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The Shifter’s Nanny

Page 94

by T. S. Ryder

  “That was true for quite some time, but they are getting bolder,’ Jennifer grumbled, her fangs flashing behind her crimson lips. “I’ve identified the trouble maker stirring up talks of rebellion, a high-standing lord named Eric Gualtiero. He’s young, just under a century, and he believes that he can remake this crumbled kingdom into the empire my husband destroyed.”

  “If you know who is causing the problems, why don’t you put a stop to it?” Alice asked.

  “I would if I could. He’s surrounded himself with powerful men, men who will remain loyal to him until I have hard evidence that he is planning treason against my son,” Jennifer pointed out, her eyes tired.

  “Do you want me to try to uncover something?” Alice raised an eyebrow at this. She was a witch, not a spy.

  “Nonsense. You’re a warrior, you don’t have the abilities required to get the information I need.” Jennifer snorted, much to Alice’s irritation. Alice didn’t argue, though, waiting to hear what Jennifer had in mind instead. “No, I need you to do your job. I need you to protect my son. He has basic battle training and has done his share of battling, but he is not exactly observant enough to notice an attack heading towards him.”

  “You want me to act as a bodyguard for my mate?” Alice let out a thoughtful noise at this, Talon curling up against her foot with a curious flick of his ear.

  “The one that they most expect to be there is often the least likely to be acknowledged. You are his mate and as a woman, you blend in well with the king. I’ve used my ability to blend into events many times before. A good spy is one who isn’t expected or seen,” Jennifer said. “Protect my son. He’s all I’ve ever had and I’m trusting that you’ll keep my little boy safe.” For the first time, Alice saw a softness in the former queen’s eyes that she had never seen before.

  “Of course,” Alice smiled, reaching out and touching Jennifer’s hand. “I love him dearly and as long as I’m standing, no one is going to get near him,” she insisted, determination flooding through her.

  No one was going to take Matheus away from her. She had never thought she would fall in love and now that she had, she was never going to let anyone take that away from her.

  “Good,” Jennifer smiled, gesturing to the door with a cough. “I’ve got research to do, I suggest you get back to him,” she mumbled, although Alice could see the gratitude on her face. Before she could leave, though, Jennifer cleared her throat. “Do be careful, though. I know that you’re expecting. The last thing that I want is for you to lose a child protecting mine.” She barely looked up from her papers as she spoke.

  Alice felt her heart flutter a bit. It was the closest that Jennifer had ever been to saying that she cared about her. A smile on her lips, Alice stepped out of the door into the winding secret passage once again. Her heart filled with determination, she started to make her way towards her quarters.

  She had Jennifer’s approval, and now that she was positive they were working together towards the same goal, all she had to do was protect her lover and their unborn child.

  Chapter Ten

  “You’ve been rather on edge recently, is everything alright?” Matheus’ voice drew Alice out of the book she had been skimming over and over to where her mate was polishing his sword after a round of sparring with one of his personal guards.

  Sighing, Alice sat the book aside before sliding over to her mate’s side. Leaning down, she pressed her lips to his forehead.

  “I’m alright, love, just feeling a bit on edge with the baby on the way,” she mumbled, her eyes softening when the man set aside his sword and moved to his feet.

  Squeaking as she was lifted up into his powerful arms, Alice laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. Closing her eyes, she allowed him to carry her to the bed. As soon as they were both nestled under the blankets, his head moved to rest on her chest, just above her heart. He loved listening to her heartbeat and said that the sound soothed him. Vampire’s heartbeats were so shallow and slow that they hardly seemed to have any heartbeat at all, giving them the illusion of being the living dead.

  “Don’t worry so much. I revealed your pregnancy to the others, and they all seem to be happy for us. If they aren’t, I doubt they have enough malice for me that they would try anything to harm you,” Matheus insisted, attempting to soothe his mate as he rubbed lightly at her sides. Alice sighed, wishing that her lover could know what she did, but instead smiled and pressed her lips to his forehead.

  “You’re right, I’m being ridiculous,” she breathed, curling up around the man with a smile and closing her eyes when he pressed his lips against her shoulder. “I love you, darling,” she said, softly.

  “I love you too, my queen,” Matheus responded, trailing his powerful, cool fingers through her hair.

  Alice had just started to doze off when she heard the door open. Frowning, she pressed closer to her mate while the man softly snored below her. He was nearly impossible to coax from sleep, so it wasn’t a surprise that the soft sound hadn’t roused him.

  Soft footsteps made their way towards the bed. Alice could hear the hesitation, the fear in the steps. This was not a person who had good intentions for the occupants of the bed.

  Her hands moving slowly below the sheets, Alice focused on the form moving towards them.

  “Lux,” she breathed, and the candles in the room were immediately lit. The intruder froze in fear as soon as the room was illuminated, the silver blade in their hand immediately coming into view. “Flumine!” Alice shouted as she sat up, a surge of water slamming into the intruder and throwing them against the wall.

  Matheus sat up with a shout at the sudden commotion, his eyes flashing with confusion as he looked around. Instantly spotting the intruder pinned up against the wall, he lurched to his feet and stood in front of his mate. It only took a moment for them to recognize their potential assailant.

  “Veronica,” Matheus growled, his eyes flashing murderously as he moved towards the girl. “You were…” His eyes landed on the blade beside the girl, his entire form shaking with rage.

  “Who told you to do this, Veronica?” Alice demanded, moving to stand beside her mate, knowing full well that the girl was manipulative and controlling, but not malicious enough to plan such an attack herself.

  “N-No one!” Veronica gasped, squirming as her watery bindings held her in place. “This was all my plan!” Her eyes were bright red and panicked as Alice lifted up the knife.

  “A servant of your standing would never be able to acquire a silver blade with this much power ingrained in it. This is dark magic, and you do not have that level of power,” Alice snapped, her hands sparkling with energy as she placed the blade down on the counter.

  “I wasn’t working with anyone! I bought the blade!” Veronica cried, earning a frown from Alice, who shook her head.

  There were very few people in the world who could make such a blade. Those who could were powerful magicians or witches who would be unwilling to work with someone of such little standing as Veronica.

  “No, you had an accomplice,” Alice glared, her eyes dark as she moved closer to the woman and glared. Magic sparkled in her hands as she thought of how to get the woman to talk, but her expertise had never been in interrogation. “I might not be able to get the information out of you, but you’re weak, Veronica. You won’t last long under the torturer’s blade,” she hissed, pulling back and resting her hand on her mate’s arm.

  Matheus was trembling beside her, hurt and anger on his features as he moved to the doorway and shouted for the guards. Alice had never seen him so shaken. He trusted and adored his servants and the fact that someone would betray his trust in such a fashion after he had done so much for them had to be devastating for him.

  Veronica was shuddering with fear as the guards streamed in. Alice released her magical bindings and allowed them to restrain her instead. Moving up to Matheus as the guards dragged Veronica away, Alice kissed his shoulder gently.

/>   “Are you alright?” she whispered, kissing his neck and trailing her fingers over his side. He nodded, looking distant and angry as he turned and wrapped his arms around her waist.

  “That knife wasn’t meant for just me,” he muttered, pressing his face to her neck. “She was on your side of the bed. That blade was laced with an enchantment so that it could kill a witch, as well as a vampire.”

  Alice frowned and nodded, pressing her face to his neck and kissing his shoulder. She had figured as much when she saw the blade, but it made sense that whoever wanted Matheus dead wanted her gone as well. A vengeful, grief-driven witch was a powerful enemy to make.

  “It will be OK. We’ll find out who convinced her to do this, and we’ll make sure that they never get the chance to try it again,” she whispered, cradling her mate in her arms and letting out a relieved sigh when he kissed her on the lips.

  “He’ll regret trying to harm my family,” Matheus growled. “No one crosses me like this and gets away with it. Whoever tried this will have hell to pay.” His voice was low, filled with a hatred that she had never before heard from him.

  Resting her hand on her lover’s back, Alice kissed his shoulder gently. She would protect him and their unborn child no matter what she had to do. No one was going to harm her family.

  Chapter Eleven

  Lord Eric Gaultiero was a man who carried himself as if he were king. Tall, stately, and handsome in his own way, he was someone who knew how to speak and make people listen. As one of Matheus’ most powerful lords, it was hard to imagine him attempting any sort of uprising against the king. Still, if Jennifer was right, he was one of the biggest threats to Matheus at that moment.

  During the months that Alice had been staying at the castle, she had not met the man, but after the attempt on her life, she made sure that Eric was aware that she suspected him. Tracking him down after one of Matheus’ meetings in the manor, she approached him with a false smile on her lips.

  “Lord Gaultiero?” she asked, gaining his immediate attention. At her side, Talon’s ears twitched irritably, his eyes locked onto the lord as they moved to stand beside them.

  “Ah, my queen, how might I serve you?” he asked, his eyes flickering momentarily down to the growing lump under Alice’s dress. “And please, call me Eric,” he insisted.

  “I just wanted to speak with you. You’re one of the few lords I have not had the honor of meeting personally.” Her eyes locked onto his, forcing him to return his attention to her face. “The king speaks fondly of you. He says you’re one of his best tacticians.”

  “He is too kind,” Eric hummed, his cool blue eyes staring unblinkingly back at Alice.

  “I know that you used to work for his father as well. I suppose the changes since Matheus took over must be interesting,” she said, her hand resting on her stomach protectively. The feeling that she got from Eric was a dark one. He was not the honorable man that his face suggested he was. She could feel a darkness, an evil in him.

  “There has been a lot of change, but I suppose that, sometimes, change is good,” Eric said, his hands resting at his sides. “Then again, things have a way of correcting themselves with time.”

  “I agree with that, but I also believe that better things are often encouraged through growth and change,” Alice said, her eyes wandering over the man in search of anything that might hint at ill wishes.

  Talon’s voice sounded in her mind a moment later, his tail twitching as a low growl formed in his voice.

  “He is evil. I don’t like him. He’s hiding something,” Talon rumbled, leaping up onto Alice’s shoulder and glaring at the man in front of them. She glanced up at her cat as he spoke and nodded.

  “I suppose my friend is hungry. It was nice speaking with you,” she said, nodding at Eric. The moment that the man turned away from her, she licked her lips and murmured softly under her breath, “Vide.”

  A little spark, no larger than a gnat, lurched out of her hand and rushed forward to attach itself to Eric’s back. Now she could see as he saw, and hear as he heard, at the flick of a wrist. She would soon uncover his secrets.

  “Come on, we’re going to meet Jennifer,” Alice said, turning on her heel and rushing down the hallway towards her mother-in-law’s rooms.

  Alice knocked on the door, then grinned as Jennifer opened it and raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Yes?” she asked, blinking when Alice brushed past her and moved up to her mirror. “Alice, what’s going on?”

  “I figured out a way for me to find out exactly what Eric has planned and if he’s the one who’s been trying to kill me and my family,” she said, pulling out a small bag containing various bones, acacia powder, and a vial of blood she had collected earlier.

  “Did you now?” Jennifer asked, moving to sit beside Alice and raising her eyebrow when the woman started to place the contents of her bag into a small bowl of water just in front of the mirror.

  Slowly, smoke started to rise out of the bowl, a silver mist that curled around the mirror and started to shimmer. Before Jennifer could ask another question, an image appeared on the glass. Eric stood in front of a small group of lords and ladies, his voice muffled but still audible.

  “The little witch is getting suspicious. She approached me today without provocation,” Eric grumbled. They couldn’t hear what the others were saying, but they could see their faces.

  “I know them all. They sat on my husband’s council for years,” Jennifer snarled, her eyes flashing with rage as she began to take notes.

  “We need to act soon. If we continue to wait, we’ll wind up just like the little whore I sent to kill her,” he growled, moving up to a counter and lifting a vial. “Tonight at dinner, we’ll poison the bitch.”

  “That’s exactly what I needed to hear,” Jennifer smirked, moving to her feet and grabbing a cloak from her closet. Pulling it over her shoulders, she glanced back at Alice with a grin. “Come on, we’ve got to go fetch a few people,” she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

  Moving to her feet, Alice nodded as she followed Jennifer out of the room. She wasn’t sure what the woman had in mind, but whatever it was, she was sure that Jennifer was about to rain down hell upon the members of her son’s inner circle who had dared betray him.

  Chapter Twelve

  With a small army of guards behind them, Jennifer and Alice marched into the meeting room where several vampire lords had just settled down for a discussion on foreign policy.

  Alice’s eyes immediately locked onto Eric as they stepped inside, her hands rushing up in front of her as she cast the spell.

  “Consto!” The man froze before he could so much as make a move towards the door, anger, and fear on his face.

  “Release me at once!” Eric snarled, swearing when the guards lurched forward to start arresting those who Jennifer had listed for them. The man’s eyes were filled with rage.

  “You are under arrest for attempted murder.” Jennifer glared at Eric, moving up to him once he was restrained and lifting up his chin. “You know, I never liked you, but knowing that you were going to kill my son, my daughter-in-law and my grandchild, I don’t think I’ve ever hated someone more.”

  “You have no proof,” Eric spat murderously.

  “Oh, dear, I have more proof than I need to put your head on a spike,” Jennifer hummed, snapping her fingers at the guards. “Bring them all down to the dungeon. The rest of you are dismissed. I want this to serve as a lesson to you all.” She glared at them, earning nervous but obedient nods from the rest of the nobles in the room.

  Turning around, Jennifer smiled at Alice, touching her shoulder gently and kissing her cheek.

  “You’ll be a great queen. I know you’ll serve this kingdom as well as I ever did,” she whispered in her ear. “Now relax and take care of that child. Leave the rest of the defenses to me.” Whistling at the guards, she led them out into the hall. Alice wasn’t sure what she had planned for the men, but whatever it was, she was s
ure that it wasn’t good.

  Alice smiled gratefully back at Jennifer, then moved over to Matheus and wrapped her arms around his neck. He looked startled but otherwise appeared to be unshaken. Wrapping his arms around Alice tightly, he pressed happy kisses over her face and shoulder.

  “Did I ever tell you that you’re amazing?” Matheus mumbled, scooping her into his arms and carrying her towards their rooms. “How long have you known about Eric?” he asked softly.

  “Not for long. Your mother is the one who has been investigating him. I just helped her collect the evidence to arrest him properly.” Alice shrugged, kissing her lover sweetly and humming as he opened the door to their apartments.

  Lying Alice out on the bed, Matheus crawled onto the sheets beside her and pressed a few loving kisses to her face and neck.

  “You’re a goddess,” he mumbled, trailing his fingers over her swollen stomach with a proud look on his face. Looking up at him with soft eyes, Alice let out a happy noise and trailed her fingers over his cheek.

  “And you’re my king,” she breathed, pulling him down into a kiss and trailing her fingers through his hair. “You know we’re going to have to deal with the backlash of arresting so many of your nobles, right?” Matheus hummed at this and shrugged, his hand wandering slowly over her stomach.

  “Yes, I suppose we will, but I like to think of it as clearing the slate. Bringing in some fresh blood will be good,” Matheus said, slowly rubbing Alice’s shoulders. “I had hoped that my father’s men would be more open minded, but after what happened today, I’ll be glad to retire those who are stuck in their ways.”

  “You’re a good king,” Alice sighed, resting her hand on his stomach and letting her eyes close. “I’m proud to be your mate, and nothing will ever change that.” Matheus’ chest rumbled as he hummed, his fingers trailing over her back.

  “I’m glad,” he whispered, kissing her forehead gently. “Now rest, my love. We’ve got a lot of changes to implement in the next few months.”


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