Book Read Free

By Appointment Only

Page 25

by Lisa Eugene

  I rolled my eyes. “Who said anything about praise?”

  He grinned and waggled his brows, rubbing his free palm up and down my bare legs.

  “How can you be so glib at a time like this?” I scolded, trying not to give in to a smile or react to the tingles he left on my skin. “This is a disaster for your campaign. First you lose Kensington, and now this. And they’re raising questions about you helping me with CPS? What if they find out you helped with the restraining order?”

  His features sobered. “My campaign will be fine. I’m used to the scrutiny of the media. They won’t be able to prove my involvement with your case at CPS. I went through a third party.” He paused, sliding me a quick, assessing glance. “Phil wants me to make a statement to the press.”

  “A statement?”

  “He wants me to come clean, admit to our relationship.”

  His words had a groan crawling out of my throat, but he continued, “Sometimes the best way to put out a fire is to just douse it. Tell them the truth and they’ll stop hounding us for gossip.”

  I was already shaking my head. “Don’t you dare do it. I hate having people all up in my business, hate being fodder for gossip. Some of the things they’re saying about me are horrible.”

  His lips tightened. “That may be another reason to make a statement. It will validate our relationship, let everyone know you’re not just someone I’m screwing.”

  I couldn’t afford to read into his words or let them soften me. I still wasn’t sure about our “relationship.” “I think a statement will just feed the frenzy. Those reporters were practically foaming at the mouth to get to me.”

  “Dani, don’t get me wrong, I’m in no way happy about what went down today, but I’d be lying if I said a small part of me isn’t relieved.”

  “Relieved?” I almost choked on my wine.

  “Certainly this isn’t the way I would’ve revealed our relationship. I would’ve waited,” he said, and I knew he was thinking of his late wife. “But, what’s done is done. Shit happens. We just have to deal.”

  I grimaced at the familiarity of the words.

  “This will all blow over,” he continued mildly. “Plus, the reporters are probably all afraid of you.”

  My blank stare made him chuckle.

  “I saw that clip of you knocking out that woman over and over and over—hell, one station even ran it in slow—”

  A swift blow with a pillow finally ended his teasing, but his playful grin had me shaking my head.

  “I didn’t knock her out,” I scoffed, almost wishing I had. “I just wanted her out of my face.”

  His eyes grew tender as he witnessed my frustration. “This will all blow over soon. I promise, love.”

  Wishing I could share in his optimism, I let my thoughts wander. His campaign was taking a hit. Several of his opponents were already jumping on the bandwagon, commenting on his alleged association with me. I’d seen a clip of Gonzalez slamming him about the CPS allegations and promising a full investigation. It was best Chase knew what he was dealing with.

  “Chase, there’re questions about . . . my past that have come up.” Placing my wine glass on the coffee table, I leaned my head back against the couch. “Years ago, before my divorce, my apartment was raided by the police. They thought I was dealing drugs.”

  Pausing, I let my words sink in, then looked to his face, expecting censure, maybe even condemnation. Chase took a slow sip from his glass, his expression unreadable. “But you weren’t.”

  Wrinkling my nose, I asked, “How are you so sure?”

  “I know you, Dani. I know what kind of person you are.”

  This man had a knack of throwing my words back at me. Sighing heavily, I continued, “When we were married, Steven used to do favors for his dealers, make runs for extra blow. The cops had been watching him even before our neighbors tipped them off. One night, the DEA raided our apartment. They didn’t find anything. I never allowed Steven to bring that shit around Emmy. I made him go to rehab a few times, but he never stayed in a program. Anyhow, we were both arrested, the charges later dropped.”

  “Is that why your marriage ended?”

  A bitter chuckle snuck out. “No, I caught him having sex with our neighbor on our kitchen table.”

  “So he’s not just an abusive fucker, he’s a dumbass,” Chase mumbled angrily. “He deserved what he got.”

  His words gave me pause and I inhaled slowly. “What do you mean?”

  At first he didn’t respond, then he said, “He deserved to lose you. I’m glad you didn’t stay with him.”

  His voice was even, void of emotion, but there was an unmistakable edge. I couldn’t help but wonder if he’d meant something else. Was he the one who’d given Steven his recent beating? My mind was spinning. Too much had happened today and I couldn’t think straight.

  “That fucker better stay away from you,” he warned. “You haven’t heard from him, right?”

  At my tense silence, his features grew hard. He replaced his wine glass on the table, then turned and skewered me with laser vision.

  “Give me your phone.”

  I started to protest, but the look he gave me would’ve turned Medusa to stone. With a resigned sigh, I pulled my cell from my pocket and handed it over, ignoring the heavy thud of my heart. His fingers glided over the screen, slowly scrolling, his expression growing darker by the second.

  “What the fuck?” He finally exploded. “When were you going to tell me about these texts?”

  “The last one he just sent today. I’ve been busy trying to salvage what’s left of my life if you hadn’t noticed.”

  I tried to snatch my phone back, but he held it out of reach, still reading and muttering expletives as he went along. Eyes narrowing with fury, he trained his loaded blue gaze on me.

  “How the hell could you keep this from me? This has been going on all summer. He’s out of control. You should’ve had a restraining order months ago.”

  Reacting to his raised voice, I straightened my back, feeling my anger swell to match his. “First of all, you’re the last person who should be lecturing me about keeping secrets.”

  “Dani . . .” he growled a warning.

  I pushed back on the couch and shifted my legs from his lap. Our intimacy seemed ill-suited to the moment.

  “I don’t want you or Emmy anywhere near that psycho, not even for the hearing. You’re not setting one foot in that courtroom. I’ll handle this. My lawyer will take care of the necessary paperwork. I know a judge who’ll okay it.”

  The stress of the day finally caved in on me like a wall of solid brick. I’d gotten myself into this mess and could feel control of my life slipping further and further away. Although I had no desire to see Steven, this was just too much. Anger squeezed my fists and grated my voice. “Now you see, that’s your problem, Chase—you don't get to tell me what I should and shouldn’t do. No one appointed you my guardian, or my damn savior.”

  He ran his fingers through his dark waves, looking like he was about to strangle me. “Christ! Do you always have to be so fucking stubborn?”

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I stared defiantly. “When it comes to me and Emmy, yes!” With that, I stood and headed down the hall. I was done talking, done with this horrific, fuckcluster of a day.

  “I’m going to bed.”

  I awoke the next morning with the stale taste of guilt on my tongue, especially when I walked into Chase’s kitchen and saw Emmy sporting pineapple hair at the breakfast table in front of a bowl of Froot Loops. She sat content, eating and inspecting rubber bands before dropping them one by one into her Dora backpack.

  Chase stood at the granite counter pouring a steaming cup of coffee from the coffee maker. Dressed in a navy suit, he looked tall and distinguished, silver cufflinks sparkling at his wrists. His dark, wavy hair was still damp from his shower and his jaw cleanly shaven.

  I felt badly for the way I’d reacted the night before. I hadn’t meant to lash o
ut at him, but just when things were starting to seem a little easier, a little brighter, my life was in turmoil again.

  Chase was only trying to help. He was perhaps the one with the most to lose from this scandal, yet he was taking it all in stride. I wasn’t used to having someone around besides Wanda and my mother who cared, who wanted to do things for me without an ulterior motive.

  If I had to be honest with myself, my anger was misplaced. I was more annoyed with myself for the way I felt about him, for how I’d come to depend on his presence, his support, and his soothing touch. Last night, all I’d wanted to do was curl back into his lap and let him continue to work his magic on my toes.

  Kissing Emmy’s forehead, I walked farther into the kitchen. Chase looked up, blue eyes wary, no doubt trying to assess my mood as I approached. I smiled sweetly, slid my arms around his waist, and rocked up on my toes to steal a kiss. He probably thought I was as temperamental as a tropical storm, but this was my attempt at an apology. He moaned low and dragged me closer, sinking his nose into my neck. His acceptance and understanding rained warm flurries inside me. Velvety soft lips moved against my skin, his tongue sampling secretly.

  “Obviously there are no mirrors here in this kitchen,” I chuckled low, nodding my head in Emmy’s direction.

  Chase’s forehead wrinkled as he lifted and surveyed Emmy’s hair. “I thought I did much better this time.”

  Biting my lips thoughtfully, I said, “Uh . . . not so much.”

  His deep rumble made me laugh. Accepting the mug of coffee he offered, I crossed the room to Emmy and started to dismantle her tower of hair. It would best to be done before she caught a glimpse of herself in one of his stainless steel appliances and all hell broke loose.

  “You two are up early,” I commented to Chase. It was an hour before Emmy usually awoke. The new environment probably had her off schedule.

  “So are you,” he said, moving closer, tucking back a stray curl.

  “Philippe wants me at the restaurant early. He says it’s been nuts. I need to get an early start if I want to drop off Emmy at school and make it to work on time.”

  “I have a meeting with the Teachers Union. It’s close to the Academy. I can drop her off. You’re on the opposite side of town.”

  My fingers stilled in Emmy’s hair, my gaze connecting with Chase’s. He took a sip of his coffee, seeming casual, but I could tell my answer meant a lot to him. He was thinking of me and Emmy, trying to be helpful.

  Would I fight him on this, tell him it was my job to take care of my daughter? Every instinct told me to refuse him. Emmy was my world and I her axis. It had always been just the two of us, even when I’d been married. Instead, I let my heart soften at his kindness and the sweet tenderness in his eyes.

  “That would be great.” I smiled. “Thanks.”

  He seemed surprised, and I loved the calculating half smile turning up his lips.

  “I’ve upped my security,” he informed. “And I’ve arranged transportation for you to get to and from work.”

  “Okay,” I said, finishing up with Emmy’s hair.

  “And I’ve also made arrangements to collect more of your belongings from your apartment to bring here.”

  I tapped my foot, thinking for a moment. In my haste to get out of my apartment I’d tossed just a few items into a duffel bag, enough for maybe two days. Realistically, that wouldn’t be enough. Although I didn’t like people handling my things, his plan made sense.

  “Okay.” I smiled.

  “And,” he continued. “My lawyer is coming over tomorrow night to get details for the hearing.”

  “Okay,” I said. After going to bed last night, I’d given it some thought. It was best to have his lawyer take care of things. I didn’t want to see Steven, especially after the last text he’d sent me.

  “Okay?” The bewildered frown on Chase’s face almost made me laugh out loud.


  “Wait—no argument? No fight? No ‘Don’t tell me what to do. I can handle my own life, Rutherfucker.’?” he asked in a whisper.

  Then I did laugh and kissed his luscious lips again, tasting a hint of dark roast coffee and man. “No fighting—at least not today,” I said before walking away to get dressed.

  From the corner of my eye, I saw Chase sink into a seat beside Emmy, shaking his head and smiling affectionately. “Your mother is the most puzzling, frustrating, amazingly wonderful woman I’ve ever met.”

  Emmy paused from sorting her rubber bands and looked up, her brown eyes round and assessing. She made full eye contact with Chase and I held my breath as my steps paused. Then I saw her do something I’d never seen her ever do. She reached into her Dora backpack, pulled out a rubber band and placed it in the center of his large palm.

  “For you.” Her voice was barely audible, almost a croak, but my heart heard her loud and clear.


  “So, are you going to tell me what’s going on with you and Chase Rutherford, or am I going to have to read about it in the Inquirer?”

  Slipping on my flip-flops, I stared into Jolene’s expectant face. Her green eyes were shiny with excitement, feet bouncing like an addict waiting for a fix.

  Picking up the garment bag containing my uniform, I slung it over my shoulder. “You know how the media tends to exaggerate.” I waved a hand. “We’re just friends—that’s all.”

  It was obvious she didn’t believe a word I’d said.

  “He is not a man a woman wants to be ‘just friends’ with. The guy’s a gorgeous, multi-fucking-millionaire who might just be our next mayor.”

  “I’m a black, single mother skirting the poverty line, up to my eyeballs in debt, who barely got through high school. You do the math. Do we seem like a likely couple?”

  Jolene rolled her eyes, ignoring Philippe’s call from the other room. Le Coquille was packed, busier than I’d ever seen it. Philippe was happier than a tick on a fat dog, crediting the boom in business to my recent notoriety. He’d had to call the cops twice today to clear the reporters from the front door of the restaurant, and we were booked every night for the next month.

  Customers were happy to linger and spend more money. A few had the audacity to ask to take a picture with me. Philippe, God bless his big heart and even bigger mouth, had announced that if he caught anyone trying to get a shot of me, he’d add their cell phone to the soup.

  His voice boomed from the other room, reminding Jolene and me that on the other side of the door were paying customers.

  “You have work to do,” I said to Jolene with a stiff smile. “And I have to go.”


  “See you tomorrow!”

  I stepped out the back door to the waiting limo and the bodyguard ushering my way, feeling like I was living someone else’s life. All I wanted to do was spend a quiet night with Chase and Emmy, away from the constant questions and scrutiny.

  The surprise waiting for me when I slipped into the limo made me squeal with delight. Chase leaned back against the tufted leather, his long legs stretched out in front of him while a sexy smile curled his lips. Teeth flashing, he shot me a lethal dose of Chase. He’d removed his suit jacket and sported only a cream shirt and designer tie, his shirtsleeves rolled up his thick forearms.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked, feeling my eyes grow wide.

  “My last meeting rescheduled, so I thought I’d surprise you.”

  Shifting next to me, he leaned in close for a lengthy kiss. Breaths blending together, his addictive scent scrambled my senses.

  “I thought I’d take advantage of your unusual compliance. It probably won’t last long.”

  He was smiling against my lips and I couldn’t help but smile back. He was probably right.

  “Aren’t we supposed to be laying low or something? The reporters?”

  “The windows are tinted. No one can see in. We can do whatever we want in here,” he purred suggestively.

  “Chase .
. .” I countered warily. “Are you crazy? I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  Pressing a button, he closed the partition, and seconds later we were completely alone.

  “No arguing. No fighting.” He grinned and prowled even closer, his fingers crawling under my skirt. There was unmistakable hunger in his eyes, a dark, pooling passion.

  I gasped when he found my already damp panties, and taking advantage, he flicked his tongue between my parted lips.

  “Just a simple ‘Okay Chase,’ or ‘Whatever you want, Chase,’ will suffice,” he drawled against my lips.

  Chuckling, I thought of my conversation with Jolene. “I can’t believe that not ten minutes ago I was telling my coworker we were just friends.”

  “Just friends?” He smirked and started unbuttoning my blouse. “Then think of this as a friendly visit.” One by one each button slowly gave way. Still worried we might get caught, my gaze flicked to the partition. Although we had privacy, I’d never had sex in a moving vehicle before.

  What must the driver be thinking is going on back here?

  Whatever I was about to say withered as he bared my breasts, his large palm cupping and lifting the heavy flesh. He moaned his appreciation and pinched a dark nipple between his thumb and forefinger, sending a streak of pleasure straight to my center.

  “Your breasts are gorgeous,” he groaned lustily. “I almost came in my pants the first time I saw them.”

  “Really?” That surprised me. I remembered how I’d boldly shucked my blouse in his office and given him an eyeful. “I thought you were completely unaffected.”

  He chuckled, the lovely sound ricocheting in my chest. “I had to keep my shit together or I would’ve pounced on you. As soon as you left, I locked myself in my private bathroom and jerked off, thinking about sliding my cock between these beautiful tits.”

  Again I was shocked. He’d seemed so impassive. There’d always been something else on my mind. “Before things progressed, did you masturbate after our appointments?”

  “Every. Fucking. Time,” he admitted, lids dropping sexily. “Sometimes twice.”


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