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Laugh Like You've Never Cried (Summer Lake 5)

Page 3

by McCoy, SJ

  He took the stick from Ollie and held it up. “She won't answer me, Ollie.” The dog barked and wagged around him. Michael winked at her again before squatting down to talk to Ollie. “So how about you answer me, mate.” He grinned up at her. “Last night it seemed that what Ollie here thinks is important to you. So how about we let him answer for you?”

  Megan looked at him, puzzled. “What do you mean?”

  His eyes were shining with mischief, the dimple next to his smile was back as he answered. “Will you do what Ollie says?”

  She nodded slowly. Not sure what he was up to. Ollie was sitting facing him, one paw on his knee.

  “Okay, Ollie.” She couldn't help but smile as he looked the dog in the eye and addressed him in all seriousness. “I need you to help me out here, mate. Do you think our Meg should let me take her out for dinner tonight? Gimme one bark for no, and two barks for yes.”

  Megan smiled and shook her head.

  Michael grinned up at her. “Let's see what he says, shall we?” He looked back at Ollie who put a paw on his shoulder and gave two short, sharp barks.

  Megan's heart started to race. Could she do it?

  Michael stood up. He was beaming. “What time shall I pick you up then? You can't back out on me now. You have to abide by the word of Ollie.”

  She smiled in spite of herself. Why not live a little for once in her life? Every girl deserved one night out with a handsome man. It looked like tonight was her night. Why not go for it and enjoy it? She met his gaze and her heart started to race again. “Eight o'clock?”

  He frowned. “Let's say six o'clock. That gives us two more hours before I walk you home.”

  “Okay.” She couldn't quite believe it, but she was going out to dinner with him. And he wanted to go earlier rather than later. She didn't know what else to say, so she started walking back up the beach.

  Michael threw the stick so that Ollie raced ahead of them. He smiled at her. “He's a good dog. What breed is he?”

  She had to smile that he didn't know. “He's a bit of a mutt, but mostly he's Australian Shepherd.”

  Michael grinned. “Of course he is. That's why he likes me.”

  “I wasn't making it up last night, you know. He's not normally very friendly. That's why I bring him down here early before there are many people around.”

  “I'm glad he's making an exception for me then.”

  They were back at the parking lot now. She could see a bike leaning against a tree. That explained the cycling shorts he was wearing. The shorts that she had to make a conscious effort to keep her eyes from straying down to. They showed off...everything. And from the first time her eyes landed there, she knew he had a lot to show off!

  “I'm glad too.” Oh no! She'd said it out loud again. There went that dimple as his smile grew bigger. “Ollie! Come here, boy.” She avoided Michael's gaze as she bent to get Ollie's leash back on. “I...I...I need to get him home and get ready for work.” She straightened up to meet green eyes smiling down at her.

  He put a hand on her shoulder and she almost keeled over as the shock of his touch went rippling through her. “Be ready at six then, Meggie. I'll be looking forward to it.”

  All she could do was nod and scurry away.

  Chapter Three

  Michael stacked his bike in the rack outside the grocery store. He couldn't stop smiling. He hadn't expected Megan to agree to go out with him so quickly. He was delighted that she had. There was just something about her. She was awkward, and klutzy, and all kinds of shy. He couldn't wait to get her laughing, to see her relax, and really get to know her. He headed into the store with a big grin on his face.

  “Michael Morgan! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at breakfast with everyone?”

  He turned around. “Hey, critter! Tell me you didn't hunt me down to remind me?” After seeing Megan on the beach, he'd completely forgotten about meeting the others for breakfast.

  Missy laughed. “I did not. I just needed a few things so I popped over and let Dan take Leanne on ahead.” She raised her eyebrows as she looked at his cycling shorts. “Are you going to get changed before you come over, or do you plan on parading that thing all around town?”

  Michael laughed. “I thought I'd come like this, see if any of you ladies want extra breakfast sausage.”

  Missy rolled her eyes. “Put it away! Though I'm sure Leanne would take some, if it's on offer.”

  “In that case, I'll go home and change first.”

  “You're really not interested?”

  “I am not.” He grinned now. “And I've got a bone to pick with you.”

  Missy eyed his shorts again with a laugh. “As long as it's not that one!”

  “That's not a bone, darl'. That's a sleeping giant.”

  She laughed and rolled her eyes again. “Get over yourself! I need to get out of here, and so do you. Tell me what I've done wrong this time, and let's get going.”

  Michael bagged the apples he'd been getting when Missy had found him and they started walking to the checkout. “You let me suffer last night. You could have told me that Ollie's a dog.”

  Missy grinned. “That didn't take you long. I know you like a challenge, so I thought I'd leave you to figure it out for yourself. How did you do it?”

  “I just got lucky. I took the bike out early and Megan was walking him on the beach.”

  “So you're really interested in her?”

  Michael nodded. “Really interested. She's coming out for dinner tonight.”

  “Oh, good. I've been wanting to get to know her properly. Is she coming this afternoon as well?”

  “No. She's working this afternoon. And I don't mean she's coming out with all of us tonight. I mean I'm taking her out—on a date. We're going to Giuseppe's, so make sure you lot don't come over there, okay?”

  Missy wrinkled her nose at him. “Wow! You? On a real date? I'm shocked and stunned.”

  He pursed his lips. “So am I, mate, but I don't know. There's just something about her.”

  “Go for it, hon. She seems really nice. I'm just surprised, I guess. She's a bit quiet and shy for you.”

  Michael had to laugh at that. “'Scuse me, critter, but no one would have picked Dan out of a line up as your ideal partner, would they?”

  The way she smiled at the mention of Dan's name made Michael envy what the two of them had. “No, they wouldn't. Just be careful is all I'm saying. She may not be what you're looking for and you've been through enough already.”

  He nodded, serious now. “I know. Thanks Miss. And besides, I've got Ethan to think about. He's the one who's been through too much.”

  “Is that all sorted out now?”

  “Almost, but I don't have to worry about it for a while. Anyway, I'm going to run home and change. I'll see you over there.”

  Missy smiled at him. “Okay, don't take too long.”


  Megan put Ollie's bowl down and stared at him. “You wait, Oliver.”

  He grinned at her. She'd swear he knew what she was mad at him for, and he wasn't in the least bit sorry. He barked twice and offered her his paw. She couldn't stay cross with him. “Go on then.” He dived nose-first into his breakfast and proceeded to chase the bowl all around the kitchen in his usual manner as he ate.

  “You are a big, hairy traitor. Do you know this, Ollie-bug?” Megan smiled as she sipped her apple juice and watched him. He lifted his head to look at her then carried on. “I was doing a good job of saying no to that man until you went and told him yes. What did you have to do that for? Now I'm supposed to have dinner with him, and I don't know what to wear, or what to say, or what to do. Maybe I should send you out with him and I'll just stay here.”

  Ollie looked up and gave a short sharp bark. Megan smiled. “One bark for no, right? So you think I should go?”

  He licked his bowl clean and came to sit in front of her. He put a paw up on her knee and barked twice. “Two for yes. Okay then, boy. I'll be brave, but
don't you worry. I'm sure I won't be out long. He'll soon figure out that I'm no fun and it'll be over early. Maybe we can go for another walk when I get back.”

  Ollie cocked his head to one side and whined. The phone rang before she could ask him what he meant by that.

  “Hello?” She didn't get many phone calls, apart from Kenzie. It wasn't her. It was a local number that Megan didn't recognize.

  “Hey, Megan. It's Missy. I just wanted to see if you'd like to come down for breakfast with everyone? I'm on my way over there. I could pick you up, if you like?”

  “Oh. Hello, Missy. No, thank you. I can't. I have to get ready for work.”

  “Okay, hon. I just wanted to ask, and to let you know you're welcome to join in anytime you want. It occurred to me that you don't know many people yet. I'm here if ever you want a friend.”

  “Thank you.” Missy was nice. Maybe it would be okay to ask her?

  “Are you still there, hon?”

  Megan realized the silence had lengthened while she grappled with the idea. “Yes. I...I...I'm sorry. I...I...I.” Oh, for goodness sake! She needed to get over the stammering. She took a deep breath. “Could I ask you a question, please?”

  “Course you can! What is it?”

  “N...n...nothing. I'm sorry. It doesn't matter.”

  “I'll tell you what. What time are you at work?”

  Oh, dear. Now she'd have to admit that was just an excuse. “Not till noon.”


  She was grateful that Missy didn't comment on the fact that she would be able to go for breakfast if she wanted to.

  “How about I stop by in about an hour. You can ask me about whatever it is then. My cell signal can be awful sometimes.”

  Megan smiled. The line was perfectly clear. It was her stammering that was awful. Missy was just being kind. “I'd like that, if you don't mind.”

  “I'd like it too, hon. I'll see you in a little while. Bye.”


  Megan stared at Ollie. “Don't look at me like that! It's your fault I have to go out. I need some help with what I should wear. I haven't done this in a long time. A very long time.”

  Ollie just grinned at her. Traitorous dog!


  Ollie went crazy when he heard Missy coming up the path. He flung himself at the front door, barking.

  “Hang on a minute,” shouted Megan. She grabbed his collar. “It's okay Ollie, it's Missy. She's a friend.” At least Megan was hoping she might become one. She led him into the kitchen and closed the door. “It's okay. You wait there.”

  She hurried to open the front door. “Sorry about that, he's not used to people coming around. Come on in, I've put him in the kitchen.”

  Missy eyed the kitchen door warily as she followed her into the living room.

  “He's a good dog.” She didn't want Missy to be scared. “He's just very serious about taking care of me.”

  “It sounds like it,” said Missy as Ollie continued to bark and jump at the kitchen door.

  “Do you want to meet him?”

  Missy wrinkled her nose. “Maybe. If he's not going to eat me.”

  Megan smiled. “He won't, I promise. He'll be fine once he knows you.”

  She opened the kitchen door and took hold of his collar. He barked at Missy while Megan clung on to him. “Stop it, Ollie-bug, be nice now. This is Missy.”

  Missy held out a hand and let him sniff her. Once he'd done that he gave two short sharp barks and then started to wag around her legs.

  Missy laughed. “I guess that means I meet with your approval?” She reached down to stroke him and he rolled on his back, offering up his belly for tickling. Missy knelt down and rubbed, laughing some more as his back leg peddled in the air.

  “Oh, he'll love you forever if you give him belly rubs.”

  “Typical male,” said Missy. “Gets himself all worked up over nothing and then forgets all about it as soon as you touch him.”

  Megan nodded. She didn't know what to say.

  Missy smiled at her. “I'm sorry you couldn't make it for breakfast. Maybe soon? We're not that bad when you get to know us.”

  “Oh, it's not you. It's me. I don't do well in groups. Especially when I don't know anyone.”

  Missy wrinkled her nose. “We'll have to change that then. You already know Ben, nothing scary about him. Dan's easy, and hopefully I'm not too bad, though I can be a bit bossy.”

  Megan smiled. “I don't believe that.”

  “Actually, I save that for the guys. They're the ones that need it. Especially when they're being dumb. And last night, Michael was being really dumb. He's a good guy, but sometimes he doesn't know when to tone his joking down.”

  Megan nodded. “I noticed.”

  “Look, hon. I hope you don't mind, but he told me that the two of you are going out tonight.”

  Megan nodded again. She didn't know if this would make it harder or easier to ask Missy her question. She decided to wait and see.

  “It occurred to me that you've been hiding out here and haven't been out on a date in a while.”

  How could she know that? And was it really a date?

  Missy shrugged. “It's a small town, hon. If you'd been out at all I would have seen you around, and if you'd been dating I would have heard about it. I just figured that it's been a while, and you might want a girlfriend to talk to.”

  Megan stared at her. Was there a catch? She'd never had a girlfriend she could talk to about dating or about guys. Not that she'd done much dating, and was that really what this was—a date?

  “Feel free to tell me to butt out. I don't want to interfere, just wanted you to know you've got a friend if you need one.”

  Megan relaxed. “Thank you, Missy. Thank you, so much. I do need one. I'd love it to be you, if you really don't mind.”

  Missy grinned. “I wouldn't be here if I did, now would I? Be warned though, you may acquire three more friends before long. Emma, Holly, and Laura, who you met last night?”

  “They seemed nice.” They had. It was the blonde one sitting next to Michael's chair who hadn't. Megan frowned as she tried to remember her name. “Leanne. She didn't seem too happy I was there.”

  Missy laughed. “Don't worry about her. She's only here for the weekend and she's great, too. It's just that she thought she might get to spend some time with Michael herself.”

  “I see.” Megan wondered why on earth Michael would want to take her to dinner and not the beautiful blonde.

  Missy shook her head. “No, you don't see, hon. He's not interested in her. Never has been. He's interested in you.”

  “He doesn't know me!”

  “Exactly! He wants to. Last night he saw you come in early on. It was all we could do to stop him from crashing your meeting upstairs.”

  Megan stared at her.

  Missy laughed. “Don't look at me like that, hon. The guy likes you. He's thrilled you agreed to go on a date with him tonight.”

  “He called it a date?” She'd been trying to convince herself that he was just being nice. Making a new friend, like he'd said.

  “He did. Why? Is that not what you were thinking?”

  “I don't know what to think, Missy. I've never really dated much. I was in one long relationship and other than that, well....I haven't really.”

  “So, you're about to start. Michael's a good guy. Go out with him. It'll do you good.”

  “He does seem very nice.” She looked away. “He's very handsome. It's just, he's....well, he's all fun, and I'm not. I don't really know how to have fun.”

  Missy touched her arm. “Don't you worry about that, hon. It's hard not to have fun around Michael. He's a big joker, but he's more than that too. He's a genuine, decent guy. I've known him all my life.”

  Megan nodded.

  Missy grinned. “So what are you going to wear?”

  “I don't know. That's the question I wanted to ask you. What should I wear? I mean, I haven't really got much, but I fee
l like I should make some kind of effort to look nice.” She looked down at her sweatshirt and jeans. “I couldn't really go like this, or could I?”

  “You could, but I think we can do better than that. I'd offer to lend you something. We're about the same size, even though—and you have no idea how thrilled I am to be able to say this—I'm a bit taller than you, but we can do that next time. I think this first time you should wear something of your own. You're going to be nervous enough by the looks of you. You need to at least feel comfortable in your clothes.” She stopped rubbing Ollie's belly and stood up. “Come on, where's your closet. Let's see what we can do.”

  “What do you mean? This first time? This will be the only time.” Megan stared at her. “Won't it?”

  “If you want it to, then yeah.” Missy grinned at her. “But if Michael gets a say, then I doubt it. Come on, where's your closet? We need to find you something before you have to get ready for work.”


  Ben helped Michael push the boat trailer back into the shed. “Thanks, bud. It was a good afternoon.”

  “Yeah. It was fun. I'm looking forward to tonight more though.”

  Ben smiled at him. “I hope you have a good time. Megan's great. Just think about dialing it back a bit, huh?”

  Michael nodded. “I will. I'll be good, Uncle Ben. I promise.”

  Ben laughed. “All right. I'm not nagging.”

  “I know, mate. What about you? What does your evening hold?”

  “Um. I have to work tonight.”

  Michael laughed out loud at that. “You mean you're hiding from Leanne, right?”

  Ben grinned. “Well, she's a bit much for me. When Dan first mentioned her, Jack said she'd eat me for breakfast. The way she was carrying on this afternoon, I'm afraid that's exactly what she's got in mind!”

  Michael grasped his shoulder. “Go for it, mate. It'd do you good.”

  “No. Not for me. I'll get some work done instead. But just you bear in mind that as lovable as you think you are, you might be as scary to Megan as Leanne is to me. You might be better not subjecting her to the full force of your charm all at once.”

  Michael nodded. He already understood that. “Thanks, mate. I'm a clown not an idiot.”


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