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Gathering Storm

Page 19

by Jess Parry

  “Watch your tone when you mention my son” Marcus clenched his hands to keep the chaos at bay and not strike out at Ash

  “Tell me something…why did you let the only child you have ever had stay in this world?” Ash asked

  “It doesn’t concern you”

  “It does since now he has my beloved out of my reach”

  Tension curled inside Marcus, he had never spoken of his son to anyone else. It had been a slip that he had even mentioned it to Ash. The image of Shawn’s mother flashed into his mind, the scent of the Beltane fires swarmed his senses. It always did when he thought of her; remembering the night he watched hidden in the darkness of the woods as the celebration went on around him. Several had started jumping over the fire, laughing as they skimmed the heat below them.

  A few had scorched their clothes getting too close to the flames dancing in the evening air. He had watched transfixed when they had built one pyre into a massive tower of flames. The dancing red and orange colors of the flames beckoned him to get closer. It had taken an enormous amount of strength to stay within the confines of the woods. Beads of sweat had started on his upper lip as he felt his strength being pushed to its limits, it had been the sound of a girl laughing wildly that had stopped him. Snapping his eyes up he watched as a beautiful girl with hair as fiery as the flames below jumped over the pyre. He caught the glimmer of power in her indigo eyes; lust had punched into him instantly.

  He’d waited until she had wandered close enough to the woods before grabbing her into his arms. Laughing she had thrown her arms around him showering him with sloppy kisses. He had meant to be gentle with her, but hunger for her had taken over. He had thrown her down to the ground, his power holding her as he rained kisses everywhere he could. The sighs escaping her smiling lips had pushed him into an overpowering need of consumption. No, he hadn’t been gentle with her. He’d taken repeatedly, losing himself in the softness of her, spent he’d carried her into the clearing between the woods and solstice pyres. He’d left her sleeping in a bed of wild flowers unaware of the seed he’d planted inside her.

  “Get your head out of your memories and tell me how I can reach her” Ash pushed hard against Marcus who was frozen in place.

  Shaking his head to clear the memories that continued to float inside his mind, he stared at Ash with unseeing eyes. Ash watched as the kaleidoscope of colors swirled wildly in Marcus eyes, it always unnerved him slightly when he would look directly in Marcus eyes, but he had only seen this maddening swirl when Marcus thought of that damn boy’s mother.

  “I don’t need to be told by you to leave my memories” Marcus voice boomed over Ash. The power shimmering through him as he stepped back from the on sought of chaos.

  “Show me the ultimate love” Ash roared “I’m listening”

  “Oh we all know your beloved is your only true love, but some of us have loved as well you bloody fool”

  “Really, you loved his mother so much you left her in a bed a wild flowers in the morning dew without a second glance”

  Grinding his teeth Marcus took a step towards Ash clenching his fists as the chaos ran rampant through him. He felt anger coursing through him; he also felt an underlying of guilt creeping within him.

  “Oh that will solve everything, just zap me with your anger, let’s call attention to us with additional lights of power zipping through these woods” Ash replied hotly

  “Oh bugger off” Marcus whispered as he let the chaos scatter around him. Turning he started walking deeper into the darkness of the woods. “You are on your own with this you damn fool”

  Swiping his hand before him, the air dispersed as a dark slit formed and Marcus stepped into the blackness within.

  Ash turned his face to sky, feeling the cold rain run down his face as he let out a hollow scream into the deafening wind.

  Siobhan ran to window as the anguished howl raced towards her. Placing her hand on the cool glass pain, a whimper escaped her lips as she felt the longing wash over her. Her heart ached with the sorrow she heard mixing with the shouting wind.

  “Get away from the window child” Claire exclaimed harshly

  Siobhan yelped as she stepped away from the window, eyes wide she stared at Claire swiftly walk up to the window. She watched as the old woman dug into the bag in her hand and poured white crystals onto the window pain.

  “What is that?” Siobhan asked quietly

  “Tis sea salt, it will keep the house protected from the evil outside” Claire responded “Whatever is out there is after you, until we understand this magick; I must protect you as well as my grandson”

  “Oh god” Siobhan sank onto the bed as racking sobs engulfed her. Claire walked over to her, putting her arm around her squeezing gently.

  “The storm will pass; the sun will be out tomorrow. We will find a way to banish this evil” Claire whispered soothing Siobhan’s fears “This is not the first time I have dealt with magick this strong my child”

  Jason walked into the softly light room, the single candle’s light played off the walls in the small room as he sat his and Siobhan’s luggage onto the floor. He stood at the door watching as Claire rose from the bed and quietly walked past him out into the hall. Shutting the door, he walked over to the single iron bed and sat quietly next to Siobhan.

  “We’ll get through this” he whispered softly as he pulled Siobhan into a tight embrace.

  “God, I hope so” Siobhan’s muffled as buried her face into his chest. Closing her eyes, she listened to the steady beat of Jason’s heart. The rhythm calming her, she wrapped her arms around him as her tears slowly stopped.

  Anger ran through Jason as he thought of the pain Siobhan was in. He wanted to hurt something, he wanted to take Siobhan’s pain and push it back to the person who was causing this craziness in their lives. Dammit this was supposed to be their adventure, not some whacked nonsense about magic and damn fairies.

  Siobhan felt the muscles tense in Jason’s arms as he pulled her closer to him, the strength he held her with hurt, but she was too exhausted to say anything. The pain was a welcome feeling to the numbness that lurked around the edges of her.

  “Come on, we need to get some sleep” Jason said softly as he pulled Siobhan off the bed. Pulling the sheets down, they climbed into the softness of the bed. Jason pulled the covers over them as he cradled Siobhan into his arms. Siobhan sighed gently as rested her head on his chest. Snuggling into the warmth of him, she closed her eyes as Jason lightly kissed the top of her head.

  “We’ll figure this out, I promise you, I love you too much to lose you” Jason murmured into her hair

  Lying in the warmth of each other they listened to the raging storm outside, both lost in their own thoughts.

  Sarah and Shawn watched silently as Shawn’s grandmother dropped salt onto the window sill, before turning and quietly leaving their room. The click of the door closing sounded as loud as the thunder raging outside making Sarah jump. Shawn reached over and ran his hands soothingly down her back.

  “It’s ok”

  “No, it’s not ok Shawn” Sarah whispered hoarsely “My best friend has some evil shit after her, we’re in a damn country full of fairies and shit.” Sighing Sarah rose from the bed turning wildly towards Shawn “Don’t you dare sit there and tell me its fucking ok, because it’s not!”

  “Fine” Shawn muttered “It’s not ok, I don’t know if it will be ok, but bloody excuse me for wanting to ease some of your fear” Rising he started towards the door, Sarah reached out grabbing his arm to stop him.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To sleep on the damn couch as you obviously don’t want me in here”

  “Please stay” Sarah whispered softly

  Turning Shawn watched the light from the candle flicker across Sarah’s face. Her eyes wide with fear, her bottom lip trembled slightly. The anger within him shattered as he saw how frightened Sarah was. He slowly walked over to her, pulling her into his arms. She clung to him tightly
as he lifted her chin towards him; he watched her eyes slowly close as he leaned in and delicately kissed her trembling lips.

  He felt Sarah open her lips to him, groaning, he deepened the kiss. Their tongues danced together as lust punched through him. He stroked Sarah’s hair as he pulled her deeper into the kiss, hearing Sarah’s muffled sigh, his hands clenched as he tangled his fingers in the soft strands of her hair. He trailed light kisses down her throat as he felt her tremble with desire. He nibbled lightly on her collar bone as he gently laid her onto his bed, feeling the mattress give with their weight.

  Sarah greedily brought her mouth back to his as she nipped gently on his lower lip. A low groan escaped his lips as he felt Sarah’s warm fingers reach under his shirt caressing his back. Bracing himself on his elbows, he raised his head and gazed at Sarah.

  Her azure eyes sparkled with longing, her lips slightly swollen from their kisses, she smiled at him as she started to pull his shirt over his head. Rising up to untangle from his shirt, he heard Sarah laugh softly as he tossed the shirt across the room. Looking up to meet Shawn’s gaze, she watched as his disheveled hair caught the light of the candle, her breath caught as she saw the soft glow of light around the iris of his eyes.

  “Are you sure?” he asked hoarsely

  Smiling wickedly, Sarah pulled his face down to hers and kissed him. He groaned into her mouth as she felt his weight ease on top of her. They became of tangle of arms, legs as they pulled clothes of each other, hearts beating wildly as they lost themselves in each other.

  Shawn pulled away as Sarah whimpered from the loss of his warmth, looking down at her he felt the chaos coursing wildly within him. His body shaking as he tried to hold it inside, he’d never felt it this strongly before with anyone else.

  Sarah looked up at him, love washing over her tenderly as she touched his cheek, she felt Shawn lean into her.

  “Mine” he gruffly whispered as he sank back into Sarah’s open arms.

  16 CHAPTER Sixteen

  Marcus stumbled as he felt the punch of air course through him, his breath heaved as another raking blow slammed into him. Falling to his knees, he felt the heat of the earth rushing through the crack forming around him. Steam billowed out as the crack became a gaping hole that swallowed him into the fiery depths below.

  The heat singed his body as he fell faster; the acrid air scorched his lungs as he inhaled sharply bracing himself for the hard landing. He landed jarringly onto the charred earth below him, a jutting rock slashed into his shoulder, the pain slithered through his body as he felt the chaos seeping out.

  “You have betrayed me” A booming voice shattered the air around him

  “How have I betrayed you exactly?” Marcus gritted as he sat up inspecting the cut on his shoulder

  “Your arrogance use to amuse me” The voice around him slithered

  “Well, that was the point” Marcus replied as he started to rise

  “Down” the voice boomed as Marcus felt his knees give slamming him back into the blackened earth

  “You have tested me for the last time. You hid the boy from me with that damn old witch. How dare you think I wouldn’t learn of his existence?”

  “My lord” Marcus looked up into the looming demon before him. Marcus quickly blanked his emotions as he watched the wicked sharp teeth emerging from the beautifully sinister smile as the demon stood before him. Heat radiated off the bare chest of the demon as he slowly started towards Marcus.

  “I want the boy”

  “No” Marcus bellowed as he felt the pain of the silent blow against his chest “He was created on the night of Beltane, he belongs to them” Marcus gritted his teeth against the slashes of pain across his chest, he felt his skin opening as powerful energy sliced into him

  “You dare lay with one of them on that night?” The demon angrily boomed as he pulled Marcus off the ground. His black eyes boring coldly into Marcus as the demon shook him violently. Marcus felt his teeth bite tightly onto his tongue, the copper taste filling his mouth.

  “I should toss you to the fires for an eternity for your foolishness” the demon roared as he tossed Marcus into the opposite wall. Marcus landed in a crumpled heap, cursing softly as he felt the sharpness of the broken bones mending.

  “I gave you his mother” Marcus replied raspingly as he felt another bone snap sharply back into place

  “That servant girl is his mother?”

  “Yes” Marcus hissed “She is also the witch’s daughter a fair trade I might add”

  The demon threw his head back bellowing laughter shook the walls, the air shimmered around Marcus as he was ushered between spaces. Blinking against the lamp light within the room he was suddenly transferred to, he watched as the demon appeared before him. He was now dressed in a sharply tailored black suite, his hair tamely pulled into a tail behind his head. His steely black eyes covered by shiny silver sunglasses, his beauty toned down to appear almost human.

  Marcus saw the evil lurking just around the edges as the demon sauntered over to a woman cowering behind a velvet love seat.

  “There you are my pretty” the demons voice curled around the woman hiding behind an elegant blue velvet love seat.

  She scampered back into the corner cowering, eyes blinking wildly as her body shivered uncontrollable. Marcus eyes widened as he took in the bone thin body hidden under the sheer white gown covering her. He hadn’t seen in her so many years, but aside from her thin frame, she was still beautiful.

  “Come here pet” the demons voice turned saccharine as he sauntered over to the cowering woman.

  She lifted her head, smiling softly as she placed her hand into the demons outstretched hand. He pulled her to her in the blink of an eye. Touching her cheek softly, Marcus watched as the woman’s eyes closed as pleasure shivered through her. He felt the pangs of lust curling inside him, his mouth watering for just a small taste of her once again. She tasted like no other to him, she was his, his mind screamed at him. The chaos within coursed wildly through his body as the memory of her below him flooded his memories.

  “Stop” Marcus yelled before stepping towards the demon

  “I’m sorry, what did you just dare say to me?” The demons voiced dropped seductively

  “You heard me, Belial.” Marcus spat “Stop you are driving the chaos within wild, I’m not in the mood for these games”

  “No Mood?” Belial asked slowly as he turned to Marcus, eyes gleaming he shot his hand towards Marcus.

  The energy silently slammed into Marcus, sending him flying to the opposite wall pinning him. Belial smiled wickedly at Marcus before he dropped his head and sank his teeth into the woman’s exposed neck. Marcus watched as the blood slowly ran down the woman’s neck. The coppery scent lingering on his senses as wave after wave of pleasure pulsed inside him. Belial lingered a moment longer over the woman’s throat before raising his gaze to Marcus.

  “Even after all these years, she still tastes like the warmth of summer” Belial’s voice rang throughout the room as he left the woman laying quietly on the love seat. “She is one I have yet to tire of, now I see why, she has the blood of them within her”

  Belial snapped his fingers releasing Marcus. Landing on the cool floor, Marcus took in the sleeping woman, longing and guilt intertwined within him. He had given her to Belial to hide Shawn from him, but it had only saved his son a short amount of years of freedom. Now that Belial was aware of Shawn, he would be summoned and put into service of Belial.

  “I have an idea, my yes, an excellent idea” Belial mumbled as he paced across the room. Marcus tore his eyes away from the sleeping woman to look at Belial.

  “And that idea is?” Marcus asked through clenched teeth

  “Never you mind my friend” Belial replied absently “Go back to Ash, watch him and that girl, I have a few more thoughts to align”

  “As you wish”

  “I’ll find you when I’m ready” Belial responded before snapping his fingers sending Marcus back in
to the wilds.

  Blinking rapidly, Marcus felt the coolness of the woods embracing him. The darkness rushed through him, calming his chaos. He felt the little pricks of bites beginning on his neck, felt the rush of ecstasy, shuddering he laid down onto the moss covered ground letting himself get lost in the wilds. He needed time to think of a way to keep his son from Belial’s hands.

  17 CHAPTER Seventeen

  Sunlight seeped into the tiny room, basking Siobhan in warmth, she turned her face towards its warmness. Keeping her eyes closed, she willed herself to go back to sleep. She wanted to curl back into the dream of her grandparent’s farm. She wanted to hear her grandfather’s deep laugh, she longed to feel his strong arms around her in a tight bear hug.

  “Siobhan” Jason whispered “Come on sweetheart, its morning.”

  “I know” Siobhan turned away from the morning sun to gaze at Jason

  “We need to get up and head downstairs. Claire said she would tell us everything in the morning”

  “No, she said she would try to help us, but wasn’t sure that she was capable” Siobhan whispered

  “Well, she is the closest thing we have to getting answers to our questions. She is also the only one who seems to think she can even stop this crazy bullshit”

  Tossing back the cover’s Jason sat up turning his back to Siobhan. She watched as he rose from the bed, walking over to their suitcases. Pulling a shirt out, he pulled the rumpled one off exposing his back to Siobhan. A gasp fell from Siobhan’s lips as she took in the scratches across his back.

  “Oh my god, Jason, what happened to your back?”

  “What are you talking about Siobhan” Jason replied as he turned to look at Siobhan

  “You have scratches all over your back”

  Siobhan watched as a blush slowly crept across Jason’s cheeks. He dropped his gaze from Siobhan to the floor.


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