Gathering Storm

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Gathering Storm Page 9

by Jess Parry

  “What did you do to her?” Siobhan bellowed at Simon, her anger rushing into Simon causing him to stumble back as the power washed through him.

  “He saved her bloody life, love, and damned near killed himself doing it!” Marcus grumbled back as he pulled the flask out of Simon’s hands. His eyes skimming over Siobhan, his face contorted in a scowl, but Siobhan still caught a shimmering of longing reflected in his eyes.

  “Wait. What do you mean he saved her life?” Siobhan quietly asked, as she let go of Sarah turning to face Marcus fully

  “Ask her” Marcus replied pointing at Moira who was continued kneeling next to Jason. Jason was looking at her with a desire Siobhan had never seen before. She felt her stomach turn as she felt the surge of lust weaving between Jason and Moira.

  Stepping completely away from Sarah, Siobhan walked over to Moira and Jason, emotions surging through Siobhan consuming her. How Jason could be sitting there just staring at this woman was baffling irritating. She was his girlfriend, not Moira, how dare he do this to her. Reaching out to push Moira out of the way; her hand landed on Moira’s shoulder and froze.

  Images flashing into her mind of a couple tangled together, creamy snowy skin mixing with sun kissed skin. She felt the sighs escaping her lips, as moans of pleasure engulfed her as the lover’s embraced. Lost in the images flooding her, searching for a glimpse of the lover’s faces consuming her. Leaning closer to Moira, breathing in the pungent aroma of sweet roses wafting from her, as an icy fear gripped Siobhan. Her grip tightened on Moira’s shoulder, causing Moira to wince in pain.

  The air around Siobhan shimmered in the wind around them picking up, weaving through Siobhan’s hair, lifting it around her, sending sparks of chaos into the night air. Sounds vanishing as the wind created a bubble around Siobhan. Lighting rolled across the sky as thunder rumbled low in the distance. Chaos churned inside Siobhan as she continued watching the lover’s beginning to part. The woman slowly turned her face towards Siobhan, a shuddering whimper escaping Siobhan’s lips as she saw the look of bliss on Moira’s face. Whipping her head around to see who the man was still lying beneath Moria, his face easy into the candle light, a dimple forming as an easy smile formed on Jason’s face. Tears fell silently from Siobhan’s eyes as she watched Jason sit up smiling at Moira, reaching to pull her back to him.

  Marcus stepped into the bubble, grabbing Siobhan, pulling her trembling body to him, shaking her lightly. Siobhan blinked as the images faded from her mind.

  “What did you do in there?” Siobhan cried at Moira.

  Ignoring Siobhan’s plea, Moira continued to run her fingers through Jason’s hair, cooing to him softly. Anger washed over Siobhan, her body tightening with an overwhelming need to hurt the woman before her. Fighting out of Marcus’ grasp, Siobhan took a steady step towards Moira. Anger shimmered wildly around Siobhan as she fought to keep her control.

  “Answer me” Siobhan’s voice thundered out to Moira.

  Taking a hesitant step towards Siobhan, Marcus brows arched as he felt the rush of power wash over him. He felt a panic inside him, a long forgotten sensation as he took in the sight before him. Siobhan’s hair was falling in waves around her face, her vibrant green eyes diminishing as blackness filled them shining lustrously with anger. Moira caught herself before she fell forward onto Jason. Lighting fast she spun around glowering at Siobhan.

  “I was simply giving the crowd the pleasure of the music” She replied in a lilting voice while straightening her shoulders regally.

  “That wasn’t pleasure, that was chaos, Moira, you shouldn’t have done that” her brother Ian replied in a deep lilting voice stepping out of the shadows.

  “Aye and it was what they wanted brother” Moira answered calmly

  “It was too much” her other brother Finn darkly whispered as he appeared on the other side of Ian.

  Moira defiantly looked at her brothers standing side by side. A battle was brewing between the three, Siobhan could feel the pressure of it smoldering in the air. She watched the three staring down at each other with looks of contempt feeling the anger she held dissipating.

  “I’m sorry for causing any harm to you” Finn whispered to Sarah as he stepped towards her cautiously. Simon silently stepping in front of Sarah, his legs in a defensive stance, effectively blocking Finn from touching her, eyes gleaming for a fight.

  “Aye, you damn near took her life you fool!” Simon angrily barked at Finn, who winced from the venomous voice

  “That was not my intention, I wanted her to have fun, to feel the rush of the music, that’s all” Finn replied as he took a step back from Simon hands raised in surrender

  “Well, then who do we blame for the debauchery of tonight?” Marcus asked looking to Moira, Finn then Ian separately “Hmm…how should I report this evening’s disaster along with the instigator?”

  “If you must blame someone, blame me” Moira voice rang softly through the breeze as she reached her hand out to Jason.

  “Don’t touch him!” Siobhan hissed pulling Jason towards her “I don’t know what the hell is going on, but I think we have had enough of this monumentally craptastic night.”

  Stepping off the curb, Siobhan stuck her fingers in her mouth whistling shrilly at the cab passing. The screech of tires told Siobhan some things are the same no matter where you are when hailing a taxi. Stepping calmly to the black car as the driver stared at the group before him, flinging the door open, and turning to Jason and Sarah.

  “Get in” Siobhan commanded loudly

  Sarah and Jason both quietly climbed into the back of the taxi as Siobhan gave the group watching her one last scalding look as she climbed in slamming the door.

  “Where to?” a irritable lilting voice asked from the front

  Siobhan rattled off the address for the hotel, expelling a deep breath as the driver pulled away from the curb. Falling back into the stiffness of the seat, she watched the street lights flashing past her. Resting her aching head against the headrest, Siobhan was blocking out Jason and Sarah as they mumbled between them quietly.

  “Wow, what the hell happened to us tonight?” Sarah voice strained raspy

  “I think that was the wildest night of my life” Jason replied reverently

  “That was a night I will not be sharing with anyone” Siobhan answered calmly

  Leaning up Sarah watched Siobhan eyes incredibly wide in shock. Jason reached pulling Siobhan’s hand into his.

  Siobhan welcomed the warmth of his touch, squeezing lightly letting him know she wasn’t angry with him. Her hands felt like ice in his grasp; he winced a little from the bitter cold of them, but gripped Siobhan tighter in return.

  “You’re hands are like ice Siobhan” Jason whispered

  “I’m sorry, I’m just so cold, I can’t get warm” Siobhan replied quietly

  The taxi pulled into the entry way of the hotel, the cabby rattling off the fare. Jason pulled out a few bills from his wallet handing it to the driver. Sarah opened her door climbing wearily out of the taxi. Silently watching as Siobhan slipped out of the cab followed by Jason.

  Stumbling into the lobby, they startled the night clerk as he glanced up hastily from the terminal he was working at mouth opened in surprise. Sarah searched the world clocks on the wall, stifling a cry as she saw it was 3am their time.

  “Holy crap! Is that the right time?” Sarah exclaimed wide eyed

  “Yes, Miss that is the correct time” the desk clerk replied taking in the disheveled trio before him. He was an older gentleman, with dark wavy hair the sides woven with gray. As his kind eyes took in everything around him, the corners crinkling as he continued to smile.

  Sighing heavily, Siobhan turned toward the elevators, stepping up the small steps, she pressed the call button. Once inside the small lift she pressed the button for their floor. Leaning against the mirror wall, all she could think about was taking a hot bath before climbing into bed to dye. Jason and Sarah leaned against each other quietly watching the
numbers blink above them. The elevator abruptly stopped, bouncing slightly before the bell chimed to signal their floor as the doors opened. Stepping onto the carpeted hallway Siobhan walked towards her room digging her room card from her purse. Stopping at her door, Jason leaned against it lightly running his fingers across Siobhan’s cheek.

  “I’m sorry for tonight and Moira” his hushed apology lingered between them as Siobhan watched the look of shame ghosts his face.

  “I don’t know what you want to hear Jason” Sighing in defeat Siobhan reached up and twined her fingers with Jason

  “That you forgive me, I don’t know what happened honestly, one minute we were enjoying the music, the next all I could see was her.” He winced slightly at Siobhan’s sudden intake of breath “I can’t explain it, but everything just stopped around me except for her, I know this hurts you, but we have always been honest with each other”

  “I know we have and always will, but I can’t say I forgive you, there was something in the way you looked at her, Jason, there was a longing there, you have never looked at me like that”

  “Oh I have, you just have never seen it” Jason grumbled “You have been the one since I was 12 and you had to kiss me at Pete’s 12th birthday party”

  “What?” Siobhan gasped

  “Remember, we were playing that stupid game and you landed on my name so we had to go in the closet…We spent 5 minutes trying not to giggle so they would think we were making out. Right before Pete threw open the door you leaned over and kissed me” Jason rushed on quickly as Siobhan grew quieter “In that moment I knew you were it, I wanted to spend the rest of that party in the closet with you.”

  “I remember that now” Siobhan giggled softly “You avoided me the rest of the night, I thought you were mad at me because I had kissed you!”

  “No, I wasn’t mad; I didn’t trust that I wouldn’t kiss you again if I was near you. I spent the entire night watching you. Sarah pulled me into the kitchen and smacked me on the head before she told me I was an idiot if I didn’t go out with you”

  “So she was the one who brought us together…” Siobhan whispered

  “Yah I guess she did…” Jason answered

  “Ok enough of the reminiscing phulease…Sarah whined “I’m exhausted and want to go to bed. Look you two are meant for each other, it was written in the stars, now will you just kiss each other passionately, make up and let’s go to bed!” Sarah mumbled loudly leaning heavily against the wall. “You two listened to me, Jason, you asked Siobhan out the next day and have been together ever since! My feet are barking in these damn shoes, I want to climb under the covers and die for a couple of hours…jeez!”

  Pushing off the wall, teetering on one leg, Sarah began taking a boot off, glaring at her friends.

  “ok…ok” Jason replied tensely

  “Your right Sarah, as usual thank you” Siobhan said softly

  “You’re welcome” Sarah huffed hopping down the hall to her door from Siobhan’s. Pulling her room card out, quickly swiping it, she glanced back once grinning before walking into her room slamming the door.

  “Sarah to the rescue once again” Jason mumbled

  “Yes, but she is right, I love you Jason and I’m sorry I let tonight get the better of me.” Siobhan leaned up kissing Jason lightly “Things will be clearer in the morning, let’s just get some sleep”

  “Alright… goodnight” Returning the kiss to Siobhan, Jason turned to walk the opposite direction to his room.

  Siobhan watched as he pulled his key card from his back pocket, inserting it into the slot. Opening his door, he turned looking back at Siobhan a smile spreading across his sweet face before walking inside. The door clicking behind him as it closed, leaving Siobhan standing alone in the hall. Sighing wearily, she ran her key card into the slot for her door.

  Walking through the door, she staggered over dropping her purse onto the little table. She noted the light on her phone was blinking that she had a message, but was too tired to care. She slipped her shoes off, sitting down on the bed to rub her feet. She could still smell the smoke from the machines at the club, the stench of sweat and the copper hint of the wine. She wanted to climb into a steaming bath and wash herself clean, but just didn’t have the energy.

  She tossed the covers back, climbed into the warmth of the bed fully clothed quickly falling to sleep.

  8 CHAPTER Eight

  “What the hell were you thinking Moira?” Marcus roared at Moira after the taxi turned the corner its taillights disappearing.

  “Don’t bloody take the tone with me!” Moira rounded on Marcus defiance sparking in her green eyes

  “I’ll bloody talk to you anyway I want too!” Marcus bellowed as he stepped deafly to her

  “They drank the wine of summer and winter you bloody fool! What did you think would happen when you started the chaos of the song?” Marcos boomed going toe to toe against Moira

  Finn and Ian stepped up next to their sister protectively as they saw the colors swirling wildly in Marcus eyes. They felt the chaos running rampant through him as the air shivered with the power ready to erupt between their sister and Marcus.

  “We didn’t know they drank the wine Marcus, you didn’t tell us.” Ian replied calmly “If we had known we wouldn’t have played the song”

  “You shouldn’t have played the song to begin with” Simon retorted reaching over to pull Marcus back from Moira. “We have to take this slowly with her or have you forgotten that you blooming idiots”

  “This coming from the ones that gave them the damn wine to begin with!” Finn smarted back

  “I didn’t give her the wine you moron, she took the damn glass from me and drank from it” Marcus said wearily “She should have spit it out like that damn idiot Jason.”

  “What…she drank it without getting sick?” Simon asked eyes round

  “She bloody loved it, but you are the one who gave Sarah the summer wine, you blooming buffoon!”

  “Well, that wine wouldn’t have affected her if these three hadn’t played that damn song. It would have just mellowed her out. If you have noticed that girl misses nothing and has a wild streak that would rival mine” Simon replied drinking from the flask he pulled out of Marcus hands

  “Don’t drink it all” Marcus grabbed the flask back taking a swallow before closing it, returning it to his jacket.

  “I felt the hunger in them and wanted to feel the strength. For that, Marcus I am sorry, the boy, Jason, he calls to me” Moira voice dancing between the group as she looked at each one separately

  “Put your damn siren urges to bed on this one Moira” Marcus snickered “You brought out the wildness inside them and if they had kept going it would have killed Sarah.”

  “It pretty much did, she was losing her essence out here that’s why I had to give so much to her” Simon responded deftly

  The streetlamp overhead burst as a cold wind enveloped the group, their breath shimmering in the frosty air. They watched as the mist billowing around them began to take shape, bright green eyes glowing angrily at them. Ash stood slightly taller than all of them, a fighter stance with his feet apart. His arm resting quietly on the hilt of his sword, as his blonde hair billowed in the breeze around his angular face. Cool look of indifference hiding the rage simmering inside him as he swept his gaze through the group before him. The sharp features of his beautiful face caught the light of the moon as it reflected the black and blue streaks in his hair. Steely emerald eyes taking in each individual standing before him. Finn, Moira and Ian bowed their heads when he looked at them. Simon and Marcus stared unblinking defiance when he met their gaze.

  Stepping cagily towards them, his lilting voice wrapped around them seductively pulling their gazes towards the power he emanated. “Well, who do I have to thank for tonight’s events?”

  “Ash, we didn’t mean any harm” Ian replied softly

  “No, you never do, but your sister will always push the borders of our human’s sanity” />
  “Me!” She screeched “These two took them to the damn club before dragging then here…” blustering as she stomped her foot “They knew what would happen!”

  Moira rounded on the figure before her, eyes wild with anger parting her red lips in a sneer. Cold eyes met her glare as a burst of coldness rushed towards her. Eyes widening in shock Moira felt the hoarfrost engulfing her, wrapping itself around her legs, climbing towards her chest. A whimper escaped her lips as it wrapped around her upper body pinning her arms to her sides.

  “Ash.. No! She didn’t mean it” Finn bellowed wrapping his arms around his sister. He poured his warmth into her slowing the hoarfrost. It stopped at her throat, Moira opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came out.

  “Will you take her punishment Finn? Ash asked as he calmly stepped closer to Finn “She cost us time tonight with her antics and punishment must be given?”

  A fierce coldness ran through Finn at the sight before him, but he nodded his head before stepping away from his sister.

  “You have taken her punishments too many times, no, I think this time she will endure it” Ash responded coldly


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