Gathering Storm

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Gathering Storm Page 10

by Jess Parry

  The hoarfrost continued its way into her mouth forcing its way down her throat; tears falling silently down Moira’s cheek as the bitter cold engulfed her.

  “A night without a voice, you siren call will heed no one to you this night Moira. That is your punishment, if you make it through the night without the heat of the lost then you will understand not to cross me ever again.”

  Turning, Ash pointed at both Marcus and Simon, beckoning them to follow as he started across the quiet street leaving Finn and Ian to their sister. They each grabbed their sister as she collapsed in their arms mouth open to a silent wail of anguish. Cursing softly, they held her touching their hands together vanishing into the night.

  As they reached the grove of the park, Marcus turned to Ash who stood silently next to him. Opening his mouth to speak, he was cut off as Ash waved his hand to silence him.

  “Don’t start with me on the harshness of the punishment Marcus” Ash weary voice stopping Marcus retort as Ash slumped his shoulders in defeat. The hoarfrost surrounding Ash quickly dissipated, as the mist slowly vanished into the breeze carrying it away from them. “I’m tired of this control game Moira feels she has to play with me”

  “Well, she has every right to; it was your promise that bonded her to this as well.” Marcus sighed

  Turning to Simon, Marcus took in the tired look clouding his friends eyes “Are you ok? You gave too much to Sarah, did you bond to her?”

  “I don’t know, I just feel tired, I want to sleep” Simon responded as a huge yawn escaped him

  “Dammit, you did, you feel what she feels” Marcus grumbled “You will have to go back for a few days to break it”

  “No, we don’t have enough time for me to do that” Simon barked “I can handle it, I’ll manage”

  “No the bloody hell you won’t, you are sleepy! If you go to sleep here it’ll be years before you awake. Go home dammit and recharge. I’ll handle it from here” Marcus voice boomed power as he pushed Simon towards the nest of trees.

  “He is right Simon, you must go” Ash replied calmly “I’ll go in tonight and ease some of their dreams to help the memories in the morning”

  Simon glared at both men before stomping into the shadows of the trees disappearing.

  “He’ll be roaring mad in the morning..” Marcus harrumphed “Gods help the poor whelp that crosses his path” Marcus swore an oath as he rounded to face Ash head on

  “Don’t” Ash whispered with intent

  That was the only response Marcus heard before he was alone in the park. Only the moon hanging in the night sky as the early light of dawn began winking in the distance was sharing his anger. Sighing, Marcus walked into the shadows of the trees shimmering away.

  Ash stood over Sarah’s bed watching as she slept restlessly. Closing his eyes, he lightly touched her forehead instantly feeling her dreams circle him. The club flashed into his mind. The bodies dancing wildly, the lust of Jason’s body pressed tightly against Sarah as they danced. The beat of the bass bringing their bodies together and apart, he felt the silent longing in Sarah. She wanted to be loved and cherished to the core of her being. She wanted the bond she knew was between Jason and Siobhan.

  Ash growled low as jealously stabbed at his bitter heart; stealing a deep breath he felt her emotions run rampant through her. He placed his hand onto her cheek whispering words in a lost language as Sarah turned restlessly towards his voice. Whimpering softly, when he took his hand away, she opened her eyes for a moment. Glassy eyes stared at him, her mouth opened slightly in a silent invitation. Wonder caught him off guard as he leaned towards her, lightly kissing her. Sarah sighed into his mouth as she tried to deepen the kiss, but Ash pulled away as he raised the covers over her.

  Ash held tightly to the lust that wanted to burst free and ravage her, to soak in every ounce of the essence she exuded. He had done that once already many years ago the outcome had been horrific to Siobhan. She had learned the truth of her best friend’s dreams. Ash instantly remembered the searing pain he had felt when Siobhan’s heart imploded from the memories.

  He had lost her, watching in agony as she died in his arms…the memory of the anguish on her face had torn him in two. The only word she had whispered before her eyes had closed had been “why”. He hadn’t had the answer then, but he had now. He was stronger now; he could turn away from the pull of the chaos that now ran with the hoarfrost through his veins.

  Then he had been drunk on the power he held, he thought he was invincible and entitled to everything. The demons oath whispered into his memory that lifetimes and eternity to bring the truth. He backed away from Sarah as she sighed falling deeper into sleep.

  He entered Jason’s room walking silently to the bed. He took in the sight before him. Jason was sprawled on top of the covers, shoes still on, lightly snoring. He touched Jason’s forehead lightly, closing his eyes as he was woven into Jason’s dream. Moira stood before him, her lips swollen from a kiss, her eyes bright from the essence she had taken in. He felt Jason’s knees start to give out before feeling Ian’s firm grip holding him up.

  Anger flashed across his face as realized what she had done. She had taken from him; she had broken the rule of not harming them. She could have anyone, but not them. The guilt he had felt for punishing her vanished.

  The dream flashed rapidly again as he found he was in the pub, he was watching Siobhan through Jason’s eyes as she drank from Marcus glass. He watched the pleasure spread across Siobhan’s face. A low groan escaping his lips as he watched Siobhan slowly lick her lips catching every last drop. Unable to pull out of the dream he watched as she opened her eyes looking at Marcus, Siobhan’s smile was intoxicating.

  He felt the pull just as Marcus did; he watched Marcus’ eyes clouding with lust. Growling he watched as Marcus leaned into Siobhan. A whimper broke him out of the dream looking down to see Jason shivering as hoarfrost began creeping up his body.

  Cursing softly, Ash pulled his hand away from Jason. He silently stepped away to gather his emotions. He took in every emotion that washed over him reminding him of tonight’s events. Simon and his blasted loss of control, Marcus lust for chaos, Moira’s treachery with Jason. He let the anger consume him for a moment, before he shot his hand out freezing the desk before him. Hoarfrost coated everything on the desk. The soft light from the bathroom illuminating his reflection to him in the hoarfrost stopped him in place. His angular face, lips thinned in frustration, his glowing green eyes stared back at him with contempt.

  The shock of golden blonde hair always left him momentarily frozen, he could make out the blue and black streaks running rampant among the gold. It had been so long that his features had been this way; he was still amazed at how it never stopped startling him.

  He turned back to Jason placing his hand back onto his forehead he whispered quietly. Jason whimpered once then rolled over lost in a dreamless sleep. Turning, he clicked the temperature gage up several degrees before leaving. The heat clicked on sending warmth through the vents hitting the frozen desk. A muffled dripping sound began as the hoarfrost began to melt slowly pooling into the carpet.

  Lastly, he stood over his beloved. She was curled under the covers her face serene as she was lost in a dream. He watched her for several minutes, lost in the beauty of her. The longing that seeped into him, was a welcome reprieve to the chaos. Ash shook silently as yearning to touch her shook him to the core, letting his control snap he sat on the bed next to her. His hand shaking as he tenderly caressed her cheek.

  He was pulled into the dream instantly. Ash was suddenly in familiar woods, his forest; he felt the strength of his steed underneath him. He caught the scent of wild flowers blooming under the moon, heard the twinkling laughter surrounding him. A groan of pain slipped past his lips as the longing of his lost home enveloped him.

  Then he felt the fear, Siobhan’s fear, she was running ahead, stumbling along the forests path. She was glancing behind her, searching for the ones chasing her. He could feel t
heir lust washing over him in waves; he wanted to tear them to pieces. Turning his stead, he kicked lightly at his thick sides nudging him to head into the direction the fear called to Ash. Who was this girl that was calling to him, she was human that much he could sense, but how could she call him…

  Suddenly she burst through into the clearing; she stumbled as she passed through the unseen wall separating them. Curiosity ran rampant through him, how was she able to cross? He pulled the reins on the stallion, urging him to move like the wind. Rearing up, the black stallion whinnied before landing gracefully as he dug his hooves into the ground flying through the clearing towards her. He felt the wind whipping through his hair, stinging his face as he sailed towards her. Tugging the reins at the last minute, Ash commanded the stallion to stop short before barreling into the girl. The great horse whinnied but halted just a hairsbreadth from her.

  She didn’t flinch, but he sensed the rush of her fear wash over her again as she looked at the stallion stamping impatiently before her. He watched her take in the power of the stallion as he followed her gaze. She was slowing looking up, he saw her eyes widen as she met his gaze. Deep green eyes hiding nothing of him as he saw himself reflected through her. Hunger punched through him as he felt his world beginning to tilt towards her in that brief moment.

  Pulling himself sharply out of the dream he pulled his hand away from Siobhan’s cheek. Anguished deep longing rippled through him as he watched her. He felt the sharp pain as energy shot through him; he was lost to its power.

  He had to hurt something; he yearned to watch something die by his hand as anger pulsed through his veins. He pushed up from the bed and ran to the window, throwing it open he vanished into the dawn light.

  Siobhan whimpered quietly as the dream changed, she was enfolded in the warmth of the darkness around her. She heard someone screaming her name, but the warmth was urging her to sleep, to forget, to embrace the nothingness it provided.

  She felt the wind rush around her as she fell; she arched her back to the impact of the water as she raced towards it. The shock of the cold hit her first; her body going into shock as it filled her. Opening her mouth to scream, she gulped in the salty water of the sea. Coughing she tried to push her way to the top, but she sank deeper, her lungs screaming for air.

  She felt her feet touch the sandy bottom of the sea floor. She opened her eyes only to be surrounded by blackness, pushing up; she kicked as hard as she could. She had to break through the waves, her lungs screamed for oxygen. She felt the blackness pulling her down, its strength unyielding. She felt the stabbing pain of her heart breaking. The salty water was stinging her eyes, her strength dissipating; she gave in to the numbness. Closing her eyes, she expelled the last breath of air from her burning lungs letting the water fill into the space. The last bubble of Siobhan’s air rose silently to the top breaking free of the waves, bursting into a scream that sailed towards the heavens.

  Siobhan woke to a screaming wail realizing the heartbreaking sound was coming from her. There was a pounding on her door as someone yelled through it if she was alright. The voice sounding urgent, Siobhan threw the covers off the bed sprinting to the door. She flung it open staring at an older gentleman standing before her looking harried. His sleeping clothes rumpled, eyes wide with terror, he took in the pale face staring back at him.

  “I’m sorry” Siobhan stammered “I was having a bad dream; I didn’t realized I was screaming”

  “Your blood curdling scream damn near stopped my heart” he bellowed at her “I thought someone was killing you” Shaking his head, he took in the circles under her eyes, the pale cheeks, the slightly blue twinge of her lips. “Miss.. are you alright? You look like a ghost”

  “Yes, yes I’m fine” Siobhan mumbled hoarsely “I just stayed out too late, which probably brought on the nightmare. I’m so sorry I scared you”

  “I will never understand the young today, in my day we respected the people around us” he grumbled as he turned to walk back to his room.

  Siobhan shut the door, leaning her forehead against it. Shivering uncontrollably she clicked the lock into place. Stumbling into the bathroom, Siobhan pulled the maxi dress off quickly. Turning the water on as hot as she could, she sat shiver on the edge watching the tub fill. The steam rose around her as the hot water began pooling in the tub. She turned to look in the mirror, hissing at the reflection staring back at her.

  Pulling off the rest of her clothes, she turned the water off as she tenderly eased herself into the hot bath. The heat burned as it crept into her aching body. Grumbling an oath she slid farther into the tub, letting the water surround her soothing her aching muscles. Raising her arm she idly watched the steam billow up from her as it met the colder air of the room.

  Slowly, her skin turned a bright pink as the heat soaked into her, her cheeks gaining a slight rose blush. Her eyes grew heavy as sleep began to crawl into her, yawning, she pulled the stopper rising sluggishly from the water. Toweling off, she wrapped the warm terry cloth robe around her stepping softly into her bedroom.

  Her breath misted out in front of her, the temperature was freezing, looking around the room, she caught the open window. Dashing to it she threw down the sash locking the window. Climbing into bed she pulled the covers up to her neck. The previous night’s events began running lazily into her mind, flashes of distorted images, surging emotions clouding her thoughts. She knew she had a lot to sort out, but sleep was overpowering her. Yawning, she snuggled into the comfort of the covers closing her eyes in exhaustion.

  Loud knocking against the door woke Siobhan, sitting up she blinked as the knocking continued. She heard a click of the lock disengaging as the door creaked open slowly

  “Housekeeping” a woman called out in lilting voice pushing the door open wider.

  Entering with her back to Siobhan she pulled a cart into the room with her, turned gasping in surprise as Siobhan stared at her.

  “Oh sorry miss, I’ll come back” the woman turned to push the cart out the door.

  “No, wait it’s fine, I needed to get up anyway, give me a few minutes and the room is all yours” Siobhan jumped from the bed grabbing some clothes from her suitcase. She dashed into the bathroom, brushed her teeth, running a brush through her hair before pulling it up into a messy bun on her head. She threw on the jeans and white camisole top.

  She opened the door as the housekeeper passed her walking back to the hall carrying her sheets rumpled into a ball. Smiling softly, she eased passed the housekeeper while grabbing her white cashmere V-neck sweater, key card and purse. Slipping her feet into the ballet flats she had worn last night she walked down the hall to Sarah’s room.

  Knocking loudly a few times, waiting for Sarah to get up and come to the door. Siobhan knew she slept like the dead, so she kicked the door a couple of times. The housekeeper shook her head walking down to where Siobhan was standing.

  “Sorry, my friend sleeps like the dead, I can’t get her up” Siobhan weakly smiled as she felt her cheeks flushing.

  “Tis no need to kick down the door Miss” The housekeep replied tersely swiping her master key, opening the door to Siobhan “I’m not supposed to do this, but I figure tis better than you kicking the door in”

  “Thank you” Siobhan said quietly walking into Sarah’s room.

  The drapes were drawn to keep the daylight from seeping into the room. Siobhan could hear Sarah’s light snoring, a telltale sign her friend always gave off when she was in a deep sleep. Sighing, Siobhan walked over to the window tossing back the curtains. Light flooding into the room had Sarah whimpering then pulling the covers over her head.

  The bed dipped slightly as Siobhan sat down pulling the covers back from Sarah’s face.

  “Good morning sunshine” Siobhan sang sweetly as Sarah opened one eye to glare at Siobhan

  “What the hell Siobhan!” Sarah croaked “It’s early, it’s bright, oh crap my head is killing me…what do you want?”

  “We need to go, housekee
ping will be here shortly and we still have to get to the libraries today. We still have that damn project to work on.” Siobhan leaned against her friend elbowing Sarah in her stomach.

  “Ow, get off my bladder!” Sarah bellowed “God you are evil Siobhan, I’m getting up dammit”

  Laughing Siobhan rose pulling the phone on Sarah’s night stand towards her to call Jason. Grumbling Sarah winced again when she turned on the bathroom light, but walked in closing the door behind her. Siobhan could the pipes whining as the water started running, letting her know Sarah was in the shower. The off key song Sarah bellowed from the bathroom told Siobhan Sarah was truly up and getting ready.

  Dialing Jason’s room, she listened to the annoying ring tone waiting for him to answer. Hearing the automated voicemail system kick in, she hung up dialing the room again. On the third try she heard the phone banging against something hard, followed by a few chose words from Jason.

  “Hello” his muffled voice filled the line

  “Jason, time to get up”

  “What…we just went to bed, how is it time to get up” He asked coughing loudly into the phone making Siobhan wince

  “Since it’s after noon and we have research to do, our parents will be calling tonight to see how much we have done”

  “Damn” Jason huffed as another coughing fit started, this time muffling it from Siobhan’s ear as he held the phone away from him “Ten minutes, I need a shower and then I’ll be at your room”

  “No, come to Sarah’s, that where I am, housekeeping woke me up so I’m down here”

  “K” Siobhan heard the click as the phone disconnected, hanging up she turned as Sarah came out of the bathroom wrapped in the same terry cloth robe.

  “You look better” Siobhan said as Sarah rooted through her suitcase pulling out clothes and tossing them over her shoulder.

  “Thanks, I feel like hell, I want coffee and lots of it” Sarah mumbled.


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