Book Read Free

Treasure My Heart

Page 12

by Altonya Washington

  “I get it, son. I believe you.” Oscar’s voice carried a hushed reverence. “I guess the real question is, how will you get her to believe you?”

  Oliver set his head against the rest. “That part’s gonna take time.”

  “Does she live out there in Miami?”

  “Nope, she lives right in San Francisco, but she isn’t too keen on seeing me once Miami’s done. She, uh...she acts like she’s just happy with a fling.”

  “Oh, boy.” Oscar laughed again.


  “Nothing like payback, is there? You’ve been happy with exactly that for years, haven’t you?”

  “Yeah...” Oliver rubbed at the sudden pressure near the bridge of his nose. “Yeah, I have.”

  “Must be refreshing to find a woman who doesn’t expect anything more of you.”

  “Right, refreshing...” Oliver felt his jaw clench.

  “So, uh, how realistic will it be for you to make that lunch meeting?” Oscar decided not to press his son for more love life–related details.

  Oliver needed only a moment to set his thoughts to less emotional topics. “It should work. I’ll call you when I land. Is there anything more I need to know to prepare?”

  “Not really—it’s more of a social thing, so just bring yourself.”

  “Got it.”

  “All right, then, you take care, and I’ll see you Monday.”

  “Sure thing.” Oliver opened the driver’s side door. “And Dad?”

  “Yeah, son?”

  Oliver smiled. “Thanks.”

  Salinas, California

  CG Spring was frowning murderously over a stack of papers when his newest employee walked into his office. Despite his frustration, Spring graced Will Lloyd with a broad smile tinged with obvious hope.

  “Will, thanks for getting here so fast.”

  “They told me you needed to see me, sir.”

  “Yes, yes.” Spring gave a weary nod, cast another glance toward the paperwork on his desk. “I’ve been working with my executive staff trying to decide on a new employee insurance plan, but we don’t want to choose any company without first being sure of its stability.” Spring shot Will another hopeful look. “I knew you honed your skills at vetting companies while working for Wilder. I hope you won’t mind sharing a bit of that knowledge with us?”

  “Qasim was a good teacher, sir. He has a true gift for recognizing corporate stability but...I was an apt pupil.” Will grinned when Spring clapped and clenched a fist as if that were the news he wanted to hear. “I picked up a bit of that know-how during my time there.”

  Some of Will’s confidence began to wane nevertheless. “Sir, apt pupil or not, this isn’t exactly my niche. I’m more suited to dealing directly with employees.”

  “Which is why I think we found a good fit for you in HR.” Spring settled back in his desk chair. “What’s needed here is more along the lines of analyzing. It will directly benefit the company’s most important assets—its employees. Given that your expertise is in both realms...”

  “I’ll be happy to help however I can, sir.”

  Spring nodded, satisfied. “We’re trying to decide between three companies—we’re basing that decision on how comparable they are to employee salaries, current insurance rates, et cetera.”

  “Hard to find all of that in one company,” Will cautioned.

  “Right you are. We’re willing to settle for one that hits close and won’t gouge our workers like our current insurance monster.” Spring motioned to the papers before him. “So far the three in hand are in the lead, surpassing the others we’ve gone through. We decided to make the final cut based on the overall performance of the companies. Unfortunately, every exec has their own preference. We’re hoping fresh eyes and ears might get us looking at this thing more critically.”

  Will watched Spring gather the paperwork into folders, which the man pushed across the desk to him.

  “This is all the outlook information on the companies in question as well as all employee payroll allotments for insurance, retirement—pretty much anything we take money out of their checks for. Chances are you won’t need half this stuff, but just in case.

  “I’ve already spoken to Terry.” Spring referred to his Director of HR. “She’s okay with sharing you with us on this so long as we agree to give you back fast.”

  “I’ll do my best, sir.” Will chuckled.

  “I have no doubt about that.” Spring stood, extending a hand. “Sorry for keeping you so long. Thanks again and let us know if there’s anything else you need.”

  Will shook hands with his boss and then left the office.

  * * *

  “Are you sure? It’s not a problem, you know?” Oliver could almost feel the muscles cartwheeling along his jaw. Minka had just told him she’d drive herself to the Gallery V event that evening.

  “I’ve got some stuff to handle for the trip back home, so...”

  Don’t rush her, Oli. The response sent his jaw muscles into a more frantic dance. Oliver made an intense effort to keep his voice level. “When are you going back?”

  “Right after the gallery event.”

  Oliver pulled the phone from his ear and glared at the device with intentions of crushing it. “What’s the rush?” he asked back into the phone.

  “There’s a meeting I need to get back for,” she said.


  “How soon after the party will you leave?”

  “I was planning to go from the gallery to the airport. It’s why I want to drive myself.”

  “Oh? I thought it was because you didn’t want anyone to see us arriving together.”


  “When’s your meeting?”

  “Monday afternoon.”

  “So what’s the rush?”

  Her laughter rose softly. “Is it against the rules to take a day off before going back to work?”

  Oliver was quiet for a long moment. “Am I at least allowed to talk to you during the party?”


  “It’s all right, Minka, I get it. Talk to you later, okay?”

  * * *

  Minka studied her cell phone when the dial tone sounded. She didn’t take offense to the way the call ended. It wasn’t her intention to be difficult. She really did need a few hours to breathe before jumping into the family business, not to mention wrapping up her lingering responsibilities at Wilder.

  She ignored the quiet all-knowing voice in the back of her mind. The voice accused her of being unfair. Oliver was at least a little right. She didn’t want their relationship on everyone’s lips. She didn’t want their West Coast colleagues to know about them.

  “Stop.” She shook her head and focused on the next call she needed to make. The line connected after one ring, and the full-bodied voice on the other end gave her an amused jolt.

  “Lorna Spikes.” The woman’s tone was demanding and impatient.

  “Dial back on the coffee, okay?”

  The woman laughed. “Hey, Mink.” Suddenly, she cleared her throat in phony formality. “I’m sorry, Ms. Gerald.”

  Lorna’s husky tone forced a laugh from Minka. “What the hell is that about, idiot?”

  “Oh, come off it, Mink. Word is that Miss Z. is about to make some huge announcement involving her babygirl.”

  “That woman...” Minka’s sigh was one of playful agitation. She relaxed back onto the bed where she’d worked from for the past ninety minutes. “I haven’t even given notice to Qasim yet.”

  “Ooooh! Is it true, then?”

  “True enough.”


  “I know...” Minka read much in the woman’s response.

  “I mean, for real, Mi
nk. Do you realize you’re about to be one of the wealthiest women in the country? Hell, in the world?”

  Minka snorted out a quiet, amused sigh. “I’ve always been one of the wealthiest women in the world.”

  “And now you’ve got the power to go with it.”


  “Lotta pressure...”

  “Hmph, yeah...” Minka studied the ceiling, her gaze woeful.

  “Miss Z. still on you about giving her a great-grand?”


  “And...? Any potential donors to the cause...? No, right?”

  Minka didn’t bother to spurn the assumption. Her old college roommate knew better than anyone the challenges she’d faced in her search for true love.

  “You know, in spite of how easy Miss Z. makes it look, I’m sure being the head of BGI is no cakewalk.” Lorna waited a few beats. “Have you thought about what this will do to your social life?”

  “Social life... You know, somehow I don’t anticipate that being a problem.”

  “I suppose that’s a good outlook. The right one usually shows up when you’re not looking.”

  “So they say...” Minka rolled to her stomach. “So about why I called...”

  “Well, wasn’t it to request my pledge of allegiance once you obtain the keys to the kingdom?”

  “Not just yet, but request is work related.”

  “ my capacity as Human Resources Guru Extraordinaire?”

  “I prefer Chief Director of Acquisitions.” Minka gave her friend’s proper title.

  “Tell me more,” Lorna urged.

  Minka thumped her fist against a pillow, then reached for the pad she’d mulled over since speaking with Walter Penner. “There’s a BGI subsidiary in Salinas, California. I need information on it.”

  “Acquisitions information.” Lorna’s tone of finality needed no response. “Are we looking for anything special?”

  “Yeah.” Minka looked to the pad again. “Yes, we are.”

  Chapter 12

  The Gallery V event carried all the pomp of a Hollywood movie premiere. The expansive stainless-steel building was surrounded by photographers and reporters, who were staking out the red carpet in hopes of getting comments from the guests.

  Inside, walls and ceilings appeared to mesh in a joining of glass and rich hardwoods. Showpieces were displayed in wood-grained boxes and illuminated by back lighting, making each piece seem like it was levitating. It was a well-attended affair. Sharpe executives and clients filed into the striking facility after their walk up the red carpet.

  Minka sought out members of the Gallery V staff within moments of her arrival. Vectra’s Miami team was undoubtedly thrilled by the finished result, and their excitement was definitely contagious.

  However, the buzz of excitement didn’t take Minka’s mind from Oliver for a second. Before searching out members of the Gallery V management team, she’d peeked around to see if she could spot him. She wasn’t surprised to find him in a crowd of females.

  Minka surveyed the scene with a keen and surprisingly amused gaze. She was too far away to hear what he was saying, but figured it had to be something of high interest given the rapt expressions of the women. What man in his right mind would let that kind of power go to waste?

  He actually believed he was ready to turn his back on that—that he was in love with her. No way was he ready for that.

  Vectra’s management crew called her over, demanding she join them in several of the photos. Laughter and good cheer abounded. Minka managed to lose herself in the moment and have a better time than she’d expected. When she left the group, it was to take a turn about the room with Austin, who had come over to rave about the turnout.

  “Well, everyone had a hand in it, Austin. No way are you heaping all that credit on my head,” Minka playfully scolded.

  “That may be, but you put it all in place. Ask anyone.” He turned his bright stare toward the noisy room. “They all say you were their go-to girl. The one who made sure the right people connected.”

  Minka was genuinely pleased by the comments, and silently, she noted that her time with Qasim would end on a high note. Austin began leading her to the crowded dance area.

  A talented quartet began their next set with a provocative bluesy tune that eased into a mellower mood. The seamless shift in tempo was a welcome respite from the fast-paced excitement of the evening.

  “I hope your clients are impressed by their potential new digs,” Minka said.

  “No longer potential, Ms. Gerald. I was just upstairs signing the last of the paperwork. The clients are totally happy and totally vested. Everything has been sold.”

  “Austin!” Delighted, Minka tugged the sleeve of the man’s gray silk shirt and leaned in for a hug. She kissed Austin’s cheek, and he reciprocated with a peck to hers. He dipped her and then swung her into an energetic twirl that spun her right into the arms of another.

  “Oliver,” she said breathlessly. She glanced back to scan for Austin, who blew her a kiss as he disappeared into the heavy crowd.

  “Sorry,” Oliver said once their eyes met again.

  “It’s okay...” Her voice still carried traces of vampy breathlessness. Minka was all too aware of the way her breasts vivaciously heaved at the scooped neck of her chic turquoise jumper.

  “Sorry,” she said, unaccustomed to feeling quite so flustered.

  Oliver’s brilliant stare harbored a meaningful hunger. “An apology is definitely not necessary.”

  He leaned in and took her lips, his tongue taking complete possession of hers.

  The claiming, drugging, ravenous kiss wiped her mind clear of everything aside from what existed between them in that moment. Whimpers marked her torment, a sensuous torment that ruptured into splinters of desire.

  Oliver’s own whimpers erupted in a lower key, but one that was just as sensuously tormented. Minka shivered and nuzzled in to absorb more of the kiss.

  Faintly, through the haze of mounting arousal, Minka heard someone commend the way Oliver handled her. She moaned his name, making a weak attempt to encourage him to cool it.

  Oliver, knowing her moan was meant to dissuade him, simply cupped her jaw to keep her where he wanted her. His moan was a brief, yet firm directive that she forget any plans she may’ve had for bringing an end to their kiss, or anything else between them.

  His fingertips strummed a lazy tune along her jaw that kept time to the languid strokes of his tongue. “You still have to go tonight?” he asked between the slow, lusty thrusts.

  “Yeah...” Her fingers tightened on the collar of his midnight-blue jacket.

  Oliver released a ragged sigh. “Damn my sister for not thinking to put a hotel in this place.”

  Minka wanted to laugh, but thought twice when she noticed his stony, unreadable expression.

  “When can I see you?” he asked.

  “Anytime. Just give me a call.”

  The airy, no-expectations way she responded only seemed to sharpen Oliver’s stoniness. Minka felt a withering sensation take root in the depths of her stomach and could think of nothing to say that might ease his mood.

  “Oliver? Seriously, just call, okay?” she repeated when he continued to glare.

  “You don’t really expect me to, do you?”

  Her expression gave her away.

  Oliver inclined his head, as though considering a new possibility. “Maybe you’re hoping I won’t call. Maybe it’s both.”

  “Oliver...” She gripped his collar tighter. “I believe you.”

  “It’s okay, Mink. I’d think I was full of it, too.” His striking stare wandered lovingly across her face. “You know I plan to give you every reason to take me for my word, but the rest will be on you. You’ll have to d
ecide whether you want to give me a real chance.” He shrugged. “If my call isn’t returned, I guess I’ll have my answer. I won’t like it, but I’ll accept it. You can trust me on that.”

  She opened her mouth, not knowing what to say. It didn’t matter.

  “Need a ride to the airport?” Oliver asked. “Don’t want you to miss your flight.”

  “Oh, no, the—” She almost told him that the plane wouldn’t leave until she got there. Zena had arranged for one of the BGI private jets to bring her back to San Francisco.

  “I already rented a car, and it’s outside. My stuff’s already in there.”

  “Nice.” The corners of his delectable mouth turned downward. “You’re really ready to get the hell out of here, aren’t you?”

  “I just need a day to unwind before getting back to work.”

  “Unwind.” Oliver nodded. “Because you just can’t do that in Miami, right?”

  Obvious regret clouded Minka’s dark face, but she knew it would be hopeless to explain.

  Oliver didn’t push for a reply—he knew he’d gotten his point across. Smiling softly, he dropped a kiss to the corner of her mouth and let his lips linger there. “Be safe,” he said. He offered Minka his arm and escorted her back to the gallery’s main floor, where he left her.

  * * *

  “Unwind...” Minka was recalling her use of the word and grimacing at what a laugh that was. She’d been nothing but wound up since returning to California. Her planned Sunday of leisure had been spent regretting and second-guessing everything she’d said to Oliver the night she left Miami.

  She was afraid. So what? She could at least admit that in the privacy of her own mind. Oliver Bauer was enough to frighten any woman. Why had he singled her out to receive the windfall of his affections? She’d been happy living her life and enjoying the social circle she’d built for herself.

  Minka snorted a laugh. “Right.” She sighed to round out the gesture. Shaking her head, she put her focus where it needed to be and grabbed the chocolate leather tote from the passenger seat of her Benz. She paused to give herself a once-over through the car window and then sprinted up the wide driveway leading to her grandmother’s home. She navigated the walkway with effortless grace, wearing spiked heels that emphasized the shapeliness of her legs beneath the pencil skirt that accentuated her bottom.


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