell of Madi he’d taken when she wasn’t looking. His favorite was one of her sleeping. Her curly brown hair was messed up from having sex and covered half of her face. She was sleeping peacefully, but when he had snapped the picture, the sound of it woke her up and she kicked him out of her house for the night. He understood. He agreed to her rules but he thought by now she’d want more. If she was still here he’d have a better chance at showing her how much he wanted to be with her. But she was gone and he’d have to do what he could from a distance.

  He smiled into the camera and snapped a picture of himself. He sent it to her with a text that wished her a good first day on set.

  Chapter 2

  I sat down on the side of my bed staring at Rocco’s beautiful face on my phone. I did miss him; I’m not sure why I didn’t tell him.

  I woke up at four and couldn’t fall back asleep, so I got up and made coffee and started my day. The show kept me in the dark about most of the details, saying the contestants were on a need to know basis. I got up and started pacing the small one bedroom apartment, staring at my phone the entire time. I got a message from Adalyn and the girls at the shop wishing me a great day, and I quickly texted Adalyn back and told her to go back to bed.

  My phone finally buzzed with the text I needed. At six thirty, two white vans will be parked out front. Six people to a van. Two people per seat. Pick your seat wisely and don’t be late. If you miss the van, you’re out.

  That was it.

  Shoving my phone into my purse, I grabbed my keys and slung my coat over my arm, and locked up as fast as my hands would move. I was running to the elevator while holding my purse with my teeth so I could put my coat on. I wasn’t sure why there was only two people to a seat, but I’m sure it had to do with what we were going to be doing today. I watched the first season of the show prior to coming here so I had an idea of what I was getting into.

  As the elevator was closing, I heard a man yelling, “Hold the elevator!”

I stuck my hand out forcing the door to open back up, just to see the tall handsome stranger from yesterday. “Morning,” he said checking out my dress again. “Nice dress.”

  I replied, “You’re up early.”

  “So are you.”

  He ran his hands over his head and rubbed his face a few times, probably trying to wake up, then leaned back against the elevator wall. He was wearing blue jeans and black riding boots. His half-way zipped black coat showed a gray shirt hiding underneath. “Your hair’s really curly,” he commented.

  Great, we were both checking each other out.

  I automatically reached up and touched it. It hung down around my shoulders and I was always looking online for new hairstyles to try out. Today’s style was a bun with loose curls framing my face.

  “I like it,” he said as the elevator door opened up to the front lobby. He walked next to me through the lobby and out the front doors. I saw the two vans right away with the driver waiting for us. It was cold and dark out, and I knew the sun would be up soon, hopefully bringing warmer temperatures with it. I doubt we’d be outside today; it was only the first day.

  I went towards the van and so did he.

  This couldn’t be happening.

  He opened the door, and put his arm out. “Ladies first.”

  Oh my God, it was happening.

  “Did you know?” I asked, not getting in the van.

  “Know what?”

  “That I was on the show?”

  “I figured it out in the elevator when I was checking out your ass.”

  My jaw dropped.

  He shrugged a shoulder. “That dress is tight and you have a nice ass.”

  I was speechless.

  “Not sure about you,” he continued and grinned at me, “but I’m freezing and like I said, ladies first.”

  I crawled into the van and sat in the first seat, scooting over so I was sitting behind the driver. He crawled in and sat next to me.

  “So, what’s your name?” he asked and I refused to look at him. I watched all the yellow taxis drive by, trying to distract myself, but the scent of his cologne tickled my nose and I couldn’t help but enjoy it.


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