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Arak's Love: A World Beyond Book 2

Page 7

by Michelle Howard

  Not allowing their stunned silence to deter him, Torkel continued. “I’ve spoken to Rydak and he’ll work with Vee to share everything he was able to discern during his own time undercover as a merchant for sex slaves.”

  “Anything on the chip we discovered from the site,” Arak asked in follow up.

  Torkel cupped the back of his neck. “It’s encrypted. Jaron tried without success but I’ve passed it to Bane.”

  Which was saying something because Jaron had mastered cracking computer code as a child. However, Bane’s skill on breaking passwords and electronic security walls surpassed many. Torkel used him if there was something Jaron couldn’t hack, which was rare.

  Torkel wrapped up the meeting with a few final words and dismissed them. Jaron immediately reached Arak’s side when he left the Comm Center.

  “Don’t you need to stay here and monitor everything?” Arak asked.

  Jaron clapped an arm around his shoulder, a smug smile in place, as he tapped the black disc in his ear. “I have my comm. I’m free to tag behind my favorite friend all day.”

  Arak groaned and tried to shrug off the touch. Jaron held tight and the two of them ended up wrestling in the hall much to Faruk’s amusement. Torkel took a wide berth around them and continued down the hall without comment. Arak pinned his team leader to the ground and flashed his fangs. Jaron, the ebo, merely chuckled and shoved Arak off of him.

  Arak allowed the move and rose to his feet while offering Jaron a hand up. “One of these days I’m going to claw you when we wrestle to teach you not to challenge me.”

  Jaron snorted but it was Kyele leaning against the wall during the scuffle who spoke. “The Enotian would still risk it.”

  He probably would. “I’m heading down to the rec room and snagging something to eat. Are you both going?”

  Jaron’s shoulder rose. “I’m in.”

  Faruk waved them off. “I’m on schedule to spar in the training room. You all have at it.”

  Arak waited until he left before facing the elusive Kyele but Jaron spoke first, eyes lit with laughter. “And you? We might see the Earth female, Joni, who you can’t take your eyes off.”

  Kyele snarled but Arak noted he stepped in stride with them.

  Chapter 7

  Sylvie stopped mid-laugh at something Faye said to Joni when the three men entered the room. Her gaze unerringly landed on Arak and the two men walking on either side of him.

  “Jaron,” Faye squealed and ran to hug the blond, who smiled and opened his arms wide.

  The short, dark haired woman had gone out of her way to make them comfortable. Faye welcomed them warmly and had spent the last hour explaining things about life on Enotia and her own experience finding love with the Jutak warrior, Torkel Alonson.

  Sylvie lowered the spoon in the hot cereal Faye had recommended as her gaze landed on the man who entered behind Jaron. His blue eyes scanned the large area until coming to rest on her. Joni muttered under breath but Sylvie ignored her friend to concentrate on the handsome dark-haired soldier striding briskly toward them.

  Arak paused when he reached their table. “I hope both of you are finding everything meets your needs.”

  While he posed the question to both of them, his blue eyes never left Sylvie’s face. She clamped her thighs together as the attraction she felt in his presence bloomed. Her treacherous nipples hardened and it was a good thing she’d put her silverware down or the tremble in her hands would have been noticeable.

  “We’re fine,” Joni chirped with a wink at Sylvie.

  Sylvie glanced over at her and growled. She’d kill her supposed friend.

  “Did you just growl?” Arak’s voice deepened when he asked the question and the blue of his eyes darkened until they almost overshadowed the white. His hands clenched into fists on the table beside her plate as he leaned his imposing form close enough to brush against Sylvie.

  He rubbed his nose along the angle of her jaw then across her cheekbones, ending by her ear where he whispered in a thickly accented voice, “You shouldn’t do that in public around me.”

  Sylvie shivered at the blatant desire humming on the air between them. Before she could offer a protest at his high handed statement, Arak straightened and left them alone to join the men he’d entered with. The three sat on a low-slung couch and soon a small group formed around them. They spoke animatedly with one another and it was clear by the camaraderie displayed that they knew and respected each other well.

  “My girl, if you don’t take him for a ride, I’ll think you lost your mind.”

  Joni’s jest broke Sylvie from her stupor. Once more she glared at the redhead. “That was totally your fault.”

  “And it was hot as hell.” Joni offered an unrepentant grin and leaned across the narrow, wood table separating them. “I couldn’t see everything with the angle of his head but it looked like he nuzzled you. F-ing sexy.”

  Sylvie flushed and picked up her spoon, finding the lumpy, hot cereal fascinating as she shoveled it in her mouth.

  “He did!” Joni crowed with a gleeful laugh, drawing stares their way.

  One blue stare in particular caught and held her attention then one lid lowered and he winked at her. Sylvie slumped in her seat. “God. You kill me, Joni.”

  Her friend sobered and reached across the table to grasp her free hand. “I like seeing you like this. For so long we had to pretend we weren’t scared. Had to stay strong in that hell hole never knowing if we’d make it out. I’m glad you like him.”

  “I didn’t say I liked him,” Sylvie cut in, though her heart pounded in his presence.

  Joni squeezed her fingers and let go. “But you’re attracted to him and it’s not wrong, no matter what you tell yourself.”

  Her heart shifted into an unsteady rhythm as Sylvie remembered being held in a cage, the burn of the whip on her feet. “Joni, it’s too soon.”

  “No,” Joni snapped, amber eyes narrowed. “No, it’s not. You deserve every bit of happiness available. I would have lost my mind without you there.”

  Sylvie took a deep breath and leaned back in her seat. Joni was right about that. They’d kept each other sane but Joni deserved happiness just as much. Sylvie shook away the thoughts. She forced her lips into a semblance of a smile and snuck a look over her shoulder.

  “If we’re match making…” Sylvie let the sentence trail off.

  “Don’t you dare,” Joni whispered, her eyes wide, as she followed Sylvie’s gaze to the tall Jutak leaning against the back of the sofa. The black uniform pants they all wore cupped a firm butt and molded to long legs. His dark head tipped down as he listened to his teammates while between his fingers he twirled a knife.

  As if sensing their stares, Kyele’s head turned and green eyes studied them closely. He cocked his head to the side then stiffened. Sylvie faced her friend to see how she was taking the attention only to see fiery red blotches on Joni’s cheeks. She started to speak but Joni choked and Sylvie jerked her head back around to see Kyele straighten as if to approach. The scar on his cheek twitched and then one of the men, another blond, called his name and Kyele reluctantly went back to the conversation.

  “I’m not sure what’s between the two of you but be careful with that one,” Sylvie warned. Her attraction to Arak didn’t seem nearly as dangerous as the dark looks that one gave her friend.

  “Ditto,” Joni said, returning to her toasted bread and what looked like fake bacon but thicker in texture.

  Still wearing a broad smile, Faye returned to their table. The curvy brunette amazed Sylvie. She claimed to have only been on Enotia for a few months but Sylvie saw how comfortable the woman was living here. Happiness fairly glowed from her skin.

  “Sorry,” Faye said and resumed her seat. “Jaron’s like a brother and I hadn’t seen him since he left for the mission. Torkel told me there’d been a slight bump as he called it and that the Marenians chose to blow up the facility where you both were held.”

  Sylvie waved away the
apology. “We’re grateful for all the effort in getting us out of there and I’m sorry we don’t know anything about your friend.”

  She remembered someone mentioning Faye’s determined search for another woman from Earth by the name of Lindsey.

  Faye’s eyes darkened. “Lindsey and I were taken by those horned filth mongers. I promised her we’d get out together but…she was sold the same day I was rescued by Team One.”

  Sylvie understood that Torkel was a Unit Leader and that he led three teams of five elite soldiers who worked to maintain peace in their part of the world.

  “Anyway,” Faye added, bracing her elbows on the table and leaning forward. “Torkel told me the Enotian government has offered asylum and if you still want husbands the presentation ceremony is an option.”

  Joni already shook her head. “I’m not interesting in looking, finding or settling for a man.”

  Faye’s mouth tipped down and her eyes, a dark brown, hinted at familiar sadness. “I can understand. If not for Torkel, I’m not sure what I would have done in similar circumstances.”

  A loud burst of laughter drew all of their stares. Many of the heads gathered in the circle were blond with a few dark haired men thrown in to the mix. One man had another in a headlock though his victim snickered as he attempted to free himself.

  “Geile and Gregir are brothers.” Faye smiled softly. “I’m sure Jaron is behind whatever they’re doing.”

  Sylvie swallowed and asked, “What happens to Joni and I now?”

  Where would they go?

  What would they do?

  Joni perked up in her seat, amber eyes alight.

  “There’s an apartment building in the city. My Chosen has made arrangements for Joni and you to have your own place. An account has been set up with a small balance from the SP organization in recognition for the small part they played in your captivity. Your pilot’s distress call should have been a priority but instead the captain chose to return in his own time. He never even notified any other vessels, which could have been in the vicinity to render aid.”

  Sylvie’s breath eased out on a sigh, the tension in her shoulders at her fate easing. Money and a place. It was a starting point. “Thank you, Faye.”

  “No. Thanks aren’t necessary. We Earth women have to stick together.”

  All of them exchanged glances then giggled. Women on Earth were not known for sticking together since men were a limited commodity.

  Faye continued. “Clothes have been ordered and delivered to the apartments. Anything you don’t like can be returned. I just wish they had underwear and bras. I had to place an order from Earth but it won’t arrive for a few weeks.”

  “Why don’t you wear the Enotian undergarments,” Joni asked, finishing her food and pushing her plate away.

  Faye’s eyes widened. “They don’t have any.”

  A frown pierced Joni’s brow. “Sure they do. Boy shorts that I hope don’t rise after washing and tanks with built in padding. Not exactly bra and panties but its something.”

  Red stained Faye’s cheeks. “That slick Chosen of mine. Torkel never gave me under clothes so I assumed the women here didn’t wear any.”

  Faye’s head lifted as her eyes scanned the room and it was unfortunate that Torkel chose that moment to enter the recreation room with a warm smile when he spotted Faye.

  “Excuse me ladies,” Faye growled and rose to her feet to confront him.

  “He’s in the alien dog house if I’m not mistaken,” Joni said, not taking her eyes off the drama about to play out.

  Sylvie and the men watched as well. Faye leaned in close to her man and stabbed her finger at his uniform covered broad chest. Torkel’s cheeks flamed. With anger or outrage Sylvie couldn’t tell. His dark brows pulled down in a V formation and he whispered something back to Faye before grasping her finger and lowering it.

  Sylvie half-rose out of her seat and the scrape of the chair across from her signaled Joni mirroring the move. Too many times they’d watched women, fellow prisoners, beaten by angry males. Aliens with two times their strength. The Jutak was twice Faye’s size.

  Faye arched up on her toes and jerked on his shoulder-length, brown hair. Torkel grabbed her by the waist and half-lifted her in the air. Sylvie took one step toward them before a band of steel clamped around her waist.

  Instinct governed her next action as she cocked back her elbow, prepared to deliver a sharp blow when soft accented words caressed the lobe of her ear. “Shh. Watch.”

  Her eyes focused on the arguing couple but Sylvie couldn’t ignore the fluttery sensation around her middle from the warm weight of Arak’s arm holding her against a rock-solid chest. The hard bulge between his legs nudged against her lower back.

  Torkel leaned down and kissed Faye gently. Her fingers tangled in the strands of his hair as he lowered her to her feet. When they parted, Torkel grinned and murmured something in Faye’s ear. She chuckled and slapped at his shoulders.

  Crisis averted.

  For them.

  Now to deal with the man at her back.

  “He would never harm a hair on her head,” Arak continued.

  Conflicting emotions converged on her. Sylvie wanted to lean back into the security of his embrace but her recent experiences made her leery of trusting contact with any stranger.

  “You can trust me, you know.” His husky murmur against the side of her face curled the hair at her nape. His accent was like none she’d ever heard before. Flavored with a European tint and the clipped edges of something else, his voice caressed her in ways Sylvie hadn’t expected.

  Before she could respond to his claim, his arm slid away from her waist and he stepped back. Sylvie mourned the loss and the warmth of his touch. She turned to face him but he moved away before she could reprimand him for the intimate way he’d held her. Faye flounced over, keeping Sylvie from speaking to Arak. He raised a brow and smiled before leaving them alone.


  The little Earthling was a fighter. When the aroma of Sylvie’s fear and worry reached him, Arak’s senses had lit up. One glance at her expression as she watched the scene unfold between Faye and Torkel had told him all he needed to know. Memories of her experience with the slavers played across her features and it would have taken someone stronger than him to resist the need to ease her concern.

  After her initial stiffening, she’d melted into his embrace as his arms held her. Soft and warm, Sylvie aroused him without effort and Arak had left her vicinity as fast as his legs could carry him. Her scent, her arousal wove around him, creating a layer of desire so thick he’d almost taken her to the floor regardless of those present. A grin ticked up the side of his mouth. He was sure she’d have appreciated that.


  Faruk called his name, preventing his escape. Arak paused outside the recreation room and waited for the leader of Team Two to reach him. Sweat covered his friend’s bare chest and his damp blond hair was slicked back.

  “Torkel wants to know if you and Bane can take the Earth females to the apartment that’s been secured for them in the morning.”

  Arak stiffened and tried to mask the reaction an instant later when Faruk gazed at him quizzically. Sylvie and her friend would be moving away from the Jutak facility. His feelings about the move tore him in two. Part of him wanted to avoid her because of his unexplained attraction but his cat clawed his inside at her being out of his reach. The mixed feelings didn’t stop his agreement. “Of course. Have you already spoken with Bane?”

  Faruk sighed. “No. I hoped Rydak could pass on that particular message but he’s with Lissi and their kids. You know how he is about family time.”

  Arak hid his wince. He wouldn’t want to bother the Team Three leader either. Rydak Jaard guarded his time with his Chosen fiercely and he was not a man to get on the wrong side of.

  Still, Faruk could speak directly with Bane himself. “I’ll be ready whenever the females are ready to leave.”

  Faruk hesitated,
causing Arak to stall in his attempts to return to his room and deal with the arousal throbbing in his pants from holding Sylvie in his arms. If he didn’t find release soon he’d snap for certain. “What else, Faruk?”

  The team lead wasn’t one to not spit out what he wanted.

  “Well, I…hoped you’d convey the message to Bane.” Faruk gripped the back of his neck and tipped his head toward the ceiling before exhaling. “Come on, Arak. You’re the only one outside Torkel and Rydak who’s not afraid of the guys on Team Three.”

  Arak rolled his eyes. Team One and Two handled the majority of the missions from the Commander. The governing council reserved Team Three for black assignments where no trace would be left behind. Torkel sent them out for anything that required the ability to leave your conscious at home. Arak could never do what his fellow Jutaks on that team did.

  “Fine. Where is he?”

  The relieved grin on Faruk’s face spoke volumes. “Training room. He stayed behind after knocking me down twice.”

  Arak chuckled, not surprised. Bane handled hand-to-hand combat as if he’d been born fighting and practice was something he did like it was a real life or death situation. The Ceraton reminded Arak of Kyele in some ways. “Alright.”

  “Thanks, Arak.” Faruk gripped his shoulder tight and squeezed then jogged down the corridor free from having to deliver the message.

  Arak shook his head and took the elevator to the gym the Unit used for exercise and sparring purposes. Grunts and thuds reached his enhanced hearing before he reached the double doors. Curious to know who else used the room since most of the team had been in the rec room while the Earth women ate, Arak slid in silently and took up position against a back wall. The session taking place was too intense to interrupt.

  V’hor and Bane fought with the long sticks Arak had mastered his first year out of training to be a Jutak. The clack of wood striking wood bounced off the walls. Bane swiveled to the side to avoid a sharp blow to the head and kicked out with his right leg, intent on V’hor’s mid-section. The serpine rolled his torso in a move no one but his race could duplicate and slivered out of the way of the large black boot. Arak shook off a shiver at the eerie sight.


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