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Saving Grace

Page 3

by Avery Gale

  Standing on that curb and catching Gracie Santos in his arms as she’s clamored out of the damned clunker she’d been driving had been a game changing moment for him. Micah had been raving about the little Latino ball of fire but his descriptions hadn’t really done the woman justice. She was petite by anybody’s standards but next to him she was downright tiny. Her skin was a dark golden tan and had a dewy appearance that made it almost sparkle. Her waist length hair was like a wavy sheet of silk that reflected light like black glass.

  Because of her injuries, the two of them had quickly discovered a mutual interest in American Sign Language since they both had younger siblings who were deaf. He’d immediately noted the deep bruising around her neck that had already started turning dark purple and he’d cringed when he realized her voice was almost inaudible. When club member Dr. Brian Bennett had asked him to step outside the small first aid station while he examined and treated her, the look on her face had stabbed straight to his heart. He’d offered to stay and she’d quickly nodded. His heart had soared until he registered her moan of pain at the movement. The trauma she’d suffered to her neck when Tobi’s stalker had tried to choke her, had stolen her voice for almost a week. Later, he and Micah had moved her in to the guest cabin and she’d never had to return to that hell hole apartment she’d been living in. Dex and Ash had helped them pack up her meager belongings, and the four former SEALs had made short work of moving her to the Prairie Winds property.

  Bringing his thoughts back to the moment, Jax rounded the corner into the kitchen and began setting out everything needed for their salads. He assigned her several tasks to keep her fear at bay. “You know, Cariña, we hadn’t planned to make you work for your dinner, but I’m sure happy to have the help. I usually get stuck with all the peeling and chopping and it’s just hell on my manicure.” He shot her a teasing smile and was pleased to see his words had exactly the effect he’d hoped they would because her entire face lit up in a smile before a blush stole over her cheeks and she shook her head at his antics.

  “I know what you are trying to do, Jax. And…well, I want you to know that I am grateful.” She leaned over and gave him a quick hug and then went straight back to the job he’d given her. “And you know, I’m not much better at cooking than Tobi, so giving me the salads to put together was a very wise decision.” When he clutched his chest and gasped in mock horror, she shook her head and laughed. “What else are you planning? Perhaps I can manage one more thing without summoning the local fire department. But in my defense, I want to remind you, the fire in our building didn’t even start in my apartment. It started in Tobi’s and she wasn’t even home. Proof that you can just never out guess fate.”

  Jax looked over at her and smiled. Truer words have never been spoken, sweet girl.


  Micah walked back in and pulled Gracie into a hug. “Baby, are you alright?” When she nodded, he pulled back and studied her closely. He had been worried when he first opened the front door to find she and Jax missing, but he’d heard them chattering in the kitchen and let out a sigh of relief. “Well, Mr. Baldamino is on his way out the front gate. But he likely noticed a distinct change in the hospitality level after my phone call to Kyle. And I imagine that is going to pique his curiosity, so the more we know about him the easier it will be to anticipate his next move. To that end, while we’re all putting dinner together, why don’t you tell us what he did that sparks such a soul-numbing fear in your beautiful heart?”

  Micah had been watching Grace Santos, worker extraordinaire, for the past several weeks and knew she seemed to think and process best when she was moving. He had literally documented hundreds of observations because learning everything about Grace had become his single-minded mission as soon as he had figured out how perfect she was for them. Micah had always studied anything that interested him with a focus that left his easy-going parents and siblings baffled, but he’d never been able to understand their “take life as it comes” attitude either, so it was all fair in his view.

  While they worked together in seamless efficiency, Gracie shared how Baldamino had promised to send her brother to the best schools for the deaf that money could buy and provide for both he and her mother for the rest of their lives, if she would agree to live with him. Since she’d only been fifteen at the time, he’d also promised to let her finish her schooling and sworn there would be nothing sexual between them until after she was eighteen and had given her consent.

  Micah and Jax looked at each other over her head with mirroring looks of disbelief. She had been staring at her hands and hadn’t lifted her face but still must have sensed their reaction and known exactly what they’d done. “I know what you are thinking…how could she be so naïve? How could her mother be so dim? Why would anyone believe such a promise from a man everyone suspected had criminal connections? Believe me, we have asked ourselves those very questions a million times over. The simple fact is, when you have been financially ruined by political forces that don’t even know you exist, and when the last time you ever saw your father and husband, he was being dragged out of your home in the middle of the night because he stood up for what was right and not what was politically correct…well, then you’ll understand how easily poor decisions can be made.”

  Suddenly Micah felt like the slime beneath a slug. He’d never considered himself judgmental and the fact that he’d judged the woman he was already beginning to fall in love with frosted his ass. He turned to her and used his fingers to pull her chin up so he could look into her eyes. Hoping she would hear the sincerity of his words, he said, “We are both sorry, baby. And you are right, we did wonder. Part of our skepticism is from our years spent in the military. That experience has made blindly trusting anyone very, very difficult for us. And since we’ve never been in those circumstances, we have no idea how we would have reacted. I’m sorry we hurt your feelings. I’m sure you know we’re both interested in getting to know you better.” He stroked his fingers over the gentle curve of her high cheekbones enjoying the softness of her skin before continuing. “I can’t promise you we won’t make mistakes, but I can promise you we’ll always own up to them. And neither of us will ever hurt you intentionally.” Watching the acceptance of his apology flash in her eyes, he leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead before turning her to Jax.


  “Cariña, I do understand the desperation that goes with wanting the best for a loved one with special needs. And even though money was never an issue with my sister’s education, finding someone that was worthy of our trust certainly was. There are a lot of wonderful people out there…just like you, that want to help. For us, it was a young woman named Jen Keating.” Jax chuckled just thinking about Jen. She’d been hired as a companion and mentor for his sister, Elza, when she’d moved to college. But Jen had for all intents and purposes become a member of their family within just a few short weeks.

  Damn, I need to text Elza and find out when Jen was supposed to return from Costa Rica. He’d known she was going there for an extended holiday, but hadn’t heard whether or not she had returned. When he thought back on Gracie’s comment about Baldamino’s estate in Costa Rica, he made a mental note to contact Elza later this evening for more information. Something was stirring in his gut and he knew better than to ignore those his instincts.

  Jax smiled at Gracie and shook his head, “There are some very benevolent people out there, but there are also some truly evil predators who will use every trick in the book to get what they want, even if it’s a beautiful young girl.” Jax watched as Micah ran his hand under her hair and he was happy to see some of the tension drain from her posture as Micah’s strong hands massaged her nape. “There is a very real difference between someone who makes promises in order to gain control over another person and a Dom whose entire focus is on cherishing the submissive in their care. But we’ll discuss that more in a bit. For now….I have a feeling we were just getting to the relevant part of your story when we
interrupted you. Cariña, we need as much information as you can give us, so continue if you’d would please…”

  Chapter Three

  Gracie felt her whole body vibrate in response to Jax’s last comment. There had been an unmistakable layer of steel command in his tone, she certainly hadn’t missed, despite his attempt to shroud it with caring concern. During her many conversations with Tobi about what her friend referred to as “the lifestyle”, Tobi had described that tone of voice perfectly. Gracie had heard both Kent and Kyle use what Tobi called their Dom voice, but what she hadn’t been prepared for, was her reaction to it.

  Not long after she’d moved to Prairie Winds, Tobi had loaned Gracie her e-reader, which had been loaded with erotic novels. Gracie had read each of the selections and many of them she’d read more than once. From the first story, she’d felt as if the author had been looking inside her own mind as they’d been writing. Everything she’d read indicated Tobi’s earlier observation that Gracie was probably a sexual submissive also, had likely been correct. She’d had to be strong for so long, Gracie wasn’t sure she could ever learn to let someone else take control, even for a few moments. She’d never done much dating because she’d never found a man who seemed capable of handling her strong personality and the need to be in control of her life. However, Tobi had assured her she’d met her match with the two men standing in front of her now.

  During a late night margarita party several weeks ago, Gracie had reluctantly confirmed Tobi’s suspicions when her friend had questioned whether or not she was interested in Micah and Jax. Once Gracie had finally admitted her interest in learning more about what she’d been reading, Tobi had literally been bouncing up and down in her seat. Gracie had laughed and threatened to tell Kent and Kyle how much they’d had to drink if Tobi didn’t quiet down.

  “Damn it, Tobi, quiet down. You know your men won’t let their shirt tails touch them until they rat me out to Micah and Jax. And what if they aren’t really interested? Holy Mother of God, I’d die of humiliation.”

  Everything had changed now…in the time it had taken Raphael Baldamino to speak, Gracie’s whole world had shifted. She’d felt it being tilted off its axis, and between one breath and another, she’d known everything she’d hoped for with Micah and Jax had been moved out of her grasp, and she mourned that lost opportunity. Looking up into Jax’s face, she was surprised to see him watching her intently. Seeing that depth of focus and knowing he was studying her with the trained eyes of a highly skilled operative as well as a well-respected sexual Dominant sent a shiver up her spine she wasn’t able to hold back. His expressions made her think he was seeing clear to the very foundation of her soul while waiting for her to continue.

  When she tried to turn away, he put his hands around her waist and lifted her so she was sitting on the kitchen counter. He moved her knees apart and stepped up close. “No hiding, Cariña. Out with it so we can face it together. And don’t think that I don’t know about the books and your conversations with Tobi.” At her startled expression he and Micah both laughed. “Sweet girl, this place is wired for sight and sound the likes of which would probably scare you if you knew the extent of it. Hell, I’ve been in military installations with less security. Everything in the public areas is fair game and many of the private areas are covered as well, for safety reasons. And that e-reader Tobi gave you works off our wireless connection so we know everything that has been downloaded onto it.” He leaned closer and whispered against her ear sending another wave of lust-filled shivers through her. “Just so you know, we’re thrilled that you are interested, Cariña. What happened today only solidifies why you should explore your desires, because taking care of his submissive is every Dom’s number one priority. Let us take care of you, Gracie. Trust us to help you.”

  Gracie didn’t understand her body’s reaction to Jax, nor could she seem to control her mutinous arms when they reached out to him. He pulled her close and gave her a quick hug before stepping back. “Now, talk to us.” Those simple words had her spilling the entire sordid tale. She told them about the months she’d spent locked in the suite of rooms in Baldamino’s estate, how he’d chosen her clothing, her food, even what she was allowed to watch on television. Gracie explained there hadn’t seemed to be any limit to his attention to even the smallest detail of her day-to-day life, but for the most part, he’d controlled everything from a distance. Toward the end of her time there, he’d come to her suite and sat on a small settee and chatted with her until it was time for her to go to bed. He’d insisted she change clothes in front of him, but he hadn’t actually touched her until the week before her sixteenth birthday.

  She had only been allowed to leave her suite when accompanied by one of his goons and even then, the path had to be pre-approved by Raphael. She hadn’t been allowed in any open areas where she might have been seen by anyone looking over the perimeter walls. Raphael had insisted it was for her protection, but even as naïve as she’d been, Gracie had known that wasn’t the real reason. Trips outside the estate’s secured perimeter had been nonexistent.

  By the time the three of them sat down to dinner she was battling the rolling in her stomach that always accompanied the revisiting of the memories from the time she spent as Raphael’s hostage. Dredging up the memories of how terrified and desperate she’d felt during those long months, usually triggered nightmares that would take weeks to ease.

  Her mind flashed back to the moment it had become clear he wasn’t planning to wait for her consent or her eighteenth birthday. Even today she could vividly recall how she’d felt both relieved and panic stricken. The thought of spending two more years in her gilded prison had depressed her, but discovering that he planned to “take her” on her sixteenth birthday, had sent ice through her veins.

  Micah’s voice cut through her rising panic, “Grace, we need you to stay with us, baby. How did you escape? Who helped you?” She could see the sincerity and concern in his eyes and she pulled herself together.

  Pasting on a smile she was sure didn’t reach her eyes, she continued, “Raphael sent me into town to the local doctor for birth control. The doctor was elderly and had been friends with my mother’s father. He promised to stall a week on the shot and assured me he would have my mother and brother ready to go when I returned.” This time she knew her smile was sincere, because the memory of how meticulous his plan had been still warmed her heart. He’d laid it all out for her in exacting detail so she wouldn’t “fret.” “When I worried for his safety he just laughed and said he was already dying and they had no power over him. He was so brave. True to his word, the next week I arrived at his office and was taken straight out the back door. My mother and brother were in the back of an old pickup covered with tarps and I crawled in with them. I was so relieved to see my family again and we huddled together as we were bounced in the truck making its way to the airport.” It had been hot under that tarp and it had smelled putrid, but she’d been so exhilarated nothing mattered except being with her family again.

  “We were on a plane to the United States within the hour. The doctor had gotten our travel documents and tickets. He’d even arranged for a woman to meet us at the airport in Dallas. She drove us to our new home in Austin and stayed for a couple of days to make sure we’d gotten settled in.” Gracie felt herself sag in relief at having finally been able to tell someone what she’d been through. She’d told Tobi tiny bits of it, but she’d never shared it all with anyone before now.


  “Grace, have you been able to share your story with anyone since you’ve been in the United States?” Micah was fairly certain he knew the answer to the question, but he wanted the confirmation. He’d watched her closely even as he’d mentally catalogued each fact she’d shared. Once she’d started, the story had seemed to tumble out so quickly it was as if she worried that if she paused she’d lose her nerve. He’d helped with various rescues as a SEAL and had seen other victims do the same thing. It was as if they had to purge th
emselves of the information quickly. And if they were interrupted, setting them on that path again was usually extremely difficult. Keeping herself and her family safe meant there would have been too much risk in sharing, but the price she’d paid had been enormous, and the cost had no doubt resulted in tremendous feelings of isolation.

  “Not everything, no. It just wasn’t safe, you know? I love Tobi like a sister—she is the best friend I’ve ever had, but you know how rash she can be. I didn’t want her to get hurt by becoming involved or for her to get me hurt either.” She tried to chuckle, but her effort had fallen far short. Micah pulled her hand to his lips and softly kissed the backs of her trembling fingers. He didn’t say anything, he just gave her a few moments to pull herself together. “I’ve told her bits and pieces, but not everything.” Glancing at the clock, Gracie cringed and then quietly said, “Please, I need to go back to my cabin and get ready for work. Tonight is a really important event and I don’t want to let the Wests down. They have been so good to me and I really am very proud of what’s been accomplished. I’ll be happy to finish this later, but right now I need to get going.” It was obvious that they had pushed her as far as they dared for the moment and both men knew it was time to back off.

  It was evident to Micah that Gracie Santos was amazingly resilient, but even the most tempered steel could be bent if the heat was strong enough or the pressure great enough. He nor Jax would ever want to break her, but earning her trust was certainly going to involve crashing through more than one of the walls she’d erected around her heart. While he was certain the information she’d shared was truthful, he didn’t, for a minute, believe she’d told them everything.


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