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Page 24

by Sarah Olson

  “When we get the prince, we take him out the secret passageway that leaves the tunnel before it reaches the fort. Sir Alexander will be there with the rebels and our horses waiting for us. If we do this smoothly and without incident, we have a better chance of getting across the river alive. I cannot stress enough how important it is that everything is done according to plan. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir!” the rebels’ voices rang out.

  I nodded feeling apprehension creep into my mind filling it with doubts.

  What if I mess up? Will I put everyone’s life on the line with one mistake?

  “Good,” James said. “Remember we must be at Eagle’s Nest in time for the carriages. You are dismissed.”

  Everyone split to prepare for the night. I saw the looks of determination mixed with uneasiness in their eyes. This was the first strike any of them had ever really made against King Luther.

  Roughly two hours before we had to leave, Charlotte and I headed upstairs to put on our gowns. We helped each other into our undergarments. I was thankful I did not need a corset because the dress Betsy had given me had one built into the bodice. Besides, one would not work with the way the back dropped. Charlotte wore pants underneath the gown with her boots to make moving easier if she had to make a run for it. I did the same but with the white ones from my training outfit. I slid a dagger into each boot as Charlotte strapped a knife to her thigh.

  Charlotte looked stunning in her violet gown. The bodice was velvet with satin-capped sleeves. Much to her dismay, the satin skirt was big enough to make riding a horse difficult. I helped her pull the top of her hair up and clip it in the back so the rest of her long black locks would fall around her shoulders while she put on her make-up. When Charlotte put on a pair of dangling silver earrings and the violet mask over her eyes, she became a mysterious beauty.

  After I put on my own gown, she helped me lace up the back and then pulled my golden-brown hair up into a bun of braids and twists letting curls escape and brush my neck.

  “How do I look?” I asked turning around.

  “Stunning,” Charlotte said, as she tied the mask around my head and hid the strings in my hair.

  “Ladies!” Mitchell called from below. “We need to head over to Eagle’s Nest now if we plan on making it to the carriages.”

  Together, Charlotte and I took a deep breath and headed down the stairs.

  “Wow,” Mitchell said as he caught a glimpse of Charlotte.

  As she reached the bottom of the stairs, he took her in his arms and gave her a kiss.

  “And you Layla!” he exclaimed with a smile. “Prince Richard is going to regret the day he left you.”


  “Everyone ready?” James asked, walking in through the front door.

  He and Mitchell were dressed in their doublets and pants with shining, polished boots. When James caught a glimpse of us, I felt his eyes linger on me longer than what felt comfortable.

  “You put our bags in the wagon?” Charlotte asked Mitchell not noticing the way James kept staring at me.

  “Yes, my dear,” Mitchell replied. “Let’s go.”

  “Oh!” I exclaimed. “I forgot my bag!”

  “Go and get it,” Charlotte said. “We’ll wait in the wagon.”

  I ran back up the stairs holding my dress up so I would not trip and went into my old room. The bag I would be carrying over the mountains, lay on the bed next to another that I had folded my old ball gown into. I picked them both up and looked around the room one last time wondering if I would ever see it again.

  When I headed back down, I found that James was still there. He was sliding two knives into hidden compartments in his doublet.

  “I’ll take those,” he said as I stepped off the last step.

  “Thank you,” I said handing them to him. I turned to the front door when James stopped me.

  “Is the ribbon in the back of your dress supposed to be undone,” he asked.

  I felt the back, blushing and found that the ribbon had come untied and the dress had loosened.

  “No,” I said, facing him so he could not see. “Charlotte must not have tied it well.”

  My fingers felt around it trying to tighten the laces but could not. I glanced out the window and saw that Charlotte had already gotten into the back of the wagon with Mitchell.

  “Can you help me?” I sighed in frustration..

  “I can try,” James said, putting down my bags.

  I turned around and bit my lip as I tried to ignore him fiddling with the ribbons.

  “How tight do I make it?” he asked, pulling on the ribbon.

  “As tight as it goes,” I replied, uncomfortably.

  His fingers brushed the exposed skin on my back briefly sending a strange tingling through my veins.

  “Okay, I think that should be good,” he said.

  I stepped away from him quickly trying to escape the way he was making me feel. “Thank you,” I said, avoiding his eyes.

  “You’re welcome,” he replied.

  “Come on!” Mitchell called.

  I opened the door for James to carry out my bags and then headed for the wagon. I climbed into the back and sat across from Mitchell and Charlotte.

  “Erik led the other boys to the tunnel opening,” I heard Sir Alexander tell him. “They took all your horses.”

  “Good,” James said as he and Sir Alexander got in the front of the wagon. “I get the feeling this wagon may slow us down, so you better ditch it once we get the prince.”

  “Yes, sir,” Sir Alexander replied, taking the reins.

  The wagon began to move with a jolt and we were off to Eagle’s Nest.

  When we arrived, people dressed in their gowns and masks walked up and down the streets to get in line for the many carriages that would take them to the palace. Sir Alexander helped me out of the wagon and pointed me in the direction of the carriage I was to get in. I clutched the invitation in my hand and walked away, trying to ignore the people staring at my red gown. James headed towards his putting on his mask and constantly looking in my direction for what I told myself was only to make sure I was all right. Charlotte and Mitchell went off to another.

  “Katherine Darrow,” I said as I handed my invitation to a man standing by the carriage door.

  “Welcome, Lady,” he said, holding the door open and handing me back the invitation.

  Two couples were already seated inside so I slid down next to one thankful to be near the window. After one other woman joined us, the man closed the door and the carriage was off. It felt as if it took forever to get to the palace, and with every passing minute, my nerves felt like they were getting the best of me. When we finally entered through the gate into the large courtyard of the palace, my heart began to pound hard.

  Relax, you will be just fine.

  The carriage rolled to a stop in front of the grand entrance and memories of the Autumn Ball flooded me. A servant opened the door of the carriage and helped me out. I handed another my invitation and took in the lively crowd of guests hurrying excitedly up the stone steps. With a deep breath, I lifted my chin high and made my way alone to the doors of the palace, one last time.

  Chapter 40

  AS I STEPPED onto the stairs of the ballroom, I took everything in around me. It was just as grand as the first time I had come, but this time, there seemed to be more guests. The dresses were much more extravagant as well as their adorning masks. I made my way down the stairs, slowly, making sure that my boots stayed hidden beneath my gown.

  “Champagne?” a servant asked.

  “Thank you,” I said, taking one.

  I walked around the guests smiling and greeting some here and there trying to see if I could spot James or Charlotte. From the corner of my eye, I saw Charlotte’s violet gown swish around the corner as she headed to the library with Mitchell. The plan was already in motion. As I looked around the ballroom, I spotted Emily. Even with her mask, it was not difficult to recognize her for she
stood at the edge of the dance floor with a group of men and women around her, gossiping. Rupert had his arm around her, laughing. I moved in closer.

  “You are terrible!” one of the women was saying, trying to fight a fit of laughter.

  “That’s why we love her,” Rupert said, giving Emily a kiss on the cheek.

  “Lady Emily,” a servant said. “The king has requested that any family present today stand near the thrones when he enters. They are coming out in a few minutes.”

  “Come Rupert, darling,” she said, paying no attention to the servant.

  As she walked away, I spotted James coming right towards her unknowingly.

  Oh no.

  At the last second he noticed and turned off sharply but not before Emily saw him. As he passed, she stopped and watched him disappear into the crowd of guests.

  “What’s the matter?” Rupert asked.

  “Oh, nothing,” she said, flashing a dazzling smile. “I just thought I saw someone I knew. Come on.”

  I realized I was holding my breath and let it out as she walked away from James.

  “Good evening, Lady,” a man’s voice said from behind me.

  I turned to find a middle-aged man with a short black beard wearing a fine doublet and a dark blue mask.

  “Good evening,” I said with a bow of my head.

  “My name is Sir Edward Samuelson, and you are?” he asked.

  “Katherine Darrow,” I replied with a smile.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you Lady Katherine. I do not believe we have ever met. Have you been to any of the other royal balls?”

  “Yes, but this would only be my second,” I said.

  “It surprises me a lady like you would have only been to two.”

  “I move around a lot, and many times it isn’t logical to travel such a long way,” I said, trying to seem friendly.

  “Where are you from?” he asked curiously.

  “The Hill Country,” I lied.

  “Wonderful!” he exclaimed. “I’m actually from the Harvest Plains. My father runs a few of the fields there. His manor is right by the Hill Country.”

  “What a coincidence,” I said with a fake smile.

  The trumpets sounded, announcing the entrance of the king and queen.

  “Ladies and gentlemen!” a herald’s voice rang out. “I now present to you our wonderful leader, King Luther and his wife Queen Alyssa with their son, Prince Richard and his lovely wife, Princess Rebecca!”

  The four of them entered through the grand doors and my heart leapt. This was the first time I had seen Richard since the awful day I told him I was with child. Here he was with his new wife—the woman who had taken my place as princess.

  “Welcome guests!” King Luther boomed. “I hope you all enjoy yourselves tonight, and make sure you keep those masks on! Let the dancing begin!”

  The music started on cue and the guests grabbed a partner and began twirling around on the dance floor.

  “Are you all right, Lady Katherine?” Sir Edward asked me.

  “Yes,” I replied. “I’m quite alright. I was just thinking about how I would love to meet the prince and princess. The last time I came to the ball they had not been married.”

  Sir Edward’s face lit up. “Well, I just happen to be a good friend of the prince, so if you have just one dance with me, I’ll introduce you to him.”

  “Sounds perfect,” I said.

  He took my champagne glass and placed it on a servant’s tray. “Shall we?” he said, giving me his hand.

  I took it graciously and began a waltz with him. He was quite good and I felt the eyes of the guests that were not dancing on the two of us. As we turned on the dance floor, I saw Richard with Rebecca speaking to Emily and Rupert.

  “You are a wonderful dancer,” Sir Edward complimented me. “And I must admit you are the most stunning woman here.”

  “You flatter me, sir,” I said, feeling a blush creep onto my cheeks. Stay focused.

  “With eyes like that, I can only begin to imagine what hides behind the mask.”

  I looked up at him. All these rich and royal men are the same. They will say anything to get your attention.

  I felt his hand sliding down my back a bit further than comfortable. I took a breath and tried to ignore it.

  Do not anger him. This is all for the mission. It is just one dance.

  I smiled at him as I fought the urge to pull away whenever he pulled me closer. I could not help but feel violated.

  The waltz finally ended and a new one began.

  “May I cut in,” a man’s voice said.

  I looked up and found James standing behind Sir Edward.

  Sir Edward eyed him carefully.

  “There is nothing to worry about, Sir Edward,” I said in a flirtatious tone to cover up my surprise and relief. “It will only be one dance. Why don’t you go and get me another champagne?”

  “Of course, Lady,” Sir Edward said, not attempting to hide his dislike.

  “Thank you,” James said.

  Edward walked away as James placed his hand on my back and took my other hand. I placed mine on his shoulder and we began to waltz.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.


  I rolled my eyes. “You shouldn’t cut in like that. He was about to introduce me to Richard.”

  “Trust me, with the way that Sir Edward character has been looking at you, dancing with me will only ensure that he will do anything after this waltz to make sure you stay by his side.”

  “That’s why you wanted to dance with me?” I asked sarcastically.


  We stayed silent for a few seconds and I was suddenly very aware of his touch. His hand felt hot on the bare skin of my back. My thoughts began to fall into a tangle and I was suddenly lightheaded. I felt like I was going to start hyperventilating from the strange knots that began to twist in my stomach. My heart raced in my chest and I heard it hammering in my ears.

  “I didn’t know you could dance,” I said, trying to distract myself.

  James smiled and I found myself lost in his eyes as the heat of a blush ran into my cheeks.

  “Emily taught me,” he said.

  I felt a pang of jealousy at the sound of her name but unsure why.

  “You aren’t so bad yourself,” James said, spinning me.

  “Thank you,” I replied, trying to swallow the lump in my throat.

  The waltz finally came to end and I found myself not wanting him to let me go.

  “Your Sir Edward awaits,” James said, gesturing to him watching us intently from the side holding two champagne glasses.

  I nodded. “It was a pleasure dancing with you,” I said formally with a curtsy.

  “And with you,” James said with a bow.

  As I walked towards Sir Edward, I could still feel my skin tingling from James’s touch.

  “See, I told you it would be just one dance,” I said flirtatiously.

  Sir Edward smiled. “And that it was,” he said, handing me a glass of champagne.

  “Will you introduce me to the prince and princess now?” I asked, batting my eyes.

  “Yes, of course,” he said, giving me his arm.

  Together we made our way to where the prince stood.

  “Edward!” Richard exclaimed as he saw us coming towards him. “I was hoping I’d find you here.”

  “It’s great to see you too,” Edward said and then acknowledged the princess. “Princess Rebecca.”

  “Sir Edward,” she replied with a nod of her head.

  She was thin and busty with long straight brown hair topped with a striking tiara. She wore a puffy champagne colored gown with a fitted bodice covered in beautiful embroidery. A small matching mask decorated with feathers covered her face displaying her brown eyes.

  “And who may this be?” Prince Richard asked, looking at me.

  I felt his eyes take in every inch of me.

  “This is Lady Katherin
e Darrow,” Sir Edward said. “She is from the Hill Country.”

  “It’s wonderful to meet you,” Princess Rebecca said with a genuine smile.

  “The pleasure is all mine,” I replied with a curtsy.

  “Welcome to my home,” Richard said, taking my hand to kiss it.

  “Thank you,” I said as he looked up at me.

  He froze for a split second when his eyes locked on mine. Betsy was right—Richard recognized me immediately. He quickly kissed my hand and let it go.

  Over his shoulder by the hall that led to the library, I spotted James with two lovely women. He had not wasted any time and they did not attempt to hide their attraction to him. I lost focus of my own conversation as one of them placed their hand on his arm playfully. She was giggling ridiculously and it angered me when he did not brush it off. James gave her a devilish grin that washed over me with jealousy.


  His eyes flashed up to mine and I looked away quickly.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” Rebecca asked, bringing me back into the conversation.

  “Yes,” I replied. “It made it all the more enjoyable when Sir Edward here showed me how well he could waltz.”

  “How wonderful!” she exclaimed and then turned to Richard. “We must have at least one dance this time Richard, dear.”

  It was hard not to like Rebecca. She seemed so sweet in comparison to Richard’s other relatives.

  “It’s the best part of balls,” I said.

  “How many have you been to?” Rebecca asked.

  “This is her second,” Sir Edward answered for me.

  I saw that Richard looked like he was going to be sick. His eyes kept dancing around the room trying to avoid mine entirely.

  “I’ve been to so many, I’ve lost count,” Rebecca said. “The Masquerade Ball is my favorite.”

  “It’s truly wonderful,” I said. “The gowns are even more exquisite than the last time I came.”

  “Yes,” Rebecca said. “I absolutely love yours!”

  “Thank you,” I said. “And yours is stunning.”


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