Owning Her: Beautiful Domestic Discipline
Page 19
After JD‘s footsteps could no longer be heard, Faith ventured out once more, like a moth drawn to a flame. A Million questions danced in her brain all at once so that she couldn’t even tell one from the other. All she knew was that the answers were contained on the bed in the next room.
"Would it be medically permitted to turn on my side?" Now that sounded like the Aya she knew. Faith peeked in again. Her eyes fell on Aya’s back. Even through the salve, Aya could see the cruel red welts. Her heart began to wildly as it filled with horror at the sight. Her legs turned to jelly and she knelt to keep from falling. She knew those injuries were mainly her fault. If she hadn’t fought so hard, if she’d have cooperated, Aya wouldn’t have had cause to punish herself.
A few days ago, before the pit, Faith would have shouted with triumph. Now she just shook her head in wonder. Had she ever loved so deeply that she’d been willing to do that to herself if she‘d ever failed the one she loved? No. Would she ever love that much? Was the capacity to care that strongly even in her? Somewhere, deep inside, a small part of her wished it were so. Faith couldn’t move away from the sight. She knelt as if in vigil, her eyes riveted on Aya’s back. She had no clue how long she’d knelt there before she felt the soft touch on her shoulder. An rush of panic at being caught doing something wrong made the heavy damp smell of earth rise up in her nose and Faith stifled a soft whimper of terror. Tiffany’s soft ‘shhh’ silenced her. Faith turned to look up at the tiny little nurse and saw that the girl’s eyes were watching the still form of Aya warily. Again Tiffany tugged at Faith, at the same time holding a cautioning finger to her lips.
Faith passively allowed Tiffany pull her to stand but as the nurse began to push the oddly mute and hypnotized girl from the room, Aya’s voice reflected up from her bed, “Let her stay.”
Both of them froze and Faith felt a shiver come through Tiffany’s hands. The little blond’s voice betrayed none of her fear retaining its soft melodic tones. “Mistress, I apologize for disturbing you.”
“You get out. Let her stay.”
As Tiffany silently backed out of the room, Faith instinctively sank back down to her knees. She did not even question the choice. It was the only way she could endure to be in the same room with this woman. A tiny shiver of confusion shook through her as she realized that she no longer hated Aya. She could remember thinking about hating her, believing she hated her, even mumbling and singing about hating her but now she could not even remember having the sensation in her heart. It was too frightening to hate anymore, frightening and to Faith’s confusion, lonely. A prickling sensation ran down Faith’s back as the hair on her body stood up. It was madness but Faith realized she in some very deep and mysterious way she had been Missing Aya.
Aya’s voice was cool and distant, “Tell me what you see.”
At first when Faith opened her mouth, no sound came from her lips. She tried again, swallowing and licking her lips. Her voice quavered and broke as she stammered and groped for words. “Um… Miss… Mistress, Ma’am… Aya… I… I… see… your back. It… it… is hurt.”
“Come closer. Look closer. Describe my back.”
Faith crept up on her knees until she was only about a yard from the edge of the bed looking at the mass of bruises and scabs that seemed to cover Aya’s back from her shoulders to the swell of her hips. At first she spoke hesitantly but her confidence grew as she spoke. “Mistress, it is all bruises. There is nowhere where your back where it is not bruised. The bruises are red and blue and black. There are lots of… um… bumps? Ridges? I guess maybe they are called welts. The bruises seem worse on the edges of these ridges. That is where they are blackest. In many places the ridges cross. A lot of the ridges have long scabs on them. They look shiny with some kind of medicine.” Faith realized her heart was beating hard, and her throat felt aching with unshed tears, “Mistress, did you really do this to yourself?”
“It is not your place to question me.”
Faith did not speak but a soft sob rose up and she took a long shuddering breath.
For the first time Aya moved, cautiously turning to face down on her belly, and then turning again so that she lay on her side facing Faith. She was silent as she carefully moved her body but Aya’s face spoke of pain, dark circles around her eyes, her lips pressed together and Faith saw the muscles of Aya’s jaw quiver as she clenched her teeth. A silent tear escaped and ran down Faith’s cheek, quickly followed by another.
Aya’s voice tried to be mocking but Faith could hear her poorly concealed confusion, “Why so sad, little slave? You are supposed to hate me. You should be happy at my predicament.”
“I… I… do hate you.” But the words held no heat. Faith shook her head, “I thought I did. I want to. What you did… I ought to.” Faith blinked and looked beseechingly at Aya’s face, “Mistress, why don’t I hate you?”
A strange grim smile twisted Aya’s face, “So I have failed yet again. I could not even make you hate me. At each turn you defeat me.”
Tiffany’s voice from the doorway was soft, “Mistress Aya, it is time for your medication.”
Again the acid tone was back, “What medication?”
“Antibiotics, the salve that will assist in healing and reduce scar formation, and something to help you sleep.”
“It is not night, I do not need to sleep.”
Tiffany’s face did not change, her tone remained soft and respectful, but her words echoed the authority of the doctor and beyond him, the Master as well, “Respectfully, Mistress Aya, it is the Master’s command that the doctor do everything to assist and hasten your recovery. It is the doctor’s directive that you should sleep and remain motionless to aid in this process. Would you like me to call him and have him explain this to you personally?”
Aya’s voice was bitter, “So he could vaunt his authority over me? I think not.”
Tiffany’s voice held no judgment, “Very well, if you would please turn back upon your stomach, I will put some more salve on your wounds.”
As Aya painfully turned, she grated out, “I want this new slave to put on the salve.”
Faith made a tiny protesting gasp, “I can’t.”
Aya’s voice was soft and mocking, “It is a small thing. Think of it as a first lesson of learning to serve.” Her voice chilled, “Little slave, do not disobey this first direction. It would not please me. A slave must always seek to please her Masters.”
Faith shot a terrified look at Tiffany, “I don’t know how.”
Tiffany was looking at Aya, her usual soft and compliant expression gone, a puzzled Mix of frustration and sympathy made her shake her head in confusion. She finally took a deep breath and shrugged, “Slave Faith, go wash your hands. I will show you how.” She gave Faith a pair of surgical gloves to put on and showed her how to dab the ointment on with the lightest of touches. She spoke in a soft tone, “Make sure to get it on all the scabs and even on the red, unbroken skin. The salve contains an anesthetic that will numb the skin slightly.”
Aya growled, “I do not need any fucking anesthetic.”
Tiffany ignored Aya’s tone completely, “Of course, Mistress, but this is the ointment prescribed by the doctor. Would you like to discuss this with him personally?” When Aya grunted and shook her head, the blond nurse got out a syringe and tapped it a few times and then without a word injected it into Aya’s thigh. Her voice was its perfect soft bell like tones, but Faith could see an impish grin on Tiffany’s face, “Good night, Mistress.”
Aya’s voice was muffled and complaining as she faded off to sleep, “Don’t need any fucking medication.” Once her patient was asleep, Tiffany efficiently strapped Aya’s wrists into the restraints once more. She looked at Faith, “We can’t have her rolling over in her sleep, can we?”
“Won’t she be angry when she wakes up?”
“Oh yes, very angry. But I will make sure to have our Master or the Doctor around about then. Now give me a sweet kiss good bye and head on back to your room. Yo
u were a very bad girl to sneak in here. You could have very easily gotten us both in trouble. Promise me you will be a good girl and stay in your room. You won’t be too bored, I am sure that our Marc will be along to keep you entertained.”
Faith nodded uncertainly and leaned closer and gave the little blond a hesitant and somewhat clumsy kiss. Tiffany gave her an impatient look, “I said a sweet kiss. You can do better than that. Let me show you.” This time with the blond nurse leading it was anything but hesitant. Faith was blinking and looking a little shocked when Tiffany let her go. “That was much sweeter. Hopefully you and I will have more opportunities to practice soon.” Faith let the smaller, younger looking woman shoo her back into her room and once she was alone Faith sat on the edge of her bed and touched her tingling lips with a shaky finger. She shook her head, trying to convince herself that she had not enjoyed that as much as she thought she had.
Chapter 10
JD stormed down the hallway. He was so intent on his path of rage that he didn’t even see Faith in the shadow. His Mind was on the horrible mistake he had made in underestimating the extent that his disapproval would affect Aya. He felt as if he himself had applied the lashes to her back. The pain in her eyes put a dagger into his heart. He had to figure out how to bring her back to him. He did love her. He never wanted her to doubt his love again. On this he would not ever fail. He was the Master and this was his domain.
JD went down the hall not paying much attention to where he was going. He had his head down with his eyes glued to the floor in front of his feet. He saw the bottom of a door in front of his feet. He came to an abrupt halt looking to see what door it was. He was surprised to see it was the door to the playroom. He thought to himself that maybe it was fate. Now would be a good time for a diversion to help clear his Mind so that he could deal with Aya. He went in to the room, picked up the phone, and called an overseer to send Ramona up to the house.
Ramona was a contract slave that he picked up a couple of years ago. She was from New York City’s “little Italy” neighborhood. She was a Sicilian beauty with olive skin, jet black hair, slim waist, wonderful ass, and a set of tits that could almost make a grown man cry. Along with all of that, she took to being used in the playroom better than most of his playthings. She came into the room, kneeled at his feet, and said, “I have come as you have bid me to. Command me, use me, or speak to me of your wishes.”
“Strip, put on your cuffs and ankle restraints, and clip this leash to your collar. Then you may come back and present yourself to me.”
Ramona jumped to her feet, hurried to the cabinet that held the things he wanted, put them on and hurried back to him kneeling at his feet. She reached up and handed the leash to JD and then returned to the position of a slave.
JD took the leash and led the naked slave on her hands and knees to a wide topped saw horse. He stood her up and bent her over the horse. JD reached into a cabinet next to them and withdrew a vibrator and vibrating butt plug. He inserted them into Ramona, secured them with a harness, and led her to the Middle of the room. He attached each of her arms to chains hanging from the ceiling. He spread her legs and attached them to eye bolts in the floor. He stood back and looked at the helpless slave in front of him. His cock was so hard that he took off his pants to let it free while he worked. JD pressed a switch on the wall. The hum of a motor was heard as Ramona’s arms were spread left and right over her head. She let go a moan as she was stretched good and tight. The motor stopped and JD listened to the ragged breathing coming from Ramona.
JD pressed the button on the remote control for the vibrators. The bound girl gave a gasp and a moan. JD stood in front of her and whispered to her, “You will not come. You may cry out, beg, or anything else; but you will not come. JD had chosen this girl because he had known that she was very responsive to the combination of the pleasure and pain. Especially the pain and JD was more than willing to oblige her. He thought that he was right and this would be a good way to purge himself of his stress. He reached over to a rack and chose a rubber flogger. He also picked up a leather blindfold and put it on her. He walked behind her, raised his hand, and brought it down.
The quiet of the room was broken by the crack of the lash on the flawless skin of her ass. She moaned louder bringing JD to an even higher plain of excitement. The lash went down on her over and over again. Ramona’s moans became cries. The cries became screams. The smell of her sex and sweat filled the room as he brought the whip down on her. JD stopped flogging her after he turned her into a canvas of welts. She sobbed quietly as she hung there in the Middle of the room. JD shut off the vibrators and let the girl down a little. He took off the harness and removed the vibrators. The harness was slick with romona’s moisture. He put it to her mouth commanding her to lick it clean of her juices. JD then pulled the chains tight again. He pushed his finger inside of the shaking girl.
“Ah, Master, please make me come. Let me have my release from the torture.”
“No, my dear, not yet. Remember, if you come without permission, you will be punished and sent away. You won’t come for days.”
Ramona moaned louder and pressed her dripping sex onto JD’s finger. She bucked and shuddered as she pressed into him. JD pulled his finger out and started to whip her nipples with a crop. Every now and then, he would bring his crop up between her legs. She would cry out and thrust her cunt out to the crop. She begged and pleaded with him to let her come. Tears flowed freer every time he denied her. JD relished the way she bucked and writhed with each blow of the crop. He didn’t know how much longer he could go without coming himself. He thought to himself how funny it was that in torturing her, he was torturing himself.
JD brought the crop down hard on each nipple in turn soliciting a loud scream from Ramona each time. After amusing himself with this, he took her down from the chains and put her leash back on her collar. Forcing her to her knees once again, he led her to the bed. He chained her to it spread eagled. He took a strap he had next to him and struck the helpless girl with it from her ankles to her breasts and back down again. She was so wet that a spot of moisture had formed on the sheet between her legs. In between her cries she screamed, “Master, please have pity on me. Please let me come. I am so close I can’t hold out much longer.”
“This is what you signed on for. You wanted to be my slave and asked me to have you and use you. That is what I intend on doing to you and with you.”
The smell of her sopping sex and the sound of her screams were getting to be too much for JD to bear. He wanted her to come with him in her. He loved the feel of her cunt as it contracted around his cock as she had her orgasm. The sight of her welts and marks seemed to make him even harder. JD decided it was time now. He put down the strap, unchained her legs so she could move them, and slid between her legs and slid his cock into her. He pushed in to the hilt and stayed there not moving. She gasped and moaned over and over again. She pressed her pubis against his trying to get him in deeper. She was so close now that she was willing to accept any punishment just to come. JD knew this and knew that she couldn’t come like this. He was taking her to an even higher plain of excitement. However, it was time for him to have his pleasure.
Ramona kicked and bucked under him crying out to him, “No more please. I can’t hold back. Master, don’t stay still any longer. Fuck me and let me come please. I’m begging you for it. I am yours, but give me the gift.”
JD raised his hips until the head of his rock hard cock was just inside her cunt lips. He told her, “Here it comes, cunt. Get ready for it. You will come when I command it.” And with that he slammed his cock into her. He pumped in and out of her slamming her cunt with each stroke. He ordered her to look him in his eyes and commanded her to come. Ramona froze in place. Her body went stiff for a moment. A growl came from deep within her throat that grew into a scream. She started bucking in time with JD’s thrusts. She went into what almost seemed like convulsions as her orgasm peaked. JD rode with her matching her intensity with
his own. Then the familiar feeling started from his balls. It traveled to his feet, back up to his head, and down to his cock. The explosion took him. His cock spasmed again and again, empting his come into the screaming girl. Her cunt contracted onto his cock bringing up the intensity of his orgasm to a level he hardly got a chance to feel. And then, with one long mutual wail, it was over. JD lay on top of Ramona for a bit. He looked at her and was surprised to see she had passed out.
He stayed with her until he was soft. He pulled himself out of her and got off the bed. Walking over to the phone on the wall, he dialed a number into it.
“Marc, it’s your Master. I have another one for you to attend to. Ramona is in the playroom and will need bathed and massaged. She is to be given two days off of work crews and extra recreation privileges.”
“Right away, Master. It will be my joy to serve you.”
JD turned and looked at the unconscious girl chained to the bed. She was still panting in her sleep. He smelled the sex in the room and looked at the large wet spot on the sheet between her legs. It boosted his ego to know that he still had it in him to fuck them until they passed out. “Damn I’m good,” he thought to himself as he reached down and twisted her nipple. She raised her hips off the bed and shuddered and moaned in an involuntary orgasm in her sleep. JD chuckled about this as he turned and left the room.