Book Read Free

Gathering Storm

Page 25

by Jess Parry

  “Aye” Claire chuckled

  Silently everyone finished their meal, clearing the dishes, Sarah washed in silence as Shawn dried. Siobhan watched as her best friend would glance at Shawn when their fingers would touch. A smile would play at the corners of their lips, as Sarah would toss a bubble of soap at Shawn.

  Shawn would murmur a quiet sigh as he swatted the towel at Sarah. An unspoken bond between the two lovers unfolding before her eyes, she knew her friend had found the one her heart would always call home.

  She felt the energy around them slowly seeping into her tired heart, strengthening her resolve that she to, would one day have that love. To have the chance to choose her soul’s desired mate, not be told who that mate was, because some foolish boy deign it so.

  “Come Siobhan, I need to talk to you” Claire spoke softly into Siobhan’s ear

  Nodding Siobhan rose quietly from the chair, trying not to disturb the peaceful play between the two lovers in front of her. Following Claire into the back room of the kitchen, blackness enfolded her as Claire shut the door closing out the light from the warm kitchen.

  Blinking to adjust her eyes to the sudden blackness around her, Siobhan instinctively puts her hands out to feel for anything solid. Feeling the shelves just in front of her, she grabs onto the strong wood, careful not to disturb the jars resting on top.

  “Claire, it’s pretty dark in here” Siobhan whispers

  “I know, you will need to call for the light child”

  “Where is the switch for the light?”

  “There isn’t one, but there is a candle to your right, picture the flame in your mind and will it to the candle”

  Forcing the hysterical laugh back down, closing her eyes, Siobhan started picturing the flame of a lit candle in her mind. Holding in her breath, Siobhan tried to send the image of the flame to the candle, beads of sweat forming on her brow. Energy flows from her wavering in the air before dispersing around her.

  “Concentrate Siobhan, the power is within you” Claire’s voice fills Siobhan’s ears

  Sighing, Siobhan again pulls the image of the candle to her mind. She pictures the flame dancing wildly, the heat of the single flame warming her hands as she plays her fingers across its peak. She watches as the flame dances higher to meet her fingertips.

  Letting go of the shelf, Siobhan reaches over to the unlit candle, her fingers play across the unlit wick as she pictures the flame glowing brightly in her mind. Beads of sweat break out on her upper lip, as she pushes the fire warming inside her to the candle. The energy rushes from her to the candle, the wick snapping from the crackling energy pushing the flame to life.

  The room blooms into light as the flame of the candle rises higher, the fire touching Siobhan’s finger burning her. Gasping, Siobhan drops her hands, her eyes opening wide to stare into the dancing flame she just felt ignite.

  “Good job” Claire beamed

  “How did I do that?” Siobhan asks in awe

  “Your power pushed the image of the flame to the candle, the energy of magick is all around us. It surrounds us, the power to protect, to heal, to even bring harm. We must respect its presence and also keeps its balance. For power that is given, there must always be something given back in return.” Claire answered

  “So what must I give it for giving me the fire?” Claire responded

  “That is for you to decide, you will know in your heart what must be given in return to balance power”

  Siobhan watched the flame dance cloying to the wick seductively calling her to bring her finger back into its warmth. The pull to reach out to the flame was indescribable to Siobhan, she felt her fingers twitching to reach up and touch the flame. Shaking her head, she turned and looked at Claire, who returned her gaze.

  “Why do I feel this incredible urge to touch the flame again?”

  “You have darkness running through you, your urge isn’t to touch the flame, but extinguish it. As you are able to push the light into dark, you are also afraid to be within the lights protection”

  “But how come I couldn’t see anything in the darkness?”

  “That is from your mind telling you, that you can’t see in the dark, but if you had pushed that thought out and opened your true eyes, you would have seen everything in the room as if there was a light”

  “So I’m evil?”

  “No, you simply have darkness inside of you; you have not chosen to let the darkness engulf your heart. I believe that is why you have been so unaware of the power. You have pushed it so far inside yourself that it wasn’t until Ash touched you that it awakened.”

  “So if he had never found me, this would never have happened?”

  “No, it would have happened eventually. That kind of power will always find a way to manifest itself. Ash simply turned it on quicker. I see many lives woven into your soul, it’s very old, but resilient. It has been torn in two, but there is a magick binding it to you.”

  “Which means what?”

  “That every time you are reborn, you are born with the same tattered soul”

  “So is that how Ash always finds me?”

  “Partly yes, as I said I don’t know the whole story that ties you two together. A part of you is knotted to him as he is to you.”

  “So the protection I am doing tonight will break that?” Siobhan quietly asks

  “I don’t know if will truly break the knot, but it will protect you from the power Ash holds to you”

  Sighing heavily, Siobhan leans over blowing out the candle extinguishing the light within the room. Instinctively her eyes unfocused to the darkness around her, closing her eyes she letting her mind clear of thoughts. Feeling her body relaxing the tension of fear from the darkness leaving, she opens her eyes. Blinking as she looks around the room that is now glowing in an eerily hue around her. The shelves, jars illuminated before her, turning she sees Claire standing before her. Claire is looking in the direction Siobhan is standing, but not seeing her. She can see the curiosity on the older woman’s face as she tries to focus on Siobhan.

  “I can see you” Siobhan whispers hoarsely

  “Good, you will need that power tonight. As you cast your circle, there will be energy flowing around you both light and dark. You will need to see the dark and understand it’s power as well as the lights”

  Turning Claire opened the door and stepped through as light rushed into the darkened room. Siobhan blinked rapidly against its brightness as she followed Claire out.

  “Tonight is going to be interesting” Shawn says as he watches Siobhan emerge from the back room

  “Oh you think” Sarah smirks

  Bringing his gaze slowly back to Sarah, Shawn watches her eyes shimmering brightly from the kitchen light above them. Worry dancing around the edges of her blue eyes, as she stares back at Shawn, her lips quivering lightly with the fear she tries to push down.

  Taking her hand, he pulls her up the stairs into his room. Quietly shutting the door, he places a finger on Sarah’s lips to quiet her. Shaking his head, to keep her quiet, he removes his finger bringing his hands to the sides of her face. Lifting her face to his, watching as a tear slowly slides down her cheek.

  “Tonight, it’s going to be wild, are you willing to be had?” Shawn quietly asks

  Sarah silently nods yes

  “I want to stay here, I want to lose the logical choice, I want to make you feel alive even with the tears I know you will shed. The wildness inside me wants to give you everything I am, even though it will give you pain.” Sighing loudly as Sarah gasp eyes widening as the words Shawn just spoke sink in.

  Resting his forehead on Sarah’s, shaking with the wildness raging inside him.

  “God, the way I want you right now is unfathomable” Shawn mumbles hoarsely

  “Shawn” Sarah starts to speak, but is silenced by Shawn’s lips pressing against hers. Unable to say no, she sighs into the kiss. Wrapping her around tightly around Shawn, she closes the distance between them.

sp; Groaning, Shawn lifts Sarah into his arms falling onto his bed, deepening the kiss as the wildness flowing languidly out of him into her.

  Desire exploding inside Sarah as the heat rises around them, covering their bodies in sheen of sweat. She can feel the heat of Shawn’s wants trailing paths of fire down her body as he touches her. The pleasure overpowering her senses as aching need consumes her. Pulling Shawn’s shirt over his body, she touches his chest feeling his body quiver from her touch.

  “Sarah, open your eyes” Shawn begs “I need you to see me”

  Opening her eyes, she stares into the kaleidoscope of colors swirling in her lovers eyes. Smiling she reaches up to caress his cheek.

  “I did this to you?” Sarah quietly asks

  “Every time you touch me, kiss me, bloody hell you damn near undid me the first time you kissed me in he pub” Shawn replies huskily

  “I love you” Sarah whispers before pulling Shawn’s lips back to hers

  “Always” Shawn answers

  22 CHAPTER Twenty Two

  The moonlight easily lighting their path as they made their way towards the darkened entrance of the woods. Siobhan could feel the energy dancing around her. The air quivering with the anticipation of the unfolding changes around her as she quietly let the wildness envelop her.

  “Siobhan you must be the one to cast the circle of protection, the magick will be the strongest with you tonight” Claire’s voice carried to Siobhan on the wind

  Standing next to each other they watched as Siobhan bent down laying crystal blue gemstones in a wide circle around them. Turning, Siobhan walked clockwise of the full moon, picturing an invisible wall surrounding them in protection. In the distance they all could hear the wind racing towards them, screaming in protest of the circle being cast.

  Grabbing the bag of herbs and salt, Siobhan quickly closes the circle around them. The wind rages around them, batting at the shield protecting them. Searching for a weak point to seep into the circle and disperse the protective magick.

  “You’ll not find a weakness in my circle” Siobhan screams

  “There is always a weak point” Marcus answers as he steps through the air before them. Marcus starts walking the length of the circle surrounding them, touching the invisible wall, pressing it in towards them.

  They watch as the energy shimmers with each gently push from Marcus but the energy doesn’t weaken. Siobhan feels each gently pull on her energy from Marcus. A small tickle of power pulls at her, calling her darkness forward. The ring on her finger begins warming with each quiet call from Marcus, anger pushing Siobhan to let go and embrace the wildness.

  “Hold tightly to the light child” Claire calls above the raging winds screaming around them

  Reaching into her bag, Claire hands a blue candle to Sarah, a red candle to Shawn, a white candle to Siobhan and keeps the green candle in her hand. Nodding to Siobhan, Claire raises the green candle to the north. Shawn, Sarah and Siobhan raise their candles to their directions.

  Closing her eyes, Siobhan facing east, circles her white candle in front of her as she pictures the wind of the air element. Feeling a light breeze caress her cheek she opens her eyes to watch as the breeze circles the others. Closing her open hand over the top of her candle she draws the flame from within igniting the air element’s candle. Turning she walks to Shawn who is standing in the southern point of the circle. Watching as Shawn circles the red candle in front of him.

  Shawn closes his eyes picturing the warmth of fire surrounding him, protecting him. Opening his eyes as he feels the heat of a raging fire surrounding him before it spreads to the rest. Smiling, Siobhan draws the flame into the fire element’s candle.

  Stepping over to Sarah who is standing in the western point of the circle, she watches as Sarah circles the blue candle in front of her. Closing her eyes, Sarah pictures the coolness of water, the sounds of water running through a brook. Opening her eyes, she watches as gentle raindrops fall over her before moving to the rest. Siobhan leaned in and lightly kissed Sarah on the cheek.

  “I love you” Siobhan whispered

  “Love you too” Sarah answered smiling as her nerves calmed

  Stepping to Claire who was standing at the northern point of the circle, Siobhan smiled as Claire circled her green candle in front of her. Claire silently called the earth’s warmth into their circle to give them strength. Feeling the ground rumble under their feet as earth entered.

  Everything around them suddenly fell silent as Siobhan walked to the center of the circle raising her candle above her.

  “Rising moon, in this circle I call to you” Siobhan’s voice rang clear

  “Stop” Marcus voice boomed over them

  Turning, they watched as the air shimmered and Jason emerged with Moria behind him.

  “Jason” Siobhan cried

  “Siobhan” Jason answered as he stepped toward her. His body slammed into the shield protecting them stopping his entry.

  “Ah, I think you forgot one” Marcus bellowed

  “He made his choice” Shawn yelled to Marcus

  “Did he?” Marcus asked as he walked over to Jason. Touching his shoulder Marcus sent a burst of energy into Jason.

  Screaming in pain, Jason fell to the ground writhing in agony. Moira stepped away from Jason, smiling wickedly at Siobhan.

  “He is mine to do with as I please” Moira called to Siobhan “I think I will take his very essence and leave the shell of this fool for you”

  “No” screamed Siobhan stepping to the edge of her circle.

  “You are the only one who can open your circle to let him in” Ash spoke quietly to Siobhan striding through the shimmering air.

  “Why are you doing this?” Siobhan screamed

  “Simply, because I can.” Ash answered

  “Don’t break the circle Siobhan” Claire called “It’s what they want”

  “I can’t watch them kill Jason” Siobhan sobbed as she stepped over the line of salt around them. Instantly the shield of energy shattered around them. Running to Jason, Siobhan pulled him into her arms. Shaking with the aftershocks of energy, Jason moaned.

  “Siobhan, what have you done” he whispered

  “Saved your stupid ass because I do love you, idiot” Siobhan answered

  “You have destroyed the only chance you had” Jason cried

  “I can’t lose you” Siobhan cried into his hair

  “Can you get up?” Sarah called to them

  Grunting with the effort, Jason rose off the ground leaning on Siobhan. Turning he stared at Moira with hate in his eyes.

  “Why” he screamed at Moira

  “You were the ends to a mean” Moira replied calmly

  “I loved you” his words washed over Moira pushes her back with power. Eyes widening as she felt the pain radiating through her.

  Pulling Jason closer, Siobhan stepped over the circle turning to Ash. She let the wildness running through her take over. She felt the pull of the darkness seep into her. The power closing the opening she had created as the circle’s shield again went up.

  Screaming in anger, Ash threw hoarfrost at the shield. Watching as the coldness spread around them encasing them circle in a wall of hoarfrost. Siobhan watched as the circle began to close in around them slowly.

  “Hurry child, say the spell now before the circle closes” Claire yelled

  Running back to the middle of the circle, Siobhan lit all the candles again raising hers above her head.

  “Rising moon, in this circle I call to you. Air I call you to come to me. Fire, I call you to come to me. Water, I call you to come to me. Earth, I call you to come to me. Goddess I call you to come to me in spirit I invoke thee. From our untold past, protect us. Unbind the knots that hold. Spark to life, our future unfolding. Rising moon, Goddess hold the magick folds. To my heart unbound, free to choose. As I will, this shall be”

  Siobhan screamed into the night as a bold of lightning stuck at the ground beneath her feet.

>   “What have you done” Ash bellowed as the hoarfrost flew from his fingers wildly

  “Let me go” Siobhan whispered as the darkness closed around her.

  23 CHAPTER Twenty Three

  The early morning sun broke through the curtains caressing Siobhan as she slept. The warmth, bringing her out of her dreams as she pushed the covers off her. Opening her eyes, she yawned as she sat up stretching. The aroma of fresh coffee tickled her nose as she rose to make her bed. Dressing, she watched the cows grazing in the pasture outside her window.

  Racing downstairs to the kitchen, she saw her grandmother sitting at the kitchen table laughing at something her husband said. Turning, Siobhan’s grandfather’s twinkling brown eyes light up at the sight of his granddaughter.

  “Good Morning” his gravelly voice beckoning Siobhan into the kitchen

  “Morning Grandpa” Siobhan answers as she kisses him scruffy cheek.

  Walking over to the counter, Siobhan pours herself a cup of coffee and sits at the table between her grandparents.

  “Why didn’t you wake me this morning to help with the feeding?” Siobhan asks

  “Ah, you were sleeping so soundly, little fairy, we didn’t want to disturb you” Siobhan’s grandmother answers

  “Besides, it’s your last day here and we wanted you rested before you head back to the city” Siobhan’s grandfather says as he rises to dump the rest of his coffee into the sink.

  “I know that’s why I wanted to help. I can’t believe I start school next week, where has the month gone?” Siobhan asks wistfully

  Laughing, Siobhan’s grandmother reaches over and clasps Siobhan’s hand tightly. “The young always say time passes so slowly, but not you”

  “I know I really should be looking forward to school starting and my senior year” Siobhan replies

  “Yes and this year will be turning point when you pass from a teenager into an adult” Siobhan’s grandfather says


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