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The Shifter’s Nanny

Page 133

by T. S. Ryder

  Danita scrambled to the left, but the Leopard leaped lithely to block her. He advanced a step. She fell back one. His tail and whiskers twitched. This wasn't the end of his game. It was just the beginning.

  "Please," she begged despite herself. "Please don't do this."

  McGrath made a noise that sounded like a chuckle–and Danita heard the roaring of a vehicle. As the Leopard's head whipped around, she scrambled to her feet and ran. McGrath pounced on her. Fiery pain coursed through her shoulder and neck, and then he was gone. She saw him disappear into the trees.

  Hot blood coursed through her body. Her head spun as the pain increased. An earth-shattering roar made her wince. Then a honey-brown Bear, easily twice as large as McGrath, ran past her.

  Ryan. Danita stared after him in amazement. How had he found her? She tried to push herself up but the agony shot through her again, and she made herself lay still. The world tilted and swayed. Her eyes closed tightly, hanging to what little shreds of consciousness she still had.

  Big, strong hands stroked her hair. They probed her neck and shoulder. The wound throbbed and she whimpered.

  "Shh, Dani. You're going to be okay. You're going to be okay." Killian's calm voice wrapped her up in its embrace.

  "Ryan," she whimpered.

  "The Leopard doesn't have a chance against him. Just stay still. I don't think that it was a major wound, but I still have to clean you up and stop the bleeding."

  Killian gently rolled her over before gathering her in his arms. He headed into the cabin. Nausea swirled everywhere in Danita's body, otherwise, she would have protested. She didn't want to be here, to imagine what might have happened.

  But Killian was right. They needed to take care of this. He would protect her.

  He set her down on the couch and got to work. Danita didn’t know if she fell unconscious or he was just that quick, but the next thing she knew, her nausea had subsided and the pain had diminished. Killian taped some gauze to her neck and nodded, as though satisfied with his work.

  "Take this." He pressed a pill into her hand.

  "What is it?"

  "Painkiller. It's a superficial wound, but I bet it hurts."

  Danita swallowed it down, choking a little as it scraped her throat.

  "Stay here." He kissed her forehead. "I'm going to help Ryan. We'll be back shortly."

  She didn't want him to leave her, but she also didn't want Ryan to get hurt, so she didn't protest as Killian left. He leaped from the porch, shifting mid-air into his huge gray Bear. Danita listened anxiously, straining her ears, but as soon as the sound of Killian moving through the brush was gone, all was silent.


  Despite the situation she found herself in, Danita did end up falling asleep. The adrenaline sapping her energy, combined with the painkiller Killian had given her and the lack of sleep she had had the past few nights sent her unconscious quickly. When she woke, her mind was crisp, and she felt much stronger.

  The sound of running water and a voice drew her attention. Fear grabbed her, flooding her with adrenaline yet again. She got to her feet and inched towards the bathroom door, which stood ajar. The water was too loud for her to make out the voice. What if McGrath had shaken off the boys and come back? Worse, what if he had hurt them?

  She skirted the bathroom door and grabbed a knife before she hurried back to the couch and laid down again.

  Right at that moment, the water turned off. A man grunted with pain.

  "I can't believe you let him get the drop on you like that." Killian's voice. Danita jumped to her feet. "I told you to be careful."

  "Yeah, yeah."

  Danita ran to the bathroom, throwing the door open. Ryan was stiffly drying himself off, Killian half-supporting him. Neither had a scratch on them. With a cry of relief, she flung herself at her Bears. She was crying before she even realized what she was doing. They enfolded her in their embrace, holding her gently as she cried.

  "How did you find me?" she eventually choked out.

  "You left your slippers and Ryan found a torn note in the trash."

  Her slippers. Danita actually laughed. She had considered bringing them but decided she didn't want her favorite slippers tainted by memories of what was going to happen here.

  It was a good thing she hadn't brought them, or her boys may never have known to look for her. She began shaking as the weight of what might have happened crashed down on her.

  "It's okay." Ryan kissed her. "McGrath is dead. And we're fine."

  "Other than a couple broken ribs." Killian glared at his partner. "Because this one was an idiot."

  "They'll be fine by the end of the day. Don't worry her."

  "You're the one who worried—"

  Danita laughed and covered their mouths. "None of this, now. No fighting. Take me home. I don't want to be here anymore."

  The boys immediately turned to her. Both of them embraced her, Ryan getting her shirt damp. Danita wasn't about to complain. She was safe. She was well and truly safe.

  Epilogue – Danita

  The feeling of little feet kicking her ribs woke Danita before the alarm had even gone off. She groaned, rubbing her stomach. That only elicited more kicking and made her realize how much she needed to use the bathroom. Trying not to shift her Bears too much, she wiggled her way out from between then, going over the footboard rather than trying to climb over one of them.

  They had gotten a king-sized bed to replace the air mattresses some time ago, but it was hardly enough room for her and one of the boys, let alone both right now. Despite it getting into winter and not having a reliable heat source for the house yet, they had to keep the bedroom window open at night, or it got just too hot, mashed between the two of them.

  After she was finished in the bathroom, she kicked off her old slippers and dressed, trying to be quiet. Her boys were sound sleepers, but if they heard her moving, they'd be pulling her back into bed before she could wiggle into her overalls.

  But she was not going back to bed. The alpacas needed to be fed, and the boys still spooked them from time to time if they smelled too strongly of Bear. Besides, she was still perfectly capable of working, even though the two shifters didn't like her doing it.

  Now that she was seven months pregnant, they never let her do anything. It was starting to get annoying. But at the same time, it was sweet, and Danita tried to sneak away and do her own work as much to get them to stop her as to actually get the work done. It had become a bit of a game between them now, seeing how far she could get before they caught her.

  The air was crisp outside, with the smell of snow that was always present at this time of year. A heavy frost covered everything, coating naked branches, the long, dead grass, the fences. There were even beautiful, delicate patterns of frost on the windows that looked like fairies had come and danced on them.

  Danita loved winter. It was just so romantic.

  As was usual at this time of day, the alpacas were all huddled together inside their section of the barn, wooly forms pressed together. They would get a good harvest next year. With McGrath gone, she had gotten that mortgage she wanted, enough to pay Amelia back and to survive the winter, along with buying supplies for the spring shearing.

  "Hey, fellas," Danita trilled, patting Maria's head as the alpacas followed her from one end of the fence to the other. "How are you this morning? Hungry for some nice tasty hay and mineral supplements?"

  The barn door opened just as she was cutting the twine off a hay bale. Her Bears came in, shaking their heads as they crossed the floor.

  "You, Miss Valdez, are going to get yourself hurt." Killian jumped past her, grabbing the pitchfork before she could.

  Danita put her hands on her hips. "You heard the doctor. A little work won't hurt me or the baby. It might actually help."

  Ryan picked her up, cuddling her to his chest. She loved this, the ease with which they could pick her up and carry her around, even this far into her pregnancy. She wrapped her arms around Ryan
’s neck and put her head on his shoulder as he began to pitch the hay to the alpacas.

  "The doctor may have said that, but I'm not convinced that you didn't pay him to say that." Ryan's voice vibrated through her. "You need your rest, and you need to save your energy."

  "I have plenty of energy. For chores, for other things." She nuzzled into his neck, kissing him.

  Ryan groaned. "You're going to kill us, woman. You'd have us going all night every night if you could."

  "What, can't handle little ol' me?" Danita laughed.

  Killian laughed as he started adding the mineral supplement pellets to the alpaca feed. "We haven't been able to keep up with you since we first joined you here. You have more fire and passion than a thousand women. Give her here, I need some of that. It's freezing!"

  "We can go back inside as soon as you're done feeding the animals. The rest of the chores can wait." Danita gladly moved from Ryan to Killian's arms and started kissing him instead. "Or we could stay out here."

  Her boys exchanged exasperated looks. "It's too cold."

  "We can make our own heat." Danita gave them both a sultry look. "The blanket's still out here."

  The boys glanced at one another, and Danita could see their defenses break down. Ryan hurried to finish feeding the alpacas while Killian set her down and went in search of the blanket. She grinned as she watched them.

  Less than a year ago, it was just her on a broken-down farm with dreams of the future but not much else. Now she had her farm–still not pristine, but workable and being improved little by little–she had her herd of alpacas, she had her boys, she had a baby on the way.

  "Got the blanket," Killian shouted in glee, waving it over his head.

  Ryan grabbed her by the waist and pulled her towards the loose pile of hay. Danita laughed in delight. Yes, this was better than all her dreams come true.



  Her Two Wolves


  A BBW looking for love PLUS two hot werewolves who want to complete their Alpha triad PLUS a jealous opponent!

  Amelia Fernandez is sick of the loser boyfriends her overprotective brother keeps sending her way. Determined to find a man who will treat her and her curves with respect, she signs up for a shifter dating site.

  Only to catch the eye of not one, but two Alpha males in search of a mate.

  Xavier Knight and Timothy Pond are the Alphas of the joint Rocky Ridge and Lakeland werewolf packs. For years they have been looking for a female to complete their Alpha triad but none suits them both. But when they see Amelia's profile, they know they've found the one.

  Who knew the hardest part was yet to come?

  Between the packs angry that their Alphas would look among humans for a mate, a jealous female who feels jilted, and Amelia's brother, who would much rather see her settle down with his best friend, there is no shortage of opposition in their way.

  Not to mention their heated tempers that might tear them apart before they're even together. Can they overcome the hurdles life throws at them to find their happily ever after?

  Chapter One

  Amelia Fernandez loved the smell of ink toner in the morning. There was something about it that screamed, 'I survived the primordial swamp to be a foundation of civilization.' She always felt alive with the scent of ink in the air.

  There weren't many people that became as excited for office work as she did. Being an insurance broker wasn't most people's idea of a good time, but Amelia loved her little cubicle, her personalized desk, and the view of the garbage bin in the alley below. She loved the constant hum of people on their phones or computers. She even didn't mind the angry customers shouting at her over problems in their claims that she had no control over. She loved everything about her work.

  Today, though, she paid no mind to the delicate layers of coffee, perfume, or Jerry from two cubicles down, who thought showers were bad for his skin. She was too busy focusing on keeping her voice down so as not to disturb her co-workers while she chewed out her brother.

  "I can't believe that you would do that to me," she hissed, clutching her cellphone to her ear so tightly it was a wonder it hadn't snapped already. "I told you I didn't want anything to do with Mr. Abs, yet you give him my number? What is wrong with you?"

  She had been getting texts from Daniel Thompson all day. Or, as she liked to call him, 'Mr. Aren't My Abs So Great, I'm Too Sexy For My Shirt, I Don't Know How To Make A Sandwich, Hahahahahahaha, What Do You Mean You're Breaking Up With Me?' He was, unfortunately, one of her brother's best friends.

  Adrian still didn't understand why Amelia didn't want a boyfriend who constantly talked about how much he worked out and didn't know the difference between a broom and a mop. The problem was that all of Amelia's boyfriends had been exactly like Daniel, which was why, after months of frustration, Amelia always ended up dropping their loser asses.

  "Daniel is a great guy," her brother said. "He's always been really nice to you. Not all men would overlook the fact you need to lose a little weight."

  Amelia hissed through her teeth again, imagining bludgeoning her brother with a zucchini. Sometimes she wondered why someone who could be as sweet and protective as Adrian could be friends with someone like Mr. Abs, but then he said something like this and she could see it.

  "Daniel is an asshole," Amelia replied bluntly. "It was always, 'Babe, get me a beer. Babe, I can't wash dishes because I worked out for three hours. Babe, why are you mad at me after working an 8-hour shift and then having to clean up the whole house because I had a party with my frat bros? My mother's chili is better than this, I'll get you a recipe.' Can't you just butt out of my love life? The guys you choose for me treat me like crap."

  A sigh from the other end of the phone turned her imaginary zucchini to a baseball bat. She already knew what Adrian was going to say. He just didn't get it.

  "Why do you always have to exaggerate everything? You're not going to find a guy that bows to your every whim. You need to stop being so picky and learn how to compromise."

  There was nothing more to say to him after he made a statement like that, so Amelia hung up. She flicked her cell to silent and set her work phone to automatically go to voicemail. Adrian would no doubt phone back half a dozen times to chastise her for hanging up on him. She would sort out her clients later.

  Amelia blew out a breath, trying to calm herself. She was in no mood to deal with customers right now, so she turned to her computer and checked the profile she had set up on a shifter dating website three days ago. 'Meet your one true mate' was the website's slogan. After years of picking all the wrong guys, birthdays steadily ticking by until she reached the big 'three-oh' last year, the idea of a shifter, with their rippling muscles and utter devotion to their mates, sounded great.

  She hadn't received any messages since she signed up, but she had been warned to expect that. Shifters generally didn't run around willy-nilly, flirting with everybody that they thought was cute. They waited and only contacted the woman they thought was ‘the one.’ Humans had to slog through hundreds of contacts only to hopefully find that one that they could click with.

  Today, however, Amelia had a surprise waiting for her: contact from a shifter.


  Not a shifter.

  Two shifters.

  Amelia had to scrape her jaw off the floor and shove her eyes back into their sockets. The message came from a single profile showing a picture of two men. Both were dressed in clean, neat, but cheap-looking suits, each holding a red rose.

  The man on the left was Timothy Pond, Amelia read. He was pale with brown hair and green eyes, his confident smile bordering on arrogance. The man on the right, Xavier Knight, had bronzed skin. His hair was in short, tight curls, his black eyes softer, yet more intense than Timothy's. His smile was cheeky, like he had a secret that he couldn't wait to share with her. Amelia looked between the two men, unable to decide which one was hotter.

  These Alphas of th
e joint Rocky Ridge and Lakeland werewolf packs are looking for a female to complete their triad. Likes: empty. Dislikes: Also empty. She checked the joining date. Two hours ago. Seriously? It was like they saw her profile and created theirs just to contact her.

  This had to be a scam.

  Amelia flicked back to the message they had sent. It contained a phone number and nothing else. A triad. So, if this wasn't a scam, they were basically a couple looking for a woman to join them? She'd heard that shifters were often into that ménage à trois stuff, but it had never occurred to her that she might be invited to join a threesome.

  Well, not that kind of threesome. More than one previous boyfriend had brought a floozy home expecting her to just jump into bed with the two of them, not kick him out and take his key back.

  It must be a joke, she thought, chewing on her lower lip. Still, what harm could it do just to phone? Snatching up her cell phone, ignoring Adrian's latest call, she dialed the number. It rang three times before there was an answer.

  "Xavier Knight." His voice was deep, velvety, and Amelia had to swallow down a fresh bout of nerves. There was no way a man that good-looking could also sound that good and be interested in her. It had to be some sort of sick joke.

  "Hi. I'm Amelia Fernandez."

  "Amelia, one moment please." The sound of a hand muffled the speaker, but not enough. "Tim, come over. It's Amelia."

  Amelia stifled a giggle–this couldn't be real, could it?

  "It's Amelia?" A new voice, just as delicious, asked. "Put her on speaker."


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