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Beauty and the Beastmaster (Mystic Springs Book 3)

Page 9

by Linda Winstead Jones, Lisa Childs

  His plan this morning had been to hide in the woods and watch the street, to watch Gabi return to work, to wait for his opportunity to reveal himself to her. But she hadn’t gone to work. No, she was out for a stroll as if she didn’t have a care in the world. She had no idea he was watching her.

  Ignorance was bliss. Gabi’s ignorance wouldn’t last much longer.

  Gabi felt better with the entrance to the woods behind her. She relaxed as she walked into Ivy’s bakery.

  It was impossible to know what kind of mood Ivy would be in, from one day to the next. Her twin Eve was steady, almost always pleasant. She had a nice smile, and an easy way about her. Ivy, though she looked very much like her sister, had an unpredictable temper and an impressive scowl.

  If Gabi was more curious she might ask why Ivy’s personality was so unlike her twin’s. What had made her so angry? Ivy got her red hair trimmed every couple of months, so she’d been in the chair in the beauty shop. But she didn’t offer much in the way of personal information and Gabi didn’t ask.

  Every woman was allowed her secrets.

  But man, could Ivy bake.

  If Ivy hadn’t mentioned that they needed a hair stylist, that morning Mia’s screams had led them to Mystic Springs, Gabi might’ve gassed up and left town. Thank goodness Ivy had been in a friendly mood that particular morning. Otherwise, where might she be? There was no way to know.

  The baker scowled at Judge, who refused to be left outside. Gabi thought that maybe she should’ve brought Judge’s leash with her, but she really didn’t want to harness the big bloodhound. It didn’t take a critter specialist to realize he wouldn’t like it.

  Gabi ordered a variety of baked goods to go. A couple of cupcakes. A bear claw. Half a dozen of Mia’s favorite cookies. Chocolate chip. She’d cook dinner for Silas, but she didn’t know what he’d like for dessert. She added a couple of lemon bars to the mix.

  As Ivy boxed up the order, she said, “So, Silas Hollister. I didn’t see the second date coming, not after the first one went so wrong.”

  “Neither did I,” Gabi said honestly. Did Ivy know Silas had come back to the house last night, that he’d stayed a while? She wouldn’t think so, but in this town it was definitely possible. “He’s a nice guy. I like him. That first time things just weren’t right, I guess. It was a fluke.”

  “I suppose he gave you the mutt.” Ivy placed the pretty lavender box of goodies on the counter and took the cash Gabi offered.

  The bloodhound glanced up, as if he knew they were talking about him. “Judge is no mutt,” Gabi said, a little defensively. “He’s a new member of the family. He and Mia have taken quite a liking to one another.”

  Ivy handed Gabi’s change across the counter. “I still don’t know why you gave Silas a second chance. I mean, he’s a nice guy and all, if you like the quiet type, but after last time…” She stopped abruptly. “It’s none of my business.”

  I was lonely, so damn tired of being alone every night. I need the touch of another human being. “Silas asked, I said yes. It’s nothing serious.”

  She couldn’t allow it to be.

  She left Ivy’s, the lavender box stored securely in a carry-all on the back of the stroller. Judge seemed happy to be outside again. So did Mia, who chattered and gurgled as they walked back toward home. What to make for dinner? What would Silas like? After Mia’s nap they’d walk to the grocery store and hope inspiration struck. She couldn’t go wrong with meat and potatoes.

  As she approached her street a tingle worked up Gabi’s spine. She glanced back, half expecting to find someone watching her. No one was on the sidewalk, or in the street. Still, she was doubly glad to have Judge walking beside her, as her gaze flitted to the woods at the end of the street for a moment, and she realized how deep and dark the woods that surrounded Mystic Springs could be.

  Silas took his dogs for a run, fed and watered them, then jogged to the springs to see if there had been any activity in the past couple of days. All was quiet, which was unusual for this time of year. In a couple of weeks, that would change. As the earth celebrated life with new growth animals of all kinds, birds and insects, would celebrate as well.

  He usually showered right before bed, but today he got a shower hours earlier than usual. Maybe he’d decided not to play Jenna’s game, but she didn’t know that. He wouldn’t step back and let her assign someone else the job. Besides, he wanted to see Gabi. Was he a complete fool to be optimistic about where “dinner” might lead?

  He’d made the mistake of being optimistic about Samantha, another Non-Springer who’d found her way to Mystic Springs. She’d been beautiful, and naive, and blindly ignorant of the magic that was so evident all around her. He’d been younger then, young enough to be swept away by a pretty face and great sex. When he’d shown Samantha what he could do, when he’d revealed his abilities to her knowing there was no way forward without that revelation, she’d been horrified. He’d never forget the expression on her face. She’d been afraid. Of him.

  Other Springers had made lives with people from outside the community, why couldn’t he? He wasn’t looking for a great romance, a destined love, his other half. For a long time he’d planned to live his life alone and unmarried. What else could a man who liked animals better than people ask for? Lately he’d had the occasional stray thought about having a family. One not as dysfunctional as his own had been. One that might endure. Otherwise who would he pass his gift to?

  It was just a coincidence that these thoughts had come to him after he’d kissed Gabi Lawson.

  If he was smart he’d call off this dinner right now, before things went any further. But apparently he wasn’t smart. When it came to women he wasn’t smart at all. What the hell was he thinking? Gabi wouldn’t be here long. If he didn’t run her out of town someone else would. If he ever did settle down it would have to be with one of the Springers who’d be trapped here with him. Maybe that teacher who was psychic. Her name was Nelia, she was a cousin to the Franklin twins, and none of her students could get away with anything. Then there was the witch who’d started helping Eve at the café. Her name was Ruby or Rosie or something like that. She was a distant relation to the Milhouses, but he didn’t think she turned, like the men did. If she did, she kept it a secret.

  Not that either of them did anything for him, even though they were both pretty and seemed nice enough. No, he would be better off with his original plan. Alone, always.

  It wouldn’t be, couldn’t be, Gabi. Jenna was determined to get her out of Mystic Springs before the isolation spell went down.

  Unless he decided to stop her. He hadn’t gotten there yet, but maybe…

  If Jenna got her way, Gabi would be run out of town one way or another. Once she was gone and the spell was cast, she’d forget him. She’d forget everything and everyone connected to Mystic Springs. That should make him happy, but instead a knot settled in his gut.

  He walked to town, taking the trail he and his dogs normally ran, going over his options for the days to come while at the same time wondering if he’d end up in Gabi’s bed tonight. Damian had a cot in the office, and he’d stay the night if Silas didn’t come in to relieve him. Most of the dogs would be fine on their own overnight, but some were still antsy, still stirred up and confused from the spring water they’d consumed. A few of the dogs might need reassurance in the night, especially once the Milhouses started howling.

  Three nights out of the month, the Milhouse werewolves shifted and roamed the woods surrounding Mystic Springs. They usually weren’t particularly violent, at least they hadn’t been lately, but they made a lot of noise. Their howls terrified most domesticated animals.

  Silas was glad he didn’t run into anyone as he made his way to Gabi’s house. How many of them might know what he was up to? How many might want to stop him? Or help. Mystic Springs was home to more than its share of matchmakers. Every old witch in town thought if the right families were merged and the happy couples reproduced, their children
could be the saviors of the dying town. Then there was Marnie, whose only reason for setting him up with Gabi in the first place had been to ensure that everyone was as happy as she and Clint were.

  Even though Gabi was his focus tonight, at some point in the evening he’d get his hands on the kid. Even if she’d gone to bed early, he’d find a way. If Mia was a Springer, through her unknown father’s blood, he had to know. It might help him make his decision about what to do next.

  Before he approached the door he slipped under the carport to check out the license plate of the car that had been backed into the space. The Florida plate had been smeared with mud, which from a distance would disguise the fact that it was long-expired. He wasn’t surprised.

  Silas didn’t ring the doorbell, since there was a dog and a baby inside and he didn’t want to set either of them off. He knocked. That was enough to make Judge bark once. Gabi opened the door within a minute or so, smiled, and invited him in.

  “Something smells good,” he said as he stepped inside.

  That wasn’t a lie. He smelled dinner, lavender, laundry, baby, and dog. It was the scent of a home unlike any he’d ever known.

  He couldn’t afford to like it so much.

  Silas seemed to like her beef stew and the homemade cornbread. The meal they ate in the small dining room was simple, but tasty and filling. Gabi could hardly eat herself, wondering where the evening would end.

  She’d fed Mia and Judge before Silas arrived, but they stayed close. It was nice. Their presence, as they crawled under the table and wove around his legs and hers, relaxed her. It made this homey meal something less than a date. And at the same time, something more. Silas fit in here. Too fast and too strongly, he’d become one of them.

  She wanted him, but was she brave enough to take what she wanted? Brave wasn’t a word that had ever been used to describe her. She wanted to be fearless, to take life in both hands and cherish it. That had never been her way, so why was she craving what she shouldn’t take now?

  For the past year she’d been safe. Mia had been safe. But she hadn’t been fearless, she had not been brave. Looking back, she had to admit she’d never been either of those things. Did she want to be? If she’d been brave, she would’ve left Blake the first time he’d shown his true face to her. If she’d been fearless, she would’ve fought back.

  But that was in the past, and she had enough to handle in this moment. Could she have both safety and companionship? Love was impossible, she didn’t dare to hope for love, but why couldn’t she have the joys of pleasure as a part of her secluded life? Why couldn’t she be brave enough to feel again?

  Memories of the past and questions about the future clouded her thoughts as they ate the dinner she’d prepared.

  Silas ate half a lemon bar for dessert. Gabi couldn’t swallow even a bite, she was so nervous. Even now, no one would ever describe her as being brave.

  While she cleared the table, Silas scooped Mia up and played with her a while. It was sweet. Mia laughed, and even gave Silas a sloppy kiss on the cheek. Judge seemed a little jealous, though they didn’t leave him out of the fun.

  Mia had already been bathed. After dinner Silas took Judge out for a walk while Gabi changed Mia’s diaper and dressed her in fuzzy pajamas with bunnies on them. It had been a long day, and Mia was obviously exhausted. Her eyes, brilliant blue eyes too much like her father’s, were tired. She wouldn’t even think of settling down in her bed until Silas was back with her dog, and Judge settled his long body in his own bed.

  Leaving her alone with Silas. Finally. What the hell had she been thinking to invite him here, to believe that they could have… something?

  She walked into the living room, and he followed. The night had been easy, and fun. She’d enjoyed having him here, but now they were alone. Really, truly alone.

  Her heart pounded so hard she was afraid he’d hear it. If she said goodnight, he’d go. Last night he’d proved that he wouldn’t push her, he wouldn’t ask more of her than she was willing to give. She was willing to give him everything, but did she dare? Be brave.

  “We can watch a movie,” she said, sitting down in her chair and tucking her feet beneath her. “Whoever lived here before me left a DVD player and a few DVDs.” Most were children’s movies, but not all. She’d watched Casablanca a dozen times in the past year.

  “Maybe,” he said. But he didn’t sit on the couch. Instead he stood directly before her and offered his hand.

  If she shook her head, he’d walk away.

  She didn’t want him to walk away.

  Gabi took his offered hand and let him pull her to her feet. She didn’t protest when he wrapped his arms around her. Silas was going to kiss her, and she wanted to be kissed.

  Be brave. Be fearless.

  When he did kiss her, all rational thought fled. It was a good kiss, a gentle and deep meeting of mouths that swept her away. Thanks to that kiss, she didn’t want to think anymore; thinking had never done her any good at all! Right now she just wanted to feel.

  Last night Silas had left everything in her hands. He wouldn’t push. She didn’t expect he’d even ask. Where they went from here was entirely up to her. What did she want?

  Gabi pulled away just slightly, but she didn’t let him go. “I’m not looking for love, I have no expectations, but… will you stay?” Make love to me. Wipe away all my fears, for a while. Those were words she could not make herself say.

  Silas answered her question with a kiss, and then, moments later, with a warm hand that slipped underneath her blouse. She took a step, and so did he.

  She wasn’t afraid.

  Her bedroom wasn’t hard to find. The house was small, Silas had been here before and knew the layout. They worked their way in that direction, kissing, unbuttoning, kicking off shoes one at a time, along the way. His hands… His hands were everywhere, and she liked it. She hadn’t been touched like this in such a long time.

  Finally standing beside her bed they shed what little clothing was left. All of it. There was a full moon tonight, so moonlight cut through her thin curtains and illuminated the room. They hadn’t bothered to turn off the lamp in the living room, so a gentle light from that direction shone through the open door. It was a nice light, just enough for her to see Silas.

  He had a man’s beautiful body with muscles, with dark hair in all the right places. Silas was strong and hard, rough and unyielding. Gabi raked her hands down his sides and across his hips, exploring and learning. He caressed her, too, his big hands surprisingly gentle, his fingers probing.

  She was swept away. For the first time in such a long time, she let herself feel. Just feel. And heaven above, she felt so good.

  “Oh, God,” she whispered. “I hope you have a…” Why hadn’t she thought of that before?

  “I do.” He reached down, grabbed his jeans off the floor, and reached into the pocket for his wallet while she pulled back the covers on her bed and slipped beneath them. Silas withdrew one wrapped condom and placed it on her bedside table, then he joined her in the bed.

  Gabi closed her eyes and rolled into his big, warm body. There was something special about skin to skin contact. It had the power to wipe away everything ugly in the world. She’d missed it. She needed it. The rest of the world faded away as she savored that sensation, the comfort and pleasure of simply having this man hold her.

  Silas was everywhere. His hands, his mouth, the way he held her. She could stay here. She could disappear…

  Without warning an unwanted image flashed in her mind. Blake’s face as he walked through the unlocked door of her new apartment, in a place where she’d thought she was safe. The evil grin on his face. The sound of his voice. I’ll kill you and take my baby. No one leaves me. No one takes what’s mine.

  Gabi gasped and pushed at Silas’s chest. In an instant a sensation that had been so beautiful became terrifying. She scrambled away from him and rolled out of the bed, curling into a ball on the floor, sitting with her back to the bed and
her head down. Her breath wouldn’t come. Her heart wouldn’t stop pounding.

  Damn it, how much was that asshole going to take from her? Her name, her peace of mind, her chance to live a somewhat normal life…

  Silas slipped out of the bed and sat beside her. Naked, aroused, hard as a rock from head to toe, he was smart enough not to touch her. If he pressed her, if he tried to pick up where they’d left off, she’d panic. How did he know?

  “What’s wrong?” he whispered.

  She shook her head, keeping her gaze fixed on the floor. “You wouldn’t understand.”

  “Maybe not,” he said, his voice calm, gentle. “Then again, you won’t know if you don’t try me.”

  It was cold, sitting naked on the floor. She instinctively rolled into Silas. For the warmth, she told herself. For the body heat. Her head fit nicely in the crook of his shoulder. “I’m sorry. A bad memory came out of nowhere,” she said.

  “Must’ve been a doozy. Want to tell me about it?”

  “No.” He found me. I moved again, and again he found me. If a neighbor hadn’t heard the commotion and interrupted him, I’d be dead and he’d have Mia. I can’t allow that to happen, not ever. She couldn’t tell Silas what Blake had done to her, couldn’t make him understand.

  Because he wasn’t like her ex-husband.

  She gathered the courage to tilt her head back and look up. Silas was beautiful, by the moonlight coming through the window. Hard, yes, but also beautiful. If he was angry or frustrated that she’d pulled away, it didn’t show. Not in his face, not in his voice.

  She didn’t want Blake to have the power to rob her of even the simplest pleasures of life. A man in her bed. Human contact. And yes, a damned, long overdue orgasm. “Can we try again?”

  Chapter 9

  Silas still didn’t know what had brought Gabi to Mystic Springs, what would make a beautiful young woman live the way she did. She’d been here a year, and in all that time he’d never even wondered why. Obviously she was hiding from something. The dried mud on her license plate confirmed it. Could be legal trouble, but he didn’t think so. Judging by her reaction in bed a man had done this to her. He didn’t get angry often, but that did it.


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