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Accidental Surprises

Page 9

by Tia Wylder

  “Yes.” The word was out of her mouth before she even thought about it. It wasn’t her head that was making the decision. It was her heart.

  “Yes?” He was actually surprised by her answer. His heart which had only a moment ago felt like it was dangling over a precipice suddenly soared into the air.


  Deckland pulled the ring out of the box and slipped it delicately onto her finger. His hands shook as he slid it on. Fluttering in his stomach made him nervous. His whole life was about to change. He could feel it. Hayley held her hand up to admire the ring. Smiling, Deckland tilted her chin up. He leaned down and let his lips hovered above hers. Hayley couldn’t breathe. The anticipation before the kiss was deliciously tempting. Deckland lowered his head slightly, closing the gap. The moment their lips touched, sparks seemed to swim inside their veins. Hayley relished the gentle pressure of his lips. His hands wound up inside her hair. The moment was absolute bliss.

  She was the one to pull away first. “Should we tell people? Or should we keep it a secret?”

  Deckland tilted his head to the side. “Which would you prefer?”

  Giddiness bubbled up inside of her. “Maybe we could tell a few people? Like our families?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Hayley bounded back inside. She couldn’t wait to tell her mom! As she walked back in, she bumped into Mrs. Kyle. “Whoa, where’s the fire? You better be careful, or you’ll hurt your ankle again.”

  Hayley let out a squeal of excitement and held up her left hand. “Look!”

  “Oh, my word!” Charlotte feigned surprise fairly convincingly. “Deckland, did you?!”

  Deckland nodded and placed his arm lovingly around Hayley’s shoulders. “Mother, meet my new fiancé.”

  Hayley was practically vibrating with happiness. “I can’t wait to tell my mom!”

  “Well, go on then!” Charlotte squeezed her hand and sent her up the staircase to call her mother. Once Hayley was out of sight, she turned back to her son. “It was a nice touch giving her your grandmother’s ring. How did you get your father to agree to that?”

  “I just told him that I had found a girl who made me want to straighten up. I asked his advice on how to propose to her and if he would consider letting me have Grammy’s ring.” Deckland scratched his head. “He said as long as I didn’t pawn it I could use it. Which, though not really a blessing is more than I expected from him.”

  “Probably expects you to back out of the marriage at the last second.” Charlotte scoffed. “We’ll show him. I mean you. You’ll show him.”

  “Yes…What do you say mother? Are you ready to help us plan a wedding?”

  “My dear boy, I was born ready.”

  Chapter 15: Live a Little

  The weeks flitted by in a flurry of fittings and flower choices. Hayley’s head was swimming. She had managed to escape from the wedding planner. Hidden behind a shrub in the garden, she let out a sigh of relief. Footsteps made her look up.

  “What are we hiding from, Mrs. Kyle?” Deckland crouched down beside her.

  “I’m not Mrs. Kyle yet. I think I’m always going to think of your mother when I hear that name.” Hayley laughed at him. “I had to get away from the wedding planner. If I had to look at one more eggshell verses cream napkin PowerPoint, I was going to scream.”

  “I thought you wanted a big wedding?” Deckland picked a twig out of her hair.

  “I did—I do. It’s just all a little overwhelming.”

  “You miss the kids, don’t you?” He smiled at her knowingly.

  Hayley nodded her head in exaggeration. “So much! It feels like it’s been months since I’ve been to the orphanage.”

  “It hasn’t been quite that long, but I did arrange something for you.”

  “Really? What??”

  “Come with me.” He took her hand and pulled her out of her hiding place. The two of them darted furtively across the garden to a back gate she hadn’t seen before.

  “Has this always been here?”

  “For as long as I can remember. Here, follow me.” Deckland opened the gate and slipped through.

  He took her down a little pathway that led to a point in the driveway out of sight from the house. A car was waiting for her. Jim tipped his hat to her. Grabbing Deckland’s hands in hers, Hayley turned to him. “What is this?”

  “I arranged for Jim to take you to Saint Catherine’s.”

  “Have I mentioned that you’re perfect?”

  Deckland smiled brightly. “Later, I have a bit more of an adult surprise planned.”

  “Hayley?” Charlotte’s voice called from the house. “Hayley, where are you? We need to pick out placemats!”

  “Quick! Get in!” Deckland hurried her into the car before his mother found them.

  Hayley ducked inside and blew him a kiss. As the car pulled away, she rolled down the window. “Wait! What kind of adult surprise??” The only answer she got was Deckland raising one finger to his lips and waving her off. What did he have planned for her now?

  The ride to the orphanage seemed to take longer than she remembered. Happiness swelled inside of her. She felt so lucky to be marrying someone who cared about what she cared about. Sometimes it seemed like he knew what she was thinking or needing even before she knew herself. As they got closer to Saint Catherine’s, her excitement bubbled over.

  Jim parked out front and let her exit the car. He started to pull away once she climbed out, but she stopped him. “Whoa, wait. Are you not staying?”

  “Master’s orders, Miss. Someone else will be by to pick you up later.”

  Someone else? Hayley watched the car disappear around the block. A knot of anxiety sank to the bottom of her happiness. Trying not to let the unknown spoil her happiness, Hayley put on a happy face and marched into the orphanage.

  “Hayley!” A chorus of tiny voices called out to her.

  “Hey guys!” She dropped to her knees and hugged them.

  “We made you something.” A little boy with freckles piped up from the back of the group.

  Hayley looked at them surprised. “You did?”

  “Yeah!” The group answered collectively, and a little girl pulled her by the hand into the cafeteria.

  Stretched along the wall was a banner that read “Hayley and Deckland.” Tiny handprints of varying colors speckled the banner around the names. When she saw it, she almost started crying. “You guys! This is perfect!”

  “Will we get to see you in your gown?” A girl with a lisp asked hopefully while swirling her skirt around her knees.

  “Actually, I have something very important to ask all of you?”


  Hayley looked out at the sea of happy faces in front of her. “I don’t have much of a family. Would you all consider coming to the wedding and sitting on my side?”

  “Really?!” Childish glee tittered around the room

  “Yeah!” A boy with dark hair jumped up and down.

  “Can we, Mother Theresa?” Another little girl who was missing her front tooth called out.

  “I don’t see why not. As long as you all promise to be on your best behavior.” Theresa was smiling from ear to ear at the back of the room. She stepped forward to hug Hayley tightly. “Congratulations, by the way. Deckland is lucky to have you.”

  “You’ll come, too, won’t you?” Hayley whispered in her ear.

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  Hayley glanced back at the banner the children had made. “Would you hold on to this for me for a little bit? I’ll have someone pick it up later. I don’t want it to get damaged. I think I know the perfect place to put it.”

  “Of course, dear. Just let me know when you need it.” Theresa gave her one more hug.

  Hayley’s phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled out the phone to see a text from Chelsea: Let’s get this party started! I’m out front, girlfriend.”

  “Um, I think my ride is here.” Hayley turned to the ki
ds once more. “I love you guys! I’ll see you soon! Be good, okay?”

  “We will!” Hearing their excitement made her heart smile. After the wedding was over, she would need to make up for lost time with them.

  Hayley walked cautiously towards the parking lot. She hadn’t seen Chelsea in a long time. Was this part of what Deckland had alluded to earlier? Chelsea was driving a new, yellow sportscar. She waved at her friend excitedly.

  “Come on, girl! Get in.” Chelsea poked her head out of the driver’s side window.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Your soon-to-be hubby sent me. He also gave me this.” Chelsea held Deckland’s black credit card between her fingers. “He told me to show you a good time. Sky’s the limit!”

  Hayley grinned nervously. Chelsea’s idea of a good time hardly ever lined up with Hayley’s. “So, uh, where are we going?”

  “First, I thought we would get pampered, then we can go grab some drinks.”

  It didn’t sound so bad. “Okay.”

  Chelsea sped down the roads until Hayley was clenching the door handle. “It’s right up here.” She parked on the side of the street and slipped excitedly out of her new car.

  “Wait, this area looks familiar.” Hayley glanced around the surrounding buildings. “I could swear I’ve been here before.” Her eyes landed on a shop across the street from them. Rows of wigs and glittering dresses peeked out from the windows. Recognition dawned on her. Dana!

  She darted across the street to the store. Chelsea called after her. “Wait! Where are you going?!”

  “I’ll be right back! Just wait there.”

  A tiny bell jingled overhead. “Welcome to my boutique. Dana is my name, and glamour is my game. Oh! It’s you, honey. How are you doing?”

  “Dana! What are you doing right now?” Hayley bounced on the balls of her feet.

  “Well, as you can see, I am just swamped.” Her eyes scanned the empty store sarcastically. “What can I do for you? Do you need another wig?”

  “Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me.”

  “Come with you where, doll?”

  “Deckland and I are getting married soon. He sent my friend to take me out for the night—I think he meant for it to be a bachelorette party type thing. I was wondering if you would like to join us?”

  “Girl, you had me at bachelor. Let me grab my purse.”

  “Oh, um, everything is on me tonight. Deckland gave us his credit card. Just think of it as a thank you for helping us out the last time we were here.”

  “Even better.” Dana slipped a pair of bejeweled sunglasses on top of her hair. Excited, and still just a little nervous, Hayley held the door open for her.

  Chelsea was leaning up against her car checking her makeup in a store window. “Hello? Who’s your friend, Hayley?”

  “This is Dana. Dana, this is Chelsea. The more the merrier, right?”

  “Now you’re getting the hang of it.” Winking, Chelsea opened the door to a nail salon.

  A variety of polishes lined the walls. The girls were seated in a row of chairs to soak their feet. Fragrant waters bubbled warmly around their ankles. Dana leaned back in a vibrating chair. “Girl, I could get used to this.”

  “It is nice, isn’t it?” Hayley smiled and picked up her phone. She was glad to be away from the planning, but she missed Deckland.

  As her fingers started to type out a message to him, Chelsea snatched her phone. “No boys. This day is about us.”

  Heart sinking, Hayley tried to enjoy her day away from Kyle Manor. She had been feeling a little spoiled lately. Living lavishly was Deckland’s normal way of life, but to her, it felt a little too grand. In her mind, she hadn’t done anything to deserve it. There was no hard work on her part involved in their success. It made her feel like she wasn’t pulling her own weight.

  “What’s wrong?” Dana glanced over at Hayley after handing the pedicurist a bright red polish she had chosen from the wall.

  Faking a smile, Hayley buried her worried. “It’s nothing.”

  “A few jitters before the wedding is to be expected.” Chelsea swirled a bottle of glitter and held it up to the light.

  “It’s not that. I love Deckland. I just don’t know if I fit in with his family or not.”

  “Well, you’re not marrying his family, honey. You’re marrying him.”

  “I know that, but I don’t want to be a burden on them. I want to be a positive impact on their lives just like I want to be for Deckland.”

  “Baby girl, I don’t think you could be a negative impact on anyone even if you tried. You just listen to Auntie Dana, okay? You didn’t have to come to my shop and invite me to come with you, but you did. That is the kind of person you are. The Kyles would be lucky to have you as part of their family.”

  “I hope so.” Hayley bit her lip and watched as the tips of her toenails were painted white.

  After their nails were dry, Chelsea ushered them back out to the car. The sun was starting to set in the sky. “Are you ready for the next part?”

  “What is the next part?” A wave of uncertainty washed over Hayley.

  “Since you are going to be a married woman soon, I thought you might like a little taste of what you’re going to be missing the rest of your life.”

  “Chels—” Hayley tried to interrupt her.

  “It’s time for the strip club! Picture it now: tan men, bulging muscles, bulging other things…It’s going to be great. Come on!”

  “I don’t know about this…” Hayley really didn’t want to see anyone other than Deckland in an intimate setting.

  “Nope! You’re not getting out of this. Get in.” Her friend shoved her in the back of the car.

  Anxious, Hayley watched the buildings pass by. Chelsea finally stopped outside of a dark building with tinted windows. Chrome trim traced the doors. Hayley felt herself getting dragged through the front door. Inside, there was a haze of smoke. Lights danced overhead. Groups of women were gathered around a stage ogling the men dancing for them. Chelsea grabbed a margarita from a passing tray and put it in Hayley’s hand.

  “Here, we booked you a special viewing.” Chelsea shoved her through some heavy black curtains into a separated section.

  Before Hayley could leave, a tall, muscular silhouette came forward from the back of the room. She quickly averted her eyes. “I-I think there’s been a mistake. I’m not…I mean, I don’t…” She backed away into a corner and clamped her hands over her eyes. A soft click signaled that he had locked the door. Hayley heard the man’s hand smack into the wall by her head. She felt him lean in close to her. Cringing against the wall, she tried to figure out what she should do. Should she scream? Would Chelsea even come to check on her if she did? Should she try to fight him off?

  A chuckle near her ear made her jump. “I thought you might be a little resistant.”

  Hayley’s eyes flew open. “You?!” Deckland was looming over her, leaning against the wall. “You scared me!! Why didn’t you tell me it was you?” Angry and embarrassed, she punched him in the shoulder.

  Deckland shrugged, “I wanted to see your reaction. Plus, I knew you’d never go for a traditional bachelorette party. You’re too modest for that. That’s why I’m here.”


  “I’m going to be your stripper. I thought that would be the best compromise for you. That way you still get to have a little fun before tomorrow, and you don’t feel like you’re cheating on me.”

  “Tomorrow?!” The wedding wasn’t supposed to be for another two weeks at least.

  “That is another surprise I had planned for you. I know the wedding planning was starting to stress you out, so I called the person who knows you best.”

  “Who would that be?”

  “Your mom.” A big smile broke across his face.

  “My mom?!”

  “Yep. Apparently, you had a shoebox tucked under your bed at her house full of wedding ideas. I had her bring it over, and she
and the wedding planner hashed it all out. Well, my mom had some input, too. So, my final gift to you before our wedding is a stress-free night. Tomorrow, you are going to be Mrs. Hayley Kyle.”

  “Really?” She was both excited and nervous. It suddenly felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of her chest. The only thing she was worried about was all the little scraps of wedding magazines she had stuffed into that shoe box over the years. Hopefully it would turn out okay.

  “Really. But right now, you’re still a free woman, and I’d like to give you a little taste of what you’re going to get tomorrow night.”

  Hayley’s heart raced as Deckland lowered his face to hers. Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up. He carried her over to a chair in the middle of the room. As he sat her down, he pulled a small remote from his back pocket and hit a button. Music started playing from hidden speakers. One by one, Deckland undid the buttons on his white shirt. Underneath, she could see his tan skin peeking out.

  Tossing his shirt aside, Deckland started to take off his pants. He was trying to be sexy, but the situation made Hayley giggle. He raised an eyebrow at her. “Do you think I’m funny?”

  “A little.” She couldn’t help but smile.

  Deckland walked closer to her and knelt down in front of her. He slid one hand from her knee to her inner thigh. His other hand slipped under the hem of her shirt. Hayley gasped as he knew she would. She wasn’t laughing anymore. “How about now?”

  She was struggling to breathe. “No.” The word was barely more than a whisper. Smirking, he started to lift her shirt off. Her eyes widened as she grabbed his hand to stop him.

  “Relax. The door is locked. No one is going to come in.”

  “But, we still aren’t—”

  Deckland cut her off. “I know you want to wait. Just let me have a little fun with you. I promise I won’t let it go too far. Trust me.”

  “Okay.” Her heart was pounding, but he had already shown he could use restraint.

  She bit her lip but let him pull her shirt off. His fingertips grazed against her skin leaving behind a trail of goosebumps. Deckland slid his hand under her bra and found her nipple. Hayley gasped as he rolled in between his fingers. Her hands clasped the edge of the chair to help her keep quiet. He lifted her other breast over the top of her bra and placed his lips around her second nipple. The warmth of his tongue made her moan softly. Hayley couldn’t believe she was letting him touch her like that, but it felt so good. They would be getting married tomorrow, so it wasn’t too big of a deal, right?


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