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Laugh Like You've Never Cried (Summer Lake 5)

Page 15

by McCoy, SJ

  She nodded. “There is, or at least I hope so.”

  “What is it, Meggie? I'll do my very best to help out with anything you need.”

  She laughed and reached down to touch him. He closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath as she closed her fingers around him. He was so big! “Thank you. You see, I need this.” She stroked him as she spoke, loving the feeling that she was the one in control here, and that they both wanted her to be. “I'm hoping you can help me with it?”

  He nodded and reached for a condom.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Michael looked over at them and smiled. Life didn't get any better than this. After last night's storm, it was a warm, sunny, blue-sky day. As he pointed the boat toward the north shore, the wind whipped around them. Ollie barked happily. Ethan was sitting with his arm around the dog and Megan had her arm around him. The sight of the three of them together like that was definitely working some crazy on him. Megan looked more relaxed and happy than he'd ever seen her. Her hair was tied in a loose pony tail, flying around in the breeze. She wasn't even wearing her glasses anymore. She was back in jeans for their afternoon out on the lake, but these weren't the baggy ones she normally wore. They were skin tight, showing off her ass and disappearing into those cute little cowboy boots of hers. Instead of a sweatshirt she was wearing a white turtle neck underneath a pink plaid shirt. It was fitted and left no doubt about the gorgeous figure underneath it. She was laughing with Ethan at Ollie, who kept trying to nip at the wind as they skimmed across the lake. Ethan caught Michael’s eye and gave him a big grin. The little guy was also more relaxed and happy than he'd seen in him in a long time—maybe ever.

  “Want to go see if Auntie Em's home?” he called to them.

  “Yeah!” shouted Ethan.

  Megan smiled and nodded. She didn't seem so worried about being around people anymore. She'd enjoyed herself last night. And according to Missy, when he'd dropped Ethan there last night, she'd also been a big hit with the ladies at lunch.

  “Hang on to your hats, guys.” Michael opened the throttle and the boat bounced across the lake headed for North Cove.

  He moored up alongside a brand new dock and waved as Jack and Emma appeared on the front deck and came down a little path from the house. Ethan looped a rope around one of the posts while Megan hung on to Ollie who started to bark as Jack and Emma approached.

  “What a lovely surprise!” cried Emma.

  “Hey guys. I hope it's okay to just stop by? We won't stay long.”

  “Stay as long as you like,” said Jack. “It's great to see you!” He smiled at Megan. “I think he just wants to come say hi. You can let him go if you want.”

  She nodded uncertainly. “If you think so? You're the only one he doesn't know.”

  Jack smiled at her. “He'll be fine, don't worry. Come here, Ollie!”

  Megan let go of his collar and Michael laughed as Ollie leapt up onto the dock and ran straight to Jack. He stood on his hind legs and put his paws on Jack's chest, barking up at him, just as he'd done with Michael that first day.

  “Hey, puppy! Aren't you a handsome fella!”

  Once Jack had made a fuss of him, Ollie went to Emma and rolled on his back. She squatted down to rub his belly and they all laughed as he yipped happily and paddled his back leg in the air.

  “Hello, beautiful. I'm glad to see you too! You love your belly rubs, don't you, boy!”

  Jack grinned at Michael. “I'm taking notes here. I wonder if she'll do that to me if I roll on my back?”

  Michael laughed as Emma straightened up and shook her head at Jack. “As if you need lessons!” She turned to Ethan. “And how are you doing, little bud?”

  “I'm great thanks, Auntie Em. I got to stay at Scot's last night and today we get to hang out with Megan and Ollie.”

  Michael's heart raced as he watched his son go stand beside Megan and lean against her. He'd never seen the kid like this. He was smiling up at Megan, but when he spoke his voice was more of a plea than a statement. “And they're going to stay for dinner with us, aren't you?”

  Megan smiled at him and put her arm around his shoulders. “We are.”

  Ethan's face relaxed, as if he'd been doubting it. “And Ollie and I are going to play frisbee.”

  At the sound of his name, Ollie ran back to Ethan and nudged his head into the boy's hand. Ethan laughed, “Do you want to find a stick for now?” Ollie barked twice and ran off. He found a stick on the beach and came back to drop it at Ethan's feet. Michael had to smile at the way Ethan was beaming. “Come on, boy.” He picked up the stick and the two of them ran off down the beach.

  “Don't worry,” said Jack. “They can't go far. Once they round the headland they'll have to come back. There's no more beach round there.”

  Michael nodded, still not taking his eyes off his son.

  “How about you two stay down here to keep an eye on them?” asked Emma. “Megan and I can go up to the house and bring some drinks out. I made fresh lemonade this morning and I just finished baking a new batch of cookies. How does that sound?”

  “Sounds wonderful,” said Michael. Even as he said it he checked with Megan, catching her eye and raising an eyebrow.

  He loved her answer. Her grateful smile as she nodded her head almost imperceptibly. He loved feeling that they understood each other so well already. He turned his head to watch her and Emma walk up the path to the house. Who was he kidding? He was watching her great little ass walk up to the house.

  Jack punched his arm. “You've surprised me, Michael. I thought you were the determined bachelor, but you're falling hard and fast for little Megan there.”

  Michael frowned. Jack's words set off alarm bells. They echoed what Gabe had said about Kay: ‘You fell hard and fast for that one, and she certainly wasn't the right one.’

  “Oops. Did I say the wrong thing?” Jack was smiling apologetically.

  “Nah, mate. No worries. I think you're right. I just need to be careful.” His gaze traveled down the beach to where Ethan and Ollie were playing. “That little guy is my top priority.”

  “Of course he is, but he seems to be just as taken with her as you are. You looked like the perfect little family sailing in here. I envy you.”

  Michael's head snapped around to look at Jack. “What do you mean, mate? You and Em are prefect together!”

  Jack laughed. “Thanks, I think so too. I mean I envy you the family part. Don't broadcast it, but that's why I want to come see you this week. We've decided we've got no reason to wait. We're trying for babies.”

  Michael grinned. “Blimey, mate! That's great! You know she's going to be a fantastic mom.”

  He was surprised to see Jack's face darken. He waited, not wanting to pry.

  Jack smiled at him, but it was a sad smile. “I know she will be amazing. It's me I'm worried about.”

  Michael didn't get it.

  “I know we don't know each other that well yet, but how would you feel about being my role model?”

  Michael had no clue what he was talking about, but he nodded and waited for more.

  Jack shrugged. “Growing up, my dad wasn't the greatest. He wasn't around much.” He paused and sucked in a big breath. He blew it out and seemed to reach a decision. He looked Michael in the eye. “When he was, he was usually drunk, meaner than a rattlesnake, and he used to beat the shit out of us.”

  Michael didn't know what to say. Didn't know why Jack was telling him this.

  “Point is,” said Jack. “I want to be a dad. I want to have a happy little family with Em, but it's not something I've ever known. I don't want to fuck it up. I've watched you with Ethan since you came back here. I love what the two of you have. I guess I'm just asking if you'll help me along when I need it?”

  Michael nodded. He couldn't speak because he had a lump in his throat. In the short time he'd known him, he'd come to think of Jack as the confident, capable, outgoing one; the one who never needed any help with anything, because he already had
it all covered. Yet here he was, admitting fear and asking for help—from him! Help with what he considered to be the most important thing in the world—raising a kid. He smiled at Jack. “It'd be an honor, mate.”


  Megan laughed as she watched Ollie leap through the air to catch the frisbee. She'd been a little concerned when Michael had suggested that they bring him along for their afternoon out. She hadn't known how he would behave with Ethan. But Michael had been right, as usual. He'd told her that Ollie would be good and would probably claim Ethan as his own little stray human to herd and protect. That was exactly what had happened. They'd introduced them at her house this morning after Michael had gone to collect Ethan from Missy's. The boy had been nervous at first, standing very still with his hands held up to his chest while Ollie sniffed him. Then, he'd started to laugh when Ollie kept nudging him with his head. Ethan had relaxed and stroked him, and soon the two of them were rolling around on the floor. Ollie had hardly left the boy's side since. He'd even followed when Ethan had gone to the bathroom, making Megan smile, because it was the same as Michael had done with her. And in the same way, she wasn't sure if it was because he wanted to protect the boy and keep him safe, or because he'd fallen in love with Ethan and just wanted to be near him. That thought stopped her in her tracks. Wouldn't it be wonderful if that was Michael's reason for sticking so close to her? She shook her head. She must not get too carried away.

  Michael came out of the house to join her on the back deck where she sat watching them play. They'd had a very nice visit with Emma and Jack this afternoon. She liked them. Now they were back at Michael's house and he was making dinner.

  “How you doing, little one?” He leaned down and planted a peck on her lips.

  She'd been surprised that he kept doing that while Ethan was around—surprised, but pleased. “I am absolutely wonderful, thank you. It's been such a lovely day.”

  He smiled, the dimple on his cheek deepening as he did. “It has, hasn't it? I was thinking, do you want to do it again next weekend?”

  Her heart leapt in her chest. “Yes! Yes, please. I would love to.”

  “Good.” He was still smiling down at her, looking intently into her eyes. He looked like he was about to say something else, but instead he brushed his lips over hers and hugged her to him.

  “Hey!” They both looked up at the sound of Ethan's voice. “That's not fair, Dad!”

  Michael grinned down at her with a wink before straightening up. “What's not fair, little mate?”

  Ethan was climbing the steps to the deck. He scowled at his dad. “All that hugging without me!”

  “Sorry, son.” Michael held his arms out. “Come here then. Give your old dad a hug.”

  Ethan laughed and ran past him to Megan. He stood beside her chair and wrapped his arms around her neck, squeezing tight. Megan hugged him back and he planted a wet kiss on her cheek.

  “That's okay, dad. Shouldn't you be making dinner?”

  Michael laughed through a mock scowl as he strode toward them. “Come here, you little monkey. Give your old dad a hug!”

  Ethan giggled and ran around Megan's chair to put her between them. “Help me, Megan! He's going to get me!”

  Megan laughed. “Don't worry. I won't let him.”

  Michael stopped and turned his mock scowl on her. “How do you think you're going to stop me?”

  She stood up and put her hands on her hips. Ethan came to stand behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “I may be small, but if you're going to get Ethan you're going to have to go through me.”

  Michael bit his lip and grinned. He waggled his eyebrows and ran his eyes over her. “I might just do that.”

  Megan felt herself blush. The way he was looking at her, it wasn't just her cheeks that heated up. She was glad Ethan was behind her and couldn't see either of their faces!

  Michael stepped to the side and she turned so that she was still between them. Ethan peeked his head out under her arm and grinned at Michael.

  “Ha! You can't get me! I've got Megan to look after me now.”

  She was surprised how fast the laughter faded from Michael's face. She didn't understand why, but for a moment he looked sad and lost. It was only a moment, but it was long enough for her to see fear and pain in his eyes. Then he ducked around her and grabbed Ethan. The boy laughed as he picked him up and swung him in the air. “That's what you think, monkey. I've got you now.” He held him high up in the air then brought him down and held him tight to his chest.

  Megan watched as Ethan hugged back. The two of them had a wonderful relationship. They obviously loved each other very much. Maybe that was why he'd looked like that? Maybe he didn't want her intruding on the special bond they had? She felt sad and excluded as she watched them hugging each other. Ollie came and sat by her side, resting his head against her leg. She reached down to stroke him, grateful that he seemed to understand. It seemed she had allowed herself to get a little too carried away already. They'd had such a lovely day together, it had felt like they were a family. She loved Ethan, he was such a good boy. He was quick, and funny like his dad, but he was hungry for love too. She knew that she only recognized it in him because it was a need they shared. She had to admit that she'd been looking forward to spending more time with him, hoping that they would both meet some of that need for each other. However, Michael's reaction to Ethan saying she would look after him had her rethinking everything.

  Michael was chasing Ethan down the steps now. She watched them run down the beautiful, sweeping lawn to the dock, laughing as they went. This was their life, not hers. She just needed to remember that. Ollie pushed his head against her and wagged.

  She smiled at him. There was no reason he shouldn't have some fun with them, while it lasted. “Go, on,” she said.

  He put a paw up on her knee and whined.

  “It's okay. I'm fine. You go and play.”

  He bounded down the steps and ran, barking and wagging, to join Michael and Ethan. Watching the three of them play, silhouetted against the late afternoon sun shining off the lake, Megan sighed.


  “Thanks, Dad. That was great.”

  “It was delicious, thank you,” said Megan.

  Michael grinned at them both. “Who's for ice cream?”

  “Me!” cried Ethan.

  “I'll help with the dishes, then I should get going,” Meggie responded.

  Michael's heart sank. She'd been subdued for a while now, and he thought he knew why. He couldn't help it though. No way was he going to let Ethan get hurt. If the kid was already thinking she was going to take care of him, then they might all be in trouble. He didn't want Ethan to get too attached to her before Michael himself knew where this was going, before he knew what she wanted. He already knew what he wanted.

  He smiled at her, wanting to let her know he understood. “Aww, don't go yet, Meggie. We're having too much fun.” He raised an eyebrow.

  She smiled back, but it was a sad smile. “Ethan's got school in the morning and I should get Ollie home.”

  “I don't go to bed for ages yet,” Ethan chipped in. “And Ollie can stay here.” He grinned at her, then at Michael. “Ollie can share my room, and you can share Dad's.”

  Megan blushed and Michael looked at him. “I don't think so mate.”

  Ethan laughed. “Why not? When Scot and I have had an awesome day and we don't want it to end, that's what we do. We sleep over so we can keep playing after everyone’s gone to sleep.”

  Michael had to smile. He would like nothing more than to keep playing with Meggie after Ethan had gone to sleep. He looked at her, she was still blushing, but that little smile on her face reassured him she still wanted him too. He made a decision and decided to take a risk. “Maybe,” he looked at her, “maybe Meggie and Ollie could stay next weekend. If they want to?”

  It took her by surprise, that much was obvious, but she smiled. “Maybe,” she said. “We'll have to see.”

hael nodded. He didn't know whether he was more disappointed or relieved. He'd made his decision, admitted to himself that he was prepared to start letting her stay over, let her that far into their lives. At the same time he was relieved she hadn't immediately said yes. He was hoping it meant she understood the need for caution.

  Ethan, on the other hand, felt no such ambiguity. “Aww. I know what 'we'll see' means. It means probably not, most likely no.” He turned big sad eyes on Megan, making Michael bite back a smile. The kid knew how to work it! “Why not?”

  She stared back at him, thinking it over. Her answer surprised Michael in its honesty. “Because your Dad and I are just getting to know each other. We don't want to make any definite plans in case they don't work out, because neither of us wants to disappoint you.”

  Wow! He couldn't have given the kid a better answer himself. He shot her a grateful smile.

  It did the trick for Ethan. “Okay. Fair enough. But, in case he messes it up, will you at least stay till I have to go to bed tonight?”

  She smiled and looked at Michael.

  “I'd like you to.”

  “Then I'd love to.”

  “Great!” said Ethan. “Where's the ice cream, Dad?”


  Megan lay staring up at the ceiling, trying to puzzle it all out. Ollie lay beside her, snoring happily. It had been a big day for him. She stroked him absently as she thought everything through. Michael had definitely had a problem with the idea of Ethan saying she could take care of him. She could understand that. From the little he'd told her, Ethan's mother hadn't really cared for him, and had let him down repeatedly when he was little. Michael had built a life for the two of them that kept the boy safe from being hurt. She was thrilled to know that she was the first woman he'd allowed to spend any time at all with his boy. But he still wasn't comfortable with it. And if she was honest, she was concerned herself. She didn't want to hurt Ethan. She didn't want to get close to him and then let him down by leaving and moving to Nashville. She should probably talk to Michael about that.

  Her phone buzzed on the nightstand.


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