Love in Flames: Spells, Secrets and Seductions, Book 3

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Love in Flames: Spells, Secrets and Seductions, Book 3 Page 5

by N. J. Walters

  Her breathing quickened and she bit her lip as a throbbing began low in her belly. She was aroused, but she didn’t want to be. She was tired, but too wound up to sleep. She thought about dragging out her vibrator, but knew it wouldn’t satisfy her. The longing within her went too deep to be satisfied by a battery-operated machine. She wanted to feel the weight of a man over her and around her as he thrust deep into her body.

  Groaning, she flopped over onto her side and tried to stop thinking about Ryan and their two sweaty bodies sliding together. The weather had turned unseasonably warm in the last two days and the slight breeze blowing in through the window did little to dispel the heat within her. She forced herself to take one deep breath and then another and another. Finally the tension began to fade. Her breathing evened out and her limbs relaxed.

  The dream began as it always did…

  Strong arms wrapped around her from behind, one supporting her head, the other tucked around her waist. She could feel the hard plane of his chest against her back and sense the tension in his body. His erection was pressed against the curve of her behind, hot and hard and ready.

  She couldn’t resist pushing her ass against him, smiling to herself when he groaned. His rumble of pleasure vibrated against her skin.

  Warm lips pressed against her nape, moving slowly down to the curve of her back. The caress sent shivers racing down her spine. Curling her feet behind her, she rubbed them up and down the front of his hair-roughened calves.

  He sighed, his breath ruffling her hair. The hand at her waist journeyed inward until it rested flat against her stomach. His fingertips grazed her ribs as he moved upward so that his knuckles were barely touching the undersides of her breasts.

  Her breathing quickened. That slight caress, the barely there touch, made her nipples tighten in anticipation. “Please,” she whispered.

  His palm cupped the slight weight of her breast for a brief moment before covering it. Esther sighed with pleasure. The hardened tip stabbed at the center of his palm and she leaned forward, fitting her breast tighter against his hand.

  “You are so beautiful.” His low whisper sent goose bumps racing down her arms and chest. She wasn’t beautiful, just average, but he made her feel sexy, pretty and wanted.

  His every touch was slow and reverent as he stroked first one breast before shifting his attention to the other. His fingers played with her nipples until they were both puckered tight and extremely sensitive.

  Her hips began to move of their own accord, a seductive rhythm that had her pressing hard against his erection, retreating and then pushing back again. Cream slipped from her core, arousing her, preparing her for what was to come.

  His large hand gave her breast one final squeeze before sliding down the center of her torso, and then lower still. Her breath caught in her throat as his fingers sifted through her pubic hair.

  “Part your legs.”

  She widened her legs and he hooked his ankle beneath hers. The motion pulled her leg slightly backward, letting it drape over his. His hand delved between her thighs, his fingers skimming her damp, heated flesh.

  Reaching behind her, she dug her fingernails into his firm butt, tugging him closer. His erection pulsed heavily against her bottom. She wanted that hardness in her, plunging and withdrawing again and again until they were both screaming with pleasure.

  His thumb grazed the tiny bud of nerves at the apex of her thighs. Esther cried out as bolts of lightning shot through her. Her entire body was alive, all her nerve endings raw.

  She needed.

  She wanted.

  “Now,” she cried, angling her lower body to try to get him inside her.

  He moved behind her, pulling away.

  “No!” She dug her fingers into his hips, trying to keep him from leaving her like this.

  “I need to change position, Esther.” His voice was ragged with need and sounded as desperate as her own. She forced herself to release her grip on him, allowing him to move. The leg she had draped over his was lifted higher and then she felt the blunt tip of his erection at her opening.

  Esther held her breath when he surged forward, pushing the head of his cock inside. Her inner muscles clutched at him, trying to pull him deeper into her heat.

  Thrusting his hips forward, he surged inward. In this position, he felt positively huge, stretching her sensitive channel to accommodate his impressive length and girth. She was surrounded, filled by him. But it still wasn’t enough. Esther shoved her hips back, taking him deeper.

  His arm tightened around her waist as he began to slowly rock them. She twisted her head, wanting to see his face. “James,” she breathed his name and he stopped. Her eyes narrowed as his features came more into focus. “Ryan?” Confusion swamped her.

  His lips thinned and determination filled his face. Her mind was whirling even as her body cried out for completion. “You promised me.” His words echoed in her brain like a long-forgotten memory.

  He withdrew almost all the way out and drove forward again, surging into her willing body. She was so close to coming, her body winding tighter and tighter with every thrust.

  “Ryan,” she gasped. She didn’t know what to say, what to do.

  “Let it happen, Esther. Let me love you.”

  There was no way she could deny him. She wanted him more than she wanted her next breath. As though sensing her acquiescence, his pace increased, his hips flexing faster and faster.

  She felt the first quivers of her impending orgasm, tiny spasms deep in her core. Closing her eyes, she savored every thrust. Their bodies were damp with perspiration, their skin sliding together as he made love to her.

  The harsh crackling noise had her eyes shooting open. Fear filled her belly, driving out all pleasure. “Ryan.” She hated the way her voice quivered, but she couldn’t stop it.

  “There’s nothing to worry about.” He continued to thrust. “Nothing,” he promised.

  The sound got louder and she swiveled her head until she found the source. Flames engulfed the drapes, consuming them like a great, hungry beast.

  Esther screamed, but Ryan seemed oblivious.

  “We have to get out.” She tried to shove away from him, but he strengthened his hold, keeping her solidly against him.

  They were going to burn alive.

  “Ryan!” she screamed his name, kicking and pushing at him. They had to get away. The fire was growing, the heat rising around them. She screamed his name again and again. Finally, he released her. She tried to scramble away, but the sheets were tangled around her legs, trapping her.

  The flames leapt toward the bed in a fiery rush…

  Esther jerked awake, her breathing ragged, her heart pounding so hard in her ears that she couldn’t hear. Blindly, she flung her hand outward. It struck the lamp on the bedside table, almost toppling it before she was able to right it. Her hand shook as she flicked it on. The sheets were wrapped around her legs and she fought free of them. Sweat plastered her nightgown to her body.

  “There is no fire. There is no fire. It was just a dream.” She had no idea how many times she repeated those phrases before she began to believe them and the panic slowly receded.

  Burying her face in her hands, she desperately tried to gain control of herself. She took a deep breath and then another. Gradually, her heartbeat returned to normal, but the dread remained in the pit of her stomach, burning like acid.

  Once again her dreams had tangled the past with the present, her life right now with that of her ancestor’s. The dreams were always worse this time of year. Even though James and Esther were married after the Samhain celebration, it was that day that was the worst of all. She knew that many cultures believed that the veils between the worlds of the living and the dead were the thinnest that day. All Esther knew was she wanted it over and done with. She couldn’t take many more dreams like this.

  Now that her nerves were calming, she was aware of the pulsing low in her belly. She was still aroused, almost painfully so,
but there was no relief in sight.

  She glanced at the clock and sighed. A beam of sunlight peeked through a crack in the blinds. She’d drawn them shut before she’d gone to bed this morning, hoping the darkness would allow her to sleep. She hadn’t slept as long as she’d wanted, but there was no hope for it now. She knew there was no way she was going to get any more rest. Throwing back the covers, she swung her legs over the side of the bed.

  Maybe a cold shower would help.

  Somehow she doubted it.

  Chapter Five

  So much for her day off.

  Esther had barely crawled out of the shower when the phone rang. One of the other dispatchers had to go home sick and they hadn’t been able to reach anyone else. Could she come in to cover the rest of the shift?

  It was only for a few hours, and Esther normally didn’t mind covering for a co-worker. What she didn’t want to do was to run into Ryan. She’d been working hard lately, and the strange dreams and restless nights were beginning to take their toll on her. She’d really been looking forward to her three days off to get her equilibrium back.

  Still, her boss promised her an extra day off to make up for it, so she couldn’t complain. The extra day would take her well past Samhain, which was tomorrow. She hoped the dreams and the restless feelings would have abated by the time she got back to work, and her emotions would be under control once again.

  The cold shower had helped to revive her somewhat, but it hadn’t helped to dispel the low-level arousal that still thrummed through her veins. As always, her dream was interrupted before she reached completion, turning to a nightmare instead. She was a woman in dire need of an orgasm. Still, there was nothing she could do about it right now. No time to make good use of her vibrator. Esther decided that if she ignored it long enough the hot, tingly sensation engulfing her body would go away.

  Without much time to get ready, Esther swiped her damp hair back from her face and fastened it at her nape with an ornate silver clip. Putting on a bra was torture. The silky fabric brushed against her nipples, causing them to pucker almost painfully taut. Putting on her panties was almost as bad. She’d opted away from pantyhose and tugged on thigh-high stockings instead.

  Grabbing the first thing she found in her closet, she pulled on a three-quarter-length denim skirt and a white blouse. The blouse had a stand-up collar and was fitted to the curve of her body. It looked casual, yet sophisticated at the same time.

  At the last second, she dragged on a light coating of lipstick but ignored the rest of her makeup routine. There just wasn’t time. She didn’t even bother to eat, knowing there would be something in the break room at work she could nibble on when she got there.

  By the time she sat at her console and began to work, she felt as if she were back in control of herself—physically and emotionally. The place was hopping when she went in, so it took her an hour before she could break away and head to the lunchroom to brew a cup of tea and grab a snack. Her stomach was rumbling, reminding her that she hadn’t eaten since the night before.

  Filling the kettle, she plugged it in and flicked the switch so it would start to boil. She ignored the coffee pot, which was still half-full, and dug through the supply of teabags she kept on hand. Chamomile might be good for her nerves, but she opted for peppermint instead, hoping its refreshing taste would perk her up. She still had over three hours before the next shift was due in.

  Usually she packed her lunch at home, but there had been no time for that, plus her cupboards were almost bare. One of the things she’d planned to do today was grocery shop.

  She pulled open the small refrigerator and sighed when she realized her yogurt was missing. Sometimes she stashed extra food in the refrigerator or cupboard, but it always ended up with someone else eating it. She knew that whoever took it would replace it eventually, but that didn’t help her right now.

  Her stomach grumbled again as she shut the door of the refrigerator and eyed two containers sitting on the counter. Someone was always bringing in treats that were shared with everyone. Esther didn’t particularly want cookies for her first meal of the day. It might be late afternoon, but it was breakfast for her. Her stomach growled again, reminding her that beggars couldn’t be choosers.

  The water in the kettle was at a rolling boil, so she popped a teabag in her mug and poured the water over it, giving it time to steep while she checked out the goodies on the counter. She’d barely popped the lid on the first container when she sensed someone behind her. No, not someone. The one person she didn’t want to run into today. Ryan.

  “Hey, Esther.” He strolled up alongside her, grabbed a disposable cup and helped himself to some of the coffee.

  “Don’t you have coffee over at the station?” She pressed the cover back down on the container, her appetite gone.

  “Sure do.” He took a sip and smiled. “But this stuff is always so much better. I figured that since I had to drop by to speak to the Chief, I’d grab a cup to take back with me.”

  Esther picked up a spoon, fished her teabag out of her mug and dumped it in the garbage, all the while feeling Ryan’s gaze upon her.

  “I thought you were off today?”

  “I was.” She reached for her mug. “Got called in because Angie had to go home sick and they couldn’t get anyone else.” And she was babbling. It was time to shut up and go back to work.

  Ryan stayed her hand before she could touch her mug. He laid his own cup on the counter. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” she snapped. He raised one eyebrow in question and she sighed. “Really. I didn’t sleep well and I wasn’t expecting to have to work today.” She offered him a weak smile and reached for her mug again. She really needed to put some space between her and Ryan. Work beckoned like a lifeline.

  Ryan raised his hand and cupped the side of her face, freezing her in place. “Bad dreams?”

  Esther felt all the blood drain from her face. How could he know? She stared up at him, lost for words. He was watching her expectantly, almost as if he wanted her to tell him about her dreams. But he couldn’t possibly know about them. No one did.

  Common sense finally kicked in. He was just making conversation. He couldn’t know about her dreams. And thank God for that. It was nothing more than a polite question. “I’m fine.” For some reason she couldn’t bring herself to lie and say that she hadn’t had any dreams.

  “I have dreams.” His voice, low and intimate, sounded so much like the one he’d used in her dream that her core began to throb.

  Ohmigod. This wouldn’t do. This wouldn’t do at all. She could not stand here and talk to him any longer. Her panties were damp. It was humiliating, the effect he had on her without even trying. The only consolation was that there was no way he could know what she was feeling.

  “Don’t you want to know what my dreams are about?”

  “No.” She kept her voice crisp and firm as she grabbed the handle of her mug, sloshing some of the brew over the sides.

  Ryan shifted behind her, placing his hands on the countertop. His heat surrounded her, enveloped her. She wanted to lean back into his arms and feel his chest against her back. Even though he wasn’t touching her, she knew he was aroused. How she knew this, she didn’t know. Maybe it was the tension emanating from his body. Or maybe it was the heat rolling off his skin. It didn’t really matter. All she knew was he wanted her.

  Her own body was jumping. Her nipples tightened, her breasts felt full and heavy. It took all her willpower not to let her head fall forward. She could almost feel the brush of his lips against her nape just as she had in her dream. Her sex clenched hard with need, sending a fresh trickle of cream to coat her panties.

  “Esther.” His voice was ragged with need.

  She shook her head, refusing to answer him.

  “I dream about you. About us.” Not one part of their bodies was touching, but Esther felt as though her flesh was on fire.

  “I don’t want to know.” It was cowardly, but
she released her hold on her mug and placed her hands over her ears.

  His fingers wrapped around her wrists, tugging her hands away. “You have to listen, Esther. We need to talk.” She could hear the urgency in his voice and it frightened her.

  She knew Ryan would never hurt her, not physically. But she knew in her soul that he could shatter the fragile barrier around her heart and lay her bare. She couldn’t allow that to happen.

  Her family history was riddled with relationships that ended tragically due to fire. Her mother had given her heart to her father, her ancestor had given her heart to James, and what had that gotten either of them?

  Pain and heartache.

  Marshalling her defenses, she turned and faced him. His large body loomed over hers, almost protectively, as though he wanted to make sure that no one or nothing ever hurt her. That was ironic since he was a bigger threat to her than anything else. “Ryan,” she began, not quite sure what she wanted to say.

  He laid a finger over her mouth. “Shh. Don’t be afraid.” He smoothed his finger over her upper lip before skimming it over her lower one.

  She felt that tiny touch deep in her core. Her lips tingled and she longed to lick them, to see if she could taste him on them. “Ryan,” she began again.

  He didn’t say a word, but he shifted closer. His golden-brown eyes watched her carefully as he leaned toward her. He filled her vision, blocking out all else. She knew he was going to kiss her and she was powerless to stop it. She had to know what it would feel like.

  Big mistake.

  The moment his mouth touched hers, she was lost. Her eyelids flitted down, closing out the world around her. Nothing else existed but Ryan’s lips against hers. They were firm and warm as he skimmed them back and forth, demanding nothing.


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