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Owning Her: Beautiful Domestic Discipline

Page 27

by Susan Sass

  Layla who had been kneeling and breathing, licked her lips and swallowed hard, “Mistress, I could not sleep last night. I walked up to the lake.” Her eyes widened and she spoke rapidly, “Not to have sex, Mistress, just to walk and think,” she nibbled her lip, “and maybe watch a little. I sat with Faith by the fire and we talked for a while.” She looked up at Aya beseechingly, “Ma’am you can ask Faith or Marc, we didn’t do anything other than kiss hello and good bye.” Aya saw Faith nod emphatically out the corner of her eye.

  Aya shrugged, “And what happened after that.”

  “I was walking back to the compound. I knew I needed to try and sleep. Right before I went into the dorm Overseer James stopped me. He asked me where I had been. I told him I was up at the lake and he said that I had been whoring around.” Layla looked puzzled, “He seemed like he was really angry. I tried to tell him that I had not been having sex, that you had said to rest and prepare myself for tomorrow. I said I had to go to bed.” Layla put a shaky hand up to her face, “He slapped me and called me a whore again. He seemed even angrier.”

  She took another deep breath, “He grabbed my arm and made me walk with him to his house. I kept trying to say I couldn’t go, that you had said, but he told me to be quiet. While we walked he started to talk crazy like, saying that he was going to have me for his own no matter what,” Layla hesitated, “um… sorry Mistress, but he said no matter what the Asian bitch said. He said that last time he used me too. Then he said he was going to get off this island and take me with him. That is when I tried to get away, to run back to the compound.” Layla looked at Aya, “I didn’t want to go away. I don’t ever want to leave, Mistress.” Layla looked at her nails, “That is when I scratched him. He slapped me again. Then he got me into his place. I figured maybe if I fucked him really good, he would be satisfied and let me go. I dropped to my knees and begged to be allowed to serve him, like he likes.”

  Layla sort of made a pained face, “He was really angry. He was pretty rough. And he um… said I had better come while he was fucking me. But, I knew you would not like that,” a tiny devious grin lit up her face for a second, “So I faked it. In the old days I always was good at faking it. After that he went to sleep, and after he was really snoring I tried to sneak out but the door was locked. He woke up and I begged him to let me go. I think it was then that he realized that he had really fucked up. He chained me up and then began to pace around. He was talking crazy again.” Layla made a frightened face, “Mistress, I think he was trying to figure out how to get rid of me, kill me.” She took one last shuddering breath, “You came in after that.”

  Aya knelt before the girl and looked deeply into her eyes, “Slave Layla, you did well. You communicated to him about my restrictions. You obeyed him until it was clear that he was not safe to remain with, and then you tried to escape. Then when you could not get away, you used your wits to protect yourself the best way you know how. You have done nothing wrong. Your Master and I are very pleased with you. Do you want to postpone tonight’s activities? No one would think anything less of you if you chose that.”

  Layla shook her head violently, “Oh no, Mistress, please don’t take that away from me.”

  Aya looked at her carefully, “You have not rested.”

  Layla begged, “Mistress, I can still take a nap this afternoon.”

  Aya looked at tiffany, “I want you to examine her, if you think she can handle it physically then we will go ahead. I am going to go speak with our Master about this.”

  Chapter 12

  Aya stepped out of her quarters and called JD. Quickly she reduced the girl’s story to the key points. JD growled, “I was putting off dealing with this because I was trying to transfer him off the island. I just could not find anyone that would take him as a free worker.” JD’s voice hardened, “but I have found a place for him as a slave.”

  Aya’s voice was neutral, at odds with her words, “I am sure you could find a place for him in the belly of a shark.”

  JD’s voice was indulgent, “And that is one of the many things I love about you.” He paused and changed the subject, “Will the girl be able to perform tonight?”

  Aya spoke, “Yes, she is uninjured and begs us not to postpone this. She was really looking forward to this and it will help get this unfortunate incident out of her mind.”

  Faith had remained behind with tiffany and Ramona after Aya left to go find Layla. She stood blinking and confused, so many things had happened this morning and all the thoughts and feelings swirling around in her head. As soon as Aya was out the door, tiffany swept up and gave her the customary embrace and soft open mouthed kiss. Faith did not resist but was tense and awkward in her arms. Tiffany pulled back and asked softly, “Hey, where’s my sweet kisses?”

  Faith stared at her dumbly and then to her total surprise burst into tears. Between sobs she choked out, “You are all driving me crazy, kissing me, touching me, caressing me, spanking me… day after day… I… I… I can’t stand it anymore.”

  Tiffany cooed and stroked Faith’s hair back from her face, whispering, “It is torture, wanting and afraid to want.” Gently she kissed Faith again and was rewarded by a fervent moan and a trembling eager body pressing against her. The girl’s voice was hoarse, “Please, oh god, please.”

  Tiffany gently untangled the girl’s arms from around her, gently stroking her face, calming her. “I know you want it. But I cannot be the one. You are off limits, okay to touch but not okay to really be with. Aya has made it very clear, no one is allowed to make love to you. No one but our Master and I am sure that he will not force you. He is not a rapist. You will have to beg him to take you.”

  Faith wailed, “I can’t. Don’t you see? I can’t do that.”

  Tiffany laughed and gave her a little shake, “Of course you can. And eventually you will. And once you do, you will wonder why you struggled against it so.”

  At that moment Layla burst into the room, sobbing hysterically, pleading in disjointed words that she had tried to be on time, that she couldn’t help it. Instantly tiffany turned to the new crisis and had her arms around a second sobbing woman in as many Minutes. Faith stood swaying shocked still trying to digest the meaning of tiffany’s words and now distracted by Layla’s hysteria.

  Faith watched as Aya came in and questioned the girl and then left again. Everything seemed surreal. For some bizarre reason Layla seemed to insist that she wanted to go on with the planned gang rape only hours after being genuinely taken by some crazy guard guy. Tiffany was urging Layla into the bath, washing and then thoroughly giving her a pelvic exam, questioning her carefully about the condition of her vagina and anus. When tiffany began to fill a red rubber enema bag, Faith blinked and backed out of the bathroom. This was just too much.

  Wandering into the front room she found Ramona standing watching the cycling images on the security cameras scrolling across the computer screen. She pointed at one image of a naked man hanging from a chain in the Plaza. Her voice was shocked, “Overseer James.”

  Ramona slipped to stand behind Faith and gently began to rub at the tense place at the base of her skull and Faith almost lost her balance as she suddenly leaned toward the wonderful sensation. Faith gasped, “Oh my god that feels so good.”

  Ramona laughed gently, “Come on, lie down. I am not doing anything and you are a bundle of nerves.”

  Faith did not need any more encouragement. She climbed onto the table and asked, “Will you tell me a little about why you chose this? Chose to be a slave?”

  Ramona’s voice was thoughtful. “Slave? I don’t know if that is the word I would choose. I have always found the idea of being held captive to be wildly exciting. Even more than devoting myself to one Master, the idea of being a captive was what I wanted. I know I volunteered, signed a contract, but there is more about this place. I know I cannot change my Mind, run away. Once I got here, I was a captive. It is what I craved.” She giggled a little, “You know the word, captive, still turns me
on. When Master whips me, fucks me, I repeat that word over and over in my head and it sends me, totally sends me. I never have felt that anywhere but here. I tried to role play the scene. I even did take downs and play rapes, but more than the struggle is the all encompassing knowledge that I am trapped here on this island makes me fucking dripping wet excited all the time. I never want to go home.”

  Faith’s voice was soft and fuzzy with the pleasure of the massage, “But could you live without it?”

  Ramona paused from working at the knots between Faith’s shoulder blades, “No, I don’t think so. I think I would just try and find some replacement and end up getting myself into a dangerous situation. I need to be completely in the power of an owner, an owner that completely keeps me trapped. I need, really need bars, barriers, walls around me. I think I would do crazy things to make that happen for me again.”

  Layla came out of the bathroom, her hair damp and her face calm and flushed from the warm water of her bath. Ramona gave Faith a gentle pat and whispered, “Off now, dear, my next appointment is here.”

  As she sat up, Faith turned to Ramona and gave her a hug, “Thank you, sister, I don’t know if I understand but thank you for sharing with me.” Their lips met for a quick kiss and then she slipped off the table. Tiffany grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the bathroom. Faith pulled back a little, a question on her lips, “What?”

  Tiffany giggled, “A surprise!”

  Faith looked at her dubiously, “I don’t want an enema!”

  Tiffany crowed in laughter, “That is funny. But sorry, sister, no enema for you today. But you are going to be way over dressed for the show tonight unless we do something about that luxuriant bush between your legs.”

  Faith gulped and automatically reached down and covered her rich thick pubic hair with both hands. “Are you going to shave it off?”

  “No, my dear, you are getting waxed.”

  It was a measure of Faith’s acceptance of her captivity that it never once occurred to her to refuse. She may have been sputtering protests the whole time tiffany pushed her down on the floor, trimmed off most of the hair and then spread the almost too hot wax over her tender flesh, but not once did she resist. Faith was rigid with fear, her eyes as big as saucers, her voice was a terrified squawk, “Will it hurt?”

  As tiffany grabbed the edge of the cloth and looked up at Faith’s eyes, she winked and asked, “Was Toto a boy dog or a girl dog?” Faith blinked and boggled for a second at the strange question and then as she was distracted, tiffany quickly ripped the cloth away. Faith yelled in pain and then began to laugh.

  Tiffany laughed along with her. “See it is not half as bad as you thought it would be. The next one will be easier.” Faith did not know if it was all that much easier but each one did not hurt all that much more than the sensation of the cane across her ass. When it was over she looked at her naked pussy, realizing that nearly every slave she had seen was bare like this, even the men. She blinked thinking how this looked right and somehow felt right too. Tiffany caught her eye and arched her brow, her voice was a little low, “Sister, you have a very pretty little pussy.” And she gently stroked her cool finger tips across the newly smooth skin.

  Faith jumped and shivered as the electric sensation shot through her. She wondered if the skin was just extra sensitive from the wax and the hairs being torn out or if it was just that it was bare to the touch, but it was incredibly sensitive. She made a small gurgling sound and instinctively moved toward the source of the sensation. When tiffany gave her a sympathetic look and pulled those fingers away Faith found herself making that same frustrated groan. “This is killing me.”

  Tiffany gave her a sharp look, “You know you want it. Hell, sister, you know you need it. All you have to do is say it out loud.”

  Faith’s temper flared, “Say what? Say that I want to be a slave? Say that I want to have the one last thing in the world I can call my own taken away from me?” Her voice tried to sound sarcastic, mocking, “Say Please Master fuck me? Make me yours, make me your slave.” But half way through her facade cracked and her real need poured out and she repeated it, her voice raw and frightened, “… make me yours… please don’t make me say it. Why can’t he just make me do it? I could bear it if he just took it. I don’t think I would Mind if he just did it to me, I wouldn’t even fight. It wouldn’t be like rape. But forcing me to agree, to beg, it’s just too much.”

  Tiffany shook her head softly, “This is going nowhere. You keep going in circles. You know the way out of this. I am done talking about this for now. Come along. I said I would help the girls who are going to set up the refreshments. Layla will need to get some sleep and I want it quiet in here.”

  Faith felt a sinking feeling, “Oh god, last time I was in the kitchen, I messed up so much that Jimmy sent me to the corner and Mistress punished me.”

  Tiffany did not seem too sympathetic; “Well when we are there, go back to the corner.”

  Chapter 13

  Faith knelt in the corner and listened to the buzz of conversation in the kitchen. The topic of exactly how to display the dips and sauces on Layla’s reclining form was the main discussion. There was some speculation about what the other participants were going to do and who Might win the competition. The complete avoidance of the topic of Layla’s abduction or the fact that Overseer James was on display in the plaza was almost glaring. Only once was it even alluded to, an oblique statement by tiffany that Aya was not going to allow any extreme pain as part of the show. And Leeane commented softly, “I think that is reserved for…” and then cut off her words at a sharp look from tiffany.

  Tiffany’s voice was slightly lecturing, “It is not a slave’s place to discuss Master’s business. Leeane rolled her eyes a little but did not speak of it again.

  Jimmy eventually put Faith to work washing pots and pans stating that there was very little there she could break and it needed being done. Faith worked diligently, elbows deep in the warm suds, sweat making her hair stick to her neck and forehead. She ate in the dining hall. The mood was boisterous and loud, many of the diners taunting one another about who was going to win the competition, but the jibes were not cruel so much as boastful. Soon the claims of prowess and skills grew to such silly and mythic proportions that everyone was roaring with laughter. When Marc stood and declared that Cleopatra had not died of snake bite, that the truth was that he had accidentally fucked her to death, and then shrugged apologetically, saying that he had started the rumor that it had been suicide in order to get out of Egypt, the room erupted in a standing ovation. Faith could not help but clap and laugh along with everyone.

  After dinner everyone seemed to rush off to add the finishing touches to their scripts and costumes. Aya had written on the announcement board that there was going to be a delay in the beginning of the show to allow for a public discipline. Faith wondered why no one speculated out loud what that was about and when she whispered a question to Ramona about that, the girl had just frowned and shook her head, muttering, “Master’s business.”

  Leeane invited Faith to join her and Ramona in the last stages of preparations of their contribution. They were going to wheel out Layla covered in the ‘dessert’. They had spent all afternoon making various sweet fondue style dips. There were three different flavors of chocolate, raspberry, vanilla custard and a delectable brandy caramel sauce. There were huge plates of petit fours, brownies, little lady finger sandwiches filled with tangy fruit preserves. Several platters were weighed down with sliced bananas, pineapple, strawberries, mangos, orange wedges. In the freezer were a selection of little frozen parfaits and ice cream treats waiting to be pulled out at the last Minute.

  Leeane and Ramona made a real effort to include Faith in their fun as they planned how to decorate Layla, asking her opinion on how best to display the food. They planned to completely cover the reclining girl in a pretty dense vanilla cream covering to keep the pieces of fruit and cake from falling off and for the diners to eat of
f her. They bowls that would hold fondue dips would be arranged on and around her, planning to fill them at the last Minute so they would still be warm. They had wanted to wait until it was just Minutes before the actual reveal to put it all on Layla, worrying that if they did it too early that it would melt and fall off. Clearly the change in schedule had them all in a panic, but they still were jovial and excited.

  Faith tried to join into the spirit of the fun but her thoughts continually drifted away to thoughts of puzzling out what she really was, what she wanted, and her fear if she let down that wall, allowed herself to admit her need she Might never be able to turn back, to control it.

  It was late when Aya arrived in the kitchen and gestured for Faith to follow her. Faith hurried along, following Aya up to the big house. Faith was full of questions about the upcoming evening, what would be expected from her but she had learned to keep her words to herself. Aya seemed distracted and hurried, “Take off your clothing. All slaves will be nude tonight.” Then her lip twitched, “Well, that is not exactly true. Many of us will be dressed in costume. In fact I have chosen a little outfit for you.” Faith quickly pulled her shift off and set it aside. A small thought flitted through her head, no longer was she the slightest bit bothered by being nude, it felt normal. Aya paused for a second, staring at her newly waxed pubic area and nodded in approval. “Tiffany did a good job. I like that better. Your lesson this morning was a little bit of a jungle safari.”


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