Book Read Free

Gathering Storm

Page 13

by Jess Parry

  “Why didn’t you wake me earlier then?”

  “We thought you needed your sleep, come on down to my room. We’ve got most of the outline from today’s tour done. We just want to run a couple of things by you, get your input before we email it out and check it off the list.”

  “I’ll be there in a few minutes” Siobhan muttered climbing out of the bed

  “Ok, see you…” Jason choked out between another fit of laughter, angrily Siobhan hung up the phone before Jason could finish.

  Grabbing her shoes, she stuffed her room card into her back pocket, clicking the lamp on as she walked out. She hadn’t noticed that the book was now sitting on the table beside her laptop.

  Knocking loudly onto Jason’s door, she heard a thump followed by laughter before Jason opened the door.

  “Hope I wasn’t interrupting?” Siobhan replied smartly as she took in Jason’s disheveled appearance standing at the door.

  “Uh…no...Umm, we were just messing around” Jason replied quietly as a blush bloomed on his cheeks.

  “Right” She snickered walking into the room, taking note in the messed up bed Sarah was sitting on with the same disheveled appearance.

  Anger simmered on the edge of Siobhan’s vision. Looking up at Jason briefly eyeing him fiercely, she turned to Sarah who was now lying on Jason’s bed. Her eyes pierced into Sarah as she let the anger flow to the forefront. Sarah’s smile faltered as the laughter died on her lips, eyes widening as she watched Siobhan flush with anger.

  “You know what…I’m tired of this…if there is something the two of you need from each other, please be honest with me!” Siobhan’s voice ringing slightly higher on the last word before turning to storm out of the room, only to be stopped by Jason.

  “Wait” Jason reached out pulling Siobhan to him

  “What the hell” Sarah and Jason said in unison staring at Siobhan

  “Are you kidding me Siobhan, how the hell could you say that?!” Sarah huffed as she jumped off the bed

  “Jason is your boyfriend! You two are my best friends! It never used to bother you that Jason and I would get into wrestling matches…” Sarah scolded as she pulled her hair into a messy bun. “Why are you going all screaming banshee on us now?”

  “I’m simply stating a fact.” Siobhan replied hotly, tears threatening to fall

  “No, you are jumping into shit that isn’t there!” Sarah replied fiercely “I don’t get you sometimes”

  “Siobhan, I love you, only you” Jason whispered softly “You are the only one for me, can’t you see that?”

  “No, Jason I can’t” Pushing out of Jason’s embrace, turning to face him, tears brimming in Siobhan’s eyes “How can I? When I walk into a room where the two of you were doing god knows what!”

  Tears spilling from her eyes, she fisted her hands as the anger of a possible betrayal vibrated through her.

  “Damn it to hell Siobhan!” Sarah screamed “Jason and I are never going to be what you just thought of us! If you had been in here you would have seen that! Hell, if you would open your damn eyes, you would see that nothing would ever be between us, but friendship!”

  Storming over to Siobhan, Sarah grabbed her fisted hands squeezing. “I love you like a sister and Jason like a brother. That is all that will ever be between us, Siobhan.” Sarah voice pleaded as she looked into Siobhan’s tear streaked face. “It’s just been a couple of fucked up days, we are all on edge with each other.”

  Looking at Sarah, Siobhan cautiously searching her face for some form of deception, seeing nothing but raw emotion reflected back to her. Embarrassment flooded Siobhan as the anger fled from her.

  “Oh my god” Siobhan whispered closing her eyes as more tears started falling. Sarah grabbed her into a fierce hug; Siobhan rested her head on her friends shoulder.

  “God, what is happening to me?”

  “Nothing a good shopping spree, hot bath plus a good night’s sleep won’t cure!” Sarah whispered back

  Reaching out for Jason, who was standing to the side with his head down, Sarah pulling him into the hug. “Come on group hug, everyone shares the love!” Sarah sang shrilly.

  A gurgled laugh escaped Siobhan’s lips; she reached behind her to pull Jason closer to her.

  “I’m sorry” Siobhan whispered

  “No harm, no foul” Jason whispered kissing her as he brushed the tears from her face.

  “To hell with the report, let’s get the hell out of here for a while!’ Sarah whooped

  “I think that would be good.” Siobhan replied

  “Then it’s settled, let’s go spend some money!” Sarah called as she stepped over grabbing her purse before pulling Jason’s door open.

  “Come on people, the day’s a wasting away and I have a yen to ring up some charges on the parent’s charge cards” Winking she gave a wicked witch laugh walking out into the hall.

  “We good?” Jason asked softly

  “We are so good” Siobhan replied turning her face up to his and kissing him

  A low moan fell from Jason’s lips as he closed his eyes “Can we let Sarah go shopping and just stay here?”

  “No, silly” Siobhan laughed pulling him out into the hall.

  Standing on the street outside the hotel, they turned to each other grinning. Sarah clasped her hand into Siobhan’s while Jason strolled next to Siobhan with his arm around her. Without a destination, they wandered into the busy city. Strolling into the stores they passed where something would catch their attention. Siobhan and Sarah tried on clothes, modeling for Jason who sat in one of the many chairs with another guy waiting on his girl.

  He would laugh heartily at some of the outfits Siobhan and Sarah came out wearing. Sarah did some damage at a boutique. She even managed to get Siobhan to buy this racy black lace bra set that she swore would make Jason swoon. Siobhan blushed madly as the sales clerk rang it up, laughing when Sarah jumped onto Jason’s back to keep him from peeking.

  “Hey, you know as your boyfriend, I should have been the one to say if that surprise you just bought was something I would like?”

  “Seriously! Jason, I know you will like it, now drop it and just wait until Becky decides to show it to you.” Sarah replied sarcastically as she looped her arm through Siobhan’s.

  “I say we head back to the hotel, shower as I have some major other peoples odor on me then go get some dinner?” Sarah announced as she looked between Siobhan and Jason. “Give me dinner and then you guys can do whatever you want…” smiling wickedly as both Jason and Siobhan blushed.

  As they rounded the corner leading them back to the hotel, they didn’t see the mist slowly weaving its way to them. The temperature dropping several degrees, they shivered unconsciously in the cool air. Siobhan looked around to find the now darkened street abandoned. She didn’t remember passing these stores earlier, sneaking a glance over to see Jason taking in their surroundings cautiously.

  “Um…Becky…where the hell are we?” Sarah asked sheepishly

  “I thought we turned this way to get back to the hotel” Jason replied as he pulled out a map to retrace their steps.

  Looking to her right, Siobhan saw a little store with an open sign turning she headed towards it.

  “Come on, let’s at least go inside where it’s warm while we get our bearings” Siobhan said as she pushed open the front door.

  A bell echoed overhead signaling to the owner someone had come into the store.

  “Aye, be right there” an older voice sounded from somewhere in the back of the store.

  Looking around Siobhan saw trinkets scattered everywhere. It looked as if every ounce of space within the small store was occupied with something.

  “Well isn’t this quaint” Sarah mumbled under her breath

  Hushing her, Siobhan started walking down one of the little aisles, eying a chest sitting at the rear. It wasn’t anything particularly pretty or eye catching, but it seemed to call to her. The lid creaked as she opened it. Inside were sev
eral folded items of clothing, nothing interesting. Just as she was about to close it, deep burgundy color peeked out from the bottom catching her eye. Reaching down, she pulled out what looked to be a shawl. It was handmade, that much she was sure of, but the design was exquisite. There were patterns inside the patterns on it. Throwing it around her shoulders she turned to her friends.

  “What do you think? This is beautif…”

  Before Siobhan could get the last part out, the front door flew open. Gushing wind swarmed into the space, seeking her out. It blew past Jason and Sarah, wrapping itself around Siobhan, lifting her hair in a crazy frenzy around her. Just as quickly as it had come, it was gone, turning quickly Siobhan watch as an old woman started walking towards her mumbling under her breath.

  “What are you saying?” Siobhan tentatively asked

  The old woman was slightly hunched over; wearing a long skirt that skimmed the floor, a sweater hanging across her thin shoulders it was a size larger than her frame. Her silver hair was wrapped into a tight bun on the top of her head. A web of wrinkles creased over her face as her steely blue eyes bore daggers at the front door.

  “A protection to keep evil out” the woman’s gravely lilting voice replied. Taking her eyes off the front door, a sharp intake of breath escaping her lips as she looked at Siobhan

  “What is it?” Siobhan asked wide eyed

  “You have been touched” the old woman said “Aye’ your heart is pure, but your soul is lost”

  “My soul is lost” whispered Siobhan

  “Yes, child you have lived many times, loved by the same soul split in two.” The old woman said as she grabbed Siobhan’s hand in a tight grip.

  “Oh come on lady” Sarah said loudly “We’re going to buy the damn shawl, just stop with the heebie jeebie stuff”

  Turning to look at Sarah the older woman shuffled down to the register without another word falling from her lips.

  Jason and Sarah went outside to wait for Siobhan, rather than stay in the store with the old woman. She rang Siobhan up. Siobhan handed the money to the older woman, as she was getting ready to leave; the older woman grabbed her hand slipping a ring onto it.

  “What is this?” Siobhan asked as she jerked her hand out of the older woman’s grasp

  “Tis to protect ya” the old woman replied

  Stammering a thank you, Siobhan ran out to catch up to her friends. As they turned to the corner of the street Siobhan turned around to look at the shop again, but it was gone. An empty building stood in its place, the glass bay window was broken, the front door boarded up.

  “Holy craptastic that was just strange” Sarah said as they turned the corner.

  Siobhan thought it better to keep her mouth shut on telling them to look back at the store. Something deep inside her was whispering for her to be quiet on it.

  Once back onto the main street they walked in silence back to the hotel. Wandering into the hotel they went their separate ways after agreeing to meet in an hour at Sarah’s room. From there they would decide where they would be heading out to dinner.

  Insider her room, Siobhan leaned against the door exhaling a shaky breath, dropping the bags she had been holding. She didn’t even realize she was toying with the ring on her finger. Looking down at it, she gasped at its beauty. The ring was made of silver with a intricate design flowing around it. Looking closer at, she realized the design was writing. Bringing it closer to her, she was still not able to make out the words. The words were in a language Siobhan had never seen before, but the curves of the letters were beautiful.

  Looking over at the alarm clock on the night stand, she gasped. She only had 45 minutes before they were supposed to meet at Sarah’s room. Shaking her head at wasting so much time staring at a stupid ring, she grabbed her suitcase off the floor.

  Tossing her clothes off quickly, letting them fall to the floor. She pictured her mother shaking her head at her laziness and chuckled softly. She took off what jewelry she was wearing, except the ring, she couldn’t seem to bear to take that off. Jumping into the shower she quickly washed up, drying quickly she raced to the suitcase resting on the bed unpacking something to wear for the night.

  She pulled the boutique bag off the floor, ripping the tags off the delicate garments. Wiggling into the little black lace bra and panties. Grabbing her black low rider jeans, she pulled out a black cashmere cowl neck sweater. Dressing quickly, only stumbling a couple of times as she shimmied into the jeans. Dusting a light bronzer over her face, adding a little more mascara, she ran her brush through her wild hair. Taking in the image in the mirror, she caught the slight flush in her cheeks; her eyes slightly shadowed from the lack of sleep.

  Sighing she grabbed her room card, her satchel and headed to Sarah’s room.

  As she got to the door, she heard the muffled voices of Jason and Sarah behind the door. Straining to hear what they were talking about, she jumped when Sarah’s laughter filled her ears, it was a laugh Siobhan didn’t know. It was almost flirty and playful! Knocking loudly to let them know she was there, she scowled at Sarah when she opened the door after taking longer than Siobhan thought she should have.

  “Wow, girl what crawled up your petunia?” Sarah asked eyes wide, the smile fading from her face

  “Nothing” mumbled Siobhan as walked past Sarah into the room

  Jason jumped up off the bed, walked over to Siobhan grabbing her face with both his hands, kissing her deeply. Pulling back he stared into her eyes with a longing that Siobhan didn’t think she had ever seen. Feeling the blush once again pull into her cheeks, she sighed into his embrace, turned to Sarah with an apology on the tip of her tongue.

  Before she could say anything Sarah grabbed her purse, pulling Jason’s arm since he was still holding Siobhan close to him.

  “Damn I need to find a guy, because I’m going to go crazy if I have to watch the two of you for the next month mooning over each other” Sarah said louder than Siobhan thought necessary.


  Walking down the street, they didn’t notice the figure shadowing them. Ash stood silently hidden in the shadows, watching Siobhan and her friends making their way down the street. The wind playfully ruffling his hair, waiving his hand deftly he shooed the breeze away. He felt the punch of jealously as he watched Siobhan look up to Jason. Her face was flushed by something he had said to her, her eyes twinkling as she quickly looked away.

  Something was brewing between them; he felt it to the core of his being. He felt the quick rush of panic, taking a deep breath, he expelled the chaos that wanted to chase inside him. Murmuring softly, he faded back into the shadows, green eyes glowing.

  Stopping at a couple of cafes looking over the menus, but nothing seemed to jump at them. The last café had boasted an wide array of items, Sarah stood in front of the menu running her hand down the list, clicking her tongue softly.

  “Nothing is saying eat me!” Sarah whined

  “Well, then I say we grab a cab and see if the driver can take us somewhere that is good” Jason replied as he turned around, waiving down a cab coming towards them. The cab slowed as Jason opened the door for Siobhan and Sarah. Jason smartly shut the door, turning to the driver who was looking them up and down.

  “Would you be after going somewhere?” Asked the driver in a thick Irish brogue

  “Um..yeah, we wanted to get dinner, but didn’t know where a good spot is” Jason returned to the cabby

  “Aye, there’s a place not far, the food is good, the music will have your feet tapping” he replied as he turned back to the front, stepping heavily on to the gas as the cab lurched off at an alarming pace

  Zipping around roundabouts, he stopped abruptly in front of a pub, rattling off the fare.

  Jason gave him some money as they climbed out onto the street. The cab taking off as Siobhan, Jason and Sarah walked inside the boisterous atmosphere. The pub was filled almost to capacity, noting some of the talking stopped when the door closed. Sarah looked around
sticking out her lips in a pout that would melt men to puddles.

  Jason put his hands into his pockets and shook his hair out of his face. Siobhan could feel her face turning a lovely shade of pink and knew it wasn’t because of the heat inside the building.

  The barkeep yelled over with a lilting voice – “Come in Come in!” then turned to take another order from the waitress hollering at the other end of the bar. Siobhan watched as a few of the tables with the patrons that had stopped talking when they first walked in starting talking again. Looking at each other, Sarah shrugged her shoulders, and started squeezing in between the tables to get to the only open table near the door to the kitchen.

  As they neared the last table separating them from their goal, a thunderous smack sounded throughout the bar, followed by bellowing laughter. Siobhan lifted her head to see Sarah stopped dead in her tracks; slowly turning around to face the table she had barely passed. Siobhan saw that Sarah’s lips were pursed into a thin line as anger sparkled in her eyes.

  “And just what the hell made you think you could put your hands on my ass?” Sarah yelled at the boy who had apparently landed the blow. He didn’t look much older than them, but he was laughing so hard, it took him a minute to respond.

  “Ah a lovely arse it is, it called to me, it said slap me” He replied, his voice sounding like music, he smirked at Sarah his blue eyes twinkling.

  Sarah stood there for a moment just staring at the boy. Siobhan watched as Jason moved closer to Sarah in case he needed to step in and stop anything. Then Siobhan saw the slight shift in Sarah’s stance, glancing over at Jason smiling because she knew what was coming next. Jason caught the look Siobhan gave him; looking at Sarah he started smirking devilishly bringing out his dimples.

  Sarah leaned down until her lips were a hairs breath away from the boys, she watched as his eyes got wider. The smile slowly fading from his face as he swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing slightly, unsure of what Sarah was about to do. Looking at him, Sarah brought her hand caressingly down his cheek to his chin raising it just ever so slightly. Sticking her tongue just outside the corner of her lip, teasingly she then leaned over brushing her lips to his. Watching as the guy start to reach out to pull Sarah closer Siobhan barked out a laugh, as Sarah pulled back before he could truly hold her.


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