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Gathering Storm

Page 21

by Jess Parry

  Ash snarled as he watched the hoarfrost seeking an opening to slip inside and finding none.

  “Ash, let it go for now” Marcus whispered into Ash’s mind

  “No” Ash bellowed back

  “She remembered your name, that is all, the wind simply carried it to you, even I know she isn’t ready for everything yet” Marcus calmly replied

  Turning, Ash whistled, Storm came barreling out of the woods, racing to his master; he stopped sharply raising on his hind legs and cried. Ash raised his hand as the beast landed back on the ground before him. Pulling on the reins, Ash straddled the horse, tugging sharply on the reins; Storm took off across the fields away from the pain that was consuming his master.

  “Storm” Siobhan muttered as she watched the beautiful stallion racing away from them.

  “What did you say?” Shawn asked

  “Storm, the horse’s name is Storm” Siobhan replied softly

  “How do you know that?” Sarah squeaked

  “I don’t know…the name just popped into my mind” Siobhan whispered

  “Its beginning” Claire said as she grabbed her bag and walked briskly into her room “The summer solstice is almost here, we must prepare. The longest night of the year, the end of summer, that is when we must stop this before winter’s grasp takes hold”

  “Just because it’s the longest night of the year it doesn’t meant winter is around the corner” Jason vehemently hissed

  “Boy-o you really know nothing” Shawn snickered loudly “Just because it doesn’t immediately turn cold, it’s the beginning of the harvest. It’s the time to thank the goddess and horned one for the bounties of the crops, to welcome winter’s time.”

  “My grandson is right, that boy just told me more about himself than he meant to, that was hoarfrost he threw at us.” That belongs to winter; we don’t have much time if we are to bind her from his strength.”

  “Bind?” Sarah asked eyes widening

  “Not in the sense you are thinking love” Shawn replied “We creating a binding…a circle so to speak that will protect Siobhan”

  “Will I be able to go home?” Siobhan asked

  “Yes, after we are able to keep him from you, you must go home. This binding, will in essence hide you from him. The farther from him you, the safer you will be.” Claire answered while grabbing several jars off the shelves in her room and carrying to the table.

  “Here, gran let me help” Shawn rose from the table, letting go of Sarah’s hand.

  Siobhan watched as Sarah’s eyes darkened the light dimming as Sarah realized she was going home in a matter of days. The she would have to say goodbye to Shawn. Her lips trembled as she blinked the tears back rapidly; Siobhan reached out grabbing Sarah’s hand.

  “I’m sorry” Siobhan whispered

  “No, don’t be sorry, god, don’t ever be sorry” Sarah replied as she squeezed Siobhan’s hand “You brought him to me” Sarah’s eyes darted over to where Shawn was currently standing talking his grandmother. He glanced at Sarah, lips quirking into a grin before turning back to his grandmother.

  Sighing, Sarah rose from the table and pulled Siobhan with her. Walking into the living room, she quietly dropped into the soft cushion of the couch. Looking up at Siobhan, Sarah rolled her eyes and patted the cushion next to her.

  “Sit already…damn”

  “Sorry” Siobhan replied quickly as she sat down next to Sarah

  “Tell me, Becky, what did you feel when you thought of him?” Sarah asked calmly

  Siobhan sat for a moment as she felt the waves of pleasure, love, longing, anger, frustration float through her mind. Turning to Sarah, she gasped as shooting pain tore up her arm, grabbing her chest, Siobhan felt tears falling from her cheeks,

  “Oh god it hurts” Siobhan keened

  Sarah pulled Siobhan into her arms, hugging her fiercely. Rocking her as she would one of the children she would babysit who had fallen. She whispered soothingly into her best friend’s hair, until she felt the racking sobs slowing.

  Pulling away from Sarah, Siobhan looked out the window watching the rain gently falling. Rubbing her hands across her face, she glanced back to see Sarah watching her with concern.

  “Every time I try to think of him, it’s like this fog descends in my mind. I can feel the memories just below the surface, but when I try to focus on just one of them, it disappears.” Siobhan shivered softly before taking a deep breath “It’s like I feel like I’ve known him my entire life”

  “But…” Sarah starts

  “No let me finish” Siobhan sighs loudly “I know I haven’t known him at all, but when I feel him near me, everything just stops. He is all I see, all I feel, my heart aches so deeply I can hardly breathe, but all I want to do is wrap my arms around him”

  “oh man girl, you got it bad…but what about Jason” Sarah whispers as she glancing toward the kitchen where Jason is helping Claire sort her jars.

  “I love Jason, I do, but this overpowering need washes throw me whenever Ash is near” Siobhan whispers “Also, Jason is enthralled with Moira.”


  “Yes, I saw it the moment he looked at her, Sarah, his eyes lit up”

  “That was the beer and the..what did Shawn call her...” Sarah tilted her head as she thought “Oh yeah siren”

  “No, I think he honestly fell for her before she turned on her juju” Siobhan shook her head “I’m not mad, hurt a little, but not mad. What right do I have to be mad? He’s my second best friend, I know everyone wants us to be the next power couple within our parents circle” Siobhan cleared her throat before continuing “But what if we were not meant to be more than friends?”

  “You mom is going to freak if you bring Ash home to meet her and your dad. You do realize the boy has some wicked eyes, his hair is multi colored, not to mention longer than yours. Oh and let’s not forget his some kind of special thing that shoots dammit what’s the word hoardfrost…anyhow you can’t piss him off and we both know your mom would flip her lid!”

  Siobhan looked at Sarah eyes widening as the picture her friend just painted crossed her mind. Barking out laughter, she felt her mood lighting. Sarah soon followed and they were soon laughing uncontrollably with tears running down their eyes.

  The boys stopped to listen to the girls laughing in the other room, a ghost of a smile fell across Shawn’s lips as he listened to the high pitch chuckle emit from Sarah. Jason’s eyes widened as he watched Shawn’s face change from scowling concentration, to smiling wistfulness.

  “Damn, she has you good” Jason muttered

  “Yes, she does” Shawn replied before turning back to the jars splayed out before them. Clearing his throat he raised his eyes to his grandmother’s soft gaze. Blushing lightly, he dropped his gaze for a moment before raising it back to see his grandmother smiling widely.

  “So, Grandmother, what do we need to do?”

  18 CHAPTER Eighteen

  Shawn’s grandmother’s smiled fell as she thought. Shaking her head, she pulled the worn leather bound book to her. Eyes widening, she quickly turned and grabbed the calendar off the wall, her finger following the dates before stopping at the one she wanted.

  “Tomorrow is a full moon” Looking up to gaze at the boys watching her “The binding must happen as the moon rises to greet the beginning of harvest and end of summer. It will give us added strength to keep the chaos at bay. I need three apples plucked from the orchard on Moors farm. I have enough Carnelian; it will give us added protection against the chaos they will wield. I have fresh sage to give us added strength and the jar with fresh sea salt to hold the circle unbroken.”

  “I’ll head over to Moors now, Jason would you like to go?” Shawn asked as he broke his grandmothers gaze

  “Sure, I could use some air” Jason responded as he turned to walk out of the kitchen. This crazy talk of full moons, salt and apples to protect Siobhan. Shaking his head as he pondered just what the hell apples were supposed to do. He didn’t fu
lly understand what the hell was going on, but what he truly wanted to beat the hell out of this Ash character.

  “I’ll start to prepare the rose and sandalwood incense while you are gone.” Claire walked over to her grandson, reaching up she pulled into a tight hug. “Be careful my son, the energy outside will wash over you quickly. You must not let the chaos in” Claire whispered close to Shawn’s ear

  “I won’t” Shawn whispered back before turning to walk into the living room, Jason following.

  “Where are you going?” Sarah asked

  “Just up to Moor’s farm, we won’t be gone long” Shawn replied as he leaned down and kissed Sarah lightly

  “Please be safe” Siobhan spoke to both Jason and Shawn

  “Always” Jason answered, his crooked grin exposing his dimple as he ran his hand down Siobhan’s cheek “I love you”

  “I love you too”

  Sarah and Siobhan watched as the boys walked outside and climbed into the car. The engine purred to live; they watched Jason turn and wave out the passenger window as Shawn turned the wheel and started backing up. The tires caught on the ground sending bits of gravel as the car barreled down the quiet drive heading towards the main road.

  “I still don’t understand how some apples, an herb, some stone and salt is going to protect my girl from that crazy SOB” Jason muttered watching the trees and land racing past him

  “You really don’t get it” Shawn replied calmly

  “No I don’t fucking get it” Jason hissed “What the hell is that going to do to keep him away from her?”

  “Well, I guess you’ll just have to watch and learn”

  “Oh that just solves everything”

  “What is the point of me wasting my breath to explain it to you, when we both know you will not open yourself to the possibility that magick exists?” Shawn huffed as he turned on a winding road.

  They drove on in silence as the car bounced over the rivets in the road before Shawn braked softly easing the car onto the side of the road.

  “Why are we stopping?”

  “This is where we need to be, the orchard is over the fence, we can’t drive to it.” Shawn answered as he unhooked his seatbelt.

  Stepping out of the car, Shawn stretched waiting for Jason to get out. The sun broke through the clouds lazily streaming across the sky. The warmth immediately bathing Shawn’s skin, he felt the undercurrents of the chaos screaming as it raced inside him. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to stay outside for too long without losing control.

  “Come on, the sooner we get the apples, the sooner we get back to my grans”

  Not waiting for Jason to respond, Shawn hopped the fence post and started walking down the hill towards the grove.

  Jason watched for a minute before jumping the fence to race after Shawn.

  A light breeze played across Jason’s body, it rose seductively around him, caressing his face before ruffling his hair. The scent of jasmine rose around him, intoxicating his senses. Closing his eyes, he stopped to breathe in the heady scent. His mind dulling as a surge of sleepiness crashed over him. A haunting melody weaved into his thoughts followed by the image of alabaster skin, fiery soft hair tangled in his fingers as crimson lips lightly touched his. A low groan escaped his lips as he opened his eyes and looked into laughing emerald green eyes.

  “There you are my love” Moira’s voice purred “I was starting to think I had lost you”

  “No, I’m here” Jason groaned as he felt Moira’s fingers massage his back. Little pricks of fire raced up his spine where her fingers grazed against his skin.

  Leaning down, he brought his lips to hers. Moira opened to him willingly deepening the kiss as he pulled her tighter to him. He couldn’t get close enough to her, every inch of body molded against his as she pulled him down to the ground. She slowly raised her hand into the air, snapping her fingers softly; she called the mist to shroud them. Lost in the gray mist, they explored each other with abandon. Just as Jason buried himself into her, did Moira softly start humming. Pulling his essence out into herself, she felt his confusion for a moment before the ecstasy exploded inside him. Dragging her nails rigidly down his back drawing blood did she lose herself into oblivion.

  “Mine” Moira whispered softly into Jason ear as he collapsed on top of her exhausted.

  “Always” Jason replied breathlessly

  “I must go love, but I will find you again” Moira whispered tenderly as she shimmied out from under Jason

  “Where are you going?” Jason asked sleepiness clouding his voice

  “I have to go before the others know I am here” She gently caressed his cheek before turning

  “But I don’t want you to go”

  “I don’t either, but I must” laying her finger on jason’s lips to stop him from speaking again “I will find you always my love. Sleep now.”

  Yawning widely, Jason smiled as he closed his eyes, letting sleep take over. Moira stood over him, stealing a minute to watch his face lost in a dream. Her heart ached at the thought of leaving him, but knew she must, before Ash realized she was here. Cursing softly, she left the mist encircled around her closing her off from the eyes of others. She walked towards the orchard, raising her hand, she pushed the energy away to open the space and lost herself in the opening arms of blackness.

  Shawn shimmied down from the apple tree, glancing around for Jason, he dared not to drop the three apples he cradled in his pockets. Spotting Jason laying on the ground, he stomped over to him. The bloody fool was laying on the damn ground, Shawn thought. As he stood over Jason, did he see that’s Jason was sound asleep, leaning down he shook him slightly. Jason didn’t stir, just rolled over and snorted, lost in dreams.

  “Get up” Shawn growled as he shoved Jason in his back hard

  “Ouch! Dammit that hurt” Jason shouted as he jerked up “Why the hell did you hit me?”

  “You’re lying on the damn ground sound asleep, you damned fool” Shawn replied hotly

  “I was what?” Sitting up Jason looked up at Shawn’s scowling face “What, how the hell did I get on the ground?”

  “I don’t know, why don’t you bloody tell me?”

  “I was following you, I watched you shimmy up that damn apple tree, then it gets fuzzy” Jason scratched his head as he stood up. Stretching, he turned away from Shawn exposing his lower back as his shirt rose up.

  “Where the hell did those scratches come from?” Shawn hissed

  Walking over to Jason, Shawn pulled Jason’s shirt up, lightly running his fingers down the red scratches running down Jason’s back. A smear of fresh blood came away on Shawn’s hand, raising his hand to his face, he sniffed and caught the faint scent of Jasmine.

  “Dammit, can’t you control your damn emotions around her?” Shawn snarled

  “Don’t fucking touch me, and what the hell are you talking about her?” Jason roared

  “The damn siren found you. God I can’t even take you out of my gran’s house without you falling into her damn open arms” Shawn huffed

  “Who, there is no one out here, but us” Jason mumbled

  “You freaking know who I am talking about, the one you dream about, the one who has you enthralled so bloody badly you can’t even tell that she’s draining your very essence”

  “Moira” Jason whispered hoarsely

  “Yes, Moira, she got to you.”

  “What, no, she’s in Dublin”

  “Here let me help you remember” Shawn replied as he reached over and laid his hand on Jason’s forehead. Mumbling softly, he called the chaos around him to bring Jason’s memories back. He felt the chaos encircle him, racing between them as he collected it to him before pushing it at Jason.

  The air shimmered around Jason as the chaos closed around him, seeping into his pores, his blood raced uncontrollably. His breath caught as the memories flooded him, Moira pulling him into her arms, the heat of lust punched into Jason’s chest as bent over. The passion they had shared course
d through him, shaking him to the core as he felt his soul cry out.

  “Oh god” Jason cried out as he felt his knees buckle “How is this possible?”

  “Magick” Shawn responded nonchalantly

  Reaching down Shawn pulled Jason up “Come on, you can fall to pieces when we get back to my gran’s”

  Walking back to the car, neither spoke, both lost in their own thoughts of just how much control they didn’t have over what was happening. All Shawn knew was that he was protected as were the rest at his gran’s. He glanced over to see Jason staring across the field, scowling, his face ashen.

  Climbing into the driver’s side, Shawn realized the only right thing in his life right now was Sarah. Her image flashed across his mind, he felt the chaos within him calming. Eyes widening as he felt the chaos within him slowed, his heart quickened as he remembered losing himself in her arms. Her laughter filled his ears; the gentleness of her fingers trailing down his back filled him. Awareness over took him as he realized Sarah was his true soul mate, the one his gran said would be the one to calm the chaos forever within him.

  Need consumed him. He had to be near Sarah, his body ached with it. Starting the car, he peeled out onto the empty road. Stomping the accelerator, he pushed the car past the limits as he raced to his grans.

  “Aren’t you speedy Gonzalez” Jason muttered

  “We need to get back to my gran’s”

  “Watch out for the sheep” Jason hollered

  Shawn slammed on the brakes, stopping a few feet from the oncoming sheep as they ambled across the road.

  “God, why the hell do you people let your farm animals wander?” Jason asked

  “Damned if I know” Shawn grumbled


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