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Toxic New Year: The Day That Wouldn't End: The Day That Wouldn't End (Alex Desephano Series Book 4)

Page 24

by Judith Lucci

  Jack nodded and added, “Yeah, it’s gotta hurt. Didn’t John Dillinger burn his fingerprints off with lye or something?”

  No one seemed to know, so Jack continued talking. “I think he did, and I think some hair dressers don’t have fingerprints because they lose them over time due to working with chemicals.”

  Vern nodded. “Yeah, I’ve heard that too. When does the St. Germaine Task Force meet?”

  Jason Alexander pulled his calendar out and said, “Wednesday, we meet Wednesday at City Hall. The Mayor will be attending, Jack, just a FYI,” he said, hiding a smile.

  Jack rolled his eyes and said nothing.

  Chief Stevens added, “Men, let’s go over this again. We’re missing stuff. Let’s get our I’s dotted and our T’s crossed before this meeting. This guy’s been killing steadily, in spurts, for almost a year this go round. We’ve got to .…” He saw a strange look on Jason’s face as he viewed a text on his phone. “Jason, what is it? What’s up?”

  Jason shook his head, looked at Jack and said, “Commander, we’ve got the identity of the male victim.”

  All eyes turned expectantly to Jason and finally Jack barked, “Who the hell is it?”

  Jason’s eyes were big. “It’s ‘Skip the Whip’ Tonti. He’s a mob boss in the Andretti crime family.”

  Jack was shocked and it showed on his face. He rolled his eyes upward. “Oh, no. Mary, Mother of God. We have a dead Mafia boss hanging upside down in Saint Louis Cemetery. This just keeps getting better,” Jack said morosely. “Who the hell in this town has guts enough to mess with the Andretti crime family? They must be looking for a spot in Saint Louis Cemetery themselves.”

  Ted Stevens skipped through his mind. The Andretti family has been around more and more lately. I hope this isn’t a mob war. “It could just be he was selected at random. Maybe not a planned hit,” Stevens offered aloud.

  Vern shook his head. “Wrong place, wrong, time. No way. This ain’t random. Nobody messes with Andretti, unless it is Andretti messing with his own people. I don’t believe it’s random for an instant.”

  Jack nodded, “Me neither, and this totally changes the landscape.” He looked at Jason and said, “Get everything you can on the victim, and you and Vern use our snitches to figure this out.”

  Jason nodded, as did Vern.

  “Chief, what’s the mafia doing in other parts of the city? Anything new,” someone asked.

  Ted shrugged his shoulders. “No, nothing new, the same old stuff. Drugs, hookers, casinos, video poker scams, working the docks, one suspected murder, normal organized crime behavior, typical Costa Nostra stuff,” he said. “But they are becoming more active now, and we’ve got information on a potential hit they’re planning. But I’m pretty sure this wasn’t it,” he assured them.

  Jack shook his head. “This ain’t good. We gotta hit the ground on this one. Let’s go dig out our snitches. Something should pop,” Jack repeated as Vern stood to leave.

  “On my way, I’ll get back when I get something,” Vern promised on his way out.

  “Call me with anything you see or hear,” Jack hollered after him.

  Vern flashed him a thumbs up.

  Jack stared at Ted and Jason. “What the hell? On top of everything else, here come the Sicilians. What the hell is going on here? We’ve never had any info to link the mob and St. Germaine.”

  Chief Stevens shook his head. “Don’t know, Jack, but it could be pretty bad. Hope we’re not in for a mob war.”

  Jack gritted his teeth and with sweat glistening on his forehead said, “Yeah, me too.”

  Chapter 66

  Dinner at Chateau Destephano was a glamorous affair. The group was having cocktails in the generous, marbled foyer of the Chateau. Jacob Stark and Sarah Harding watched fondly as Shooter talked with Haley and challenged her to a game of checkers after dinner.

  Stark heard a rustling of silk, and looked up as Alex descended the steps. She was so lovely that it took his breath away. She sparkled with beauty and health. He felt a slow flame of desire burn through his body. It was a sensation he hadn’t experienced for a very long time, and he loved the way it felt.

  Alex saw him looking at her, and she flashed him her beautiful smile. She felt exquisite and Jacob’s smile reinforced that feeling. He took two long strides toward the bottom of the stairway and offered his hand to her.

  “Thank you, Jacob. I appreciate all the help I can get these days,” she said with a smile. She gave Louis a kiss on the cheek and relinquished her grip on his arm. As she gladly took hold of Jacob’s outstretched hand, she noticed the unique color of his dark eyes and saw his admiration for her in them. Her heart fluttered.

  “Can I get you a drink, Alex,” he asked gallantly. “I believe your father has some very fine Champagne that has been opened for us this evening. Sarah is having a glass.”

  “That would be wonderful,” Alex said, nodding agreeably as she waved at Sarah. She moved over to Sarah and gave her a hug. Haley immediately came over and grabbed Alex’s hand, Shooter in tow.

  Haley was jumping up and down. “Alex, Alex, pick me up. I want to see your dress at the top,” she begged.

  Alex picked up the child and smiled at Shooter. “Looks like she’s got you on a ball and chain,” she commented, as she nodded at Haley.

  Shooter grinned. “Yeah. But, don’t kid yourself, she has all of us eating out of her hand. She’s a very convincing young lady,” he added as he tousled Haley’s blonde curls. “I’ve found it better to do what she asks. It’s easier,” he admitted.

  “You’re right there; the pout of a five year old is more than I can handle.” Louis chimed in, eager for any excuse to sidle up to Sarah. “I do exactly what she tells me,” Louis said as he looked affectionately at the child and stole a quick glance at her grandmother. “After all, I am Haley’s Godfather,” he reminded everyone.

  Alex laughed. “I understand.”

  Sarah shook her head and chided them, “You all are spoiling her. All of you. You’re going to make her rotten, or at least more rotten than she already is.”

  “I’m not rotten, Grandma,” Haley said, her voice petulant. “I’m just a little girl.”

  Everyone laughed as Jacob handed Alex her Champagne, and Alex kissed Haley on the cheek and placed her on the floor. “Oh, this is wonderful, very dry,” Alex commented on the wine. She turned to Louis and said, “Wonderful selection. I love it.”

  Louis smiled. “There’s lots more where that came from, so drink up.”

  Alex raised her glass in a toast and said, “To all of my new and dear friends, and to my dad.”

  Louis beamed from ear to ear. This was like a dream for him. He had waited for Alex for thirty years, and now she was here and she had called him dad. He gave Sarah Harding a sideways look. Sarah is such a lovely woman and I think she may like me. For the first time in many years, Louis Destephano was lighthearted and happy – even if there was a burglar, or something worse, out there somewhere.

  “Dinner is served,” Mrs. A. announced from the main hall. “Let’s not keep Cook waiting. She’s worked hard on this meal.”

  “We’re coming now,” Louis answered.

  Louis offered his arm to Sarah, who accepted it gratefully, while Alex accepted Jacob’s arm. Shooter held his hand out for Haley, who accepted politely. The group then walked in pairs to the Chateau’s splendid dining room with its Bulgarian crystal chandelier and Louis IV furniture.

  Alex felt as though she was part of a movie set. Everything was so perfect, from the floral arrangements on either end of the table to the magnificent Palladian windows that over looked the veranda and terrace with Lake Geneva beyond.

  Dinner was amazing. Cook had prepared Camembert and Brie en croute served with an excellent Bordeaux, Moul’es Marinie’res, and a mussel specialty from the west of France paired with a crisp Rhone white wine.

  Alex felt Jacob’s eyes on her as she sifted through her mussels. She was both anxious and excited at the same
time. Every now and then an image of Robert flashed into her mind, and she stubbornly pushed it away. She had been married to Robert and he had rejected and divorced her. She knew now, having met Jacob Stark, that she could never remarry Robert because the trust and chemistry was gone. She turned to her father and said, “Dad, this dinner is wonderful. I don’t know if I’ve ever had a meal that is as wonderful as this one!”

  Louis’s heart jumped into his throat and his eyes welled with tears. He looked at his beautiful daughter. She was slightly flushed, most likely from the wine, but she was exquisite. She had called him ‘Dad’ and that meant everything to him. “I’m so happy you like it, Alex. Cook is excellent. She’s been with me for over twenty years. I even brought her to New York with me for a while after my cancer treatment, so I could regain some weight.”

  Alex felt a small pang of regret. Most of the people that worked for Louis had known him for many years. He was her father and she’d known him less than three months. Something about that just wasn’t fair.

  Shooter interrupted her thoughts. “Louis, can’t stay here much longer, I’m gaining weight every day. Everything just tastes too good,” he grumbled as he patted his non-existent belly.

  Everyone laughed as Cook entered the dining room with her main course, Sole Meurie’re served with red potatoes and a dill sauce. Shooter stood and served all of them a white Sancerrei vintage from the Loire Valley that was the most delicious and delicate white wine Alex had ever tasted.

  “Oh my, I just love this wine,” Alex said decisively. “They’ve all been excellent, but this is my favorite.”

  “I agree with you, Alex. This wine is light, but fruity. I like it best as well,” opined Sarah, as Jacob rose to refill both of their glasses.

  “Oh no, oh no,” Alex protested as she placed her hand over her wine glass. “I’ve had much too much wine already, Jacob,” she said as she looked into his dark blue eyes. At that moment Alex thought he was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen, and she knew that she would never refuse him anything. Quietly she removed her hand from her glass.

  “Now, that’s a girl,” Jacob encouraged. “Just a little more won’t hurt.”

  Everyone laughed and glasses were refilled around the table, and the conversation continued to be lighthearted throughout the main course.

  Alex noticed that Shooter and Jacob had each left the table several times over the lengthy four course meal. She also thought their wine stayed in their glasses much longer than her wine did. They were obviously drinking much slower than she was. “Where are you going,” she boldly asked Stark the next time he rose to leave the dining room.

  “To see a man about a horse,” he quipped. “I’ll be back shortly, I promise,” he said with a smile as he left the dining room. And he was, returning just in time for desert. He gave Alex a warm smile and a wink as he sat down.

  Alex smiled back, and everyone laughed happily and ate their chocolate éclairs with raspberries and cream. It was the most divine dessert Alex had consumed in a long time, and she ate all of it. Pushing her plate back, Alex declared, “I think I’ll take a walk outside for some fresh air. I have eaten far too much and had far too much wine.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Jacob offered quickly as he stood. “It’s a beautiful evening. We can walk down to the lakefront if you would like.”

  “That is just what I need,” she agreed. ”Let me get my shawl and I will be right back.”

  “You may want some better walking shoes,” Jacob suggested as he checked out her shoes. “The earth is soft and I think those heels would make it hard to walk.”

  “Good idea. I’ll do that,” she promised.

  Stark looked over at his mother-in-law who smiled with approval and said, “Don’t let anything happen to her, Jake. Louis would kill us and I love being here.”

  Louis stood and placed his arm around Sarah and said, “I will never hurt you, Sarah. In fact, I am wondering if you will join me in the main Salon for Cognac.”

  Sarah smiled happily. “I would love to have a small glass of Sherry, but I need to get Haley settled first.”

  “No, no, I will do that,” Shooter interrupted. “We have a date for checkers and to watch the Lion King in Louis’s office, don’t we honey,” he asked, looking at a very sleepy Haley.

  Haley rubbed her eyes with her hand and nodded. “Yes, we do and will you get my blankie?”

  Shooter bowed and said, “Yes ma’am. I’ll be back.”

  “See anything unusual,” Shooter discretely asked Jake in the hall.

  Stark shook his head and checked his watch. It was 10:30. “Not a thing, and the guards say things are quiet. I’m going to talk to the waterfront with Alex and looked around down there.”

  Shooter’s eyes twinkled. “Uh huh. Anything else?”

  “If there is, you’ll never know about it, dude,” Stark promised. “You’d better get the blankie and get back in there for Haley. She’s tired as heck and she could get really whiny,” he cautioned.

  Shooter nodded. “How about I get in touch with Danielle and all of us take the boat out tomorrow. I’ll check it out with Louis. He and Sarah seem to really be hitting it off.”

  Jacob smiled and said, “Yes, they do. I’m happy for her. She’s a great lady. I want only the best for her, and she needs some happiness after Helen’s death and the death of the Admiral.”

  “And so do you,” Shooter added. “Now, get out of here and behave yourself.”

  Stark shot him a thumbs up and headed for the veranda.

  Chapter 67

  Alex’s heart thudded with excitement as she ran up the stairs, and returned to her room to freshen up and retrieve her wrap. She felt like a teenager on her first date. She brushed her teeth and sprayed on a little more perfume. She checked her image in the mirror and finding it passable, slipped on some walking shoes, went back down the stairs, and met Jacob by the balcony.

  “Alex, you look lovely. Thanks for taking a walk with me,” Jacob said as he looked down at her. Alex hadn’t realized how tall he was. It made a difference when she took off her heels.

  “Thank you. I’ve had so much food and wine, I need to walk a bit,” she said, feeling a bit shy as she smiled at him.

  “As do I,” Jacob agreed, opening the French doors from the Main Salon that lead to the veranda. Again he offered her his hand and she accepted. She liked the way his hand felt in hers, comfortable and natural. Her heart fluttered with excitement, and she felt like a teenager.

  Alex broke the comfortable silence as they headed down the path to the Lake. “I loved shopping with Haley this morning. She is a delightful little girl and quite a fashionista,” Alex added with a laugh.

  Jacob chortled, “Yes, she is. She loves clothes, particularly bright colors with ruffles, which was quite unlike her mother.…”

  Alex saw a flicker of pain pass over his handsome features. “I am sorry about the loss of your wife. I understand it was recent?”

  Jacob nodded. “Yes, early this year, but she was sick for almost four years with a rare form of cancer, and she had fought as hard as she could.”

  Alex squeezed his hand and said, “Will you tell me about her, Jacob? That is, if it’s not too painful.”

  Stark was silent for a moment and said, “I’ll try.” He paused again as if to gather his thoughts. “Helen, well, Helen was exceptional. She was blonde, beautiful, sweet, kind, unselfish and caring of everyone. She was a fighter, a trooper. She was a wonderful wife to me. She put up with all of my long absences. I … I couldn’t have asked for anyone better.” His voice sounded choked and Alex could feel the pulse in his wrist racing.

  “How lucky you were to have had such a wonderful wife. And, what a wonderful mother she must have been,” Alex said in a comforting tone.

  “Yes, Haley is adopted ... did you know that? We adopted her after Helen’s cancer diagnosis. Helen wanted to leave something for me when she was gone.”

  Alex digested this information and laughed,
“No, I didn’t know Haley was adopted. She is quite a handful and I love her to death. She keeps Sarah really busy!”

  “Sarah is really special too. In many ways, Helen was like Sarah. They looked very much alike. Helen was just a younger version. Helen worked for the State Department. She was a linguistics expert. We met in Rome when she was stationed at the Embassy there.”

  Alex read Jacob’s face and noted the faraway look in his eyes. Watching the emotions that flickered across his face, she knew he was remembering the early days with his wife when they were young and healthy and very much in love.

  “Would you like to sit for a while,” Jacob asked her.

  Alex agreed and they sat on a bench overlooking the lake. The moon was a tiny sliver and spread a pale line of light across the dark water. Alex heard a sound in the water and asked, “Was that a fish?”

  “I don’t know. I guess it could have been.” Jacob stood unexpectedly, looked down at the water and then back up at the house, as if he was looking for someone or something.

  Alex rose and stood beside him. She touched his sleeve and asked quietly, “Are we expecting someone?”

  Stark gave her a surprised look and replied, “I hope not, that’s for sure.” He looked back at the Chateau again, scanning the terrace, veranda, and roofline through the trees.

  “Are you looking for a burglar,” Alex asked. “My father told me there had been several in the area and he had increased his security force.”

  Jacob tilted her chin up toward his face and replied, “Well, perhaps I am. Let’s walk out to the end of the pier so we can look back and get a better view of the house.” He offered Alex his arm, and they walked to the pier and sat in the Gazebo at the end of the dock.

  “It’s beautiful here,” Alex murmured. “Have you known my father long,” she inquired.

  Stark shook his head. “Just a few months. After the incident in New York, he wanted additional security and called Shooter, who has been my buddy since we were young and served in the military together. Shooter knew about Helen’s death and figured I was available, so he called me. I was in between assignments, so I met him down in New Orleans.


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