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Saving Grace

Page 6

by Avery Gale

  The sudden change in his host’s demeanor had set off alarms for Raphael, so he’d quickly called in a few favors and secured one of the highly coveted invitations for the exclusive grand opening of the Forum Shops for one of his business associates. Micro-technology had meant the club’s strict no cell phones or recording equipment ban was easily circumvented and the pictures he was looking at had wirelessly arrived within seconds…and they were perfect.

  Raphael wasn’t sure what had prompted his contact to zero in on Rose, but the man had earned a substantial bonus for his insight. Perhaps it had been the protective stances of the men who appeared to be sheltering her—whether from seeing something or not being seen, Raphael wasn’t sure and he really didn’t care. In one of the shots the wind was stirring her hair and the silken strands appeared to be dancing on the breeze. Her eyes were focused on something out of the frame and the intensity of her gaze made her look almost regal. Tracing his finger over the large print in his hand, Raphael outlined her angular jaw and high cheekbones. She had always reminded him of a Peruvian Princess who’d been mistakenly born into poverty a half a continent north of where she belonged.

  Shaking off his wayward thoughts, he wondered…had she seen him today and been frightened? God knew she had reason enough to fear him, because there would most certainly be consequences for running away. The elderly doctor who had helped her had paid with his life. Later, when Raphael learned the man had already known he was dying, he’d been furious that he really hadn’t denied the bastard anything.

  Raphael would begin searching for Rose’s mother and brother immediately because he knew they would hold the key to controlling the beautiful flower that would eventually belong to him. Just holding her photograph in his hands had his cock responding with a thundering hard-on that was pressing painfully against his zipper. He’d need to find a woman to relieve that ache after his plane landed in San Jose. There would be a helicopter waiting to take him to the estate, but the pilot was well paid and would willingly wait while his boss partook of a young local. Perhaps there would be a shipment ready and he could choose from one of those. His newest sideline had proven to be one of his most profitable ventures yet.

  Rose had been the only woman he’d ever intended to keep for himself. He’d fucked most of the merchandise before sending them on to their new Masters, but he’d always planned to keep her only for himself. Thinking back to the first time he’d seen her walking barefoot along the beach carrying her sandals, he remembered being so enthralled he’d made his driver slow so he could watch her. The sunlight had been peeking through the clouds and seemed to be spotlighting her as she’d strolled down the beach. The gentle Pacific winds had been playing with her long hair and lifting the hem of her skirt to tempt everyone she met with glimpses of her toned thighs. She must have sensed him watching her because she’d turned toward the road. Rose had used her hand to shield her eyes from the sun and scanned the road as if searching out the gaze she’d felt caressing her tanned skin. Raphael watched as she shrugged and resumed her carefree ambling along the water’s edge.

  It had taken him several months to find out who she was because it seemed the locals liked the young girl and weren’t inclined to tell a member of the mafioso about one of their own. Oddly enough, rather than being angry about the small community’s protectiveness, he’d found it a bit heartwarming even if it had been damned inconvenient. The fact she was the kind of person who had earned that type of loyalty spoke volumes about her character and had just made him want her all the more. When he’d found out she had a younger brother in need of special training because he was deaf and that her mother was a widow, he knew that he’d found his leverage.

  Raphael had never doubted Rose had only agreed to stay with him because he’d sworn to provide for both her brother and her mother. He’d always regretted his youthful mistake of not keeping the promises he’d made to her. If he had taken care of them liked he had sworn to, her escape would have been nearly impossible. Her innate sense of family honor was strong and her loyalty to her mother and brother were a powerful tool he’d let slip through his fingers. He wouldn’t make the same mistake again. But this time he would plan very carefully. He’d watch her and make sure everything was in place before making a move. He needed to know who he was dealing with because everything about Kent and Kyle West indicated they might have retired from the military, but they hadn’t abandoned the mind-set.

  Raphael didn’t care if it took him months…he’d already waited ten years…the prize would make the wait well worth it. In the meantime, perhaps he’d find one of the American students studying in the area and ease some of the discomfort between his legs. They were usually more than happy to join him—at least in the beginning. He smiled to himself as he thought of all the ways he could make a woman beg for mercy he’d never grant. He quickly typed in a message to his staff outlining exactly what sort of woman he required up his arrival. There was no question they would provide him with several so he didn’t even bother to pick his phone back up when it vibrated against the desk.

  Returning his focus to the picture in his hand, he ran his thumb slowly over the image and smiled. “Soon, Rose. Very, very soon.”

  Chapter Eight

  Gracie stood quietly in the beautiful master bathroom as Jax adjusted the temperature of the water in the shower. She’d felt a definite shift in his attitude as he had carried her toward his and Micah’s home. The gentle giant that cradled an emotionally exhausted woman to a safe place to rest had faded away. In his place was a man no one would every doubt was a sexual Dominant. His lust-filled eyes traveling down and then back up her body in a slow perusal that she would have sworn sent electric shocks racing up her spine. The look was so intense it felt as if he’d actually touched her. Her sex began to moisten in anticipation and she felt her nipples drawing into tight peaks. God, he is gorgeous. He is so perfect it feels like he’s a figment of my imagination…and if I reach out to touch him, he’ll disappear in a puff of smoke.

  His black hair glistened as its gentle waves curled softly at his collar and his eyes seemed to be ever changing in their color. When he was smiling and relaxed she had noticed they were an almost electric blue. But now, they were filled with desire and had shifted to a shade so dark they appeared almost violet. The steam filling the room brought his scent to her in a wave and she felt her sex clench and then flood in response. She had been thrilled to discover he always smelled like a stroll along a sage lined path and the outdoor earthy scent caused her to close her eyes briefly and just breathe him in. Even though he was clearly a Dom, she could sense the sensitive soul below the surface and oddly enough both sides called to her in a way she didn’t fully understand.

  When he tilted his head slightly to the side and raised an eyebrow, she snapped back to the moment. “Where were you, Cariña? You didn’t hear anything I said. And if you keep looking at me like that I won’t be able to wait until Micah gets here to fuck you.” She suspected he’d used the crude words deliberately to shock her, but their impact had been greatly diminished by the fact that it was exactly what she was hoping for.

  Gracie was attracted to both Jax and Micah, she had been from the moment they’d met. She’d tried to keep them at arm’s length, because it was so much harder to keep secrets from lovers than from friends or casual acquaintances. She’d always known the possibility that she’d have to vanish into the night was lurking just around the corner so keeping ties to a minimum had seemed the easiest. Looking up at Jax, she sighed inwardly and wondered how they’d managed to work themselves past her defenses and into her heart despite her efforts, and quite frankly, she was tired of battling against her desire for them.

  Taking a deep breath, Gracie tried to let her fears of Raphael slide to the back of her mind so she could enjoy this time with them. She wanted to make a beautiful memory she could take with her. She needed to focus and remember that at least for this moment she was safe. Gracie wanted to experience the freedom Tobi
had talked incessantly about…she wanted to be able to just let go. For once, she wanted to let someone else take the reins. And even if it was only for one night, she needed to be able to erase the fear that had weighed her down like an anchor since she’d met Raphael. For one night, she wanted to be able to just feel.

  Taking a deep breath, Gracie squared her shoulders and met his gaze. “That’s not a threat you know?” She barely recognized her own voice, the huskiness of desire was easy to hear. His eyes widened in surprised for just the briefest of seconds before they went even darker as they clouded over with a primal lust so evident even a woman as inexperienced as Gracie could recognize it.

  “Take off your clothes, Cariña. Slowly. I want to see you unwrap that lovely body like the gift that it is.” He had already removed his shirt, shoes, and socks and he was standing a few feet from her with his dark jeans riding low on narrow hips, giving her a tantalizing peek at the happy trail disappearing under the opened snap of his Levis. His feet were shoulder width apart and his ripped arms crossed over the most amazing chest she’d ever seen. The abs in the shadow of his arms were so defined she wanted to run her tongue along each line. Her mouth had literally watered as she’d watched him pull his shirt over this head. I want to lick him. I want to know if his skin tastes as delicious as it looks.

  “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” Miach’s voice startled her out of her thoughts. He was leaning with his shoulder pressed against the doorframe in a pose she knew was intended to look casual, but was anything but. His eyes were filled with intent and locked firmly on hers. She felt the heat of his predatory gaze in every cell. If just having their eyes on her evoked reactions this strong, what on earth would it be like when they touched her? What am I thinking? I’m totally out of my league with these men.

  “That she is, but she is easily distracted. Seems that it might be something we’ll need to work on.” Her eyes darted back to Jax and the glimmer of a smile playing over his full lips relaxed her. She was starting to recognize his teasing tone, but she didn’t want to disappoint him either. “I can’t say that I ever remember having this much trouble getting a sub in my care out of her clothing though. I may have to rethink my approach to this if I don’t start seeing some action pretty quickly.”

  Gracie might not be experienced in all the protocols of their lifestyle, but she easily recognized a second chance when she saw one. She leaned over and slipped the sandals she’d been wearing from her feet and set them aside. Then slowly lifted her shaking hands to the knot at the back of her neck; struggling with the ties of her halter dress, she was growing frustrated when Jax stepped forward. “Turn around, Cariña, let me help you.” She turned and shuddered when he moved her hair over her shoulder. He’d started calling her Cariña the first night they’d met. His use of a Spanish pet name that meant “beloved” had always touched her heart and she’d always considered it the cornerstone of their bond.

  His fingers easily mastered the knot and her dress slid down over her taut nipples like a whispering wave of softness arousing her even further. She could feel how soaked her panties were and she knew it was just a matter of time until they’d be able to see for themselves how aroused she was. As if he’d read her mind, Jax leaned over her shoulder and kissed the tender place behind her ear and whispered, “I can smell your arousal, Cariña, and I can’t wait to taste you. Now take off those pretty panties unless you want them shredded, because I’m growing very impatient to see you naked.”

  Gracie’s knees went weak at his tone as much as the words. What was it about these two men that caused her to react to them but not others? She worked alongside several of the Doms from the club and other Alpha males as well, but none of them caused the same throbbing in her sex that these men could create with just a glance.

  Tobi had been encouraging her to take a leap of faith and try, but it had been a recent offhanded remark that had flipped the script in Gracie’s mind. When she’d told Tobi she was worried about what people would think about her if she failed, her sweet friend had informed her, “It isn’t any of your business what they think of you, Gracie.” The truth of Tobi’s statement had stunned her and for several seconds Gracie had literally forgotten to breathe. She had decided right then that she’d wasted enough time trying to live her life in a way that others would find acceptable. There had been something in Tobi’s words that had snapped the self-imposed chains Gracie had felt like she’d been dragging everywhere for the past ten years. She was going to have to pick them up again soon enough…but for now, she wanted to feel weightless.

  “See what I mean? She just seems to float away. Damnedest thing I’ve ever seen. Let’s see if I can’t get her attention back on us, shall we?” Jax’s voice registered on some level of her subconscious, but it was the sound of fabric ripping that brought her back to the moment. Glancing down, she saw her panties laying in tatters on the floor. Holy shit!

  Gracie had been poor for so long she was devastated at what he’d done. Blinking rapidly, she tried to hold back the tears but they breached her lower lids and slid down her cheeks. Both men were immediately standing in front of her. The guilt on Jax’s face a stark contrast to the desire she’d seen in his eyes just seconds ago.

  “Cariña, did I hurt you?” She felt bad for worrying him, but damn, money had never come easy for her and those were the first panties she’d ever had that hadn’t come from Walmart. Freddie-Fuckedy Fuck!

  “No, you didn’t hurt me. But those cost me eight dollars. They were the first ones I bought at a store that didn’t also sell groceries and sporting goods. Shit, they were the first ones I’ve ever had that didn’t have a picture of fruit on the damned label.” For the first time since she’d met him, Micah leaned his head back and roared with laughter. Gracie felt her face heat as embarrassment flooded her. Leaning down, she picked up her dress and started putting it back on. Damn. What made me think I could do this? These guys are trained Doms. They deal with rich, beautiful women all the time. Why would they want a short, chunky woman who wears clothing purchased from bargain bins? All Gracie could think about was how naïve she’d been and even though she didn’t ordinarily drink, she was certain she’d earned the right after today. As soon as she got back to her little cabin she planned to drink the last of the tequila Tobi left after their last margarita party. She only hoped there was enough of the amber liquid to numb the humiliation.


  Jax watched as embarrassment washed over Gracie’s face and he hoped like hell Micah pulled his head out of his ass soon and realized what he’d done. They usually didn’t interfere with each other during a scene, but this was shaping up to be an epic cluster fuck if he didn’t make an exception. When she stood back up after retrieving her dress from the floor, Jax wrapped his hand around her wrist and stilled her. “Cariña, I really do believe you are misinterpreting Micah’s laughter.” He heard Micah go dead silent beside him. That’s right, dumbass, pay attention. “And one of the most important parts of any relationship is communication, and as we’ve said it is particularly true in ménages, so I think you should ask him to clarify his reaction before you make your decision.”

  Standing in front of her and seeing the humiliation in her eyes, Jax wanted to whack his partner right upside the head. Micah was a lot of things and the truth was sometimes he could be a real arrogant asshat. But in all the years Jax had known him, he’d never known his friend to deliberately hurt a sub’s feelings, so he didn’t think that had been Micah’s intent this time either. But damn it, Micah really needed to get his head back in this thing before she stormed out of their cabin and they lost their chance with her. When Jax looked over at Micah, he was shocked at his confused expression. Really? You don’t know what you did? What a goat-fuck.

  “Grace? What is this about? Why are you angry?” Jax just shook his head at his friend. Yep, he’s an idiot.

  Gracie turned to him and Jax smiled when she closed her eyes briefly. It was clear she was trying to call upon every
ounce of her patience. When she opened them again fire danced in the beautiful gray orbs. “Are you fucking kidding me? Really? You think I am that dim? Did you set me up for this? Was there some sort of plan to,” he saw her eyes go even wider as if she’d just had some kind of aha moment, “oh no…oh, I’ll strangle her…I swear I will. Friend or not, if Tobi set you up to spend time with me I’ll bat her a good one before I disappear.”

  Now Jax felt every bit as confused as Micah looked. But it was time to shut her little hissy down. “Stop!” His one word command had been loud, clear, and filled with enough bite to get her attention. “Cariña, drop the dress and listen closely.” Jax was pleased to see her fingers open and the dress flutter to the floor again so quickly he wasn’t sure her mind had even had time to register the command before her body had obeyed. “Tobi has nothing to do with you standing gloriously naked in this bathroom. Now, explain to Master Micah exactly why you are angry and do it respectfully or you’re going to earn yourself a spanking before we even begin.” Jax watched her eyes widen and her pupils dilate. Perfect.

  Chapter Nine

  Micah was completely dumbfounded and he damned well hated the feeling. After years of acing every imaginable type of military training designed to ready him for any contingency, he loathed feeling like he was unprepared for whatever was happening around him. He stared at Gracie and waited. She was obviously battling her anger and frustration back enough to speak. The comments she’d made about her underwear had caught him so off guard and that brief glimpse at her sense of humor had warmed him to the point he’d burst out laughing from the sheer pleasure of it all.


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