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Arak's Love: A World Beyond Book 2

Page 14

by Michelle Howard

  Arak turned, coming face to face with Joni who strolled down the hall with a smirk on her mouth. He’d identified her scent the moment she opened her door. When Joni reached him, she leaned on the wall opposite Sylvie’s apartment and studied Arak. The intense scrutiny had his nape prickling.

  “Where is she?” His voice rasped in demand but Arak was too far gone to control his impatience.

  Joni sucked her tongue between her teeth as if considering how to answer and smoothed a hand down the black dress she wore. A dress that stopped mid-thigh. The black heeled shoes complimented the outfit and added another five inches to her height so that she looked him in the eye.

  “Sylvie’s on a date.”


  They both glanced down at the sharp curve of claws now protruding from his fingertips. Arak remembered Sylvie using the word date when he’d taken her out to the market place. Faye had informed him of the deeper meaning Earthlings used. It meant the man or woman spent time together to pursue one another.

  His growl rumbled forth. “A date?”

  “Yep.” Joni straightened, dropping the playful demeanor. “She left about twenty minutes ago. Santagos, I believe.”

  Arak knew the place. It had earned its place as one of the most premiere spots to dine due to the creative food on the menu surpassing that of nearby restaurants. Getting in without a reservation wouldn’t be a problem. Santagos was run by a third generation Enotian Arak knew very well. His lips twisted in a smile as he forced back his annoyance. “Thank you.”

  Joni’s amber eyes darkened, at last picking up on the hints of danger emanating from him. “What are you planning?”

  Arak’s stride doubled as urgency pushed him. He lifted his hand in the air to wave, not bothering to turn around. “I’m going to find Sylvie.”


  Arak held the door open for a pretty blonde Enotian as she exited Santagos. She smiled at Arak, slowing her pace to eye him from head to toe as she licked her lips but he was through the door like a shot, not giving her a second glance. The late hour meant the restaurant was completely full but no one lingered in the lobby. The owner knew his seating and customer base to a letter so no one ever spent time waiting if they had a reservation and if you didn’t, you were sent on your way. Most of the patrons used to this odd policy didn’t complain. It was understood that if they wanted to dine they booked a seating.

  “Arak, we weren’t aware you planned to dine with us tonight.”

  The sharply dressed blonde came from behind the glass counter at the center of the lobby and attempted to hug him. Adrenaline pumped off him in waves. His cat snarled and Arak had enough control to keep from clawing her hand off as he shifted away from her touch. His blood burned hot and need drove him. The need to find Sylvie and her date.

  Why was she with another man? Who was he and how did Sylvie meet him?

  “Arak, are you here to see—”

  “No,” he cut her off and tried for a smile that felt more like a grimace. “I’m here to see a friend.”

  Her pleasant demeanor slipped at his tone but Arya exhibited the professional courtesy she was known for during her years with Santagos. She nodded, face resuming mild interest and moved back to the counter. “Enjoy your dinner. We love seeing you.”

  Arak swallowed his impatience. They were good friends who’d schooled together and she didn’t deserve the short end of his tempter. He gentled his tone. “Thanks, Arya.”

  He quickened his step, ignoring the odd glances tossed his way. Patrons sat in an elegant dining room beneath dim lighting cast by the overhead lights. The custom glass and metal fixtures created flashes of rainbows on the special reflective floor designed by the owner. The tinkling of silver and glassware became a minor irritant to his senses.

  Arak hadn’t taken the time to eat and regretted it with so much food on display. The rich aroma of several dishes brimmed on the air. He scanned the crowd looking for one face in particular. He recognized a few of the diners but his steps didn’t slow for him to greet or make small talk. Something Arak would hear about later. Another sweep of the room showed couples laughing as they nestled together, families in groups huddled around larger tables as they celebrated some momentous occasion.

  Sylvie’s blonde hair blended in on a planet predisposed to light haired, blue eyed citizens but one thing about her would never blend. Her scent. Arak inhaled deeply, searching for the familiar twang. The sweet essence only Sylvie carried. It hit him like a blow to the mid-section. His head swiveled to the side and eyes narrowed on an intimate table set for two in a small alcove off to his right. Sylvie leaned forward, smiling at her dining partner.

  Possession cascaded through him although the tension vibrating through his pores eased. Her mouth curved as she spoke to her companion then laughed. Each note of the delicious sound reached his ears easily. Arak was drawn in her direction. Drawn to Sylvie and reached her table without remembering moving.

  Sylvie’s head tipped up. Surprise then pleasure flittered across her features. “Arak!”

  His relief at her reaction waned as he remembered Joni’s words. “Where is he?”

  Her mouth formed an O. “What?”

  Arak breathed out then in, fingers curled into a fist to prevent his claws from emerging. “Joni said you were on a date.”

  The woman seated across from Sylvie snickered. “Oh my. Maybe, I should go.”

  Sylvie reached over the table and clasped hands with the caramel-skinned woman who had red streaks in her dark hair. Not Enotian but the distinctive gold rings around her blue eyes would be hard to miss. Her scent was reminiscent of one he was becoming used to. Earthling, he guessed.

  Sylvie glared at him but spoke to her friend. “Leesa, you don’t have to.”

  Leesa stood, eyes sparking with humor as her gaze passed over Arak. “Don’t worry. I’ll head home now. My Chosen, Mylin, worries if I’m out late.”

  Arak felt no remorse when the woman smiled at him, leaned over and gave Sylvie a brief hug before leaving. Several patrons in the restaurant turned and watched the shapely tall woman exit, her hips swaying beneath the gold one piece pantsuit that flattered her coloring. Arak faced Sylvie, her friend no longer a thought and sat in the abandoned seat.

  A small candle flickered in a yellow jeweled container at the center of the table. Sylvie’s blue eyes narrowed and her lips pursed. Lips that glistened with a peach color additive. She’d dressed for her evening out. Golden hair fell over one shoulder in a sleek wave, the ends forming a single fat curl which lay close to the full breasts revealed by the low neckline of her lavender top.

  “I didn’t know you were back.” Her tone conveyed annoyance and irritation.

  “Would you have been waiting?” His question pushed boundaries but Arak couldn’t find it in himself to care.

  Her brows dipped low. “What’s with you?”

  His cat stretched and prodded at his temper. All he’d wanted to do was return and surround himself with Sylvie’s scent. Pick-up where they’d left off, fill his hands with the full mounds of her breasts on display and nuzzle into her womanly softness. Instead she was out at one of the most popular places to be seen. Arak snarled. He didn’t want other males seeing her beauty.

  “I wanted to see you,” he confessed.

  Her eyes softened at the disclosure.

  “Joni said you were on a date,” Arak continued.

  The softness fled as her brows lifted. “So you rushed down here to do what?”

  His upper lip peeled back, revealing his sharp fangs. “I would have taken care of him.”

  Sylvie’s mouth parted to ream him out no doubt but the waiter interrupted and set a steaming plate of brown pasta, vegetables and diced meat covered in a brown sauce. Peisanta. Arak’s stomach rumbled at one of his favorite dishes.

  The waiter recognized him a second later and grinned, his professional demeanor relaxing to one of comfort. “We weren’t aware you planned to dine tonight. Does Garis know you’r
e here?”

  Arak leaned back in his chair, resigned to this. If he’d considered all the factors in his mad rush over, it might have made him re-think coming to Santagos, especially on what was sure to be a busy evening. “I just stopped by Mik.”

  Mik nodded and whipped out an electronic tablet from the leather pouch tied around his slim hips. “What would you like? The cooks will make anything you request.”

  Sylvie’s stare turned curious and Arak kept his gaze on Mik as his neck heated. “Anything with meat. Lots of it.”

  Mik tapped away. “Of course. Did you just return? Should I let Garis know?”

  “I’m already aware.”

  Arak closed his eyes on a brief exhale then opened them and faced the man who’d silently joined them. Mik faded away with a final head nod toward him.

  “Arak, it’s been too long since you’ve stopped by. You look tired.”

  And why did that make him feel like a naughty child being reprimanded ever so gently.


  Arak’s appearance caught Sylvie off guard. He had strode across the restaurant with determined steps, blue eyes blasting ice cold fury. So much so Sylvie had shivered, her gaze darting around the cozy restaurant with its sheer elegance to see who had set Arak off. Tension crept up her spine when she didn’t notice anyone or anything out of the ordinary.

  With laser focus he’d paused at her table and all his contained energy zeroed in on her. Now he sat across from her as calm as possible after interrupting her first night out with a new neighbor, another Earth woman who met her Chosen the same day as Faye met Torkel. Leesa had shared the hard to believe story of Faye’s attack during the Enotian presentation ceremony.

  “Arak, it’s been too long since you’ve stopped by. You look tired.”

  Sylvie tipped her head back to see a slender, blond man standing beside their table. Slightly older with hints of silver at his temples but his blue eyes stared at Arak in relief.

  “I’m fine,” Arak sighed and ran a hand through his disheveled, dark hair.

  Had something happened on his mission? She hadn’t expected him to be gone for three days.

  “Who is your lovely companion this evening?”

  Another sigh and Arak straightened in his seat. His hand slid across the table before Sylvie could react and gripped her hand, lacing their fingers. The shock of the touch thrilled her.

  “Sylvie, this is Garis Wilda. Papan, it pleases me to introduce Sylvie Forrester recently from Earth.”

  Arak’s words clicked into place. Papan. This was his father? The man hardly looked old enough to have a grown son and had the typical appearance of an Enotian.

  Sylvie tugged on her hand slightly, smiling at Garis all the while. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Arak released her, fingers gliding over her palm.

  Garis’ smile beamed. He inclined his head in her direction. “Forgive the intrusion. My son has not visited in some time.”

  Arak lowered his head to the linen covered table with a thump but she witnessed the hint of red on his neck.

  Garis offered her another smile, eyes twinkling. “I hope you enjoy your meal this evening. Make him bring you by the home and perhaps we shall visit. If he remembers the way.”

  Arak’s head snapped up as he groaned. “Pa-pan.”

  Garis winked. “It’s true. You’ve been gone so long I wondered if you’d lost your way.”

  A grin curled Sylvie’s lips at the subtle reprimand. He rubbed his son’s back and Sylvie sensed the connection between them easily. Someone called Garis’ name and he left them with a final word to order what they wanted.

  “Your father seems nice,” Sylvie spoke, twirling pasta on her silverware. The first taste melted on her tongue in a burst of season and herbs far from what she was used to on Earth but delicious none the less.

  “He is,” Arak agreed then leaned back in his chair as their eager waiter returned and placed a plate consisting of grilled meat and nothing else in front of Arak before disappearing once more.

  Sylvie’s eyes widened but Arak started on the food immediately. The heat of her gaze must have gotten through because he lifted his head mid-chew. He swallowed, his throat moving with the motion. “I’m sorry. I’ve not eaten all day.”

  So polite. Sympathy faded the last of Sylvie’s ire with him for interrupting her evening with Leesa. She remembered he’d just returned. “Tough mission?”

  He paused and met her gaze. Stress lines bracketed his mouth. “They’re all tough. Jutaks mostly handle high-level assignments, riots and escaped prisoner retrieval. It’s what we train for.”

  She learned more about him each time they spoke. He returned to his meal and she understood he didn’t want to talk about it. Sylvie directed her conversation to something simple. “Does Garis eat here often?”

  At her question, Arak dropped his utensil beside his now empty plate and chuckled. His eyes brightened and his fangs flashed with his broad smile. “My papan owns Santagos.”

  Amazement gave her pause in enjoying her meal. “Your father owns this place?”

  He nodded.

  “And you don’t eat here every night?” She couldn’t imagine such, inhaling another mouth of pasta to reiterate the point.

  Arak chuckled again. “If I want to eat what Santagos serves, I don’t come here I go home. My papan is always eager to cook for me. He lives alone and likes the opportunity to work in the kitchen again.”

  Sylvia remembered what he’d said about his mother. Lissi and Faye had explained a little about the Enotian custom of finding a life partner through a chosen presentation. The process sounded risky to her but the idea of women making the choice appealed to her.

  “Is he going to try the presentation again? Since your mom is gone.”

  Arak’s brows dipped low and his mouth twisted in disgust. “No, he says he loved her with everything he had and always will.”

  Sweet and sad. Those few minutes talking with him showed Garis to be a pleasant man. Hopefully he’d fall in love again. It also brought her back to what Arak had said earlier.

  “Did you really come here to…beat up my date?” The very thought was too barbaric. No one owned her. She wouldn’t be owned again.

  “Beat up?” His dark brow arched.

  Sylvie made a fist and held it up. “Hit, attack, fight.”

  A wicked grin flashed across his face. “If you were dining with another male I would have gut him.”

  Her mouth dropped. Sylvie couldn’t believe him. People didn’t go around attacking people for going out together. “You can’t be serious!”

  Chapter 16

  His silence must have lasted too long, letting her know exactly how serious he was. Sylvie reached over for a shiny handbag he hadn’t noticed and stood. “I think I’ll leave. My appetite is suddenly gone.”

  She marched away from the table before it hit him that she was leaving.

  “Sylvie!” Arak jumped to his feet and chased her, ignoring the startled gazes he received from the other diners.

  Her flight continued through a narrow archway he knew for fact led to a minuscule coat closet. Arak cornered her as she breezed through, allowing the door to shut behind them in the enclosed space. Sylvie’s fingers stabbed at the buttons on the wall-mounted panel and the rack of coats flipped around a suspended system, bringing the clothing to a swaying halt.

  Her usually sweet odor held tints of anger and Arak didn’t need to follow the tense lines of her shoulders to sense her emotions. His gaze dropped from the lavender top to the knee-length skirt in the same color as it twirled about her limbs. Sylvie’s long legs shifted as she leaned forward for a silver coat inches from her fingertips.

  “No one owns me,” she grumbled under her breath.

  Savage need assailed him. Desire built in rapid waves, his heart raced to keep up with the surge of emotions. He just needed a touch. One slight caress from her trembling fingers to ease the inferno raring through his body. Arak moved in u
ntil her back lined with his front, his face unerringly nuzzled into the crook of her delicate neck. He inhaled deeply and her honeyed fragrance pushed away the last of his own worry and anger. Worry that she’d found someone else. Anger that she hadn’t waited.

  Arak lowered his voice to the husky whisper he knew affected her. “I don’t want to own you. I’m sorry you took my words this way.”

  His lips took a sensuous journey down the exposed column of her neck. The honey spilling in the air increased. Arak locked his hands at her waist and pulled her snug against his hips, groaning at the contact he’d longed for. Sylvie’s head tipped to the side and her pulse sped up as she leaned her slight weight into him.

  Arak savored the moment of triumph and eased the edge of her skirt up, fingers flirting with the silken skin of her thigh until he had her lower half exposed. His teeth nipped at the flesh he’d kissed, not missing the shiver coursing down Sylvie’s spine. “Yes, feel it. Feel me, love.”

  When his fingertips brushed along the cloth covered core of her, another shiver accompanied her small cry. Sylvie’s hips jerked and Arak’s other hand at her waist bit down holding her in place for his pleasure. His shaft throbbed against the fullness of her buttocks, her every shudder a reward for his patience.

  “Arak,” she moaned, hands coming above her head to thread through his hair.

  “You promised, Sylvie,” he murmured, kissing the delicate curve of her ear. “No more running from what we feel. You and me.”

  “I’m not running. You can’t go around trying to kill people who go out with me.”

  “Not people.” His teeth grazed her pulse. “Only other males.”

  She snorted.

  Arak deepened the caress. Her breathing grew shallow as her panties dampened. Rich honey. Arak breathed deep, completely intoxicated by her. “I do love the way you smell Sylvia Forrester.” Another inhale. “Especially when you’re aroused and …wet.”

  Arak nudged his fingers beneath the edge of her underwear and brushed beyond moist curls to her silken folds. Another swipe and Sylvie’s fingers clenched in his hair. He growled, the low sound continuous, and added a finger to probe her heated depths. Her moisture ran over his fingers and she moved in his arms, the familiar dance drawing a deep groan from him.


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