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Cthulhu Returns

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by Jacquel Chrissy May

  Cthulhu Returns

  Published by Jacquel Chrissy May at Smashwords

  Copyright 2015 Jacquel Chrissy May

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction, and any references to any persons (living or dead), events, places, and monsters created by H. P. Lovecraft are purely coincidental and used in a fictitious manner.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

  Warning: This story contains some of the following elements: monsters, scenes of violence, mentions of bullying, secret societies, and bad language. It is preferable if only adults read this story.

  Table of contents

  Part 1

  Part 2

  Part 3

  About the author

  Other Works by Claire Violet Thorpe

  Connect with Me Online

  Part 1

  The room was dark, as if there was little to no light allowed inside. This was the room where 16-year-old Sierra Davidson was hiding. She had an olive complexion, wavy brown hair worn in a short braid, and dark brown eyes. Sierra was wearing a pair of black slacks and a tank top with a picture of Mickey Mouse on it.

  Looking at her, it wasn’t hard to tell that there was something wrong with that girl. She was diagnosed as having Asperger’s, which meant that she would not be wired to connect to anyone, not even her own parents. As a result, Sierra was either shut out of the group or banished to the back of the classroom.

  No one wanted to be her friend or even talk to her. Even Sierra’s parents didn’t want to have anything to do with her. They would often shut her away in her room and refused to pay any attention to her needs.

  Yet that was not all, as three students named Robert Cassidy, Christine Lawson, and Samantha Fenton were bullying Sierra. Those students were already unpopular with the students at Westwood High School, but the fact that they bullied Sierra was not only appalling, but the bullying gave the school a bad name.

  Then again, that’s not this story; in fact, here’s how this story goes in three different parts:

  Sierra was hiding in the dark room, as we have seen her hiding at the beginning of the story. The reason why she was hiding was because of Robert, Samantha and Christine. The three kids were overweight, dressed in clothes that seemed to be falling apart at the seams, and even their shoes had seen better days.

  In short, these kids were the kinds of kids who would have been victims of bullying, not bullies.

  Sierra found herself wishing that someone would put an end to her torment. She knew that being by herself and not having any interaction with another human being (save for the bullying) was not OK, but she was reluctant to talk to anyone about it for fear that her parents would be informed and her home life would be worse than it already was.

  So, why was Sierra in the dark room?

  She turned on her flashlight, for she was reading H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Call of Cthulhu”. The thought of seeing the monster Cthulhu terrorizing everyone in her school and her parents seemed to make her very happy, as if she was never happy before.

  And she only had but one finger to count the many happy memories of her life.

  Anyway, Sierra continued to read the story, which was about a man who discovered notes left behind by his great-uncle, who had died in 1926-27 after an encounter with a monster in the ocean. The story also featured the famous sea monster Cthulhu in all its glory.

  “What I wouldn’t give to have this Cthulhu to show up and destroy everyone in this place,” Sierra thought to herself as she continued to read the story. “If anything, I wish that this Cthulhu would come to life and give Robert, Christine, and Samantha exactly what they deserve.”

  Little did she know that the minute that she had made her wish, something would happen that was so terrifying that Sierra did not see that it would not only destroy her own life, but the lives of everyone around her...

  * * * * *

  Deep in a room underneath a decrepit building in a forgotten part of the city, The Brotherhood of the Oceanic God was holding a meeting. This group of men who were in their mid-to-late 20s and early 30s dressed in dark green robes with green hoods on their heads. The hoods were decorated with the tentacles of an octopus.

  This group was very secretive, yet notorious for its worship of the monster Cthulhu. While their peers were more into the seemingly less important hobbies of the day, such as sports, these men devoted much of their time to the words of the book “The Call of Cthulhu” and many other stories, among them The Dunwich Horror, The Shadow over Innsmouth, and The Strange High House in the Mist.

  (It is also noted that there are over 50 stories devoted to the Cthulhu Mythos.)

  Anyway, the members of the Brotherhood of the Oceanic God were at their weekly meeting; one of those members worked at Westwood High School and he had overheard Sierra Davidson making a wish for the Cthulhu to appear at the school and Robert Cassidy, Christine Lawson, and Samantha Fenton, who were tormenting her. Sierra had apparently obtained a copy of H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Call of Cthulhu” and was reading it when she made that wish. He grew alarmed and instead of confronting the girl, he rushed to his brothers immediately and informed them of what he had witnessed.

  “This is very serious,” said Geelt (as the members of the brotherhood were ordered to give up their birth names upon joining). “Did you see the girl in question, Vulmishi?”

  “Yes,” said Vulmishi. “I know who she is.”

  “Who is this girl?” said Cheirk.

  “Her name is Sierra Davidson,” said Vulmishi, “and she is a student at Westwood High School. I don’t know how she had gotten a copy of “The Call of Cthulhu” or why she had gotten it, but all I know is that she has the book and we need to take it away from her or else she might do something terrible with it.”

  “Such as summoning Cthulhu?” said Wipoe.

  “What if she already did that?” said Cheirk. “What if she decided to invoke Cthulhu’s mighty powers?”

  “She needs to be stopped before she can do any damage,” said Reprid. They all stared at her. “If we don’t do it now, then who knows what she could do. We can’t have someone like her running around the city unchecked, unchallenged, causing possible damage to anything or harming anyone. She needs to be stopped.”

  “Then it’s decided,” said Dachith, who was the leader of the group. “Sierra Davidson must be captured before she does anything to our city.”

  The men agreed by slapping their carved wooden staffs on the ground. They knew that give or take, Sierra Davidson had invoked their wrath by not only reading “The Call of Cthulhu”, but attempting to summon the infamous monster. She needed to be punished for that, and no parent or authoritative figure was going to stop them from capturing her.

  Part 2

  While the meeting of the Brotherhood of the Oceanic God was going on, Sierra had since left the room where she was hiding and went to the place outside the cafeteria for lunch. She knew that she wasn’t allowed to interact with the other children in any way, n
o thanks to her Asperger’s. Plus, her parents made no effort to help her with her social problems, often forcing her to be by herself 24/7.

  Today, however, that was going to change.

  Arthur Hill and his sister, Myrtle, were sitting on the side of the library, playing with a couple of figurines. Only the figurines in question weren’t a part of the heavily merchandised cartoons, such as Delta Galaxy, Sunwolves, or Vicky Justice; they were figurines that the twins had created based on characters in the Cthulhu Mythos. They had created various monsters, plus several versions of Cthulhu himself. They also made figurines of various unsuspecting human beings who had unknowingly walked into a trap and devoured by the monsters.

  Arthur pointed to the cafeteria and said, “Look, Myrtle, isn’t that Sierra Davidson over there by the cafeteria?”

  “Arthur,” his sister snapped at him. “Didn’t mother tell us that it’s rude to point at people and stare at them?”

  “But it’s Sierra,” said Arthur.

  Myrtle glared at her brother; they had the same blond hair, the same green eyes, and the same white skin. They also dressed in only green and black, from their coats to their shoes. The Cthulhu Twins, as the rest of the school rudely referred to them.

  “Why are you pointing to her?” said Myrtle.

  “I have her in my English class,” said Arthur, “plus yesterday, I saw her walking out the library with a copy of H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Call of Cthulhu”. Do you not know how long I have waited to get that book and the librarian wouldn’t let me have it? Sierra has the book and I want to read it now.”

  “I have a bad feeling about this,” said Myrtle as she and Arthur gathered their things and went towards the cafeteria. It seemed that no matter where they went, the other students would laugh and make fun of them. “If only they knew how much better H.P. Lovecraft is,” Myrtle thought to herself as she and Arthur steeled themselves for yet another unnecessary insult. “H.P. Lovecraft is ten times better than that crap Harry Potter.”

  Sierra had no idea of how much trouble that she was about to be in, especially when she looked up from her book that she was reading (which was not the Call of Cthulhu) and saw a set of twins staring at her. They were wearing black coats, green pants, and black boots. They were blonde-haired with green eyes and had white skin.

  Sierra said to them, “Aren’t you guys the Cthulhu Twins?”

  “Depends on who you’re asking,” said Arthur. “I saw you with the school’s only copy of the Call of Cthulhu and I’d like to have it.”

  “I don’t know who you are,” said Sierra, “and I believe that the librarian has told me to never allow you or your girlfriend to touch the book.”

  Arthur and Myrtle stared at her for a second, and then burst out laughing. “Girlfriend?” Myrtle laughed. “I’m not his girlfriend, I’m his sister. Plus, he’s in your English class, or so he claims.”

  “Indeed,” said Sierra, “and who are you?”

  “I’m Arthur Hill and this is my sister, Myrtle. I know you are Sierra Davidson, the girl who likes to read all those weird stories and such,” said Arthur.

  “So, what made you decide to read this book,” said Myrtle as she pointed to “The Call of Cthulhu”.

  “I don’t know,” said Sierra, “I guess I just wanted a chance from what I usually like to read. I’m into science fiction, which explains a lot.”

  “So you’ve read every book in the library?” said Arthur.

  “Every science fiction book that the library has,” said Sierra.

  “That’s impressive,” said Myrtle, “but that doesn’t answer the question of why my brother and I aren’t allowed to read the book that you’re reading.”

  “I’ve always wondered the same thing myself,” said Sierra, “but I can basically do whatever I want since my parents hate me and they don’t care about what I do around here.”

  “Parents who don’t hover over you?” said Arthur. “Cool.”

  “And what about your parents?” said Sierra.

  “They are so strict that they won’t allow anything that isn’t Disney-made into our house,” said Myrtle. “I mean, you can enjoy Tangled so many times before it gets old.”

  “I know,” said Sierra. “Plus, who really cares about Disney movies nowadays? I hope that a day will come when all teenagers and adults start giving up everything they loved as children, forsake their childhood dreams and break all bond of friendships with imaginary people.”

  “If only that would happen, then there will be less retarded children and more socially conscious adults,” said Myrtle.

  Arthur said, “Uh, book now, talk later?”

  “Not until we leave the school,” said Sierra, “and besides, I wouldn’t be caught dead giving this book to you, not when you’ve been banned from the library for destroying the YA section last year.”

  “Oh yeah,” said Arthur. “I remember when my sister and I tried to get rid of those books because they were a bad influence on our generation. No one thanked us or anything like that; they called us monsters and book haters. Too bad we can’t be allowed to read anything or else we’d be turning into radicals.”

  “We really don’t need that,” said Sierra. “A radical anything is unwanted.”

  Just then, the lunch bell rang and the three of them jumped up, knowing that lunchtime was over and they would have to go back to classes. Not that Arthur was allowed to do any assignment that required reading and Myrtle was banned from participating in class. Sierra also sat in the back of the classroom, as her parents refused to allow her to participate in classroom activities.

  Yet this time, none of them were going to class at all.

  “Let’s go down to the clubhouse down the lane,” said Sierra. “There, I’ll read you the book and you can have all your questions answered.”

  At this, Arthur and Myrtle agreed, and as the other students headed towards their classes to sit in their seats and learn from their teachers, Sierra, Arthur, and Myrtle left the school and ran down the road to the secret clubhouse that was by the lake.

  The clubhouse was a decrepit house located next to a shallow but muddy lake. It had been built during the late 1990s by a group of teenagers who were waiting for the world to end, yet the world didn’t end at all. Rumor has it that a body of a teenage boy was hidden somewhere around the place.

  Sierra set the book down in the middle of the room and all three kids gathered around to read it. As they began to read the book, they had no idea that a group of men devoted to the Cthulhu was coming for them...

  * * * * *

  Robert, Samantha, and Christine were sitting in the back of Mr. Frank’s English class, hoping to disrupt the class and bully Sierra once again. Yet, when it was evident that Sierra wasn’t in the room, the kids reacted the same way that a small child would react if a heartless stranger took a piece of candy away from them.

  “Where’s that ugly bitch?” Robert cried out.

  “Shut up, fatty,” said a boy named Darren Hendrickson.

  “Yeah, where’s that good-for-nothing brat Sierra at?” said Christine.

  “I thought I told you to shut up, fat-cake!” Darren snapped at her angrily.

  Nonetheless, Samantha seemed not to care about what Darren wanted, as she said, “You think that learning is more important than being a bully? Sierra is so stupid and ugly; she doesn’t deserve to live…”

  Darren turned around and slammed his textbook on Samantha’s desk, which startled not only her, Robert, and Christine, but the entire class and teacher as well. Darren said, “What is wrong with you people? Are you so messed-up in the head that you think that being a bully is more important than learning? I’ll have you know that you three are the worst people in the history of humanity and none of you should have been allowed to be born, let alone exist...”

  Little did anyone know that at the same time that this confrontation was happening, Sierra, Arthur, and Myrtle were in the crumbling house sitting in a circle, chanting, “O Great a
nd Mighty Cthulhu, we ask thee to rise! Rise from the seas and destroy those who have wronged your devotees! Rise up! Rise up! Rise up!”

  Very soon, the earth began to shake and a monster rose from the oceans. Scores of people who saw the monster fled from the beach. He let out a terrible roar, which frightened everyone.

  “Who dares to summon the Great and Mighty Cthulhu from his domain?” he yelled in a booming voice. The screams immediately died down.

  The moment that the Cthulhu rose from the ocean and appeared on the beach, the Brotherhood of the Oceanic God noticed him and bowed before him. The Cthulhu noticed them and said, “My most devoted followers, I am pleased to know that you are here to greet your noble god. Will you assist me in revealing the people who have summoned me?”

  “We are your humble servants,” said Dachith as he rose.

  “Good,” said the Cthulhu as the brotherhood rose to their feet and stood at attention. “One of you knows someone who has gained powers that they should not have gotten, and it makes me very angry. I am going to find this person and destroy them. If any of you know who the offending person is, kindly share it with us.”

  Vulmishi didn’t miss a beat. He said, “I know the girl who summoned you; she is Sierra Davidson, a sophomore at Westwood High School. She might be with Arthur and Myrtle Hill, both of whom worship you to the point of destroying other books and scaring off the other students.”

  “I see,” said the Cthulhu. “So, some teenagers think that they can play games with my powers? We’ll show them who’s boss!”

  As the brotherhood led the monster towards the school, Vulmishi (referred to as Alex Mullins) began to have a sinking feeling that this story was only going to end in bloodshed…

  Part 3

  Within a few moments, it all went to hell.

  The Brotherhood of the Oceanic God and the Cthulhu kicked down the door to Westwood High School and took everyone there hostage. “What is the meaning of this, Mullins?” The principal shouted as the entire population of the school was being herded into the gym. “Why are you doing this to us?”


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