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Gathering Storm

Page 5

by Jess Parry

  Eyes widening, she felt the cold surrounding her, offering warmth she didn’t expect. Her eyes growing heavy as she felt body succumbing to the coldness, she wanted to crawl into it, close her eyes and sleep. The faint roll of thunder overhead rang in her ears as she inhaled the taste of salty air from the sea.

  Slowly she felt the strong arms circle her into a hug as she felt a cool sigh whisper along her neck as if someone was breathing her in. Fear disappearing, as desire overclouded her senses, this embrace was familiar to her. She felt another cold burst of air expelling near her ear; silently persuading her overwhelming need to let go as the arms around her pulled her closer.

  Closing her eyes, she turned her face towards the source of the cold breath feeling the softest pressure against her lips. The stinging cold brought a tingling sensation of burning heat to her lips. Tentatively running her tongue over her lower lip; hearing a soft growl of desire before the pressure of another kiss. Unyielding she leaned into the embrace, unable to pull away from the arms around her. A moan escaping her lips as the kiss deepened, longing filling her intoxicating her.

  “Becky, what the hell are you doing?”

  Snapping her eyes open, she stared wide eyes at Sarah standing half way up the stairs looking down. Her lips were swollen red from the kiss, slightly numb. Eyes a little too bright with desire she stood silently shaking as the sounds of people around her began filling her ears. Taking in her surroundings, she saw others were making their way up and down the stairs.

  Confusion spread across her face as she started up towards Sarah. What had just happened, she could have sworn someone had just held her, had kissed her senseless in an empty stairwell. Yet, as soon as she heard Sarah call to her, the stairs were alive again, teeming with people while the person kissing her had vanished. Absently rubbing her chest just above her heart, the ache inside tickling a memory she couldn’t quite grasp. Shaking her head, she sprinted up the rest of the stairs to Sarah waiting patiently for her.

  “You look like you just got the best kiss of your life” Sarah whispered hastily to Siobhan as she pulled her into the novelty store tucked into the corner of the bar.

  “What?” Siobhan responded breathlessly

  Grabbing her by the shoulders, Sarah turned her to the mirror column in front of them. Siobhan let out a yelp as she took in her appearance. Sarah was right; she looked like she had just been kissed into oblivion.

  “I don’t know what just happened…one minute I was reading about the water used to make the beer, and then you guys were gone. I was running to catch up, I don’t know why you say I look like I’ve been kissed…I’m just a little blushed from running” The lie slid easily off Siobhan’s tongue

  Glancing in the direction Jason was at; shaking her head, Sarah grabbed Siobhan’s hand tightly. Gasping, she pulled her hand from Siobhan’s hissing as the pain shot up her arm.

  “Your hand is like ice Siobhan” Sarah yelped

  “You know my hands are always cold Sarah” Siobhan shot back

  “Not like iceberg cold Siobhan, what did you do, stick your hand in an ice bucket?”

  Siobhan regarded her hand feeling the tingle of needles as her if hand was waking up. Looking up at Sarah, she grabbed one of the scarves hanging above her friends head wrapping it around her hand.

  “It’s nothing, Sarah; it’s probably from being in the ice bucket air in the room downstairs. Come on let’s get back to Jason and see if he likes this scarf.”

  Siobhan hastily hustling to the stores exit heading straight over to where Jason was standing at one of the tall tables sampling a small glass of Guinness. He loved the scarf, so Siobhan went back into the store, paid for it wrapping it around his neck before they left.

  They spent the rest of the day doing the touristy thing. They went into shops looking at clothes, wandered down little streets peeking into store windows that were closed or too busy to wait to get into. As twilight blanketed the city, they wound their way leisurely back to the hotel.

  Feigning a headache, Siobhan retreated to the quiet of her room. The urge to be alone was overpowering; she had to think about what had happened today. Agreeing hurriedly to meet at Jason rooms in a bit, she quickly slide into her room shutting the door. The silence filled her as she exhaled slowly opening her eyes to the soft glow of the blinking light on her phone.

  Dropping her bags on the floor, sitting down silently on the corner of the bed, she grabbed the receiver, pressing the message button on the phone. Her mother’s crisp voice came on; Siobhan winced as she remembered she had yet to call home. Deleting the message without listening to it, she reached into her purse; grabbing her cell phone she hit the speed dial for home.

  “Hello” her mother’s voice came out slightly tinny

  “Hi Mom” Siobhan replied then hastily started speaking again before her mother could respond “I’m so sorry, we got in this morning, we were all just so excited to be in Dublin, we dropped our things and went out to explore the city”

  “Yes, I’m aware you made it, I called the hotel to confirm you had checked in. As neither Jason, nor Sarah bothered to call their parents either, we all assumed you three had immediately started sight-seeing.” Her mother replied coolly

  Wincing at the cool voice, Siobhan sighed wiggling out of her shoes, as her mother informed her that she had a package at the concierge desk outlining their itinerary for the next week before they moved on to another part of Ireland.

  “Mom, I thought this was a trip for us to learn about Ireland on our own?” Siobhan said furiously to her mother as she sat up on the bed

  “You will learn about Ireland Siobhan, but this trip was planned with several stops and culture learning experiences for you.” Her mother replied “We didn’t let you take this trip and not have some schedule of structure to learn”

  “Unbelievable” Siobhan mumbled

  “Siobhan, Ireland is a wondrous country with lots of culture and fables that have been handed down by generations, but there is just as much trouble that can be found there as here. I and your father, along with Jason and Sarah’s parents agreed that you three where still too young to be out on your own without some semblance of supervision.”

  “Fine, mom, I need to go, I’m supposed to be meeting Jason and Sarah for dinner and still need to shower. I’ll stop at the concierge desk on our way out. Thanks for at least giving us 24 hours of freedom before strapping the ankle bracelets on” Siobhan barked into the phone

  Sighing, Siobhan’s mother told her to enjoy her time and that she expected Siobhan to call home in a few days to speak with her and her father. Replying meekly that she would, all fight gone as she knew deep down, and her parents were only trying to give her a wonderful set of memories while keeping her safe.

  Ending the call with I love you, Siobhan got up pulled out one of the suitcases still sitting in the corner. Pulling out a black paisley maxi dress, her favorite denim jacket, dressing quickly, she tried to shake the ominous feeling looming over her.

  She finished off her outfit with a pair of black ballerina flats, checking her makeup in the mirror, groaning at the blush still lingering on her face. Pulling her wile hair up into a messy bun, letting some of the longer hair in the back fall out and cascade down her neck. Deciding this was the best it was going to get, she grabbed her purse, checking to make sure she had her key card inside before walking out the door. Quietly shutting the door, she headed to Jason’s room.

  Knocking softly, Siobhan heard Jason rumbling around the room as he stepped loudly to the door. Throwing the door open, boldly wearing only jeans, the top button undone smirking wickedly at Siobhan. Brazenly looking her up and down before stepping aside to let her in, but leaving enough space for her to brush against him as she eased into his room. Knowing she was blushing, Siobhan cleared her throat before turning back to face a very sexy and nearly naked Jason.

  “Siobhan, you are going to be the death of me” he whispered hoarsely stepping widely over to her pulling Siobh
an into his arms.

  “What are you talking about Jason? I’m not the one half dressed” Siobhan whispered into his chest.

  Bringing his unsteady hand under her chin he lifted her face up to his leaning down kissing her softly. The kiss started slowly giving Siobhan the little butterfly effect inside her every time he kissed her liked this. Feeling her pulse starting its crazy fluttering, Jason sighed into her mouth bringing his tongue to dance lightly with hers over and over. Her arms encircling Jason as the kiss deepened, massaging the strong back muscles of his bare skin. Groaning, Jason lifted her into his arms stepping towards the bed feasting greedily on her swollen lips. Feeling the bed sloping with their combined weight, Siobhan sighed as she felt Jason’s weight resting atop her.

  The door to Jason’s room shuddered as a loud boom filled the room breaking the moment. Jumping apart from each other, Jason ran to door. It had sounded as if someone had kicked the door in. Siobhan heard the click of the lock as Jason turned it slowly opening the door. Stepping out into the empty hall, Jason glanced from one end to the other. Running his hands through his hair, lightly disheveling it he stepped back into the room letting the door close behind him.

  “That was just weird” Jason muttered stepping closer to Siobhan

  “What was that?” Siobhan asked quietly

  “I have no idea, there was no one out there, probably some kids staying here and running up & down the hall banging on doors” Jason replied

  “You would know this why?”

  Looking sheepish again, a slow grin spreading across Jason features, bringing out the dimple Siobhan loved before responding.

  “Well, you know how we travel sometimes for games” Jason started as Siobhan nodding her head for him to continue “Well a bunch of us did that a couple of times at some of the hotels we were staying at”

  “Has anyone ever told you, you are all boy?” Siobhan asked as a chuckle escaped her

  “Mom says it all the time” Jason returned, just as a knock sounded on his door. This knock wasn’t as loud as the previous one, so neither Jason nor Siobhan jumped at the sound.

  “That must be Sarah, can you let her in while I finish getting dressed.” Jason asked before grabbing a polo shirt off the bed. Turning quickly he walked into the bathroom shutting the door behind him.

  Opening the door, Siobhan mouth fell open as she took in Sarah standing before her. She was wearing a little black dress that fell just short of being revealing. It had a deep square neckline that left little to the imagination hugging every curve Sarah had. Her blonde hair was cascading down her bare back, topping the ensemble with these boots that ran up her legs ending an inch below her skirt. Sarah’s red lips parted into a gleaming smile as she sauntered into the room past a shocked Siobhan.

  “Holy hell Sarah” Jason exclaimed walking out of the bathroom doing the same bold once over he had just given Siobhan. Siobhan watched as Jason took in the sight of Sarah before him letting the room door slam shut. Startled by the sound Jason turned to Siobhan blushing a light pink. Siobhan felt the anger simmering just underneath her as she walked over towards her best friend and boyfriend. Jason looked as if he had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, while Sarah’s grin had a wicked glint to it.

  “Just the effect I wanted” Sarah said as she ran her hand through her straight blonde hair, blue eyes shining brightly at Siobhan.

  “Really, and just what were you looking to get out of my boyfriend Sarah?” Siobhan asked angrily

  “Hey there Becky! I don’t want anything out of Jason; I wanted to get the hot damn look out of my best friends nothing else.” Sarah replied tersely “You have a boyfriend remember; I on the other hand do not and would like to meet a man while on this little vacation”

  “Well you will definitely get a few heads turning walking around Dublin in that outfit!” Siobhan retorted

  “Siobhan, I really don’t know what has crawled up your petunia, but to think that I would want to go after Jason…really…he is cute, but honestly so not my type!” Sarah chided

  “Ladies, come on let’s not fight, we’re on vacation…remember no parents…can we make the most of this trip!” Sighing loudly Jason stood between his two friends.

  “Jason, you are right as always, Becky, I should have given you a heads up that I was going to be dressing to impress, I’m sorry” Becky voice resonated honesty

  Sighing, Siobhan walked over to her best friend wrapping her arms around her. “I know, I don’t know what got into me, I’m sorry too!”

  “Look, we are all really tired, we are seriously messed up on time, let’s just grab some dinner, figure out our plans for tomorrow and come back to sleep for 12 hours” Jason calmly said as he walked over and took both girls hands.

  Laughing, they turned walking out of the room, making their way down the narrow hall to the elevators. As they waited for the elevator; Siobhan thought she might as well drop the bomb her mom gave her over the phone now. “Umm…guys, I need to stop at the concierge desk on our way out.”

  “Why to see what restaurant they recommend for dinner?” Sarah asked

  “No, umm, my mom has a package there for us, so I have to pick it up” Turning Siobhan looked at her friends as they each raised their eyebrows. “Seems our parents have a little surprise for us, so let’s just get the package, go to dinner and we’ll talk about it then”

  Nodding their heads in agreement, the rode the elevator to the lobby in silence, Siobhan stopped at the concierge desk, giving them her name. The dapper older man behind the counter turned quickly walking into the back, returning a few minutes later with a large envelope with Siobhan’s name.

  Thanking him, they turned and headed out.


  Gathering Storm


  There was a chill in the evening air, Siobhan was glad she had brought her jacket; pulling it closer around her as a shiver escaped her. She was slipping into the warmth it provided, as they crossed over one of the many canals, the wind picking up whipping around them wildly. Siobhan glanced over at Sarah who was shivering as she made her way across the open bridge.

  “Do you want to go back to the hotel and change?” Siobhan asked

  “Oh hell no, I’m suffering for my art Becky” Sarah said between slightly chattering teeth.

  Rolling her eyes at her friend, Siobhan looked up into the dark night sky; a few twinkling stars stopping her in her tracks to get a better look. Jason reached over pulling her to him.

  “Hey Sarah, hang on a second” he yelled as she continued to walk ahead of them.

  “Look, we can see the damn stars whenever, I want a warm spot to plant my ass before it freezes!” Sarah yelled back as she continued walking. The distance between them growing, Jason looked at Siobhan still staring up at the evening sky then back to Sarah as she grew smaller in the distance.

  “I’m going to go catch up to Sarah, before she takes a turn and we lose her” Jason kissed the top of Siobhan’s head before jogging after Sarah.

  Standing alone on the bridge, shutting her eyes slightly watching the stars twinkle brighter. Unaware of the mist slowly starting to make its way towards her, weaving itself between her feet wrapping itself around her.

  Siobhan’s heart quickened as she felt the coldness begin to surround her, holding her breath, she closed her eyes, before exhaling the breath. Feeling the barest caress down her cheek as cold fingers tenderly touched the back of her neck. The pressure increasing as her head was lifting up, feeling strong lips press against hers firmly. The slight nip at her lower lip teasing her to open her lips drew a quiet sigh to escape her lips. She felt the cool breath blowing softly into her, cooling the heat rising inside. A longing she had never felt before filled her entire being. Raising her arms towards the unseen presence trying to pull it closer to her, she wanted to open her eyes, but knew the illusion would vanish if she did. Tongues met, playing wildly as the kiss became a frenzied rush. She ran her hands through long hair
that was slightly damp as cold hands traced shivers of pleasure down her back.

  She didn’t want this moment to end; wanting to lose herself in the pleasure surrounding her. Her heart ached with a deep desire as she felt herself being lifted into strong arms. A single tear fell from her closed eyes; trailing light down her cheek as warmth spread through her. Shuddering as the heat began consuming her, she pushed wildly at the arms tightening around her

  She heard the sudden growl of anger before she felt herself falling hard to the ground. The sound of the city once again filling her ears, as she watched the air shimmering violently around her. Looking around in bewilderment, the streets lights on the bridge began flickering out, catching the light of one illuminating a shadow a few feet away. She watched as a breeze blew a dark trench coat around him, long blonde hair with streaks of black and blue obscuring his face. The stranger took a tentative step towards her, as the street light caught sparkling green eyes staring intently as her. Sucking in a breath of air Siobhan felt her chest tightening; quickly raising up she started to back away. With every step back she made the stranger slowly continued towards her, a wicked laugh escaping his lips as his eyes began glowing.

  “Siobhan” Jason yelled as he ran towards her

  Taking her eyes off the man advancing towards her, she watched Jason run past the stranger.

  “Jason be careful!” Siobhan screamed as the stranger started to reach out for Jason. Stopping suddenly Jason turned towards the stranger, looking from side to side, before turning back to Siobhan.


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