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Always My Home (The Aster Lake Series Book 2)

Page 9

by Alora Kate

  “We made it to the top four, Isaac!” I squealed and gave him a hug, right there on the sidewalk in front of everyone. “This is one of the best days ever!”

  “Let’s get inside before you freeze.”

  I grinned at him, another idea popping in my head. “We should go see Steph and Sam.” Sam would help change his attitude.

  “They aren’t there. Out shopping at a clothing sale that only happens once a month.”


  We walked into the building and waited for the elevator. I knew this thing with Nicole was still bothering him but I wasn’t sure what to do or say that I hadn’t already. I didn’t want to bring it up anymore even though I knew he was still thinking about it. I should try to do something to bring his spirits up.

  “Dinner?” I suggested after we stepped off the elevator.

  “I saw the way she looked at me,” he started and totally ignored my dinner suggestion. “But I never thought she’d have the balls to make a move. This is her career!” His voice echoed down the hall as he tossed his hands in the air. I followed him to my door where he stopped.

  “We should have drinks,” I suggested again.

  He leaned his forehead against the wall and slowly started banging it, mumbling to himself.

  “Do you want to come in?” I asked sliding the key into the lock and opening the door.

  “I need a shower.” He pushed off the wall, walking a few feet to his door as he fished his keys out of his pocket. He unlocked his door, slamming it shut, never once looking back at me.

  I put my pajamas on, ate dinner, and grabbed my phone from the charger. I settled on the couch and turned the TV on but didn’t pay attention to what was on. I haven’t watched the show yet because I was afraid to see what I looked like on TV. Whatever they did to my hair kept it in softer curls that fell down my back and Adalyn said it look good on TV.

  I put my password in and looked at my messages.

  Nothing from Isaac.

  Nothing from Adalyn.

  Nothing from Rocco.

  After a week of no responses, I stopped calling him but I thought about him every day. I texted him every day because even though he was still upset and ignoring me, I wanted him to know that I hadn’t forgot about him. Sometimes my messages were short and sometimes I wrote long ones. I tell him I miss him. I tell him about the show even though I’m not supposed to. I tell him how handsome he is, how sweet and kind he is, yet still very manly. Sometimes I try to make jokes but they go unnoticed, leaving me laughing by myself.

  I snapped a picture of myself and debated on sending it to him.

  I underestimated everything Rocco had given me. Never appreciated his kind words or gestures. He was a gentleman but also a smartass.

  I was very disappointed with myself but we both made the agreement that we were just friends.

  My phone rang in my hands and his handsome face showed on the screen.

  It was fate. That would be something I would tell Adalyn.

  I smiled ear to ear. He was actually calling me!

  “Hello,” I greeted and it took a few seconds before I heard his deep rich voice.


  Oh God. I missed the way he said my name. Like I was important, yet it had an underlying sexual meaning to it.

  “Rocco,” I whispered and was no longer smiling. I truly did miss him. “I miss you.”

  “I noticed,” he said with a small chuckle and I found it adorable.

  “I’m so very sorry,” I said slowly and thoughtfully so he would know how much I meant it.

  “You have no reason to be sorry.”

  “But I am.”

  “You did nothing wrong, Madi. We weren’t together. It was clear how you felt about me and I shouldn’t have gone to New York in the first place.”

  I’ve been waiting for the opportunity to ask the one question that has been rattling in my head for the past month. “Why did you come?”

  He sighed into phone. “I guess it was my grand gesture.”

  “Grand gesture?” I asked, my curiosity piqued.

  “I want the girl.”


  “The girl in New York.” I tried not to smile but that wasn’t happening. Happiness completely overcame my body.

  “There are lots of girls in New York, Rocco. Be more specific.”

  “About five foot six, cur-”

  “Six and a half.”

  He laughed that time. “Curly light brown hair”

  “Not very curly anymore.”

  “I’m going to miss that. I always loved your hair.”

  “Thanks and who knows, maybe with the weather change my hair will curl back up again.”

  “I guess we’ll see, soon?”

  “Yes, soon.” After a few seconds I asked, “Do you watch the show?”


  “Why not?” I asked, my voice small.

  “Have you?”


  “Well then, it’s a date. We can watch the show together.”

  “I’d like that.”

  After a few seconds, I started talking about the things that are important in a relationship and getting to know each other, “You’re the second person I’ve slept with. I considered Landon my boyfriend but it only lasted a few weeks. He left for college and I haven’t heard from him since.”

  He must have been processing the information because he was silent. I hoped it meant good things. I hoped for more. For once, I wanted more and I wasn’t afraid.

  “You’re the only person I’ve slept with in the last two years.”

  I gasped.

  “Don’t sound so surprised,” he said with a chuckle. “And I plan on you being the last.”

  “Whoa, don’t get all serious on me now,” I teased.

  “Well I used up my grand gesture, so…”

  “All’s forgiven, we’re good?” I asked cautiously.

  “Neither of us did anything wrong,” he reminded me.

  “But at some point we might.”

  “Of course.”

  “We’re gonna fuck this up?”

  “Not enough that we don’t get to keep each other.” His voice was so sure, like he had no doubts, and I loved that answer. We continued to talk. For hours. He knew everything about the show and Isaac. I told him about Steph and Sam and their dress shop. He said we’d have to come back and visit so he could meet them and Raymond. He was proud of me; he said it more than once and each time it made me feel all gooey inside. I liked that. I liked these new feelings I was starting to have.

  My phone beeped at me telling me that the battery was dying, which sucked considering I had fully charged it. I hated to get off the phone with him but promised to call him back before bed.

  We had a day off before we met for our final challenge. They wanted everything to be filmed and done prior to Thanksgiving. They told us to be prepared to work our ass off. Like we hadn’t been already!

  I called Isaac and it went to straight to voicemail. I sent a message but didn’t hear back right away. After I ate, I went over to his apartment and knocked. I waited for about five minutes before giving up.

  I went back to my place and sent a message to Sam asking her to call. It took her seconds to call me back.

  “Madi,” she cried into the phone, “he’s gone!”


  “Isaac,” she said sniffling.

  “What do you mean he’s gone?”

  “He said something came up, that he had to leave.”

  “He left town!?”

  “Yes,” she cried again.

  My first thought went to his mom. She was sick, dying. Maybe something bad happened. But he would have told me. He would have told Sam.

  “I don’t understand,” Sam cried and I agreed.

  “His phone went to voicemail when I called.”

  “Can’t have a phone on a plane.” Her voice was so soft, thick with tears.

  “He would have sai
d goodbye.”

  “He said he couldn’t.”

  “He couldn’t!” I yelled. “I’m ten fucking feet away. He has to walk passed my door to get to the elevator!” I was upset he didn’t stop by, but at least he had contacted Sam and didn’t just up and leave without saying a word to her.

  “Don’t yell at me,” she said through her tears.

  “I’m sorry, Sam. It just doesn’t make sense.”


  “He had to tell the show. He couldn’t just up and leave like this. I’ll see what I can find out. I’ll let you know as soon as I hear something.”

  “Okay,” she said heartbroken.

  I had no idea what else to tell her. We hung up and I looked for our list of emergency numbers. I quickly called Jane.

  “Jane, its Madi.”

  “Hi, Madi. How can I help you?”

  “Have you heard from Isaac?” I rushed out. “He left?”

  After a few seconds, she spoke carefully, “He did.”


  She said nothing.

  “Why, Jane? Was it because of his mom? Is she okay?”


  This wasn’t good and I immediately thought the worst. His mom had passed away. There wasn’t any other reason he would up and leave.

  “You’re going to find out anyway,” she said quietly into the phone and I could tell she was holding the phone closer to her mouth. “Isaac was caught cheating.”

  My blood pressure skyrocketed. “Cheating!”

  “Yes,” she confirmed.

  “Not true. Not Isaac.”

  “I’m sorry, Madi. They found paperwork in his apartment. Production notes and information about the final challenge.”

  “This is bullshit! He’d never cheat, Jane! You know this! Everyone knows how talented Isaac is. He doesn’t need to cheat to win this fucking game!”

  “I wasn’t there. I only know what Matt told me.”

  A gasp left me and my eyes widened. Nicole. That fucking bitch!

  “Look, Madi, I need to tell you something.”

  “About Nicole?”

  “She told Matt that Isaac had asked her out and she turned him down. She said he wouldn’t stop bugging her and she got the impression he was trying to cheat. Again, this is all just things I overheard. They went to his apartment tonight, found the papers, and kicked him off the show.”

  “This is not right!”

  She ignored me and kept talking, her tone increasingly more professional, “It clearly states in the agreement that every contestant signed, that if someone is caught cheating they are to leave immediately. They’re no longer allowed on any property used by or-”

  “He didn’t even call me.”

  “He can’t. Confidentially agreement.”

  “He was set up, Jane!”

  “I know your upset, Madi, and I can have Matt call you when he’s free; but they are going to announce it to the final three contestants on Tuesday before filming starts.”

  I hung up and flung my phone on the couch. This was wrong. The bitch set him up. Just because Isaac didn’t want to fuck her. Wrong. So fucking wrong and I had no idea what to do to fix it. I wasn’t sure at this point I could.

  Isaac was already gone.

  Chapter 10

  Nicole was gone.

  Isaac was gone.

  Cole was our only host today.

  The three of us stood on our marked colors and waited to find out what the final challenge would be. The only thing they told us about Isaac was that production caught him cheating and kicked him off the show. They told us Nicole was sick. I highly doubt that, but I was glad she wasn’t here. The crew shut down any questions I tried to ask. I felt helpless, neither Sam nor I had heard from him yet, and I’m sure it’s because of the stupid confidentiality clause they had him in. He wouldn’t ignore us, not on purpose. Sam was very close to getting on a plane and going to him, but we didn’t know his exact address. She said she would start knocking on doors and asking everyone she saw if they knew who Isaac was. I knew she’d do it. Hell, it’s something I would do. I didn’t try to meddle in Isaac and Sam’s love life, but I got the feeling they were a lot closer than I thought.

  “Congratulations on making it to the finale!” Cole started. He wasn’t wearing his normal shirt with the shows name on it. He was wearing black slacks and a button down white long sleeved shirt. He looked like he was ready to walk down the red carpet. “Your challenge is to remodel a kitchen. You’re all assigned to a house, a real house where a family lives. Each kitchen is 65 square feet, and in desperate need of repair. The kitchen will be gutted and empty for you to remodel. Tonight, you’ll have two hours to go through the kitchen, measure items, and figure out what you’ll need from the hardware shop you’ll be using. It’s a second hand shop with lots of options. You’ll be the only ones in there while purchasing the items you need with your budget of one thousand dollars.”

  This was different, but then again you never know what was going to happen on this show. We were still at the junk yard for filming, and I wondered where the houses were located.

  “You’ll get ten minutes with the family to ask questions on their vision for their new kitchen. You’ll also have some help, from them.” He pointed behind us.

  The three of us turned and saw six of the prior contestants standing behind us, a mixture of broad smiles and glares.

  “You each get two fellow contestants to help you remodel the kitchen. We’ll have an electrician and plumber on site, so those things you won’t have to worry about.”

  Mark, Wayne, and I just stood there staring at the six contestants. My eyes scanned the group twice. No Isaac. Why I held onto the hope that he would be one of them was beyond me.

  The contestants stood in the order in which they were eliminated: Aaron, Brad, Dennis, Felix, Jefferson, and Lewis. Felix had won a challenge, so I hoped to get him.

  “You won’t be picking your team,” Cole informed us and my heart sank. I heard Wayne grunt next to me, so I know we were all thinking the same thing. “The six eliminated players will pick who they want to work with.”

  Now it was my time to grunt. I knew their names; I knew which challenges they won and which ones caused them to be eliminated. But I didn’t know them. I had no idea if any of them had a specialty. I didn’t make friends with any of them, just Isaac. It doesn’t mean that I wasn’t nice to them or made small talk, but I still didn’t know them.

  This might end up hurting me with the challenge.

  Felix, along with Jefferson, picked me.

  Aaron and Brad picked Wayne.

  Dennis and Lewis picked Mark.

  Cole instructed us to turn around with our team members coming up to stand behind us.

  “After you meet the family and do your assessment on the kitchen, you’ll get two hours at the store. After that, you’ll be back here at the junk yard for more parts. You must use at least one item from the junk yard. Remember, your budget is only one thousand dollars, so be careful what you spend your money on.”

  The house I bought had an amazing kitchen and I needed no upgrades. I’ve never remodeled a kitchen before, but I always loved a challenge.

  “The show is donating all new appliances to the families: Stainless steel refrigerator, stove, microwave, sink, and dishwasher. Matching sets, all the same size, so you all have the same ones.”

  My kitchen had cherry oak cabinets with stainless steel handles. It’d cost too much to do that, but maybe they had some knock-off wood cabinets at this store we were going to. I needed to keep in mind that they might need extra storage options. A 65 square foot kitchen wasn’t that big. And there’s wasn’t much I could do without seeing the space and drawing out some plans.

  I hoped Felix and Jefferson knew something about installing cabinets.

  “Let’s go meet your families,” Cole said, and Matt yelled cut right after.

  I turned around and gave them a hopeful smile. “You guys know a
nything about remodeling kitchens?”

  “I’ve helped with a few,” Jefferson answered.

  “I paint,” Felix stated. “I can help with the walls and the cabinets if they need painted or stained. Plus, I can carry heavy things.”

  I got the impression Felix and Jefferson were in their late thirties or early forties. Felix had a shaved head but the peach fuzz that covered his scalp was black, and Jefferson had brown short hair that he parted off to the side.

  “Well, it’s my first kitchen so I’m a bit nervous.”

  “No hard feelings, Madi, but we barely know you,” Felix said simply, giving me a raised eyebrow, which made me feel a little intimidated. Were they really going to help me, or were they bitter and set off to make me fail?

  “Yes, I know. It’s my fault.”

  “We get it,” Jefferson said smiling, putting me at little more at ease, letting those thoughts disappear. “Don’t get close to the other contestants. Don’t let them see a weak side. Shit like that.”

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  Jane came to tell us each team would have their own van. The houses were only a few miles apart from each other so we had no idea who or what was being done. We were informed that we had supplies on site and that we should have everything that we needed to get the job done.

  We piled into the vans and headed out. The three of us talked about what needed to be done, discussed ideas, and got a game plan together. Felix and Jefferson were nice and friendly, and sincerely wanted to help me win. I knew they wouldn’t technically win but still, they were part of the team and had a chance to be on TV again. Maybe they’d win a small consolation prize.

  The van took us to a quiet little suburb, about a fifteen-minute drive from the junk yard. The neighborhood seemed nice and cozy. All the houses looked the same; small ranch homes with a single car garage. The style looked reminiscent of the 1950s. The van parked in the driveway of a white house. The sun was shining today but I had still worn my rain boots this morning because of the conditions of the junk yard. I managed to wear a different dress with each challenge and I wanted to keep it that way. Today I wore a pure black dress with a small flower design that ran along the bottom hem. Even though I have several black ones, the patterns were all different and so was the material. I also wore my jean jacket and a pair of thick black tights just in case we had to work outside.


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