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Treasure My Heart

Page 15

by Altonya Washington

  Oliver cupped one of the dark mounds, and he used his free hand to lower the back zipper of the creamy beige skirt that hugged her hips and ample bottom. Lacy lavender panties followed soon after.

  The garments pooled at Minka’s pumps, just as Oliver stood and lifted her free of the crumpled fabric. He put her in the spot he’d just vacated on the counter. Minka didn’t react to her bare bottom against the surface. Her skin was too sensually heated to be jarred by any chill.

  Oliver remained clothed, and kept her still for an exploring kiss.

  Minka moaned his name amidst the hungry assault his tongue subjected hers to. Oliver didn’t seem to hear her as the kiss intensified.

  He returned to fondle one nipple while his other hand insinuated itself between her thighs, open and quivering on either side of his body. His middle finger commenced a sweet stroking of her sex—once, twice, three times—before delving between the silken folds to the abundant moisture pooled at her center.

  Minka’s response was caught between a moan and a gasp. Her tongue lost the ability to even thrust back against his, she was so enraptured. Clutching his heavily muscled forearms, she began to work herself against his sex, potently rigid behind his zipper. She craved release in the deep, intimate caress. His stance between her legs, however, prevented much movement.


  “Shh...I’ll get you nice and cleaned up when I’m done.” He stimulated her center beneath his thumb and grinned when she whimpered. “Trust me?” he asked.

  Minka nodded obediently, finding contentment in clenching her walls about his deliciously intrusive finger. She arched up for another kiss, and he didn’t disappoint her. They were in the depths of one that was more forceful, more possessive, when he suddenly withdrew.

  “Oliver, no,” she almost sobbed, lashes fluttering to stare at him accusingly.

  “Shh...” He dipped his head, helping himself to another decadent, deliberate suckle at her nipples.

  Minka faintly locked in on the sound of crinkling foil and opened her eyes to observe that his trousers were down and his boxers were midway around his powerful thighs. He used his teeth to tear into the foil wrapping of a condom. He made quick work of applying protection and then he was claiming her body with his. Minka was as overwhelmed by the sheer delight of that sensation as she was by her current position perched atop the counter without a stitch of clothing while Oliver managed to maintain more of his own.

  Minka yearned to see him bared to her gaze and set out to unbutton his shirt. The task was difficult, considering her hands shook madly with increasing instability.

  Oliver held Minka’s thigh near his waist. He squeezed her hip in a viselike grip that would’ve warranted complaint had Minka not been so strongly aroused by the mastery of it.

  Oliver rested his forehead to Minka’s shoulder and inhaled her fresh, airy fragrance as though the aroma held a life-giving element.

  The room’s high ceiling caused their gasps, groans and cries to echo. They were encapsulated in an oasis of passion where they would have been content to remain.

  * * *

  “So you think we’re a good match?”

  Will nodded while setting his briefcase on the passenger seat of the rental he’d driven into San Francisco. He had just met with Armor Medical, the company being considered to take over the health care for Spring Holdings employees.

  “I’ve got a good feeling about them.” Will spoke into his mobile.

  “Sounds good.”

  “Trust me, sir, their documentation was very thorough. I’ve got the tired eyes to prove it.”

  Spring chuckled heartily from his end of the line. “Get yourself a good meal and check in somewhere for a good night’s sleep, man. You’ve earned it.”

  “Thank you, sir, but I thought I’d drive back to Salinas so I can be at the office early tomorrow to present a formal report on Armor.”

  Spring laughed with renewed vigor. “Now I know I’ve made the right decision in hiring you! Consider tomorrow a day off.”

  “Thanks, sir, but no.”

  “I insist. Hell, I’m planning on a day off myself. I’ve got one last phone conference, and I’m calling it quits.”

  “Could I be of help with any of that, sir?”

  “Nah, it’s just routine stuff with the HR Director and new head of BGI—we became a subsidiary of theirs after the merger. The president’s granddaughter will be assuming control of the business by the end of the year. You should come with me to meet the rest of the executive team at the upcoming stockholder meeting.”

  “Sounds like a big event,” Will said.

  “It definitely is, and it’s as good a time as any to show you off. I’m grooming you for great things, man.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “Thank me by getting some rest and enjoying that day off,” Spring said. “We’ll talk soon.”

  Carro Vineyards, Saint Helena, CA

  Minka put her car in park and smiled at the thought of her afternoon with Oliver.

  She had rushed from Oliver’s office right to Wilder, where she and Lorna had agreed to meet for the conference call with CG Spring of Spring Holdings. Despite the seriousness of the call, Minka hadn’t been able to get Oliver out of her mind. What woman could?

  Oliver Bauer was a master at making a woman feel pampered, and he did it in a way that made her feel as if she was the only one. Minka knew she was beginning to believe that the man was serious about his feelings for her.

  And her feelings for him?

  She was in love with him—that was certain. But in love in the span of a couple weeks? That was fast even by adolescent standards, wasn’t it?

  He had loved her, showered with her, loved her again, and then ordered her to shower alone lest he’d never let her leave to get on with her day. Minka was thankful that the meeting with Spring had been by phone. The company president would’ve surely believed her to be rather strange.

  The meeting had been productive, however. CG Spring had known nothing of the story behind Will Lloyd’s departure from Wilder. Minka smiled lazily—at least now Spring knew that Will had worked for Wilder. She figured that was the golden nugget that had gotten Will hired at Spring Holdings. Lorna had done some digging on the Holdings president and discovered that anyone who knew Calvin Spring knew he had aspirations of his company being as big and busy as Wilder one day.

  Minka heard a ding from her tote and recognized it as the reminder chime from her phone. She was already running about five minutes late to Vectra’s dinner. The sun had already started to set, and there was a dusky effervescence to the air. Carro was indeed a charmed place, Minka thought. She decided to go for a stroll toward the main house. As she set off down the path, the shoulder strap of her tote snagged on what she assumed was a branch. Beautifully trimmed hedges were abundant and lined the wide walkway leading to the gold lit house in the distance. Minka halted to investigate the impediment. But when she turned, she found that it wasn’t a branch to blame for the hindrance—it was William Lloyd.

  Instinctively, Minka jumped back. As though he’d anticipated her move, Will caught her arm. The contents of her tote spilled to the ground as he gave her a harsh jerk back against him.

  “Now, Minka, is that any way to treat a coworker?”

  “We don’t work together anymore, thief.”

  His smile was a snarl. “No we don’t, do we? Thanks to you.”


  “Oh, it’s all right, we’re good. I’m very good. I’m finally someplace where I’m appreciated.”

  Will began tugging her along by the arm, as she squirmed to get free.

  “I stopped by Wilder to tell you today, but I got there just in time to find you on your way out. I was hoping you were on your way home for the day.” He gave her anothe
r brutal jerk. “So imagine my surprise when I discovered you were heading out to grand Carro. Getting chummy with Sim’s rich dime piece, are we?”

  Will wrenched Minka to a halt when they neared her car. He observed the Benz with a raised brow.

  “I always wondered how you afforded this damn car. Was it a payoff from Sim for all your hard work of ridding Wilder of the riffraff?”

  “You’re an idiot.” Minka winced, hearing her quick tongue before she could restrain it. “I bought my own car, and I don’t need to boast about what I have or ride the coattails of others to get it.”

  Will looked livid and gave her another rough jerk that made Minka flinch at the abuse to her upper arm. Otherwise, she maintained her calm.

  Will’s smug demeanor returned. “You’ll be pleased to know that I’m tugging myself right up the corporate ladder with a boss that recognizes a quality worker. He’s a boss who doesn’t look over my shoulder or take his cues from a secretary.”

  Relief began to course through Minka. She realized that Will didn’t know yet about her talk with CG Spring. Spring had been outraged by his new employee’s full background. Spring’s parting words to Minka and Lorna had left no doubt that Will would soon be unemployed.

  “Qasim didn’t need my input,” Minka spat. “He already had a thick file on your crimes, and he was just waiting for you to take it to a level that would ensure your incarceration for years.” She noted the wild flare of Will’s nostrils but wouldn’t allow herself to be intimidated.

  Will moved closer, moving a hand from one of Minka’s arms to cup it loosely around her neck. “So sweet of you to save me from prison...” He kissed her jaw.

  Minka’s skin crawled when his mouth moved from her jaw to her cheek. “I assure you I won’t make that mistake again,” she said.

  Her words shifted Will back to his outraged state. He punished her with a vicious shaking, followed by another rough jerk that shielded Minka’s gaze as thick locks of her hair fell forward into her face.

  “You will do nothing again. Am I clear?” he snarled. “I don’t look kindly on men who abuse women, but I’m beginning to see that sometimes it’s a productive means to an end.” With those words, he shook her again. “Am I clear?”

  Minka didn’t speak. Will moved closer, and she gasped, feeling his erection where he pressed in against her hip.

  “Am I understood?” He breathed the question near her ear.

  Minka nodded earnestly. “Yes.”

  “That’s a good secretary,” he cooed, kissing her ear before he shoved her to the ground.

  Minka shrieked when her knees made contact with the gravel drive. She remained there, rendered immobile by fear and shock. She heard the sound of Will’s retreating steps, the slam of a car door and the roar of an engine.

  Will gunned the engine, and Minka screamed when he put the vehicle in drive and sped toward her. When the car was only a few feet away, Will made a sharp turn that sent flecks of dirt and rock flying in to her face. The car fishtailed, making its way off the property.

  Chapter 15

  Her heart surged and her breathing was labored, but she treasured the air that somehow managed to work its way through her lungs and out of her nostrils. Her thoughts were a blur, but somehow her brain moved her to get to safety.

  She managed to push to her feet, wincing as pain splintered from her scraped palms up through her arms. On her feet at last, she stumbled toward the house. Her steps gained momentum, and soon she was slumping against the front door. She didn’t bother with knocking, but twisted the knob and entered.

  Minka left the door open and trudged into the foyer. How was her mind working? The sound of laughter faintly touched her ears. She moved in the direction it seemed to be coming from. She had lost one heel in the tussle, and now her other shoe sent an eerie, uneven sound throughout the corridor that took her deeper into the house.

  The doorway at the end of the long hall led the way into a huge sitting room. Minka discovered the laughter was coming from her hostess. Vectra sat cuddled close to Qasim, who was softly speaking with her.

  Minka collapsed the instant Qasim and Vectra noticed her.

  * * *

  Oliver prayed for a quick end to that evening’s dinner. He was in no mood to sit through a lecture from his little sister. He knew her heart was in the right place, but lectures weren’t necessary. Not this time.

  Minka Gerald had him wrapped around all ten of her fingers. He knew it, knew without a hint of doubt, that he was completely ruined for another woman. Despite his very real reluctance, he’d been powerless to stop it. He hadn’t wanted to stop it.

  He was driving in to Carro, smiling as he breathed in the familiar and fragrant air that hinted of the area’s lustrous crop. The fragrance sustained him and never failed to inspire his contentment.

  He hadn’t planned to arrive quite so late. When Minka had left his office earlier that day, he’d mentally kicked himself for not finding a way to convince her to stay. Instead, he’d thrown himself into his work, deciding to finish up the most pressing matters of the day. His plan? To take off with Minka the moment they were done with Vectra’s dinner.

  They would spend the night at the place he kept there at Carro. He’d take Minka to her place the following morning to give her time to pack, and then it was off to places unknown. He hoped her schedule would permit a spontaneous trip, but he knew he’d take whatever time she’d give him. God, was he that far gone over her? The answer was an emphatic “yes.” She had him, and Oliver found himself praying that she would want to keep him.

  His contentment waned when he took the turn that would lead him to the main house. The flashing lights in the distance immediately set him on alert.

  Oliver floored the gas and sent his Jeep speeding down the dirt road, pulling to a stop at the end of the driveway. Emergency vehicles bearing the Carro Vineyards logo clogged the driveway and much of the road beyond it.

  He left the Jeep parked at a haphazard angle and ran for the house. Carro staff were in the yard, but Oliver paid them no mind as he barreled through. The front door was open, and he stormed inside, calling his sister’s name as he moved down the hall.

  Vectra emerged in the sitting room doorway.

  “Vectra?” His pace quickened, and he didn’t stop until he was jerking her off her feet and into his arms.

  “I’m okay, I’m okay, Olive. Shh...” Vectra clenched her hands in his hair and kissed his cheek several times in reassurance. “I’m okay, honey.”

  Oliver heard the words but didn’t truly believe them until he’d set Vectra to her feet and held her at a distance to observe her with his own eyes. “You’re okay? What happened?” He glanced toward the others filling the area. “Why are they here? What...?”

  “Honey, it’s Minka.”

  Oliver’s hands fell away from Vectra’s arms as though they hadn’t the strength to hold her any longer.

  “Min...?” It was all he could manage before he staggered back as strength left his legs.

  “Olive!” Vectra tried to support his weight yet failed miserably. Luckily, a few male guards came to her aid to take hold of Oliver.

  “Where? Where is she?” His voice was a scratchy whisper.

  Vectra smoothed a hand across his chest. “She’s fine, honey. Let me take you to her.”

  The guards released Oliver, and he followed Vectra into the sitting room. Minka sat there next to Qasim on a sofa, looking small and defeated. Qasim held her arm, and her head rested on his shoulder. An EMS worker from the vineyard tended to one of the several nasty scrapes on her knee.

  “Min?” Oliver’s voice was still scratchy, but it carried in the busy room.

  Minka blinked and lifted her head from Sim’s shoulder as she searched the room.

  “Oliver?” Her dark eyes filled
, and soon tears were streaming down her cheeks.

  Qasim left Minka’s side to make room for Oliver. He squeezed the man’s shoulder while Oliver claimed the spot. Minka turned her face into Oliver’s chest and let emotion finally have its way.

  She felt as though she’d been outside herself, barely able to recall her walk from the yard into the house. She heard someone say “shock” and guessed that was an apt description of her condition.

  “It’s all right, sweetie. It’s all right, I’m here. I’ve got you...”

  The words rumbled in Oliver’s chest and brought her a sense of security she’d not felt since before her ordeal. Minka burrowed in closer to his chest and let the rest of the world drift away.

  Silence held for a while until Oliver spoke, directing his words to his sister. “What the hell happened?”

  “We don’t know.” Vectra rubbed her hands over her arms and looked totally bewildered. “She hasn’t said a word. She walked in the house and just collapsed. They’ve been treating her wounds, but we’ve got no idea who’s responsible for this.”

  “Security called right after she walked in here and passed out,” Qasim said from his leaning stance against a tall armchair. “They reported a gray sedan speeding past the security gate, and they wanted to know if Vectra was all right.”

  Oliver nodded while taking in the recap. His striking features hardened into a mask as he absorbed the details. He looked down, squeezing the woman at his side. “Mink?” He kissed her temple and forehead. “Can you talk to me, babe?” He felt her stiffen in his arms. “’s over, you hear me? It’s over, and I’ve got you. Can you tell me what happened?”

  Minka pulled her face a few inches away from Oliver’s chest. “It was Will.”

  The soft confession roused curses of rage from both Oliver and Qasim.

  “It was Will Lloyd,” Minka repeated. She rested her face against Oliver’s chest again.

  Vectra came to kneel beside the arm of the sofa. “Honey, what did he do?” she asked.


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